Are you looking for new friends? Start here :)



  • autumndragon22
    autumndragon22 Posts: 20 Member
    I've been using MFP for about a month now solo. But I would love to have some friends to cheer on and vise versa! I'm starting my C25K next monday. Anyone who is at ANY stage during that program please please please hit that 'add friend' button. I will need all the motivation I can get because here's the thing. I HATE running but I've always wanted to run a 5K. I've heard that once you start running it becomes addictive. Lets hope that is the case! I have about 50 pounds I want to lose and I have lost 7(ish) already.

    btw I am a TERRIBLE logger. I am trying to get bettter. There are days I forget. Days I don't log EVERYTHING... because I forget. But I pretty much stay between 1200 and 1500 after workout calories a day. So if you are someone who nit picks over diaries you may want to pass up watching mine. =)

    Another note... a good sense of humor is a real plus!
  • TriggerStorm1309
    TriggerStorm1309 Posts: 82 Member
    im 23 year old female with over 100+ pounds to lose. Im looking for friends to take the journey with me. People to share encouragement and ideas.
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    this is a great site .........I lost 78lbs back in 09/2010 with this site but I let tragic things and life in general get in the way and gained everything I lost plus some .........I can say I am back with more of a positive attitude and more determination .........anyone is welcome to add me .............wishing everyone much success in their healthy lifestyle :bigsmile:
  • Add me! :wink:
  • add me ;)
  • ms_kellie
    ms_kellie Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! My name is Kellie! I just joined and would love some support! I have a long journey a head of me and could use any and all the support I can get! :)
  • Jojan_neke
    Jojan_neke Posts: 44 Member
    Yessss!! You guys can add me if you want! I am very active. :)
  • bktrini
    bktrini Posts: 30 Member
    Restarted plan today and would love some more friends to be accountability partners!! Add me..I update daily.
  • Hello I'm new here , I always starts random diets and end up by gaining the same weight,
    I hope I stick to my goal and get the motivation from you guys by reading inspiring stories
    And sharing your value experiences =)
  • I am up for friends.. Be warned I am inappropriate most times and I curse a lot.
  • fishsticks913
    fishsticks913 Posts: 123 Member
    Support is always good! I love my MFP friends.....
    Feel free to add me if you want...
  • dawsonlee12
    dawsonlee12 Posts: 10 Member
    Just click on arrow under persons name and go to profile. There you will find add friend button
  • chall0688
    chall0688 Posts: 15 Member
    I'm always interested in making new friends. Just readjusted my goals and am ready to kick this weight to the curb. :)
  • bre8199
    bre8199 Posts: 10 Member
    New here too. Actually a WW dropout. Just seemed to get fatter on WW! I have about 100 pounds to loose, but focusing 1 day at a time! Feel free to add me!
  • StacyB827
    StacyB827 Posts: 2 Member
    I am new here as well. Have been working on my weight loss goal for about a year now (40 lbs lost) and still have a little way to go to meet my goal. I've been at a plateau for awhile, time to kick it into gear and get this last bit off! Support from others is always a good thing and it helps to keeps you accountable!
  • victorshnaydruk
    victorshnaydruk Posts: 28 Member
    hey add me)) defiently could use some motivation as wee as help others out
  • Hiya, I have about 90pounds I want to loose, would love to make some new friends who can help motivate me! So feel free to add me! :)
  • Hi!
    I'm (kinda) new and need motivation!
    Add me!
  • BrittBritt12321
    BrittBritt12321 Posts: 247 Member
    Heyyy, add me!(:
  • taymarie8046
    taymarie8046 Posts: 27 Member
    Looking from friends and support to get through this journey! Add me if you are too!!! :-)