Opinions please: Why do women get breast implants?



  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member

    I'm not against them, but if we're answering the OP question with honesty, it's really just boils down to "one upping" the competion.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
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    Ahhh, so that is why some male body builders/weight lifters get pectoral and calf implants - the competition.
    Absolutely. If a body part was visually lagging in body building, it's noticed right away.
    Would you agree to this, that when men bulk up then cut and weight lift (heavy lifting etc), is it for an improved body composition and to look good naked - for self OR is it purely to "compete with other men." A total lifestyle adjustment VS a few hours of harvesting fat +sorting stem cells + procedure+ 3 months waiting period for the breast tissue to grow = bigger boobs.
    A lean body is more attracting than one that's perceived as over weight. Instinctively that's why the opposite sex is attracted. Mating in the animal world is about trying to ensure your genetics out live your competitions, so it makes obvious sense that one would try to mate with one that has the appearance of unhealthy issues (though that's only on the outside).
    As for body builders, it's about competition. If a guy can't beat another out with their body, they'll try do it with money, security (as in providing for a female), etc.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
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  • benol1
    benol1 Posts: 867 Member
    What about lesbians or asexual women? :wink:

    They're beautiful and wonderful people with or without breast augmentation.

    I mean, if breast implants are for the approval of men, then why do lesbians/asexual women get them? :laugh:

    As others have mentioned - for a whole variety of valid reasons.

    I am not pointing the finger at anyone but I tend to think that ascribing shallow motivations to people because they've had cosmetic surgery only speaks of oneself's shallowness and ignorance.
    kind regards,

  • SueGremlin
    SueGremlin Posts: 1,066 Member

    I'm not against them, but if we're answering the OP question with honesty, it's really just boils down to "one upping" the competion.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
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    Ahhh, so that is why some male body builders/weight lifters get pectoral and calf implants - the competition.
    Absolutely. If a body part was visually lagging in body building, it's noticed right away.
    Would you agree to this, that when men bulk up then cut and weight lift (heavy lifting etc), is it for an improved body composition and to look good naked - for self OR is it purely to "compete with other men." A total lifestyle adjustment VS a few hours of harvesting fat +sorting stem cells + procedure+ 3 months waiting period for the breast tissue to grow = bigger boobs.
    A lean body is more attracting than one that's perceived as over weight. Instinctively that's why the opposite sex is attracted. Mating in the animal world is about trying to ensure your genetics out live your competitions, so it makes obvious sense that one would try to mate with one that has the appearance of unhealthy issues (though that's only on the outside).
    As for body builders, it's about competition. If a guy can't beat another out with their body, they'll try do it with money, security (as in providing for a female), etc.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
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    When a person gets to a certain station in life, often they realize that not everything is about sex. It's true.
  • Momf3boys
    Momf3boys Posts: 1,637 Member
    Straight up..........................to compete with other women.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
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    Straight up.........WRONG!!!!!
    So then most women DON'T get them because they feel self conscious about how they look compared to how another female with pretty breasts looks?
    Breast implants aren't needed. That's why the sugery isn't usually covered by medical insurance.

    Same reason why men look to get six pack abs or penile enlargement.

    It's really all boils down to "one upping" the competition.

    Yeah, people will say they do it for themselves to feel better about themselves. But people feel bad because they're comparing themselves to others.

    Let's be honest here. Pretty, firm, looking breasts get wanted attention, compared to breasts that hang. Implants don't improve physical health in any way.

    I'm not against them, but if we're answering the OP question with honesty, it's really just boils down to "one upping" the competion.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
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    Each person is different and have their own reasons for the choices that they make...personally I'm not, nor have I ever competed with anyone or tried to "one up" them. Have you ever had a baby? Ever had your boobs sag so much that you could tuck them in your pants? Ever had breast cancer and had part of your breast or all of it removed to rid your body of a deadly disease? Breasts are part of what makes a female feminine...when women get implants, not everyone gets basketball sized ones...some just want to look natural...want to feel like a woman...what if a woman had a reduction because of back and shoulder pain...are they competing too? Bottom line...everyone has their own reason for the decisions that they make...
  • Tatonka_usn
    Tatonka_usn Posts: 433 Member
    The bigger the better

    Nah, the French say that any more than a mouthful is a waste.

