Who is the most obnoxious person at YOUR gym??



  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Probably me. I gasp and sweat and snot and once in awhile I grunt or swear in British (don't ask why, I have no clue). And when I run on the treadmill I still sound like a huge fat moose clomp clomp clomp.

    I'm British and I thought we had broadly the same swear words......?

    Americans don't say bugger. Except me for some strange reason. Oh, we don't say bloody, either. Except me.
  • CalvinLosingIt
    CalvinLosingIt Posts: 88 Member
    don't really have anyone i can't stand, but there is one guys who recent seems to want to do the exact same thing as i do at procisely the same time. thats a problem at a crap gym like PF lol

    He is probably copying you, in hope that he will get great abs like yours.
  • Feisty_Red
    Feisty_Red Posts: 982 Member
    this couple comes in...and they are grunters.... I mean...to the point in which I have joked with people that work there...that they need to make gym rules and post that they are not allowed to make noises like they are getting it on...

    It wouldnt be SO bad..if it was like 450 deadlifts...but the dude is BP'ing 120...:wink:

    So, just because he's not strong enough to suit you, he's more obnoxious? :huh:

    My max on the bench press is 65. It takes everything in my body to get it to happen. I make noise. Obviously I need to be shot and killed so other people can work out in peace. Noted.

    Every time I see a thread like this, I think Great, way to prove to everyone that is scared people might be watching them - that there ARE a whole BUNCH of people watching AND judging them, that cant wait to go talk about it on the internet.

    So encouraging.

    "Obviously I need to be shot and killed so other people can work out in peace." Yes. That is exactly what she was saying.

    and you are jumping in because... you also have something super helpful to say? or did you just reallllllllllllllly want to interact with me sooooooo badly that you just couldn't help yourself?

    You can PM me you know, if you just wanna chatter about opinions. MFP encourages people to take their issues to PM. However, I am allowed to respond to people who complain publicly about things I do in the gym that are hurting no one.

    I lift heavy and I make noises. I may not scream, or shout- but I grunt, groan and yelp. I find this insulting.

    The question was "who is the most obnoxious person at your gym". Not "Without writing anything that could possibly hurt someone's feelings, who is the most obnoxious person at your gym". Feisty_Red gave her response about a couple at HER gym and you had to personalize it.

    And thanks but no thanks on the invitation to 'chatter' with you.


    i'm totally picturing the lady in the couple that Feisty_Red referred to as sounding EXACTLY like that Meg Ryan scene in the deli in When Harry Met Sally when she's lifting.


    YES!!!! And a male counterpart to boot!! But I have learned today...that I can not say ANYTHING about anyONE grunting...because it implies I want them to be shot.....so I can enjoy a peaceful workout experience...
  • pawnstarNate
    pawnstarNate Posts: 1,728 Member
    this is only my 2nd month but, my first couple of days...a dude started talking to me on the elliptical....asked a lot of personal questions....3 days later, he brings me a health insurance packet for me and my wife. I was like "really??? insurance rep that couldn't at least wait a couple of weeks to pitch me insurance quotes?"
  • MurphysLawTD
    MurphysLawTD Posts: 310 Member
    this is only my 2nd month but, my first couple of days...a dude started talking to me on the elliptical....asked a lot of personal questions....3 days later, he brings me a health insurance packet for me and my wife. I was like "really??? insurance rep that couldn't at least wait a couple of weeks to pitch me insurance quotes?"

    HAHAHAHAH!!!! This is a really good one. Why do I picture him on the elliptical in a suit and tie looking like the accountant who takes Molly on a date in "Look Who's Talking"?????
  • unicornhug
    unicornhug Posts: 68 Member
    What's FL?


    That's a pretty broad spectrum.

    LMFAO!!!! ^
  • SteveJWatson
    SteveJWatson Posts: 1,225 Member
    Probably me. I gasp and sweat and snot and once in awhile I grunt or swear in British (don't ask why, I have no clue). And when I run on the treadmill I still sound like a huge fat moose clomp clomp clomp.

    I'm British and I thought we had broadly the same swear words......?

