Gluten Free Girls (and Guys!)



  • CardioRS
    CardioRS Posts: 88
    Does anyone know - I had a discussion with a gal from church about maltodextrin. Now realizing I quit buying products with this ingredient some time ago because I was told it was made from wheat, I completely cut it out. While at a barbecue yesterday, "Sheri" told me that it is not a gluten product. I did some research on line, but am hopeful someone out there is better educated on this than I am. It appears that in the US that maltodextrin is primarily made from corn, but in Europe it is made from wheat. However, the information I found indicates that because of the "process used to manufacture" maltodextrin, the gluten is removed. Help! How? :noway: (Where is the science?) It can be made from wheat. Is this accurate? I'm not trusting this information that you can remove it at this point.

    Thanks in advance! :flowerforyou:
  • yvonneh
    yvonneh Posts: 64

    Stick with it. I gained about 20 pounds, too, when I cut out the gluten, and it has stuck around for a year and a half. I got bummed and starting sneaking gluten back in here and there, which didn't make me lose either. Only now am I finally starting to lose weight. I didn't start to lose until I also cut out casien, the protein found in milk, and cut out most of the processed sugar. I've started seeing and acupuncturist as well. She's the one who told me to cut out the casein & sugar, as their was systemic inflammation in my body due to my digestion being compromised. From what I've read, it is possible the gluten had damaged my digestive system and thus other foods were not being digested properly. I may be able to eat a little casein every so often once I'm healed. After a month, the great news is that some chronic pains in my shoulder and hip are getting better, and I was even able to run some without pain. I've also found hot yoga helps the body to detox and my digestion feels better afterwards.

    I was depressed at first when she told me to cut out even more of my favorite foods, but I've found some great gluten/casein free cookbooks lately. The Almond Flour Cookbook, the Spunky Coconut, and the Gluten Free Vegan (I'm not vegan, but the recipes are great!) all have some delicious ideas. I made bread last night and it was so good to have "real" textured bread again! I'm eating whole foods by default, since I have to cook most everything myself. But I find I enjoy it, like I'm taking care of myself, plus I'm starting to feel better and lighter.

    CutMD - Thanks for the links to the articles!
  • islandnutshel
    islandnutshel Posts: 1,143 Member
    Found you, Same thing, I have was posting for celiacs and then found this stream. Feels good to have company. I have been wheat sensitive since I can remember, never ate my school sandwiches. But it took another 15 year of a love / hate relationship with food to understand that it wasn't just baked goods, but soy sauce, soup bases, Rye, malt..... those little things counted.
    In the meantime, I lost my gallbladder to the disease. (from losing weight to quickly) Funny problem to look back on now that I should lose 50ish. Finally, diagnosed from symptoms because having been of wheat so long, biopsy's don't work. Also igA defficiant, blood tests don't work. Love, Love, Love how I feel now, out of my brain fog, bloating and cramping gone, energy back.
    This is how NORMAL FEELS!!! So to all those still figuring it out. Keep up the effort. It get's easier, and you'll not even crave those big doughy cinnamon buns.
  • islandnutshel
    islandnutshel Posts: 1,143 Member
    Found you, Same thing, I have was posting for celiacs and then found this stream. Feels good to have company. I have been wheat sensitive since I can remember, never ate my school sandwiches. But it took another 15 year of a love / hate relationship with food to understand that it wasn't just baked goods, but soy sauce, soup bases, Rye, malt..... those little things counted.
    In the meantime, I lost my gallbladder to the disease. (from losing weight to quickly) Funny problem to look back on now that I should lose 50ish. Finally, diagnosed from symptoms because having been of wheat so long, biopsy's don't work. Also igA defficiant, blood tests don't work. Love, Love, Love how I feel now, out of my brain fog, bloating and cramping gone, energy back.
    This is how NORMAL FEELS!!! So to all those still figuring it out. Keep up the effort. It get's easier, and you'll not even crave those big doughy cinnamon buns.
  • tigersgirl
    tigersgirl Posts: 66 Member
    I am not celiac however my boyfriend is along with dairy, yeast and soy intolerant. We have been eating cleanly for about 2 months now and it has made a huge difference. I was just wondering if anyone has any websites to search for cost effective gluten free products? I checked and found some items but they did not have a big selection. We live in a smaller area of Michigan and do not have access to Whole Foods or Trader Joe's that I see everyone talk about. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
  • islandnutshel
    islandnutshel Posts: 1,143 Member
    Think about what you go through made me very grateful to have a local restaurant that features true gluten free food, including separate cooking utensils. There is nothing like having a place to go that I don't trust. No matter how careful I explain an order at other restaurants they do something stupid like add pancake mix to their omlettes to make them fluffy. Why did I bother saying gluten free, no wheat, mixed spices, sauces.... Sorry for the rant
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Found you, Same thing, I have was posting for celiacs and then found this stream. Feels good to have company. I have been wheat sensitive since I can remember, never ate my school sandwiches. But it took another 15 year of a love / hate relationship with food to understand that it wasn't just baked goods, but soy sauce, soup bases, Rye, malt..... those little things counted.
    In the meantime, I lost my gallbladder to the disease. (from losing weight to quickly) Funny problem to look back on now that I should lose 50ish. Finally, diagnosed from symptoms because having been of wheat so long, biopsy's don't work. Also igA defficiant, blood tests don't work. Love, Love, Love how I feel now, out of my brain fog, bloating and cramping gone, energy back.
    This is how NORMAL FEELS!!! So to all those still figuring it out. Keep up the effort. It get's easier, and you'll not even crave those big doughy cinnamon buns.

