Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Desdemina
    Desdemina Posts: 150 Member
    @jtconst Another thing I have done when I'm not getting good customer service is to make it known all over Facebook and Twitter, making sure I tag them with their account (almost everyone has a Twitter and/or Facebook these days!) It has never failed that someone has responded and fixed my problem. Ages ago, before Facebook and Twitter existed, there were complaint sites where you could write a complaint about a company and they forwarded it to the right person at the company (in addition to posting it on their website). I was able to get out of a ridiculous cell phone contract that way, when the company was sold to another company and suddenly service decreased dramatically and prices went up. Someone called me and said "what can we do to make you happy?" and I said "Let me out of my contract with no penalty." and they did. Sometimes you have to make a fuss.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning.

    @Courtney~Welcome to the thread, glad you found us. You will find lots of support here and make some friends along the way. It is a great idea to start things out slow, making changes one at a time - you are more apt to stick with something if you make it a habit first.
    @Tammy~I'm sorry for the poor customer service you endured, you did the right thing by reporting it. Customer service is not like it used to be - its hard to get good customer service these days. One thing I've found is that people will tell twice as many people about bad customer service received than about good customer service - so I know your complaint will serve its purpose.
    @Karen~I was catching up with my DVR too last night. Got caught up with Big Bang Theory and NCIS, I'll watch The Biggest Loser tonight since I found a Duck Dynasty marathon on and it won out over it and another show. :laugh: I just love Duck Dynasty - they crack me up!!!

    Thanks y'all for the support with yesterday's strange happenings. I was so dumbfounded that I didn't know what to think of it at first.

    Saturday Success~Well, not the greatest to report. I had a huge loss last week so shouldn't be disappointed in the fact that I lost less than a pound this week - its better than nothing but was still hoping for 2#. Well, the gym didn't happen last night - for some reason I was just beyond exhausted. I'm working on this huge fixed assets project at work and almost fell asleep at my desk a couple of times, oh the joys of accounting and databases! So I decided to stop at Jimmy John's for a BLT (not near as bad in fat/calories I thought it might be) for dinner and afterwards curled up with Zoe and napped on and off for most of the evening.

    Right now figuring out a menu for next week and making grocery list, then gym time - need to get in a good long run today. I wish it was warmer outside, I'd go for a run in the neighborhood instead.
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 891 Member
    I wanted to let everyone know I'm going on vacation tomorrow, down to Virginia. I can't wait! I hope the weather is warm there. It'll be great to get away from the snow and ice here. I will be getting lots of exercise and plan on eating right. It's like a new beginning for me.
  • jumpy983
    @skinny no, not because of the calories. My husband has just finally come to realize that he is an alcoholic. I'm extremely happy about this and extremely depressed as well. He is going on 5 days sober and while he has been as pleasant as possible under these conditions, I am not holding up so well. There was a very emotional situation that lead to this realization and it has really thrown me for a loop. We are trying to get through this and put our marriage of (almost) 7 years (in April) back together.

    I have left my dog rescue (my passion) for the time being - we have a great team that can manage without me for a bit...but I know that has contributed to my blues- but I am just doing too much. Unfortunately, I have to work both my jobs for the time being so that we can pay down our debt. And, I was just telling rachael that my thinking is so backwards...after all that he's "put me thru" as people say - i don't really see it that way- but after all that, the thing that I'm most worried about is that he won't like me when he's sober. What if I'm not good enough? what if the drinking was the only thing that made me tolerable? I just have no idea. And I know that it's messed up to think this way, but those are truly my worries. Maybe he'll get sober and go find someone else.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Melancholy - Have a GREAT vacation! I went to college in Virginia and it's such a beautiful place!

    Jumpy - *Giant cyber hug* I'm so sorry you're having to deal with all this stress and uncertainty. I have ZERO doubt that drunk or sober he knows that you're a beautiful and wonderful person, inside AND out!

