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  • SamanthaClarexo
    SamanthaClarexo Posts: 353 Member
    Nobody massive but I met Mr. Hudson when he did a DJ set in Southampton, - I said hello and he said, "Alright!" And we hugged :love:

    Other than that, I've brushed shoulders with Skrillex in Magaluf - he was going to be doing a DJ set in BCM and I was stood at the bar getting a drink. He walked passed to get to the stage and he brushed against my back, I turned round to see who it was and I nearly passed out! :happy:
    SPBROOKS68 Posts: 561 Member
    I grew up with Walt Goggins (Walton Goggins) and am so happy to see that he has done great in Hollywood as it was always his dream:happy:
  • RandiLandCHANGED
    RandiLandCHANGED Posts: 630 Member
    Robin Williams while I was at the mall in Vancouver, BC.
  • EmilyRanae22
    EmilyRanae22 Posts: 506 Member
    R. Lee Ermie- he was the guest speaker at the CG ball, Got a pic of kissing him on the cheek...his comment "the best part about these gigs is I get to dance with and love on everyone else's wife" :laugh:

    The Sacramento Kings Dream team (if you are a Kings fan you know who I'm talking about) Scott Pollard (he's a jerk), Vlade, Doug Christy, and Chris Webber. (Mike Bibby wasn't there) I won tickets to Chris Webbers retirement party, it was a blast!
  • GiddyupTim
    GiddyupTim Posts: 2,819 Member
    I met James D. Watson, the scientist who, with Francis Crick, figured out the structure of DNA. He was giving a speech in Rochester, NY, and I went, as a reporter for the local newspaper, to cover it.
    Here's the interesting thing. Most scientists do not draw much of a crowd, and the crowd they do draw is pretty sedate. But, for Watson, the theater was packed, with people forced to sit and stand in the aisles, and these fans lined up for autographs. He must have had to sign for 15 minutes.
    So, being one who rarely misses the obvious, I asked him how he felt about being treated like a rock star and having to sign autographs. "I hate it," he snapped.
    But, here was the problem. I have a brother who is a medical researcher. So, before the talk, I thought to myself 'Wouldn't he love to have an autograph of James Watson!' I knew that Watson had read Sinclair Lewis's famous novel Arrowsmith, and that the book had inspired him to go into science.
    So -- Oops! -- I had gone out and purchased a copy of the book for him to sign for my brother, and it was sitting right there, secure in my coat pocket, as he was so succinctly expressing his distaste for being asked to give out his signature.
    Course, it was too late. I asked anyway. He signed, somewhat graciously.
    The worst part was: I gave it to my brother, and he was completely unimpressed. I sacrificed my journalist's decorum for him, and he did not care. He muttered a grudging 'thank you' and tossed the book on the shelf.
    I thought: Last time I do anything for you. Harrumph!
    And, then, two years ago -- 20 years after the fact -- my brother calls me up out of the blue. He's all excited. He manages to stammer out: 'You're not going to believe what I just found in my bookcase! I opened up this old paperback of Arrowsmith I found on my shelf, and on the first page inside . . . ."
    Oh, I could believe it alright. Sheesh !
  • EmilyRanae22
    EmilyRanae22 Posts: 506 Member
    More infamous, then famous, but I knew Gerald Stano - a serial killer from Ormond Beach, Florida, when I was a teenager. I used to hitchhike "back in the day" and met him through a friend. He told me to call him anytime I needed a ride because hitchhiking was dangerous!! He literally gave me 100's of rides over the course of a year or two and he was never out of line with me! He killed 41 women and was executed many years ago.

    Hey, that's creepy. Maybe he was saving you for last?

    Aren't you supposed to save the best for last?? LOL - luckily I never had to find out!

    Creepy! My bro works in the detention center that Kemper is in. He asked Kemper if he knew there was a movie about him and his response was "yeah, but it's all backwards, there's no way I could have pulled it off if I were that short!"
  • allisonj87
    allisonj87 Posts: 55 Member
    Florence Henderson--She was the MC at the Mrs. America 2011 pageant that I competed in.

    Oh, and the Duck Dynasty guys at church, before they were famous. I live in the same area they do in Monroe, La.
  • ukstarlight05
    I got to meet Red Foo and Sky Blu (LMFAO) at a meet&greet before their concert in Chicago last year. And I met Ryan Cabrera twice - back when he still had bleach blonde tips and "hedgehog" bedhed lol.
  • jayche
    jayche Posts: 1,128 Member
  • SkinnyBubbaGaar
    SkinnyBubbaGaar Posts: 389 Member
    There have been many, but would probably have to pick this moment....