    And when have the French ever right about much of anything? My retort to this silly mantra is that "it's only a waste if you don't know what to do with it".
  • Queen_JessieA
    Queen_JessieA Posts: 1,059 Member
    I have a friend who wanted a breast lift because she was getting a little older and things do go down hill, if you will...when you get a lift, they do implants. She did it for HER for HER birthday. Her husband enjoys, I am sure.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    Each person is different and have their own reasons for the choices that they make...personally I'm not, nor have I ever competed with anyone or tried to "one up" them. Have you ever had a baby? Ever had your boobs sag so much that you could tuck them in your pants? Ever had breast cancer and had part of your breast or all of it removed to rid your body of a deadly disease? Breasts are part of what makes a female feminine...when women get implants, not everyone gets basketball sized ones...some just want to look natural...want to feel like a woman...what if a woman had a reduction because of back and shoulder pain...are they competing too? Bottom line...everyone has their own reason for the decisions that they make...
    Saggy boobs aren't a health issue. It's a personal choice issue. Females that have their breasts removed pschologically feel less of a woman, so it's not uncommon to get them, however physically it still doesn't enhance physical health. So again, since it's not a health enhancer, why are implants desired? It's usually going to point to an insecurity of how a female feels against her peers. Married or not.
    Now REDUCTION does ENHANCE HEALTH. Removal of extra weight (regardless of where) enhances health, pain and joint issues. But breast reduction wasn't spoken of here............it was breast augmentation.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
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  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    When a person gets to a certain station in life, often they realize that not everything is about sex. It's true.
    I don't disagree. Just saying "instinctively" it's in our genes.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
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  • Momf3boys
    Momf3boys Posts: 1,637 Member
    Each person is different and have their own reasons for the choices that they make...personally I'm not, nor have I ever competed with anyone or tried to "one up" them. Have you ever had a baby? Ever had your boobs sag so much that you could tuck them in your pants? Ever had breast cancer and had part of your breast or all of it removed to rid your body of a deadly disease? Breasts are part of what makes a female feminine...when women get implants, not everyone gets basketball sized ones...some just want to look natural...want to feel like a woman...what if a woman had a reduction because of back and shoulder pain...are they competing too? Bottom line...everyone has their own reason for the decisions that they make...
    Saggy boobs aren't a health issue. It's a personal choice issue. Females that have their breasts removed pschologically feel less of a woman, so it's not uncommon to get them, however physically it still doesn't enhance physical health. So again, since it's not a health enhancer, why are implants desired? It's usually going to point to an insecurity of how a female feels against her peers. Married or not.
    Now REDUCTION does ENHANCE HEALTH. Removal of extra weight (regardless of where) enhances health, pain and joint issues. But breast reduction wasn't spoken of here............it was breast augmentation.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
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    The question wasn't about do women get breast augmentation for health reasons...plain and simple...women get them because they want to...not every woman is in a competition and they just want them to feel feminine...big or small, it doesn't matter. BTW...women who have their breast removed don't feel less f a woman, they're freaken happy to be alive...you have NO idea what a woman feels or thinks with or without boobs and for anyone to say that a woman gets a boob job to compete with other women has no clue. Just because men focus on boobs, doesn't mean that women do!
  • TheConsciousFoody
    TheConsciousFoody Posts: 607 Member
    I got mine because I wanted them for myself. I love boobs and wanted them to be bigger. I was married at the time and my then husband didn't care either way so it deffinatly wasn't to impress anyone. I imagine there are women who get them from the wrong reasons though.
  • TheConsciousFoody
    TheConsciousFoody Posts: 607 Member
    Because they're insecure. Also probably for attention. I honestly think getting breast implants is stupid. You shouldnt use plastic surgery for vain reasons. I understand if you had breast cancer and you might want breast implants. I think women should just learn to be happy with their bodies. Just because you have big boobs doesn't make you better or prettier than someone else. Plus why would you want to be fake? There's also so many medical complications that can happen and its a waste of money.

