The Last 10



  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    I'm down... 122.8! My goal is 120... almost there! Would love to be at 15% body fat too! I'm close (at 17.9). I'm into all of my size 4s now.... =) I still need to tone and define but I'm very happy with how far my hard work has gotten me. Last year at this time I was in a size 14 and I weighed 149 lbs! Took me a year.... but I got back to my pre preggo weight!! =)
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: That is great!! That is a big change in one year!! I have 4 pounds to go so lets keep this going!
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    Hey everyone. I have been MIA from this thread for awhile but I really feel like I have finally hit the "Last 10" wall. At first I was thinking that getting from 137 to 127 would be "the last 10" for me. But here I sit waffling between 125 and 127 for the past three weeks and I still would like to get to a slightly lower body fat (I don't know my numbers, but I know I want my abs to be a little more apparent. I definitely feel like I have stalled out! ARGH!

    Now I remember why I stopped being so gung-ho about losing weight when I got to 125 before starting graduate school! It was because the scale stopped moving and I got too busy/distracted to care about exercise. I don't want that to happen again. 125 feels awesome and I would at least like to maintain, but I feel like I would still like to lose a bit more vanity weight -- and if it could come off of my calves, all the better! :tongue:

    I am 5'3.5, so getting to 115-120 is totally reasonable as far as the BMI goes. I know that I am more muscular than some, so I should probably get my bodyfat tested just to make sure that I'm not setting myself up for an unreasonable goal.
  • lvfunandfit
    lvfunandfit Posts: 654 Member
    You are almost at your goal!! Congratulations!!!! 120 lbs!! I would love that. How tall are you?

    Thanks!! I'm 5'6"
  • lvfunandfit
    lvfunandfit Posts: 654 Member
    I'm down... 122.8! My goal is 120... almost there! Would love to be at 15% body fat too! I'm close (at 17.9). I'm into all of my size 4s now.... =) I still need to tone and define but I'm very happy with how far my hard work has gotten me. Last year at this time I was in a size 14 and I weighed 149 lbs! Took me a year.... but I got back to my pre preggo weight!! =)
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: That is great!! That is a big change in one year!! I have 4 pounds to go so lets keep this going!

    Thank you! You'll get there in no time!!! =) Keep at it!
  • Aurora22
    Aurora22 Posts: 66 Member
    I have been mia for the last week (or two?), and that is real bad news for the scale. I had been doing so well, but now I am back to 148. boo. lots of end of the school year picnics and two weekend trips and my TOM all added up to too many extra calories. I have 12 weeks left until my wedding, so I need to step it up!
    I was able to avoid chips for that one weekend trip, so I think I am able to focus my efforts when I need to. Here's to motivation!
  • gabyp0716
    gabyp0716 Posts: 351 Member
    Hello Team,

    I've been getting really sick this week, which totally sux. But I've been trying to push on the Brazil Butt LIft, cause I can't say enough good things about it. I love what its doing to my body! I can't wait to do another full round now that I for sure have the moves down. I'm planning to do a Shakeology 3-Day cleanse and start a new round of the Brazil Butt Lift before I grauduate to Insanity.

    For memorial my fiance and myself are going to go on a nice long hike that end in Laguna Beach, so we can lay out and relax the rest of the day. Hope eveyone is having a great week.
  • bebbjeb
    bebbjeb Posts: 134
    Aurora - welcome back! and well done keeping off the chips for the weekend! It's great when we can start to take control. You have time to get to your goal for the wedding - YOU CAN DO IT!!

    Gaby - sorry to hear you've been sick. Hope you're feeling better. Have a great Memorial Day.

    I've been traveling for 4 days for work and it's hard because you have to eat out all the time. I've been much better on this trip than I have been on my previous work trips. I usually take traveling as an excuse to eat ALL the local foods. I've been able to make better choices, control my portions etc. I even stayed out of the McDonald's which I usually go to at the airport! But anyway, eating out all the time is not good. I'm travelling ALL of next week so I hope I can carry on with self control.
  • thinsky
    thinsky Posts: 81
    bebbjeb you can stay strong and travel too, I know you can and I am sending you motivation and will power!!!!! Just try to pack snacks and eat healthier before going out and just order small items, stay away from butters and dressings and eat smaller amounts and then push the plate away... You can do this!
  • gabyp0716
    gabyp0716 Posts: 351 Member
    Happy June Everyone!