  • CardioRS
    CardioRS Posts: 88
    I am not celiac however my boyfriend is along with dairy, yeast and soy intolerant. We have been eating cleanly for about 2 months now and it has made a huge difference. I was just wondering if anyone has any websites to search for cost effective gluten free products? I checked and found some items but they did not have a big selection. We live in a smaller area of Michigan and do not have access to Whole Foods or Trader Joe's that I see everyone talk about. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

    We have Azure Standard delivery here to our school ($500 monthly gets free s/h as a group of moms), but I think they do UPS deliveries as well. If they won't ship to your area, ask if they can refer you to someone in your area. We have had the best things come from here. Good luck and here 'ya go:
  • leavinglasvegas
    leavinglasvegas Posts: 1,495
    Thanks for that link Cardio. I ordered a cataloge.

    tigersgirl- Can I ask where you are in Michigan? I am as well, maybe I know of someplace you can go.... I was just up in Tawas for the weekend and found a health food store, lol. I never expected that, lol. Normally people up there give me a special look when it comes to my eating. :huh: A vegan amongst a town of hunters:noway: Sometimes I don't think I'll make it home without being force fed fresh game:sick: :laugh: :wink:
  • tigersgirl
    tigersgirl Posts: 66 Member
    Thanks CardioRS-- I will check out that site.
    WannabeCullen- I am from Lansing Area, work in GR. My BF's family has a cottage in Tawas- I cant believe they have a health store now- its been a few years since we have been up there. We also go towards Detroit alot, so we could also my a stop on the way to. We did find a book from Cecelia's Market that shows different products that are GF, casein, dairy and soy free and that should help out more at the regular grocery store.
  • CardioRS
    CardioRS Posts: 88
    I haven't weighed in, but I am definitely losing inches! :flowerforyou: If feels amazing! I have been gluten free now for about 3 months and was originally told to not work out the 1st two months I was dispensing of gluten. The last couple of weeks I it it hard at the gym and lost 7.5 inches last week. Woohoo! I don't know if my weight is down and really don't care right now. I noticed the distended abdomen and the general swelling went away about 4 weeks ago, so it seems these "inches" is probably related to feeling SOOOOO much better :smile: and actually being able to hit the gym every day (sometimes twice). Its very much like my pre-surgery days (surgery was 7/1/09) when I was not having gluten issues. Some days it seems so weird feeling energized and being able to feel "normal" again; it is almost euphoric right now. :drinker:
  • leavinglasvegas
    leavinglasvegas Posts: 1,495
    Cardio- I know what you mean! Sometimes I have to pinch myself because feeling well is just so foriegn to me. I think about all the times I thought I felt well, and it doesn't even hold a candle to now!

    tigersgirl- There are 2 Better Health Markets in Lansing. I LOVE Better Health Market! From the listings, they both have groceries and the vitamin shop, and it looks like one of them has a cafe.... Never seen that, but how cool! I buy about a third of my groceries from them each month. They have a nice gluten free selection and will order whatever you want if they don't have it. The market in Sterling Heights host movie niights. They recently showed Food Inc. and served non-gmo popcorn and had a discussion afterwards. I love this place! Anyway, hope that helps some.