    Saturday success - Well, the binging I've done the past few weeks haven't done any damage. It took about 6 days to get rid of all the water weight from the sodium (stupid messed up slow kidneys) but I'm EXACTLY the same weight I was two/three weeks ago. I'm hoping if I'm careful for the next 3 days I'll see a minor loss on Tuesdays weigh in. Not pinning any hopes on it though.

    I did some calculating and I STILL have time to get to my goal of ONEderland by my 40th birthday. I just can't have any real cheat days and need to buckle down (which I need to do anyway for my blood test in 3o days). So... things are trucking along.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    @skinny no, not because of the calories. My husband has just finally come to realize that he is an alcoholic. I'm extremely happy about this and extremely depressed as well. He is going on 5 days sober and while he has been as pleasant as possible under these conditions, I am not holding up so well. There was a very emotional situation that lead to this realization and it has really thrown me for a loop. We are trying to get through this and put our marriage of (almost) 7 years (in April) back together.

    I have left my dog rescue (my passion) for the time being - we have a great team that can manage without me for a bit...but I know that has contributed to my blues- but I am just doing too much. Unfortunately, I have to work both my jobs for the time being so that we can pay down our debt. And, I was just telling rachael that my thinking is so backwards...after all that he's "put me thru" as people say - i don't really see it that way- but after all that, the thing that I'm most worried about is that he won't like me when he's sober. What if I'm not good enough? what if the drinking was the only thing that made me tolerable? I just have no idea. And I know that it's messed up to think this way, but those are truly my worries. Maybe he'll get sober and go find someone else.

    Jumpy - I'm sure that while he was drinking you had to walk on pins and needles around him. Now is the time to stop that behavior, and your worries are a hold over from that behavior, I kind of think. Because he's giving up alcohol for you and for your marriage, right? That means he does love you, you the way you are, so just continue being the true you, the real you, the honest you and be the best you can be. Try to lighten up too. Try to laugh as you go through this, as I am sure many tense moments come up, and can be eased with laughter. You ARE good enough, that's what has led to him giving up alcohol. :flowerforyou:
  • lmackbethl
    @robin and melancholy - hope you have great fun on your vacations!!!
    @kaye - so sorry for your friend - such a heartbreaking loss.
    @tammy - way to stick up for yourself!
    @gorilla and karen - sounds like you're doing a great job getting ready for those races!!
    @kelley and helena - so ridiculous that people feel free to offer unsolicited weight advice. helena, you might suggest that your boss invest in a wellness program for EVERYONE. and really, kelley, he said you haven't been able to lose weight? good grief.... i might have fallen over laughing at that one.
    @kris - glad to hear you're back on track... i think the trip home threw you a bit(?) ... or maybe i'm projecting... either way, sounds like you're back in the groove!
    @alison - i find myself posting much less too, though i still log and read daily. just don't always have stuff to say... or maybe i'm just a stalker at heart. :laugh:

    Saturday Success: TMI Alert: well, I have been having some digestive issues... woke up wednesday doubled over in pain! Yikes! Many over-the-counter treatments later, I am down 7 pounds in three days. Guess that explains the plateau. Sheesh. I hope to find some balance soon! :sick: So, today's weight puts me only a pound away from my February goal of having lost (my second) 10% in four months. Whether I make it or not, I'm pretty pleased with that!!

    My plan to start C25K has been delayed by all the snow (we're due for another 8 inches today, silly groundhog). I'm ok with that because my knee probably needed more time to heal anyway, plus the triathalon I want to do is not until mid-August, so if I start jogging in a couple months, I should still be ready. Now, to brag about my wonderful parents (even if they do drive me a bit crazy at times)! I have been looking for a recumbant bicycle, figuring it will be easier on my back when I start riding again, but the prices here are out of reach, so I checked craigslist in Ohio, Oregon, and Colorado, and finally found one in Colorado that I could afford (as a major splurge). I asked my parents to go check it out for me, thinking the town was less than an hour from their house. Turns out, it was a four-and-a-half hour drive.... that's a 9 hour round-trip! Ridiculous? Yes! I never would have asked if I had known! But they went, and negotiated the price down by a hundred, and are pitching in another hundred as my birthday present! I will pick it up at the end of March (at their house in Ohio) and be riding in no time!!! Plus, my car is about to die (repair costs more than its worth), so they are going to loan me my father's van for five months while he's out hiking the Pacific Crest Trail. With no insurance payments during that time, I should be able to save enough for a decent vehicle. Yes, it's true: I have terrific parents!!!!
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning every one.