    Summer is almost here. Well in all honesty for those of use Cali girls, I guess is pretty much summer all the time. I did get to go on a super intense, super steep hike yesterday thru Laguna Canyon, but it was all good cause got to go lay out at the beach after. It was a nice Memorial day for me :)

    This week I'm doing last week of BBL, I'm looking forward to being done and starting a new round. I'm getting stronger bands today for my leg workouts and will be pushing with heavier weight.
  • gabyp0716
    gabyp0716 Posts: 351 Member
    Hello Eveyone,
    How are you ladies doing? Looks like everyone is dropping this thread. :sad:
    Hope you guys are doing great and eveyone is having sucess with their weightloss.
    I start round 2 of Brazil Butt Lift on Monday, so I'm totally looking forward to that. I'm also going to incorporate some 30 and 50 minute circuit training workouts in the morning and do my BBLs right after work. I figured taht gives me a good workout each day!
  • bebbjeb
    bebbjeb Posts: 134
    Hi Gaby! I'm here! I've been away for a week and I dread to see the scales tomorrow - I do have TOM approaching so that could be my excuse. Anyway, I'm back on track this week and will be hitting the gym hard and going on lots of runs! I didn't eat too badly while I was away, but eating out all the time and not being able to track calories doesn't help.
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    Hey everyone! Stay strong!

    After about a month bouncing around between 125 and 126 the scale finally read 124 this morning! My boyfriend and I recently entered Tom Venuto's Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle Summer Challenge. I've tightened the reigns on my nutrition a bit. I am now eating 1400 for three days at a ratio of 40/40/20 (c/p/f) and then every fourth day I eat about 1800 with and try to get in more carbs on those days. This has me netting around 1000 - 1200, depending upon workout. It is less than I have been netting for the past couple of months, but I am keeping close tabs on my body fat (self-testing every week), so if I start to lose muscle, I will switch things up. I also added some more heavy weight days (to help preserve muscle) in addition to doubling up on workouts on some day (so 30-60 mins of cardio every day plus weights 3x/week).
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    I am still here too! Have been on the run and will continue to be for the next 3 weeks, A fiftieth birthday party for a friend, our daughters HS grad party and 3 weddings to fit in that time! Michigan, Home , Michigan, Texas and then California! I wish travel was a calorie depleting activity! :happy:

    Gaby, you are sooo on track, that is awesome! :flowerforyou: I was glad my scale gave me one less pound this morning. I almost didn't believe it since the days before have also been filled with lots of food related activities! Besides, I took the week off of the elliptical to see if my hip would do any better. Makes no difference so at least i will get back to that.!! :ohwell:

    Bought the "30 day Shred" video and will try that out as soon as I get a little techno help with our basement DVD. Hopefully the kids will give me the tutorial soon! I'm hoping to hit that pretty hard and keep up the elliptical a few days of the week too. I figure I need to up the exercise to get these last 3 lbs. off. Actually i'd like to lose 5 by July 10 - our cruise! That's a pretty hefty goal or should I say "skinny" :laugh:

