Donating blood burns 600-650 calories!



  • clarkeje1
    clarkeje1 Posts: 1,636 Member
    In Canada they won't accept blood from Homosexual donors. Not high-risk homosexual donors-ALL homosexual donors.

    Therefore they don't get my calories.

    it's the same way here in the U.S.
    it's a shame really :( there are so many people out there willing to give blood and help others, and they turn you down due to your sexual preferences.

    they also dont take it from people that had a tattoo in the last year or if you are sick or HIV positive or a drug user...there are plenty of reasons and they are ALL GOOD REASONS

    No: HIV positive is not the same as potentially HIV positive, based on an out of date stereotype.

    Wow this is ridiculous. I had no idea they didn't take blood from homosexuals. That's bullcrap.
  • DarthH8
    DarthH8 Posts: 298 Member
    Homosexuals. I will accept your blood if you will accept my blood.

    This is getting totally weird.
  • kimberly728
    In Canada they won't accept blood from Homosexual donors. Not high-risk homosexual donors-ALL homosexual donors.

    Therefore they don't get my calories.

    it's the same way here in the U.S.
    it's a shame really :( there are so many people out there willing to give blood and help others, and they turn you down due to your sexual preferences.

    In the states too? really? I've never heard of this and my sister (who happens to be a lesbian) donates blood quiet often. this is very interesting.
  • kimberly728
    In Canada they won't accept blood from Homosexual donors. Not high-risk homosexual donors-ALL homosexual donors.

    Therefore they don't get my calories.

    it's the same way here in the U.S.
    it's a shame really :( there are so many people out there willing to give blood and help others, and they turn you down due to your sexual preferences.

    they also dont take it from people that had a tattoo in the last year or if you are sick or HIV positive or a drug user...there are plenty of reasons and they are ALL GOOD REASONS

    So its a good reason for them not to accept donated blood from a homosexual??? I'm curious as to why this is such a good reason.
  • naomi8888
    naomi8888 Posts: 519 Member
    In Canada they won't accept blood from Homosexual donors. Not high-risk homosexual donors-ALL homosexual donors.

    Therefore they don't get my calories.

    it's the same way here in the U.S.
    it's a shame really :( there are so many people out there willing to give blood and help others, and they turn you down due to your sexual preferences.

    they also dont take it from people that had a tattoo in the last year or if you are sick or HIV positive or a drug user...there are plenty of reasons and they are ALL GOOD REASONS

    No: HIV positive is not the same as potentially HIV positive, based on an out of date stereotype.

    Wow this is ridiculous. I had no idea they didn't take blood from homosexuals. That's bullcrap.

    It's based on statistics. I have nothing against gay people but statistically they have a much higher rate of contracting HIV. Google it.
  • OnionMomma
    OnionMomma Posts: 938 Member
    Thank you to all of you who donate!!

    Blood donors made it possible for our son to have open heart surgery when he was 6 months old and did not have enough blood volume (he was 12lbs very tiny at 6 months old) to prime the heart lung by pass machine!!

    On the anniversary of his surgery about 3 years ago, I tried to give blood. They told me my viens were too small for the size needle they wanted to use. All after I spent an hour filling out forms and answering questions and had finally made it to the point of hopping up in the chair to get stuck.

    I cried and the nurese felt soo bad for me.
  • Trilby16
    Trilby16 Posts: 707 Member
    When I was young and foolish, it occurred to me that a pint of blood equals half a pound, so I decided to give blood. But the weight loss was barely noticable.
  • Doctorpurple
    Doctorpurple Posts: 507 Member
    Unfortunately I can't give blood. I'm already anemic as it is and barely scraping the weight limit by a few pounds. Last time I donated I was 115 lbs and I felt like passing out after and was terribly tired for 2 days.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    I donated blood today, and have been feeling a little discouraged because I've been extra hungry and not able to do any strenuous exercise. I am over my calories for the day already, but I still feel like eating. :grumble:
    So. anyway, out of curiosity, (and to hopefully make myself feel better) I looked it up to see if it does burn calories. And YES! it does - 600-650 calories! Now I feel better, it doesn't look any better on my food diary :ohwell: but at least I know it's better.
    Part of this is based on the number of calories you burn just by breathing. The rest is math. Blood contains proteins totaling 33-38 grams per pint. At about four calories per gram, this translates to 132-152 calories, plus a small number expended by the liver to generate plasma components. Beyond the roughly 150 calories of glucose, triglycerides, amino acids and proteins, whole blood contains red and white blood cells and platelets, all generated within bone marrow. Based on a review of the scientific literature, one can safely conclude to replace a pint of donated whole blood, you will use approximately 350-400 calories... and that's over the time it takes to produce more, not instantly.
    Well it's a good thing I have a milligram scale, so I can weigh the ticks I pull off of myself once it warms up! It'll be a bit of work because I will need to weigh them, then squish out any blood they had already sucked, and then re-weigh to get the difference. I mean, if I were to count the whole weight of the tick plus the blood that would just be ridiculous and totally cheating.

    Hmm, then I also need to estimate the number of them that I missed, and also all those mosquitoes too. This summer is going to be a lot more work!
  • honeyandmilk
    honeyandmilk Posts: 160 Member
    I find this entire thread really disturbing.
  • Athena53
    Athena53 Posts: 717 Member
    Well it's a good thing I have a milligram scale, so I can weigh the ticks I pull off of myself once it warms up! It'll be a bit of work because I will need to weigh them, then squish out any blood they had already sucked, and then re-weigh to get the difference. I mean, if I were to count the whole weight of the tick plus the blood that would just be ridiculous and totally cheating.