    @RobinsEgg- Have a great time in Jamaica!
    @lmackbethl-If your parents are looking to adopt someone I’m available :laugh: . They sound great, you are truly lucky.
    @jumpy- Maybe he'll get sober and realize - how you were treated while he was drinking and treat you great to try to make up for it.

    GHD 23/23 strength training!

    Quote of the day- “The trouble with always trying to preserve the health of the body is that it is so difficult to do without destroying the health of the mind.” ~G.K. Chesterton

  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    My day is off to a good start. We did the usual family waffle breakfast. I went to the funeral for my friends' little boy. It was very nice. The father spoke at some length about all of the happy memories they have of a very sweet little boy and the love he had for his brothers. One of the principle tenets of our faith is that families can be together forever. They are taking great comfort in knowing that they will be with him again.
    I have been able to maintain a good calorie balance this week and I'm getting my water. A couple of days it was a bit dicey as it is hard to do when I'm gone for a good portion of the day, but I made it.
    Jumpy--Most of all you need to have more confidence in your personal worth. You are a daughter of God and He loves you! I'm sure that your husband loves you, too. You can get through this.
    Happy vacation to those who are traveling. I hope that you have a wonderful time!
    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member
    just quickly checking in, will try to post later. My Saturday success is that I lost 2.4 lbs this week and made some good choices. Past day has been difficult because I saved points so I could go wild at a party I attended and found it was not healthy for me to let go of myself completely. I do better with some structure and rules around the foods I eat. I am within my points for the week, but I skated near the edge and that leaves me a little unbalanced. I could have had a more sucessful week, weight loss wise, I believe by not "testing" my resolve. Getting back to the gym and earning food points for activity which is good, but most importantly feeling so good about myself health wise. Today I rode the bike 10 minutes and did a 3minute fat burn. I know that is not much to most folks, but for me it was major. Then I did pool exercises. I have already used up 175% of the activity I need to burn my food up today. That feels like a sucess to me. Really enjoying wearing the activelink exercise monitor as it tells me if I am moving enough

  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Good morning everyone. Ty for all the nice comments on my drama of yesterday. Today is going so much nicer. I ran some errands this morning and am now getting some work around the house and yard done. I worked off the last of my mad yesterday by cranking up the music and dancing around the living room like a loon while playing some wii bowling:tongue: It occured to me while doing this that it was sad that I didnt do it more often as it was fun a great workout, and seriously what else was I going to do but probably sit on my butt in front of the computer or tv. I have to get past the mindset that working out in any shape or form is stealing some kind of valuable time from my life. I dont work and my kids are grown. I have nothing but time, lol.I hope everyone has a great saturday and does something fun to make the most of the weekend. :happy:
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,108 Member
    Good day my friends - I finally started a couple of little projects today and felt pretty good about it.

    My kitchen cupboards where I store food are now cleaned out and purged of things I know I'll never use and/or things that have been there FOREVER:laugh: . Same with the shelf of supplements/vitamins/over the counter meds:blushing: in another cupboard and then
    wait for it
    the dreaded :huh: underwear:huh: drawer.

    Wow, lots of junk in there! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Wishing everyone well. Hugs to you.

    GHD Challenge: 23/23


  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @tammy--glad you worked off your "mad" with some fun exercise!

    @katrena--awesome loss!! Also, great job on the stationary bike--10 minutes is a really good amount of time, especially with that 3 minute fat burn--go you!!:drinker:

    @kaye--it's good to hear the the service today was comforting to you and the boy's family.

    @tom--great job with the strength training!

