Calling all HAPPILY married people for 20+ years...



  • samb330
    samb330 Posts: 328 Member
    Hubby and I just celebrated 28 years yesterday!!!! Wouldn't change a thing. He's my rock, and best friend.
  • nashsheri33
    nashsheri33 Posts: 225 Member
    We hit the 20 year mark in October. Two weeks ago she told me she had an appointment with a divorce lawyer. She just signed a lease on her own apartment and is moving out March 1st.

    that's awful. i'm so sorry. here's a *hug*. i don't know if you are a praying person, but i am, so i will pray for you.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Yes very happy. I did a tiny little vent earlier but not of his character more of the situation my eating plan puts us in, but yeah happy all the way.
  • AggieLu
    AggieLu Posts: 873 Member
    12 years, 6 months, 7 days together.. married almost 6..
  • hofdog
    hofdog Posts: 269 Member
    oops I saw happy and married in same sentence....thought it was a joke thread.
  • JulieB_MN
    JulieB_MN Posts: 223 Member
    Married July 6, 1985.:) I married my best friend! He is still my best friend! 27 years and counting:)
  • CherokeeBabe
    CherokeeBabe Posts: 1,704 Member
    What a great forum idea! I married my best friend in 1975 and we are always amazed at how much we have accomplished in 38 years! Right now, we are having a great time doing MFP together, which show how little it takes to entertain us! LOL We are looking forward to 38 more years of great times! :flowerforyou:

    My parents got married about 2-3 years after you and your hubby, they're still going strong too. I'm very proud of them :)

    It's a huge accomplishment, congratulations to you and all of the "Long-haulers" in this thread!
  • We're not married but been together 18 years and we are happy and able to have disagreements without running to our friends to bash each other does that count?
  • nashsheri33
    nashsheri33 Posts: 225 Member
    yay! i like this thread!

    God put us together and we got married 28 years ago. sometimes i think i am the luckiest woman in the world. some days i think he is the luckiest man in the world!

    we're not perfect, just perfect for each other.
  • I have been married to my amazing husband for 20 years!! Love it <3
    Not an easy ride by any means but I would trade him for the world. Actually he is my world.
    We accomodate to each other and support each other no matter what. Big, little, fat, skinny, he is there for me and any choice I make good or bad. 4 children, 1 grandson and a family full of fun and love.

    Love you baby!!!!

  • nancycaregiver
    nancycaregiver Posts: 812 Member
    We hit 30 last October. We have 3 sons. Two of them have started their adult lives. We only have one left at home but he is a freshman in high school so it won't be long before it is only the two of us in the house again. Luckily, we really like each other and enjoy spending time together! Happily married?? Yep, that's me!
  • zephtalah
    zephtalah Posts: 327 Member
    So nice to see lots of people still happy and together. My husband and I will have been married for 10 years this year! We had a rough start, but are so thankfull that God is good and was patient to teach us to love each other the way we should. My parents have been married for 38 years and still date each other every week. My husbands parents were married for 40 years before his dad passed away.
  • akp4Him
    akp4Him Posts: 227
    Been married for 20 years to my best friend. Love him more today than yesterday!! What an amazing guy! He has been all that I ever dreamed of.
  • sweetydelishus
    sweetydelishus Posts: 5 Member
    Aww this is so nice to see a post like this, makes me feel positive that my husband and I could do it to make it even further. We were high school sweethearts literally 12 long yrs no breakups and seeing other people in between. I moved from NY to FL right after H.S. graduation and he fought his parents to move down with me. He moved we went to college and got married almost 5 yrs ago. We've had such a long journey for 2 young people, and obstacles I can't even tell you...but through God's grace we're happily married and have 2 baby girls ages 3 and 1. You all should be so proud of yourselves that you value your partner's in today's society of divorce. Thanks for sharing your stories.
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    Well ...... Mr GrumpyPants and I have been married for nearly 25 years ........ I've known him for 30 years (and married him anyway LOL)

    He's a great dad ..... and a hard worker ..... every day I'm thankful for the home he's provided us :heart:

    That being said ....... there are also days I'd like to scrub the toilet bowl with HIS toothbrush :bigsmile:
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I've known my husband (and became best friends) for 17 years (next year I will have known him for the same amount of years that I didn't know him before I met him). We've been in relationship for 15 years and married for going on 13 years this year. We will make it to 20 years and beyond, I'm just too young to have been married that long yet. We are very very happy together in every way. I appreciate him so much. We adore each other.
  • bushidowoman
    bushidowoman Posts: 1,599 Member
    13 years here...I hope to catch up to you some day. :smile: My husband is my best friend and hero. :heart:
  • Married a million years n still call him my boyfriend :heart: I feel lucky every day.
  • By God's Grace we are celebrating 22 years next month!
  • RHHMom
    RHHMom Posts: 34 Member
    We've been married for 17 years, and dated two years prior to that. This year is the one for me that marks more than half my life spent with him. He makes me laugh; he makes me think. I try every day to be the best I can for him, and I see him do the same for me. My heart is more full than I could have imagined 17 years ago...even as I stood blubbering through my vows in a JP court thinking life couldn't get any better. Oh but it does... :)