    I will be back to report, for sure by Monday!! Have a good week everyone!
  • karinalynne
    karinalynne Posts: 8 Member
    Hi! I would love to join this thread, although clearly it's been going on for months and I actually have 14 pounds to lose. My goal weight is 120, and I have weighed that much in the summer for the past 4 years. My weight always fluctuates up in the winter, but I'm finding for the first time I just can't lose the weight! It's so frustrating for me because I used to be a personal trainer and I obsess over nutrition. For some reason i have trouble combining my knowledge with commitment. I can't afford my own personal trainer, plus I feel like that's silly because I can plan a routine myself, but I know there's a lot to be said for being accountable to somebody else. I hope you guys don't mind if I join! I haven't weighed myself today but according to yesterday morning...134.6. And congratulations, ladies, it looks like you've all been doing fantastic and managed to lose a lot of weight since this thread started!
  • Aurora22
    Aurora22 Posts: 66 Member
    hello all,
    nothing great to report here. after a bit of success last month, the last few weeks have been a bit lousy. My motivation has been waning and my appetite growing. I was doing really well with my workouts, but then getting soo hungry. I guess that I mentally let myself eat heartily hoping that if I satisfied The Hunger then I would be able to cut it back to my 1500 calories again. No go- all the extra food just makes me sluggish and less motivated to exercise and make healthy meals.
    My almost 3yo has been a handful lately and my partner just broke his foot so he can't do anything that requires standing. I have no problem taking care of them, but I get stressed out because it takes away from my work time (I work from home). This can all be overcome. I just need to get myself into the right mind space. Serenity Now!
    I know that eating healthier will help with my low energy. I can do this! We can do this!!!
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    hello all,
    nothing great to report here. after a bit of success last month, the last few weeks have been a bit lousy. My motivation has been waning and my appetite growing. I was doing really well with my workouts, but then getting soo hungry. I guess that I mentally let myself eat heartily hoping that if I satisfied The Hunger then I would be able to cut it back to my 1500 calories again. No go- all the extra food just makes me sluggish and less motivated to exercise and make healthy meals.
    My almost 3yo has been a handful lately and my partner just broke his foot so he can't do anything that requires standing. I have no problem taking care of them, but I get stressed out because it takes away from my work time (I work from home). This can all be overcome. I just need to get myself into the right mind space. Serenity Now!
    I know that eating healthier will help with my low energy. I can do this! We can do this!!!

    You are soooo not alone. I have been SO FREAKIN' HUNGRY lately. I've been eating a lot of protein and fibrous meals. I could probably up the vegetable content, but otherwise, I've been eating so good and clean and yet so starving just a couple hours after I eat. Story of my life, really. You would think that means I have a high metabolism, but sadly, I don't think that is it.
  • KATRIN21
    KATRIN21 Posts: 1
    Starting Weight: 140lbs - 31/05/2010:frown:

    Current Weight: 136lbs - 09/06/2010:smile:

    Goal Weight: 126bls - 11/07/2010 :flowerforyou:

    Kat x x
  • de1amo
    de1amo Posts: 266 Member
    starting weight 160lbs--today 9th june 10
    target weight 154lbs

    İ started my quest on the 7th April 10 at the bulky weight of 183lbs and have come down (too) quickly according to those around me. i am in that period of grind and feeling hungry on days when i dont exercise--why is that?? i normally have a bunch of calories left over at the end of an exercise day because i generally dont feel hungry on that day--its the rest day i force upon myself i get hungry on.

    -i am all or nothing with my exercise - i do loads the 3 days i go to the gym and not much else on rest days. Before joining here i forced the pace doing exercise 6 days a week and ate too little but i lost steadily. This site has steadied my drop but like i said i am getting hungry and things are creeping along!

    -my waist measurement hasnt come down in proportion to the rest of me --so i am hoping that will go with the 6lbs
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Hi, I would like to join as well. I'm 5'2.5 and my lowest weight was 120lbs at 5'2, with much less muscle than I have now. I am shooting for 118 but it has been sloooooow. I am 8 lbs from that goal and if I could reach it by august I would be ecstatic. I am actually happy with my body except I would like more definition in my lower body, and i am estimating 10lbs will get me there. I am doing a round of 30DS (finishing this week), and am on week 2 of Brazilian Butt Lift, which I love so far. I am trying eat-stop-eat and trying to eat more on non fasting days. So far I am almost done losing the 4 lbs I gained doing p90x (some was muscle, but still) and just praying to God my plateau is over.
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Hello Team,

    I've been getting really sick this week, which totally sux. But I've been trying to push on the Brazil Butt LIft, cause I can't say enough good things about it. I love what its doing to my body! I can't wait to do another full round now that I for sure have the moves down. I'm planning to do a Shakeology 3-Day cleanse and start a new round of the Brazil Butt Lift before I grauduate to Insanity.

    For memorial my fiance and myself are going to go on a nice long hike that end in Laguna Beach, so we can lay out and relax the rest of the day. Hope eveyone is having a great week.

    Hey Gaby - i am a beachbody junkie as well! I have done insanity, p90x, and am doing BBL. I am interested in turbofire as well. insanity is tough but great! I finally saw my 2 pack doing it. How did you find BBL? I think it will be great, but BumBum is rough and high n tight burns!