how to deal with saboteurs?

i feel like there are people everywhere i go who would love to sabotage my efforts. i'm not referring to those who do not know (i can go anywhere and eat anything because i don't eat 'diet'-type foods. nobody can tell i'm on a diet simply by looking at what i eat.) because obviously if they do not know, they can not decide to be either supportive or harmful.

i'm talking about those dear, sweet ladies at the office. or at the sunday school potluck. even some of my own family members and close friends!

until last month, i worked in a cafe. we made almost everything from scratch. the boss would roast the seasoned chicken thighs, pull the meat from the bones, and chop the meat for chicken salad. and as he was de-boning, he would yank off the crispy skin and try to get me to eat it.

i have tried to fend off these 'loving' advances by saying things like:

no thank you, i can't eat that.
no, thanks, i don't want any
no, i'm trying to lose weight
no, that's not good for me
no, that will probably make me sick
no, that will give me diarrhea
no thanks, the doctor doesn't want me to eat that
no thanks, i'm diabetic

and incredibly, people argue!

sure you can eat this!
what do you mean you don't want any? it's delicious!
just a little won't hurt anything
you don't need to lose weight, you look fine!
but i made it just for you!
well, you ate it the last time i made it.
are you mad at me, is that why you won't eat?
well, your doctor's not here, and what he doesn't know won't hurt him.
oh, pooh, one little cupcake won't kill you.

and, incredibly:
you must not love me any more. you won't eat my food.


i used to give in. but not any more.

no thank you, i'm not hungry
no thanks, i'm having bloodwork later
no thanks.

NO. (glare.)

most of these people do not have evil intentions. some are just not thinking. some do not want me to feel excluded. but some of them are manipulative bullies.

they make me angry.

so how do you deal with this?


  • amazedbyyoux
    amazedbyyoux Posts: 6 Member
    I have this problem with my family. I never go out in search of "bad" foods; I love to cook my own meals and eat healthy. Unfortunately, my parents are constantly bringing fast food, ice cream, bakery items, etc. home as "treats". I always ask them not to fill the house with junk food when I am trying so hard to eat healthy, but they continue to do it anyway. Occasionally I give in and join them, which gets me even more upset because I would never seek that kind of food on my own. It's very difficult to resist temptation every single day. I finally broke down the other day and accused them of purposefully sabotaging my weight-loss effort. I feel like I won't be able to lose all the weight I want until I am out of this environment (luckily I am moving out soon).

    When your problem environment is your job, it's a little more difficult to just remove yourself. I feel like just being able to say no and stay firm, like you did, is your best solution. I guess it is hard for other people to realize what they are doing and how difficult it is for the person trying to lose weight.

    Good luck,
  • princessquitealot
    princessquitealot Posts: 58 Member
    I turn it around on them, I'll eat your thing when you eat my steamed chard. That worked the last time, and it hasn't come up again.
  • santini1975
    santini1975 Posts: 175 Member
    Unfortunately I've had to fib to certain people who just won't let up.

    "I just ate and I'm stuffed" works most of the time.
    People are usually terrified of vomit, so feigning nausea works especially well when you are at their house.
    "I'm deathly allergic, my throat closes up and I can't breathe..."
    "Did you hear the new study about that stuff? it causes___(fill in the blank)___
    "I can only eat gluten-free. Do you have it in gluten-free?" (Don't worry- they never do.)

    Add em to your arsenal. Good luck!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    No such thing as a saboteur
  • JacquiC72
    JacquiC72 Posts: 49 Member
    Just keep repeating your first answers. And look at it this way, if you can say no to them, then you can say no any time you're faced with the sweet trolley and it will be good learning for the future once you've reached your goal weight. Keep being firm, they're probably just jealous because they can't say no.

    Or think of more come backs:

    sure you can eat this! - No I can't, I'm trying to lose weight.
    what do you mean you don't want any? it's delicious! - It looks delicious and as much as I'd love to eat it, I'm trying to lose weight.
    just a little won't hurt anything - It would hurt my diet as I'm trying to lose weight.
    you don't need to lose weight, you look fine! - I may look fine on the outside but my heart won't love me for it (who needs to know?)
    but i made it just for you! - The thought is really appreciated but I'm trying to lose weight.
    well, you ate it the last time i made it. - That was before the diet started and it was delicious but now I'm trying to lose weight.
    are you mad at me, is that why you won't eat? - No, I'm just trying to lose weight
    well, your doctor's not here, and what he doesn't know won't hurt him. - He will know when I next steps on his scales.
    oh, pooh, one little cupcake won't kill you. - It won't kill me but it won't help with my weight loss either.
  • kittenbobitten
    kittenbobitten Posts: 199 Member
    My bf's daughter is kind of a food pusher. She always wants me to eat unhealthy stuff with her and will ask over and over again. Sometimes she gets her feelings hurt if I won't eat chocolate, cookies, carbs, etc with her. I will tell her, I'm sorry, I can't eat cookies on my diet unless I make them special and low carb. Then I will eat bacon or something and she will say, wow, you can have bacon, but not a cookie? And I will say yes, because it is sugar free and (blah, blah, blah...). Although I know she means well and just wants me to go back to being her junk-food-buddy, I just continue to say, no thank you. until she stops asking. Sometimes I will have to turn down the exact same thing (on the same occasion) six or seven times. Literally. But, I just roll with it.

    I don't care what kind of stuff they keep in the house, cookies, cinnamon rolls, bread, chips, ice cream, etc. They can eat whatever and I am (most often) not tempted. I don't push healthy or low carb stuff on them and I just try to ignore it otherwise.