    @beth--glad you got your plateau figured out. How long is the running portion of your tri? Is it a sprint tri? I think you will probably do better with the running if your knee has more time to heal, so no worries about the delay. Perhaps you could start the running in a month or so (weather permitting) and just do it once or twice a week. That would let you ease into it and (hopefully) prevent any shock to your knees. Just a thought.

    @kris--glad your back down those 6 lbs. When is the big 4-0?

    @kristen--sorry, I don't know how I missed what was going on with you and your husband. All I can say is what others have already said. You are good enough, and he loves you. Otherwise, he would just keep drinking. I think your response is typical of anyone who has a partner making big changes in his/her life. I've heard so many stories here on MFP of people's partners reacting the same exact way to their weight loss. I can tell you firsthand that my husband went through that a bit when I first started losing weight. He was suddenly suspicious of my outings with girlfriends, etc. Not terribly so, but his nature is generally so trusting, it was a shock. It took time, but he eventually realised that my changes weren't about him, they were about me. Maybe if you approach your situation as the two of you working to be healthier (you through weight loss and him through not drinking), it will make it easier. I also wonder if your recent changes were what inspired him to examine his own unhealthy behaviors.

    @mel--enjoy your vacation!! When I was a kid my dad always did his 2 weeks active duty in VA, so we spent most family vacations there.

    @kelley--I've never seen Duck Dynasty, but it's absolutely a show my husband would love. For that reason, I've been trying to avoid letting him know it exists. :laugh: Can't wait for Walking Dead tomorrow night!! Hope you enjoyed your "night off"--sometimes we just need a rest.

    Saturday Success:
    Well, weight stayed the same this week despite some really terrible food choices, so I guess that's good. It seems like I can either be really disciplined with tmy food or with my exercise, but it's really hard to do both. I'm pretty sure it's related to there not being enough hours in the day. Eating healthy takes time (at the grocery store and preparing meals), and I feel like the weeks I manage to do that, I end up sacrificing time working out.

    My real success is that I did my first 5 mile run today at the gym. I didn't manage to run the whole time, but moy overall pace was just shy of an 11.5 minute mile, so that's pretty good for the first time. My goal is to get that down to an 11 minute mile pace by the race. I figure if I shoot for that while training, I will probably be able to at least do the 11.5 pace on race day.

    I am now at starbucks grading. :frown: Will check back with you all when I've had some *success* in this area as well.

    Exercise Goals 2/23:
    Sat--walk gunner DONE + long run DONE
    Mon--walk gunner + gym
    Tues--walk gunner
    Wed--walk gunner + gym
    Thurs--rest day or maybe core (I have a baby shower after work)
    Fri--walk gunner

    Grading Goals:
    1. x/16 Good Deeds essays
    2. x/57 Gatsby Journals
    3. x/14 AP research presentations

    GHD= 21/28 days minimum 80 grams of protein
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Happy Saturday Everyone!! I'm sorry I've been completely out of touch this week. I finally got my new laptop and this was my first week at the new job. I love it!!! I spent 3 days in the restaurant learning to make the various sandwiches, pulled apart 3 turkey's, made stuffing, cole slaw, built catering trays and enjoyed every single moment. Of course, I ate lunch there every day. Definitely not the healthiest choices that's for sure, but wanted to try them as they appear on the menu. If I was ordering on my own, I would be holding the mayo, cheese, sauces, etc. . . this would save 200-300 calories easily. Overall, a great week and I'm so glad I made this move. I even got a couple of hugs from folks who were so excited I joined their team.

    Unfortunately, I lost my "free" gym membership with the old job. I'm not going to join one for now since I did take a pay cut for this new job and need to see what my first few checks are like before deciding what to do. We have such amazing weather there's really no reason or excuse I can't walk/run outside very day.

    I was so behind, but started with the new thread and just read all 6 pages. It's been quite a week for so many of you and I promise to support and stay in touch this next week ahead.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    @MacBeth - That's a big part of the problem. I really struggled getting back on track after visting my family.