    Oh please. So says the chick with a ton of makeup on in her picture. Do yourself a favor and don't speak for others.
  • Momf3boys
    Momf3boys Posts: 1,637 Member
    Because they're insecure. Also probably for attention. I honestly think getting breast implants is stupid. You shouldnt use plastic surgery for vain reasons. I understand if you had breast cancer and you might want breast implants. I think women should just learn to be happy with their bodies. Just because you have big boobs doesn't make you better or prettier than someone else. Plus why would you want to be fake? There's also so many medical complications that can happen and its a waste of money.

    Oh please. So says the chick with a ton of makeup on in her picture. Do yourself a favor and don't speak for others.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • TheConsciousFoody
    TheConsciousFoody Posts: 607 Member
    What about lesbians or asexual women? :wink:

    They're beautiful and wonderful people with or without breast augmentation.

    I mean, if breast implants are for the approval of men, then why do lesbians/asexual women get them? :laugh:

    As others have mentioned - for a whole variety of valid reasons.

    I am not pointing the finger at anyone but I tend to think that ascribing shallow motivations to people because they've had cosmetic surgery only speaks of oneself's shallowness and ignorance.
    kind regards,


    LOVE this.
  • karlajordan2012
    I think it is because they have a flat chest. (Also, they want to impress men ) They may not like how they look in a sweater or tight fitting shirt. .I have been losing weight and the first thing to go is normally my butt and tits.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    Each person is different and have their own reasons for the choices that they make...personally I'm not, nor have I ever competed with anyone or tried to "one up" them. Have you ever had a baby? Ever had your boobs sag so much that you could tuck them in your pants? Ever had breast cancer and had part of your breast or all of it removed to rid your body of a deadly disease? Breasts are part of what makes a female feminine...when women get implants, not everyone gets basketball sized ones...some just want to look natural...want to feel like a woman...what if a woman had a reduction because of back and shoulder pain...are they competing too? Bottom line...everyone has their own reason for the decisions that they make...
    Saggy boobs aren't a health issue. It's a personal choice issue. Females that have their breasts removed pschologically feel less of a woman, so it's not uncommon to get them, however physically it still doesn't enhance physical health. So again, since it's not a health enhancer, why are implants desired? It's usually going to point to an insecurity of how a female feels against her peers. Married or not.
    Now REDUCTION does ENHANCE HEALTH. Removal of extra weight (regardless of where) enhances health, pain and joint issues. But breast reduction wasn't spoken of here............it was breast augmentation.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
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    The question wasn't about do women get breast augmentation for health reasons...plain and simple...women get them because they want to...not every woman is in a competition and they just want them to feel feminine...big or small, it doesn't matter.
    SO WHY do they want to get them? To feel feminine? So a small breasted womn must not feel femine? Or can one feel feminine without them?
    BTW...women who have their breast removed don't feel less f a woman, they're freaken happy to be alive...you have NO idea what a woman feels or thinks with or without boobs and for anyone to say that a woman gets a boob job to compete with other women has no clue. Just because men focus on boobs, doesn't mean that women do!
    I work in a Wellness Center where one of our number one focus' is on cancer rehabilitation. I've seen MANY women who had mastectomies and how it affects them psychologically, so I could say I do have an inkling of information on this subject.
    Again, since breast augmentation DOESN'T enhance physical health, the option to have it done is going to one of how it makes one feel about themself. If they feel it makes them more feminine, it's because they identify having them with other women having them. It's kinda sad because a flat chested female is no less a female than one with bigger breasts. It's just perceived that way in our society.
    Again, I'm not against them. I'm just addressing the question the OP asked honestly.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
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  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    There's a Facebook page I like to follow called 'The Problem with Women is Men'. The guy who wrote the book said something to the effect of 'women only get breast implants for men' and the whole post exploded on him. I can see that happening here.