    BetterHealth Market of Lansing
    6235 West Saginaw
    Lansing, MI 48917
    Phone: 517-323-9186
    Hours: Mon-Sat 9am-9pm, Sun 12pm-5pm
    View Map & Directions

    BetterHealth Market of Lansing
    305 N. Clippert Ave.
    Lansing, MI 48912
    Phone: 517-332-6892
    Hours: Mon-Thu 9am-9pm, Fri-Sat 9am-7pm, Sun 11am-5pm
    View Map & Directions
    Café Menu Big
    Café Menu TAke-out
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    That's interesting that you were told not to workout when you had just started being gluten free- was it a doctor, or a nutritionist, that told you that? I was never told that, but certainly had days at the beginning when I just felt like crap. Glad you're feeling better :flowerforyou: It's amazing, isn't it? :bigsmile:
  • tigersgirl
    tigersgirl Posts: 66 Member
    Thanks wannabecullen- I actually live down the road from the Better Health Store on Saginaw- I just realized their selection on GF food when I was looking for GF/DF/SF gum this past weekend. I signed up for the saver card as you get coupons in the mail and I love to save where I can
  • CardioRS
    CardioRS Posts: 88
    That's interesting that you were told not to workout when you had just started being gluten free- was it a doctor, or a nutritionist, that told you that? I was never told that, but certainly had days at the beginning when I just felt like crap. Glad you're feeling better :flowerforyou: It's amazing, isn't it? :bigsmile:

    I was actually told by a friend (who is studying to be a Naturopath). In her reading, she came across it and she experienced the same thing - an actual desire to not add activity in as well. Crazy!?! Seems to be working, because I feel great.

    On a side note, my hubby found that his favorite local cutlery shop is now having a day, once a week, where they are doing ALL GLUTEN FREE BAKING. Wow! He brought me home a sampler and I fell in love with it. :love: He also brought me home a loaf of this beautiful bread. It was wonderful! What a stud, he is! Sure is nice to see our cause becoming more widely accepted. :tongue:
  • TropicalKitty
    TropicalKitty Posts: 2,298 Member
    Hi all!

    My name is Jessy and I am so thrilled to have found this thread. I've only read the first few posts, but already think that this is a great place for me! I'll give you a bit of my story. I've always been overweight and my family lives off of carbs. Cake, cookies, bread, pasta, beer, pizza. (All so yummy and naughty!) I never thought much of what they were doing to me, other than the obvious fat result. Well, several years ago I tried South Beach diet and when I went to add bread back into my diet I bloated right back up. Fast forward to now, my tummy has been so irritated I can't take it anymore. I feel like I've lost my life. I'm afraid to go out because I don't know if I'll have to run to the WC, being bloaty and gassy, not to mention just feeling icky. As I thought about it, I've had what we're told we should have: whole wheat and wheat products! This past weekend, I decided to cut bread/wheat out of my diet as much as possible (curse hidden additives!) and have noted a huge difference. I'm not irritated and bloaty! My nutritional coach has given me a more detailed plan for an elimination diet, so your recipes and product suggestions on here are going to be of great utility in the next week and probably longer as I really am feeling fantastic so far sans wheat.

    So, kelynn, thank you for starting this thread! And thank you to the rest of you who have joined and kept this going!

    Jessy :)
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    So I thought my post came through, but obviously not!:angry::explode:
    Welcome Tropical Kitty!

    Here it is again! I tried the red Bridge GF beer and I like the New Grist better out of the 2. I think I am going to try to make my own GF beer this summer.

    I made GF, Soy, Corn, Dairy,and Nut free marshmallows and graham crackers yesterday and they taste awesome!!!!! we are going ot have s'mores this weekend! YAY!!!! I got it from the Enjoy Life's Cookies for Everyone recipe book I just picked up a couple of weeks ago.
  • leavinglasvegas
    leavinglasvegas Posts: 1,495
    Welcome tropical kitty! I did the South Beach Diet too. I would stay on phase 1 for 4-6 weeks, but as soon as I shifted to phase 2 I bloated right up. I know exactly what you mean!

    Nicolee516- I bought 2 six packs of Red Bridge for Memorial weekend. Then my doctor told me no alcohol.:grumble: So they are just sitting here. Would you say if I haven't had any beer for a year, I won't really notice much of a change when I finally get to drink it? (I tried to return it to Whole Foods, but Michigan law doesn't allow them to accept returns for alcohol.)
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Holly- I think it will taste good to you!:flowerforyou: I have always been rather particular with my beer. I prefer IPA's because they have the nice hop hit. Neither one of those beers have that, so I am just going by which is slightly more appealing to me. I think if I hadn't had a beer in a year, it wouldn't matter so much!:tongue:
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