    @Skinny - The big 4-0 (shudder) is April 7th. Six weeks, for some reason I thought it was 10. That stinks, at 1200 calories a day I'll be able to hit 204, but I doubt I'll take off more than that. Boooo. Oh well, two weeks AFTER I turn 40 I'll be in ONEderland.

    Susan, wb! I'm glad you're loving your new job! It makes all the difference when you get up every morning looking forward to your day.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Saturday Success~In and out of the grocery store with ZERO GS Cookies!!! :laugh:
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @kelley--way to go! GS cookies have never been that appealing to me (thank goodness!).

    @kris--don't shudder too much--40 isn't much different than 39. At 43 I'm way "younger" healthwise than I was at 40 or 39 or 38. Actually, I'm probably healthier than I've been since my early 30's.

    @susan--was wondering when you would pop in again. Glad to hear the new job is going so well! I agree 100% with kris--I could never go through life hating my job, no matter what the pay. At one point in my life I took a 50% pay cut b/c I hated my job in educational sales and wanted to get into the classroom. I don't regret it at all.

    Well I finished one class of Gatsby journals--they wrote them IN CLASS so no worries about cheaters. :laugh: (This wasn't the class that cheated anyways. :wink: ). They're actually pretty good overall--of course, I'm so biased when it comes to The Great Gatsby--it is, hands down, my favortie book to teach. I wish I could just teach it all year long (to students who love it as much as I do, of course). That would truly be my dream job--I should have been a Gatsby scholar...

    Grading Goals:
    1. x/16 Good Deeds essays
    2. 27/57 Gatsby Journals
    3. x/14 AP research presentations

    Exercise Goals 2/23:
    Sat--walk gunner DONE + long run DONE
    Mon--walk gunner + gym
    Tues--walk gunner
    Wed--walk gunner + gym
    Thurs--rest day or maybe core (I have a baby shower after work)
    Fri--walk gunner

    GHD= 21/28 days minimum 80 grams of protein
    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member
    lmacbeth - So glad the lbs came off. I know you feel better

    I am trying to get my weight & weight loss right on here. I have lost 5 lbs in 2weeks, but because I forgot to adjust my weight up on mfp it is showing a smaller loss. I have fiddled with the weights and hope this show the correct weight loss of 5 lbs
  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    Happy Saturday, folks... and welcome to our new friends!
    Had to do some major catching up - and if I try to do personals for all that I want, my computer will 'splode. It's been incredibly busy around here, and not necessarily in a good way. Just trying to keep head above water at the moment.

    Either my scale is seriously screwed up (always a possibility) or i'm yoyoing all over the place. No matter how careful I am with my numbers, I'm getting nowhere at light speed. On the plus side, we are back to the (new) gym, and I'm seeing a difference in my clothes again (just not the bleeping scale!).

    Jealous of the great vacations - hope you all have a blast!
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Mel- Bring a few warm clothes with you to VA. I am not sure what part of VA you are going to but the northern part is close to me and it is cold in MD. We were in the 30's today with rain, it might warm up to the 50's later this week. Hope you enjoy your trip to VA.

    Robin- Have a great trip and safe travels.

    Karen- the condo shopping is going well I will be looking at the place for the 2nd time tomorrow (I think). It is a first floor condo that has a patio along with a fire place. It has a good amount of space so I am excited.

    MyMOwMow-Turning 40 was the changing point in my life,(that was 2 years ago) that is when I finally decided that I wanted to lose weight. At the end of the 39th year, I weighed about 268 pounds. It took about a year and and a half to lose the 68 pounds to get under 200 lbs. Just remember that you will be healthier for your 40th than you were for the 39th. 40 is the new 20 or is 30 so it is time to explore new options. I started rock climbing at 41 and serious at 42.

    Success- My weight is starting to drop again this week and it has been while since the scale has gone down consistently. I think my body likes the weight lifting workouts it just needed time to adjust to the changes. I have lost 4 lbs this week. Hold the congratulations because this is from the weight that was put back on. I still need to lose about 5 more pounds before I can count it as officially gone for good. Right now I am happy that the scale is dropping once again.