    Try leeches. They'll get the job done much faster. :laugh:
  • IzzyBooNZ1
    IzzyBooNZ1 Posts: 1,289 Member
    I'm donating blood for the first time next week, kinda nervous. I am not gonna log it as an exercise.
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    In Canada they won't accept blood from Homosexual donors. Not high-risk homosexual donors-ALL homosexual donors.

    Therefore they don't get my calories.

    it's the same way here in the U.S.
    it's a shame really :( there are so many people out there willing to give blood and help others, and they turn you down due to your sexual preferences.

    In the states too? really? I've never heard of this and my sister (who happens to be a lesbian) donates blood quiet often. this is very interesting.

    It is only gay men who can't donate as far as I can tell even though they have the same, if not smaller cases of HIV than other groups of people. There are many many countries who have this ban in affect. UK removed the ban in 2011 however Canada and the US have yet to do the same. A senetor in the US has tried but has not been successful as of yet as far as I know.

    Also, any women that have been with a man who has been with a man previously can't donate in certain countries apparently.

    It is incredibly outdated and not right. Regardless of who you are you can still contract HIV or any other disease. While I understand the reasoning behind it, blood is tested now so why be so judgemental.
  • barbiesnd
    barbiesnd Posts: 54 Member
    In Canada they won't accept blood from Homosexual donors. Not high-risk homosexual donors-ALL homosexual donors.

    Therefore they don't get my calories.

    In the USA I'm not allowed to give blood because I'm English and I may have Mad Cow Disease.

    In England they don't want my blood because I live in the USA and I may have West Nile Disease!!!!

    Oh well, no easy calorie burn for me.....
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    Well it's a good thing I have a milligram scale, so I can weigh the ticks I pull off of myself once it warms up! It'll be a bit of work because I will need to weigh them, then squish out any blood they had already sucked, and then re-weigh to get the difference. I mean, if I were to count the whole weight of the tick plus the blood that would just be ridiculous and totally cheating.

    Try leeches. They'll get the job done much faster. :laugh:
    Ooh, cool we have leeches in the pond too. Now I can get even more calories from swimming this summer.
  • JUDDDing
    JUDDDing Posts: 1,367 Member
    They call me once a month, cause I have a rare blood type and practically beg. I'd like to, the thought of helping people and saving lives is a good one, but I have to take a moral stand here.


    You win!

    For the most ridiculous "moral stand" in history!
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    They call me once a month, cause I have a rare blood type and practically beg. I'd like to, the thought of helping people and saving lives is a good one, but I have to take a moral stand here.


    You win!

    For the most ridiculous "moral stand" in history!

    This is a Godwin waiting to happen.
  • JUDDDing
    JUDDDing Posts: 1,367 Member
    They call me once a month, cause I have a rare blood type and practically beg. I'd like to, the thought of helping people and saving lives is a good one, but I have to take a moral stand here.


    You win!

    For the most ridiculous "moral stand" in history!

    This is a Godwin waiting to happen.


    Second most.
  • coolraul07
    coolraul07 Posts: 1,606 Member
    I wish I could donate, but my veins are too small and roll too much to deal with the cannula.
    Damndest thing, I have 'wandering veins' and it's why I stopped donating. When I was a kid, I swore up and down that I'd donate as soon as I was eligible and as often as allowed. :happy: Well, 4 consecutive bad visits have turned me off to the whole process. :angry: The first visit went OK although it took 3 tries, but the 2nd visit I was treated like a friggin' pin cushion! :mad: The next 3 visits, I told them upfront "Give me the best person you got, even if I have to wait an extra hour" and each time the response was either "That's me!" or "We're all equally good!":huh: Yeah, well they lied! :explode:

    It's probably been about 5-10 years since I've tried. :frown: Maybe I'll give'm one more try during the next blood drive at work... :ohwell:
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I wish I could donate, but my veins are too small and roll too much to deal with the cannula.

    My wife is a phlebotomist, and a damn good one at that. I bet she could stick you, and you wouldn't even know it.

    Yeah, I wasn't the original one to post this, but do you have any idea how many times I have heard that? I usually have to walk out with cotton balls and band aids on both elbows PLUS my hand.

    My wife is the one they call to stick babies, cancer patients, morbidly obese people, dying people with virtually no blood pressure, and people that no-one else has been able to stick. There are regular patients in all the locations she works that refuse to be stuck by anyone but her. If she can't stick you, I'm pretty confident in saying that no one can :laugh:

    Can you have her in my doctors office next month?

    I was in the hospital as a child and got to listen to two phlebs: we will have to take it out of her hand! Her hand, you can't do that, it will hurt! 30 some years later, I can tell you the hand hurts less than the digging!

    :laugh: Sure, if I ever get her home. During the blizzard the hospital has asked her to stay over so they know she'll be on hand, and so they don't have to worry about whether she can make it in. Yeah, never mind her family, guys, we need her too!

    I believe you about your wife. But, I also have very small veins. And anytime I have been in the situation of needing an IV, my veins were even smaller (from dehydration and/or blood loss). I can not tell you how many nurses (and I mean male and female nurses) were so cocky that they could do it, as they stabbed me and stabbed me and stabbed me until they finally had someone else come in (I still have scars). And they always need to put it into my hand (sometimes with insulting me for being small and saying I am child sized, like they are mad at me).

    My midwives were amazing after I had my second baby at home. They worked for a long time to get the I.V. in because I had lost too much blood and the bleeding was not stopping. And once the IV was all in, she explained that if I have any more kids I need to tell them in advance to make sure I have an IV already in before I deliver.

    I also can not give blood because I'm too small.