    Americans don't say bugger. Except me for some strange reason. Oh, we don't say bloody, either. Except me.

    Hahaha - you could combine them and cal the weights/whatever bloody buggers.
  • gilgakidu
    2. The guy who is SO JUICED UP his eyelids are puffy and look like slits. He talks to himself and looks around to see if anyone else is watching his lifts. (Clearly, I am. You can't miss this dude.) Another thing he does that I LOVE is lifts his shorts up so he can observe his quads in the mirror.

    OMG THIS GUY!!! The one at my gym grunts loudly with every raise of his 20lb dumbbell then precedes to kiss his arms after each rep. I swear he spends more time smiling at himself and kissing his arms then actually working out. Sorry to break it to you kiddo but we're staring because you look like an idiot not a hottie.

    Side Note: Grunting while you work out is fine when your actually doing the work. Yes its awkward but so is my heavy breathing when I run lol.

    I find it hard to believe that a real juicer is only using 20lb dumbbells.

    LMFAO - I didn't even realize that. 20lbs??

    LOL 20 lbs made me laugh a little too.
  • becca53088
    These two guys who always come in ONLY looking to use the elliptical machines. There are only 2 elliptical machines in my small apartment complex gym (as well as 3 treadmills, a bike, and weight machines). If both ellipticals are being used, which can happen pretty often, instead of using another machine or doing weights while they wait for an elliptical to open up, they just stand around near the elliptical machines acting as if they are entitled to use it as soon as they walk in the room. The last time I was in there, one of them was standing on the treadmill next to one of the ellipticals not even using it and it was obvious he wanted to snag the elliptical next to him as soon as it became open. One girl came over when he stepped off for a moment and was like, "Are you done?" Every time I am in there using one of the ellipticals when they get there, I add more time to my planned workout because it gets me so annoyed!
  • jesz124
    jesz124 Posts: 1,004 Member
    Probably me. I gasp and sweat and snot and once in awhile I grunt or swear in British (don't ask why, I have no clue). And when I run on the treadmill I still sound like a huge fat moose clomp clomp clomp.

    I'm British and I thought we had broadly the same swear words......?

    See, I got a mental image of you swearing in a fake British accent, like 'oh bloody hell, i'm really bloody buggery knackered' :laugh:
  • wmoomoo
    wmoomoo Posts: 159 Member
    1. The person who spread their towel on the free weights set covering at least 3 sets of weight. Seriously?!? Is your towel lifting weights too?

    2. People who don't put the equipment back (weights, yoga mats, kettle balls, etc)

    3. The gym has a digital scale by the stretching area and there is a girl who weight herself maybe every 15 minutes. I would finish my warmup at the treadmill, pass by the scale and see her weighting herself. Finished my weight training, go to the stretching area, see her weighting herself. Finish my stretches (yes, I do 10-15 minutes stretches >_>), see her again on the scale. Maybe there is a secret exercise to make you lose weight every 15 minutes.
  • RunDoozer
    RunDoozer Posts: 1,699 Member
    Surprised this hasnt been mentioned yet, but people that don't re rack their weights. Most of the time its just people leaving 135 - 200 lbs on the bar which is mildly annoying, but ill live.

    Lately, there has been a guy that comes in and leaves anywhere from 4 -600 lbs on the bar and just leaves it there for someone to re rack. I would complain to him or to management but he is gone before I get there. But I havent seen him. I also highly doubt that there are multiple people leaving that much weight on the bar that early in the morning. Especially when the average age at my gym is over 60.

    He knows better and is just choosing to be an *kitten* I'm sure. Or just lazy and in that case why work out.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Probably me. I gasp and sweat and snot and once in awhile I grunt or swear in British (don't ask why, I have no clue). And when I run on the treadmill I still sound like a huge fat moose clomp clomp clomp.

    I'm British and I thought we had broadly the same swear words......?

    Americans don't say bugger. Except me for some strange reason. Oh, we don't say bloody, either. Except me.

    Hahaha - you could combine them and cal the weights/whatever bloody buggers.