    (That's me on the far left)

  • highheeldiva01
    highheeldiva01 Posts: 1,206 Member
    chuck norris!!!!!! <3 I luv him!!!! he's old but he can kick some butt!!!!
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,472 Member
    i thought we were talking sex.
  • highheeldiva01
    highheeldiva01 Posts: 1,206 Member

    k i'm done now
  • TheRightWeigh
    TheRightWeigh Posts: 249 Member
    More infamous, then famous, but I knew Gerald Stano - a serial killer from Ormond Beach, Florida, when I was a teenager. I used to hitchhike "back in the day" and met him through a friend. He told me to call him anytime I needed a ride because hitchhiking was dangerous!! He literally gave me 100's of rides over the course of a year or two and he was never out of line with me! He killed 41 women and was executed many years ago.

    Hey, that's creepy. Maybe he was saving you for last?

    Aren't you supposed to save the best for last?? LOL - luckily I never had to find out!

    . i guess you didn't fit into his MO. That's quite chilling, actually
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    I don't pay too much attention to celebrities. We've had two come into our store... both times I had NO IDEA.

    BUT this one time one of the members of Glass Tiger came in. I was freaking out. Recognized HIM immediately. I was all: AAAHHHH! Flirted my butt of and when he left I was gushing to my coworkers and they were like: "Who?"

    *glowers at coworkers*

    They can recognize some contestant from some stupid reality show but they can't recognize a freaking Canadian musician. *shaking my head* So disappointing.
  • rishonb
    rishonb Posts: 232
    omg working at the Newark international airport i met so many stars..i seriously can't count how many stars i met..but the funniest story that sticks out to me is when i was on my lunch break..(this was so long ago)...i had to use the bathroom so bad i was running through the airport.. i'am at the urinal and all of a sudden this shadow came upon most men don't look left to right when they at the urinal.. but i just happen to glance and my neck just went up and it was shaquille O'neal ..i said aren't you shaq and he said i think so!!! than i went to shake his hand and he told me let me wash my hands just crazy!!!
  • danasings
    danasings Posts: 8,218 Member
    I once met Bill Murray at a stoplight. He walked up to my car, licked my windshield, whispered "No one's gonna believe you," and walked away.

    Well played, Bill Murray. Well played.

    That's hilarious. I met him at Molly Malone's in Los friend's band played earlier, he was there to see the headlining band. My husband thought he was rude to me - i asked if he would take a photo with my friend (the girl who played earlier in the evening) because it was her birthday, and he patted me on the head and said no thanks. I was apparently to drunk to care at the time. :drinker:

    I used to hang out with Jeremy Renner before he was famous. He's a great actor and an incredible singer, also was a very nice guy back then.

    I've met Colin Farrell and practically drooled all over him. My God, that man is hot.

    When I worked for the show The Osbournes, I met the entire family plus a few notable others. The most notable was Dave Grohl. He is very cool, down to earth, and his wife (at the time she was his fiancee) is stunningly beautiful and very sweet.

    There have been others, but those are the ones that immediately stand out.

    Oh, for country fans - I met Josh Gracin at a Country Bash, he was a complete *kitten*.
  • ashley2586
    ashley2586 Posts: 50 Member
    Speaker of the house Jim Wright (Most awesome old guy ever!!! )


    Dog the Bounty Hunter and his posse. Beth and Dog are the RUDEST, most self absorbed people I have ever met. They were in a rush to get to a book signing, but stopped in for lunch. Beth and Dog ordered plates which require lots of questions to ensure i get everything they wanted, correct. Once the food came out Beth decided one part of her meal was awful and needed to get a menu to order something new, when i offered to just change that one thing, to make it right. she snapped at me and then proceeded to order a burger-welldone, in the middle of me still passing out everyone's food. when i went to put the burger in i couldnt recall what cheese she wanted on the burger i kindly went and asked her and Dog, condescendingly said "maybe you should write that down, honey" I gave him the biggest, cheesiest smile and said "oh, no thats ok, i think ill remember this time!"

    Dog had also insisted that the tanning salon next door to the restaurant close down mid afternoon so that he could tan in private. and when they walked out of the restaurant, i held the doors open, a small kid asked for Dog's autograph. He had the nerve to put his hand in the kids face like he was being a pest.

    Leeland and the others were wonderful, but those two were *kitten*. Oh, and their credit card declined. lol
  • highheeldiva01
    highheeldiva01 Posts: 1,206 Member
    ROFLOL now that's AWESOME!!!!!!
  • highheeldiva01
    highheeldiva01 Posts: 1,206 Member
    ROFLOL now that's AWESOME!!!!!!

    met that for rishonb's story LOL