Couch to 5k Anyone?

Last night was week 1, day 1 for me. I've tried this program before and ended up with shin splints. This time I know how to stretch properly and I have a workout buddy (my dog) so I think it will go better this time.

I ended up doing about 14 minutes/mile. It's really slow for a lot of people, but it's as fast I ever did it in high school, so I'm pleased.

Anyone else starting this program?


  • Innerglow
    Innerglow Posts: 1,074 Member
    I started week 1 day 1 this morning....I pushed myself as hard as I could. I've never been a runner but I am aspiring to be one. I can't wait to be able to run the whole 30 minutes (and beyond, of course)
  • NikkiDerrig386
    NikkiDerrig386 Posts: 1,096 Member
    I have 3 more weeks of it. I struggled last night with running 2.5 miles. I am not a good runner and went running after do circuits at the gym. So my legs were not having it; also gave blood the day before. What you need to do is instead of warming up for 5 mins do 8 or 10. It will help so much. Do not go at a fast pace. A nice medium pace will do. Are you running a 5k?
  • gamommy2two
    I actually used DJ Beatsmith's Podrunner Intervals ( to help me keep pace. It started out with a 5 min warmup walk and then went into intervals of run/walk and then a 3 minute cooldown. I didn't make it to the three minute cooldown. lol. I went for 22 minutes of the 26. If I had known a 3 minute cooldown was coming I would have kept going!

    At least now I know so the next time I can keep pace better. I like knowing exactly where the end goal is.
  • gamommy2two
    Week1 Day2 down and I made it a few minutes farther than last time. I thought I was going to die! But I made it a little long, so I feel good :)
  • KiriKiriKiri
    KiriKiriKiri Posts: 227 Member
    What is this "Couch to 5k" that everyone is talking about? :) I am very curious!!! Take is slow... a 14 minute pace is not bad, don't get down on fact, you should feel proud that you are OUT and DOING IT! Right? :) I have been running 5k's and love it and my 6 year old daughter is running a 5k with me next week! I am just curious what the program, challenge or topic is? Thanks...
  • edelq
    edelq Posts: 111
    gamommy2two- I'll join you! I just finished day 2 yesterday, have day 3 tomorrow :) running with my sister so we're good at motivating each other, which is great

    KierstenRoot- Couch to 5 K is a program, on that sets out how to learn to jog for 30 mins straight over 10 weeks I think it is,, it's very good, it's for absolute beginners to basically get fit quickly and learn how to jog! Before, I was just running for as long as I could,, felt like I was going to throw up everywhere, and gave up after about 3 days,, this is much more achievable!
  • gamommy2two
    Kiersten ~ Edelq has it right. I have been using DJ Beatsmith's Podrunner Intervals ( and there is also a program there for 8k and 10k for more advanced runners.

    I've never been a runner, so the Couch to 5K is my only option for running really. I do enjoy being out and now that I have a dog, it's a lot of fun (and kind of dangerous when he switches course quickly LOL).
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    I'm naughty. I get to week 5, get bored, and start over on a higher speed, LOL. I've been doing C25K since January, but still haven't gotten past week 5.
  • Innerglow
    Innerglow Posts: 1,074 Member
    I just finished week 1 day 2, barely....It's 95 degrees outside and I thought I was going to pass out afterwards.

    About how long does everyone give themselves in between running days?
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    I do C25K Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri, and Sat, but I started out at MWF. Just trying to get from couch potato to marathon, and I do a 5k most of those days now ;)
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    SO are you all doing this on a machine or actually outside? I don't have a treadmill or anything so I would have to start doing this outside. I'm thinking of starting it next Tuesday when I get back in town.. a few other questions for you (any) do you log this exercise? Do you use a HRM? Is it just 3 days a week or once a day? Sorry for the questions, just curious as to what I'm getting myself into :) Thanks xoxo Bru
  • i_dont_want_2_be_fat_anymore
    While i hate running, i am thinking of giving this a shot. They say running is good for you, and i'll take whatever is good for me in healthy doses (pun intended). The biggest problem i had up until now was i had no way of telling me when to switch from walk to run to walk and etc, although someone posted somebody's website that has a download for each week.

