(To the ladies) Is it really for us? C'mon man........



  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
    i like for him to think i look good in stuff, but i dress up for me:wink:
  • carrieliz81
    carrieliz81 Posts: 489 Member
    I do it for him, which in essence is doing it for me, because when he notices, I get all warm and fuzzy inside.

    ^^ This is true. I put far more effort into my appearance when I'm going to be with my husband (even if it's just staying at home) than I do when I'm going to be by myself. I want HIM to think I look good. Couldn't care less what the rest of the world thinks.


  • ShandiH
    ShandiH Posts: 232 Member
    Being a stay-at-home-mom I do try to dress for my husband every now and then. I don't like feeling and/or looking frumpy and I'm sure he doesn't find frumpy sexy either. That said, I don't get my nails done or my hair colored etc. and there is NO WAY IN HELL I'd let it strain our finances and/or relationship. I want my hubby to remember why he chose to marry me (yes, yes there are many reasons but attraction is what starts it) and not someone else less frumpy.
  • FTClown
    FTClown Posts: 181
    I dress up for me, but I do put a lot more effort in what im wearing and makeup and hair when I am going to go out or I am going to see my boyfriend.

    Come on...YOU be honest, would you really want your gf or wife wearing jeans and t-shirts or sweatshirts all the time?

    My girl actually does, and a lot of times she does not even shave up (legs and all), I don't care less. At the end of the day, she happy and she is not making us broke, then win win. So yeah as someone said, if she not hurting your finances and you can still save AND SHE HAPPY, no worries, be happy. But knowing most ladies, even when they do it seriously for us, deep down they doing it for the way we admire them, help them feel better and turning out that yes it is always for them.
  • DaughterOfTheMostHighKing
    lol!!! when I dress up it's for a reason! lol!!! I wear capris (not even fancy ones... they cost me at most $8.00 as Ross' and I have a uniform for school that's optional, but it's my daily wear unless it's dirty.) at work.

    I have 1 little black dress. everything else in my closet are pants/capris/some jeans and shirts/blouses.

    I am not a clothes horse nor am I a fashionista. I've never even been to TJMax. lol!!!!

    I dress for comfort. for me.
  • currierand
    currierand Posts: 155 Member
    As a trophy wife, I can tell you that most women dress up for themselves first and for men second, but it's nice to be noticed by anyone...admit it.

    If a man compliments me, it's probably because of my figure, if a woman compliments me, I know it's because she appreciates the effort that went into to making myself look good before leaving the house. I know you men are shocked, but we don't wake up looking like a supermodel. Well, most of us don't anyway.
  • gr8pillock
    gr8pillock Posts: 374 Member
    "My husband always says that the way a woman looks reflects on her man, who he is, and how he treats her (I know he has very weird opinions, but oh well, my bed is already made…)"

    He's not weird. He's old fashioned. (though to be honest, it isn't his place to tell a woman how to look, it's his job to choose a woman who shares that notion)

    I am VERY old fashioned and I follow this line of thinking as well. The woman on a man's arm IS a representation of him, whether she means to be, wants to be, or aims to be, she is. This means that if a guy goes out with a girl who is going to end up on the People of Walmart website, that reflects on his own character. He chose that woman. That woman chose him.

    I never leave the house with my honey unless I'm in a dress, makeup done, hair as I wish it to be. I want to look like a woman who has her **** together, a woman who cares about her appearance, her worth, herself, and shows it. And on the flip side, if I look good, he can wear carharts and come straight from work and still gain the respect of others when they see the woman on his arm, because a good woman, a woman who cares for herself and respects herself reflects highly on the man she chooses as hers.

    My grandmother never left the house without lipstick on and once told me, "You don't take the time becuase you're trying to impress someone, you take the time because you want them to know that not only do you respect yourself, but you respected THEM enough to want to look your best when you encountered them. That goes for your mate as much as the bus driver in Somerville. Show up with respect for others and for yourself, and show in the way you present yourself. Period."

    This is why I cringe when I see girls in jammy pants in public. It's an old fashioned way of being, I know, but it's how I am... Grammy would be proud.
  • musycnlyrics
    musycnlyrics Posts: 323 Member
    When I dress up, I do it for both of us. I FEEL sexy and he thinks I LOOK sexy and we are both happy.
    When we go out, it's for him. When I go to work, it's for me.
    I LIVE in yoga pants, but he loves them. He tells me that they look "painted on" and he can't help but notice when I walk by. (I walk by a LOT :wink: )

    I'm not into really expensive items, but if I see one I "need", I buy it. He's the same. As long as its not going to cause an issue in our budget, then it's not an issue.
  • pseudomuffin
    pseudomuffin Posts: 1,058 Member
    I like to look nice but when I really doll up it's for my man, he feels proud to be out with me when I'm looking super cute! Heels and manicures are 100% for him, I keep my nails a lot longer than I did before we were together because he likes my hands to look sexy, and I wear heels out with him so he gets a good show walking behind me :blushing:

    I wear a lot of stuff that he likes because it makes him happy, like yoga pants with leg warmers 90% of the time at home ❤ Not even speculation on my part, it's all input from him.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,672 Member
    So, like a said, the way she “looks” reflects on what kind of man he is and the ways he treats her. If a man treats his SO like a porcelain doll, I’m pretty sure she looks like one. If a man is always nagging and complaining about not wanting her to spend money doing her hair or buying clothes, she is going to stop taking care of herself so she doesn't have to hear him complain. It’s sad, but many just take the path of less resistance. All guys complain about the money wives and SO expend taking care of themselves, but inside they hit their chests (insert some gorilla grunts here) every time another man looks at his woman and says, “Wow, she is hot!” It’s all about infusing the male ego too.
    I'll agree to a point. While some females do reflect how their man may treat them, others don't. I've met many "frumpy" females who have professional husbands that treat them very well.
    IMO, if a woman let's herself go, it's because she chooses to. Most men don't dictate what clothes women wear, how they wear their hair or make up and few dictate what clothes they should buy.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • kikilieb
    kikilieb Posts: 118 Member
    I dress up for me, but I do put a lot more effort in what im wearing and makeup and hair when I am going to go out or I am going to see my boyfriend.

    Come on...YOU be honest, would you really want your gf or wife wearing jeans and t-shirts or sweatshirts all the time?
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    I dress how I dress for me.

    But I also don't spend much.
    I find things I like and wait for a sale, then i buy it. And I make sure I can mix it with other pieces to get as much wear out of it as I can.

    ETA: If I want to dress for my husband I will throw on my 10$ booty shorts and 5$ tank top that I usually wear around the house in the summer. But sometimes I actually like to get things done around the house.
  • knittingwitch
    knittingwitch Posts: 231 Member
    I have never said that, its always for me.
    My husband hates some of the things I do, but its not for him its for me.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,672 Member
    Okay, a female in my class got a boob job (looked good) and said it was for her husband! But she rarely dressed provocatively till TODAY. So of course the "girls" were noticed by other females.:laugh:

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • catrinaHwechanged
    catrinaHwechanged Posts: 4,907 Member
    I dress for me. Heels, skirts, pretty tops, jewelry, scarves.....all for me. With that said, no man works for me to be able to afford to do so. Even more than my clothes, I appreciate my independence. And as another note, nobody would ever mistake my work clothes for going out attire. What is with the sheer amount of inappropriate clothing that people wear in a professional setting?!? Leggings are not pants, shirts with cutouts are not for work, and cleavage and fishnets are not for the office....it's not a tough concept.
  • mmmyotwnz
    mmmyotwnz Posts: 119 Member
    Me. All Me.
    No one can make me feel good about myself until I feel it. The workouts I do, the foods I now choose to eat(and the ones that got the boot) are to make me healthier. I am on this darned never ending plateau, but I choose to keep on moving and trying new thing. I am too stubborn to give up. I like the way my insides feel now.

    As far as having the lastest and greatest new outfit, jewelry shoes etc., that is not an option in my finances now. As much as I would like those new cute shoes, the fact of the matter is I need a new pair of crosstrainers. That is what I choose to start with first. I can't go for a walk/run with shoes that hurt my feet.

    My husband may notice I have pink nails or red but as far as that goes he really has no opinion one way or the other if I paint my own nails. No extra for mani-pedi's, except I do splurge for my hair every 7 weeks.

    If I can save the money up when it's not needed for the graduating HS senior or college freshman, than I can splurge on something for myself, on sale or with a coupon, never full retail.
  • metaphoria
    metaphoria Posts: 1,432 Member
    If women put a lot of effort and money into their appearance, they're high maintenance. If they don't, then they've let themselves go.

    I wish I had money for regular manicures and pedicures, and a good wardrobe. I do what I can to make me feel better and more confident. This definitely projects to my mood, productivity and general well being. My husband and kids benefit from me feeling like a woman, not just a mom all the time. Happy wife, happy life. :)
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    It is, but in a slightly more circuitous way than you'd expect. You see, a woman who feels good is a woman at her best. When a woman feels like she looks good, she's more able to face the world and give the best of herself to others. So, in a way, it's selfish, to make herself feel better, but in a way it's for you, too, because when she feels good, she's able to give you more.
  • Ocarina
    Ocarina Posts: 1,550 Member
    I find that makeup, manicures, eyebrow waxes and purchasing clothes are for me. But I think that we both are better off if I take care of myself because it makes me more confident. When I'm more confident I get out there and do more, accomplish things I probably wouldn't of attempted otherwise, and these things lead to more opportunities. Employers will want me more if I look good, am confident, and well-rounded.

    I also eat well, take care of myself health wise, and am happier because I like how I look and have fun maintaining myself. My husband finds this important too but does it in different ways.... mainly through nicer shirts, good cologne, and keeping himself groomed.

    Personality plays a huge part in this as well of course. As long as you aren't hurting anyone or obsessive compulsive to an extreme I see nothing wrong with it.

    It is expensive, takes more time, and maybe more work then needed but the pay off is huge.
  • Louisianababy93
    Louisianababy93 Posts: 1,709 Member
    $150 dollars for an outfit?
    it better be made out of gold... or atleast gold plated.
    I'm sorry but, you can find outfits that look amazing for cheeper than $150.00.