  • never124get
    It was my boss's birthday today and they had cakes and sweets from my favorite local bakery...I wanted one and usually I would take a really small piece but for some reason today I just said no and it felt good saying no and not eating those extra calories, my boss was surprisingly super offended that I didn't partake in the sweets. It was so strange, I just wasn't used to it I guess since that's the first time it has happened to me.
  • stephdeeable
    stephdeeable Posts: 1,407 Member
    No such thing as a saboteur


    No one makes my choices, but me.

    Also, someone offering you cake is not sabotage. That's nice. I always just make my birthday party guests watch me eat my entire cake. It is MY birthday.
  • misspastry
    misspastry Posts: 109 Member
    Girl I hear that. Every time I go over my aunt's house she tries to give me cookies, dessert, pizza, anything. When I say no she gets upset. I feel like she is sabotaging me because she was fat and lost a lot of weight, but gained some back. Now I've lost about 30 pounds and am smaller then her and maybe she is resentful. Why can't people just get that you don't want to be big?!
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I say "no thanks," nothing more. If they press, "no thanks" again. I don't give them a reason to argue.

    They aren't responsible for what you eat, you are, so don't let yourself feel guilty about it.
  • MidwestAngel
    MidwestAngel Posts: 1,897 Member
  • MrsDrk
    MrsDrk Posts: 153 Member
    I completely understand and empathize. I have a stomach condition that makes it so I physically can not eat some foods as I can not digest them. TRY to explain that to people without offending them. No, I do not eat at restaurants because I need to know how the food is prepared. No, I do not hate you because I won't go out to eat with you. I try to not revolve my life around what I eat- let's do something else instead.

    Your answers are spot on. Sometimes if folks argue with them, it's because they wish they had your willpower. I once did that, argued and it wasn't to sabotage necessarily, but to make me feel better about my choice to have that piece of cake.
  • LacyJean1
    LacyJean1 Posts: 36 Member
    I have this same problem. One of my friends keeps telling me "You only live once, better enjoy it". So annoying, but I just kept ignoring it. Finally one day, I replied back with "You're right, I do only live once, and I choose to live healthy so that I can enjoy it." She finally shut up.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    No such thing as a saboteur


    No one makes my choices, but me.

    Also, someone offering you cake is not sabotage. That's nice. I always just make my birthday party guests watch me eat my entire cake. It is MY birthday.


    And a quote from my profile that actually comes from someone on MFP that really sums up these types of "situations" and reminds me that I am responsible for ME....

    "Stop being weak, only weak people allow themselves to be sabotaged" - MFPer Acg67
  • Chrissy292018
    Chrissy292018 Posts: 57 Member
    My boyfriend was trying to sabotage my efforts of losing some inches in certain places by buying me candy bars and really unhealthy foods. He tried to make me feel guilty for going to the gym and would kind of give me the cold shoulder. He wasnt even interested in hearing how my time at the gym was or my calorie intake for the day etc. After a week I had enough and I told him I was not just doing this for me but our children as well and id appreciate it if he would support me and I walked away giving him time to think. Since then hes been amazing! Tell them how you feel. They may not realize how what theyre doing and saying effects you.
  • Chrissy292018
    Chrissy292018 Posts: 57 Member
    Love these!

    Just keep repeating your first answers. And look at it this way, if you can say no to them, then you can say no any time you're faced with the sweet trolley and it will be good learning for the future once you've reached your goal weight. Keep being firm, they're probably just jealous because they can't say no.

    Or think of more come backs:

    sure you can eat this! - No I can't, I'm trying to lose weight.
    what do you mean you don't want any? it's delicious! - It looks delicious and as much as I'd love to eat it, I'm trying to lose weight.
    just a little won't hurt anything - It would hurt my diet as I'm trying to lose weight.
    you don't need to lose weight, you look fine! - I may look fine on the outside but my heart won't love me for it (who needs to know?)
    but i made it just for you! - The thought is really appreciated but I'm trying to lose weight.
    well, you ate it the last time i made it. - That was before the diet started and it was delicious but now I'm trying to lose weight.
    are you mad at me, is that why you won't eat? - No, I'm just trying to lose weight
    well, your doctor's not here, and what he doesn't know won't hurt him. - He will know when I next steps on his scales.
    oh, pooh, one little cupcake won't kill you. - It won't kill me but it won't help with my weight loss either.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    I make it about me, not the diet.

    No ,thank you. Period.

    No reason given.

    If they tell me I am being rude, I will either shrug and walk away or let them know that not respecting my choice is rude.

    If they tell me it is delicious, I just say "I am sure it is."

    Basically, if they keep insisting, I walk away, if possible, or just tell them my decision is final and I would appreciate it if they dropped the subject.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    No such thing as a saboteur

    ^^ this. As some chick around here once said, "This is not WWII and you are not a munitions filled train."
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    There is such a thing as saboteurs, but most people on these boards are just complaining because the people around them didn't radically change their behavior when the new dieter did.

    How dare other people offer you a donut when you ate them three at a time a month ago?!

    How dare other people eat snacks?

    How dare the whole world not adapt to your new lifestyle?!
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    Options <~ I read this article earlier and it talks a little about what you're saying.

    Basically as a society, a lot of us are just sort of stumbling through life, trying to make things as convenient as possible (whether it's healthy or not), and we don't like to be reminded that maybe that's not the way it should be. When we see others making healthy choices, it makes us uncomfortable because we know we should probably be caring more, too. So instead of realizing and changing ourselves (which may eventually happen), we try to undermine that person and make them more like us to remove the discomfort.

    In the end, just do what you do. It can be annoying but your results will speak for themselves, and the people around you may not outwardly acknowledge it but in time they will start to consider their own choices a little more once they see your happiness and success.

    Best of luck.