    I guess now i have no excuse. Time to wear out some new shoes!
  • Innerglow
    Innerglow Posts: 1,074 Member
    Brunnette wife- I'm running, no make that jogging outside. I just figure out how much I walked and how much I ran and I use the estimates that are listed in the exercise database. Personally I let my body do the talking, i'm trying to do it at least every 2 days....Then nice thing is you can tailor the program to fit you. I will probably do week 1, 2 or 3 times before I move on, again just listen to your body. I tried doing it today but it was 95 degrees and HUMID. I did walk an extra 15 minutes to make up for it though.


    IDW2BFA- I downloaded an app on my phone called c25k lite (the lite version is free on the android market) All it does is beep really loudly when it's time to change from run to walk and then I use pandora or my downloads for music...its worked great so far....except the fact that I have to shove my phone in my bra; uber annoying!
  • jessicajoy87
    jessicajoy87 Posts: 905
    Tomorrow I do week 2 day 3. I am a wanna be runner. Good luck everyone!:smile:
  • jessicajoy87
    jessicajoy87 Posts: 905
    Brunnette wife- I'm running, no make that jogging outside. I just figure out how much I walked and how much I ran and I use the estimates that are listed in the exercise database. Personally I let my body do the talking, i'm trying to do it at least every 2 days....Then nice thing is you can tailor the program to fit you. I will probably do week 1, 2 or 3 times before I move on, again just listen to your body. I tried doing it today but it was 95 degrees and HUMID. I did walk an extra 15 minutes to make up for it though.


    IDW2BFA- I downloaded an app on my phone called c25k lite (the lite version is free on the android market) All it does is beep really loudly when it's time to change from run to walk and then I use pandora or my downloads for music...its worked great so far....except the fact that I have to shove my phone in my bra; uber annoying!

    Oh man I almost died when I did it yesterday! It was so hot and humid! I am going to try to get up earlier tomorrow.
  • julialee
    julialee Posts: 15 Member
    I just found this and started today! I didn't end up doing it perfectly--I ended up walking at a fast pace b/c I got a phone call, then ran out of I mostly fast-walked and managed 4 sets of 90 sec. jogging. I'm proud of myself that I've started, though!
    I've also learned that I didn't realize how many hills were in my neighborhood!
  • pjdksmith
    pjdksmith Posts: 2
    Just a LURKER here; and a fellow c25k graduate. I just wanted to let you guys know that it IS possible.
    I started off last Jan 2009-with being able to run 10 seconds before I was bent over; heaving on the side of the road. My legs were like lead and my lungs were on fire.
    Presently my farthest running distance is 13.2km. My best PR for a 5k is 31'05". My best PR for 10km is 68minutes.
    Couch to 5k WORKS~!
    If your doing it to lose weight; its not fast; results don't show up immediately. Speed does not miraculously arrive.
    I got stuck at week 4; and just couldn't go beyond. I finally took advice from my fellow c25k'ers and slowed down. I'm mean SLOW-ED down.
    Kinda like a bounced fast walk PRETENDING I was running. It truly is 50% mental with this program.
    Speed DOES come later. DISTANCE does come later.
    At first NEVER run more than every other day. You NEED recovery.
    LATER, when you have a year under your belt; you can run more often; but injuries do and can occur; so please, take it easy.
    I'm one of those ladies who are addicted to running.. LOVE IT.. but still, the first km out there and I've got a nasty negative devil in my head tellin me I'm too fat to run.. too slow to run.. but I push past that li'l a**hole on my shoulder and sweat my way into my 2nd and 3rd km and I'm GREAT!
    Proper shoes are a must. GET FITTED.
    If you are injured -REST.. do NOT push it!
    take as much time off as is needed.. yes, you may fall back a bit (I had unexpected abdominal surgery in Jan and it took 5 months to regain where I had left off) BUT with time; you will bounce back.
    If I can do it.. I swear.. SWEAR!.. that you can too!
  • antiadipose
    antiadipose Posts: 447
    its great for beginner runners!
    i completed week one to week 6 but then ran a 5k so i skipped the rest =]
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Well, I'm back from my vacation in the Ozarks and today was my first time W1D1( I have no treadmill, yet, so outside I go)...however, b/c I live in the midwest, it was very hot and I was dumb for starting out in the afternoon/evening, so when I do it again, I will make sure to get it in during the morning hours :) Why I felt that I had to try it out today instead of waiting is beyond me. I did manage to get in the 5min warm up and then just 10min of the actual plan due to the heat, here's to a better time either tomorrow morning or Thursday morning :)
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    I've made it through the first two days of the program. The second day was definitely easier than the first for me, but still made me want to throw up! Tomorrow will be day three of week one.