    Perhaps it's vain, but until you have been in a place where you feel that for your sanity/body-image/comfort/acceptance/even EGO, then I don't think everyone will understand why some people want plastic surgery.

    For me, my breasts were my security blanket throughout most of my life. Over the course of losing weight and breastfeeding, they have changed significantly from the breasts that I came to know and love. The way I consider the way my breasts are naturally supposed to feel like. I just want that back. That feeling of my own personal viewpoint of myself feeling GOOD about how they look.

    Having vanity in this case shouldn't be a bad thing.
  • Momf3boys
    Momf3boys Posts: 1,637 Member
    Each person is different and have their own reasons for the choices that they make...personally I'm not, nor have I ever competed with anyone or tried to "one up" them. Have you ever had a baby? Ever had your boobs sag so much that you could tuck them in your pants? Ever had breast cancer and had part of your breast or all of it removed to rid your body of a deadly disease? Breasts are part of what makes a female feminine...when women get implants, not everyone gets basketball sized ones...some just want to look natural...want to feel like a woman...what if a woman had a reduction because of back and shoulder pain...are they competing too? Bottom line...everyone has their own reason for the decisions that they make...
    Saggy boobs aren't a health issue. It's a personal choice issue. Females that have their breasts removed pschologically feel less of a woman, so it's not uncommon to get them, however physically it still doesn't enhance physical health. So again, since it's not a health enhancer, why are implants desired? It's usually going to point to an insecurity of how a female feels against her peers. Married or not.
    Now REDUCTION does ENHANCE HEALTH. Removal of extra weight (regardless of where) enhances health, pain and joint issues. But breast reduction wasn't spoken of here............it was breast augmentation.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
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    The question wasn't about do women get breast augmentation for health reasons...plain and simple...women get them because they want to...not every woman is in a competition and they just want them to feel feminine...big or small, it doesn't matter.
    SO WHY do they want to get them? To feel feminine? So a small breasted womn must not feel femine? Or can one feel feminine without them?
    BTW...women who have their breast removed don't feel less f a woman, they're freaken happy to be alive...you have NO idea what a woman feels or thinks with or without boobs and for anyone to say that a woman gets a boob job to compete with other women has no clue. Just because men focus on boobs, doesn't mean that women do!
    I work in a Wellness Center where one of our number one focus' is on cancer rehabilitation. I've seen MANY women who had mastectomies and how it affects them psychologically, so I could say I do have an inkling of information on this subject.
    Again, since breast augmentation DOESN'T enhance physical health, the option to have it done is going to one of how it makes one feel about themself. If they feel it makes them more feminine, it's because they identify having them with other women having them. It's kinda sad because a flat chested female is no less a female than one with bigger breasts. It's just perceived that way in our society.
    Again, I'm not against them. I'm just addressing the question the OP asked honestly.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
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    Working with cancer patients and being one is totally different...BELIEVE ME!!! You will NEVER understand!! To the OP...women get them for various reasons...there is not one answer and you can't put everyone in the same category...it's an individual choice
  • peckish_pomegranate
    9/10: To live up to the standards of a patriarchal society, whether actively or internally seeking the approval of men (and other women.) That's not wrong. Society's standards are wrong.

    1/10: She just wants bigger breasts. This isn't wrong either.

    Basically, who cares if it's not your boobs.
  • Brianna72994
    Women get breast implants to feel more confident.

    Or because of cancer.

    Or because their boobs shrunk after they lost weight and they want them back.
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    Women get breast implants because they are self conscious, low self-esteem/not happy with their body the way it is. Bottom line.