Stereotypes that DON'T fit you



  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    I am not a very large woman just because I had nine pregnancies.
  • I am blonde and quite smart. I am swedish, but not very pretty or tall as people usually think we are.
  • Marie_25
    Marie_25 Posts: 67 Member
    I'm blonde - NOT Thick
    I'm an accountant - Not boring
    I'm from Derby (UK) - I Don't speak like the Queen
    I love Heavy Metal - you wouldn't know that to look at me.
    I like this game - What? A boring blonde, Heavy Metal listening Queens English speaking accountant likes games?? Surely not!! :0))
  • I'm tall - not good at basketball.
  • I'm a teenager. I don't beat old people up, get drunk every weekend or listen to chart music.
  • EmGetsFit
    EmGetsFit Posts: 151 Member
    I'm a Chicagoan, but I hate guns. And rap music.
    I'm a city girl, but I know how to drive.
    I'm very short, but I'm not a helpless weakling.
    I have big boobs, but I'm not a ditz.
    I have Jewish heritage, but I love bacon.
    I am a woman, and I can build furniture from a pile of raw lumber.
  • Arab

    Not a Terrorist
  • RachelDenise30
    RachelDenise30 Posts: 177 Member
    I wear glasses. I am not a librarian, work in a science field, or think I know everything.

    I live in Georgia. I hate country music with a fiery passion!

    I'm a Leo. I am Introverted and not a narcissist.

    I've never been married or had kids. *gasp* There is nothing wrong with me or my reproductive system.

    I own cats. I am also a dog person.
  • Lavon_G
    Lavon_G Posts: 26 Member
    I was never a cheerleader or played sports in school. I don't have the coordination for either.

    I'm a blonde who currently has 4 degrees and is working on a 5th. I am pursuing my doctorate degree in elearning. Yes, I am very studious! Studying is a hobby of mine.
  • Arab

    Not a Terrorist

    LOL love your work / & sence of humor

    as for me I'm a fire fighter that hasnt got a six pack
  • NobodyInParticular
    NobodyInParticular Posts: 352 Member
    Last name Sanchez... I'm a terrible swimmer
  • supahstar71
    supahstar71 Posts: 926 Member
    Female but doesn't like sappy movies.
    From TX but has no accent.
    Lives in SoCal and has no implants.
    Cute but smart and has a Ph.D.
  • chlorisaann
    chlorisaann Posts: 366 Member
    that I'm flawed as a woman because I don't want to use my uterus for babies :)

    ^^ THIS!!!

    also that since I am over weight I must be lazy and sit around eating cake and candy all day.....
  • JusticeGirl25
    JusticeGirl25 Posts: 703 Member
    I live in Nebraska. I'm not a hick.
    I have blonde hair. I'm not a dummy.
  • lwagnitz
    lwagnitz Posts: 1,321 Member
    -I hate wine, most girls like it. I am kind of a beer snob.

    -I'm not a dumb blonde, not to burst my bubble, but I'm actually quite smart. "Genius" on an IQ chart, but those don't equate to much
    in my book. I actually really enjoy school (the work, not the people) and will probably be a life long student.

    -Despite being chubby, I'm pretty athletic and enjoy almost all sports. I love running..especially sprinting.

    -I'm NOT girly. I really don't put much effort into my appearance. 20 minutes is good enough for me to get ready. Easy. I've never gotten a manicure, pedicure, massage, facial, etc.

    - I wanted to be an Aerospace Engineer growing up (not very 'stereotypical' for a girl) or a Fighter Pilot. Unfortunately, I grew up realizing I have absolutely no patience for inanimate objects.

    - I hate chick flicks. But to be fair, in general, I don't like movies. I like very few. I find them extremely predictable, so I'm bored the entire time. The only fun I have is the genius I feel I have because I know exactly what's coming next...I know, I'm such a party pooper.
  • lwagnitz
    lwagnitz Posts: 1,321 Member

    I have Jewish heritage, but I love bacon.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: i don't know why I find this amusing, but this is awesome.
  • supahstar71
    supahstar71 Posts: 926 Member
    that I'm flawed as a woman because I don't want to use my uterus for babies :)

    Ahh yes!!! I'm Latina and don't want children.
  • Im British but do not have that fake accent which is on every american sitcom which has a token Brit
  • JesseJaymz
    JesseJaymz Posts: 30 Member
    Mexican American - cant speak Spanish. 24 years old and don't have 14 kids with no rap sheet. I'm basically a unicorn.

    Big strong guy- doesn't like being called "Big Guy" "Big Man" by random people (think about if you were real skinny trying to gain weight and I call you little man)

    From Texas - never owned or ridden a horse.

    Man- can actually cook not just grill and smoke BBQ meats.

    Gym rat - Actually sensitive and loves kids/babies, kittens, and puppies.

    wear Tall Tees occasionally- but I am well educated and not a scumbag. I just love proving people wrong.

    Own a pit bull- am not a dog fighter. Am a responsible owner and didnt get him to feel more manly. Don't mistreat my animals an would never dream of putting them in harms way. It's just so much more fun changing people's minds about them with an extremely well raised and socialized dog. Despite them having made up their mind years ago.
  • A witty married lady, with a good job and no kids, in her 30's does NOT play Left4Dead on Steam... :laugh:
    (Anyone here? Find BloodCow)

    Oh, forgot to add that I do love a well made zombie flick, nuts about the Walking Dead...