    And now I will next time. :laugh:

    Actually I think I know the source, it's a book called Good Omens that I read when I was a teenager. Funniest book ever, but completely warped my swearing habits.
  • UKMarjie
    UKMarjie Posts: 257 Member
    Wait, some of you are actually upset about people being naked in the locker room? Seriously?

    "There's good naked...and there's bad naked" - Seinfeld

    LOL. Yep. And bad naked should cover up their wrinkly behind on the way to the shower.

    No. I refuse. I will never do this. Not now, not when I'm 80. It's a freakin' locker room.

    Maybe the question is why you can't seem to draw your eyes away from "wrinkly behinds."

    I agree - I cover up mostly on the way to the shower but for f-s sake I am not going to wear a bathing suit to get clean. When you are older you just don't really care anymore about it - it is nonsense to worry about it so much. If you have someone bending their butt into your head as you are lacing up your shoes on the bench - get annoyed - but for the rest of it - avert your prudish eyes. I sing the body electric! It is a miracle when you think about it - I had brain surgery a few years back and frankly that it all still works ok is pretty awesome so no longer going to be wound up if someone see my bits (well except maybe other parents of my kids school friends then the like - because I will always be thinking they are picturing me naked when we are discussing erm cupcakes for the school bake sale ;) ).
  • RunDoozer
    RunDoozer Posts: 1,699 Member
    Probably me. I gasp and sweat and snot and once in awhile I grunt or swear in British (don't ask why, I have no clue). And when I run on the treadmill I still sound like a huge fat moose clomp clomp clomp.

    I'm British and I thought we had broadly the same swear words......?

    Americans don't say bugger. Except me for some strange reason. Oh, we don't say bloody, either. Except me.

    Or wanker... Which I think seriously needs to be adopted. So fun to say.
  • SteveJWatson
    SteveJWatson Posts: 1,225 Member

    I agree - I cover up mostly on the way to the shower but for f-s sake I am not going to wear a bathing suit to get clean. When you are older you just don't really care anymore about it - it is nonsense to worry about it so much. If you have someone bending their butt into your head as you are lacing up your shoes on the bench - get annoyed - but for the rest of it - avert your prudish eyes. I sing the body electric! It is a miracle when you think about it - I had brain surgery a few years back and frankly that it all still works ok is pretty awesome so no longer going to be wound up if someone see my bits (well except maybe other parents of my kids school friends then the like - because I will always be thinking they are picturing me naked when we are discussing erm cupcakes for the school bake sale ;) ).

    I always wondered if the guys who wear bathers in the shower have tiny *kitten*......

    That can be the only excuse for keeping knackers sweaty.
  • SteveJWatson
    SteveJWatson Posts: 1,225 Member
    Probably me. I gasp and sweat and snot and once in awhile I grunt or swear in British (don't ask why, I have no clue). And when I run on the treadmill I still sound like a huge fat moose clomp clomp clomp.

    I'm British and I thought we had broadly the same swear words......?

    See, I got a mental image of you swearing in a fake British accent, like 'oh bloody hell, i'm really bloody buggery knackered' :laugh:

    I think only Hugh Grant swears like that. :bigsmile:
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Probably me. I gasp and sweat and snot and once in awhile I grunt or swear in British (don't ask why, I have no clue). And when I run on the treadmill I still sound like a huge fat moose clomp clomp clomp.

    I'm British and I thought we had broadly the same swear words......?

    Americans don't say bugger. Except me for some strange reason. Oh, we don't say bloody, either. Except me.

    Or wanker... Which I think seriously needs to be adopted. So fun to say.

    Bloody hell people, stop giving me ideas you silly buggers!
  • timaeus_drache
    timaeus_drache Posts: 104 Member

    No. I refuse. I will never do this. Not now, not when I'm 80. It's a freakin' locker room.

    Maybe the question is why you can't seem to draw your eyes away from "wrinkly behinds."

    And you would be why I have a home gym now.

    1. (snide response): Good! More room for me!
    2. (actual thoughts): Damnit I'm jealous of your home gym.
  • Danny_Boy13
    Danny_Boy13 Posts: 2,094 Member
    The guy at my gym that stands out is that in between your sets he will just jump in on whatever you are doing without asking. So freaking annoying!!!