Aspartame in Milk?



  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    Fact: I didn't even notice a difference between each of your profile pictures. Does that mean I think you're both men? Women? Hacking something at the same time and not paying attention? Not sure. But I do know you're best buds. So cute sticking up for him :)

    You just lost any shred of credibility you might have had.

    And good job editing the post after being called out on the comment.

    Also, In the 90's we always had chocolate milk in school. We have a choice between chocolate and white milk. There are plenty of fit 90's kids in the world who drank chocolate milk with lunch.
  • Makes me SOO glad I don't drink milk or other dairy products! But I am worried they might do this to soy or rice milks :/
  • Just don't drink the milk with aspartame in it if you don't want it? Is that not a solution?

    There's clearly a market for products sweetened with aspartame to lower calories. I don't think that there is a reason to disallow it - no one is going to force you to drink the artificially sweetened milk.
  • cassiepv
    cassiepv Posts: 242 Member
    Why not just sweeten it NATURALLY? Why is that so friggin' hard?! Maybe with erythritol or stevia-- or even xylitol-- it prevents cavities, for goodness sake.

    Why must be shove these awful chemicals down their throats? **Sigh**

    I'm sure they could do that too, if it needs sweetening at all. Nobody is forcing anybody to drink chocolate milk, just like nobody is forcing anybody to drink coke, or juice or whatever.

    Just drink plain milk, problem solved. NOBODY IS SUGGESTING ASPRTAME BE ADDED TO PLAIN MILK.

    ^^ so they're adding aspartame to my regular milk ?!? ( runs screaming lighting house on fire )
  • Alex_is_Hawks
    Alex_is_Hawks Posts: 3,499 Member

    Fact: I didn't even notice a difference between each of your profile pictures. Does that mean I think you're both men? Women? Hacking something at the same time and not paying attention? Not sure. But I do know you're best buds. So cute sticking up for him :)

    i hope that made you feel better, since it's clearly clarified for the rest of us who needs to be relegated to the little kids table.

    maybe trying growing up and leaving the personal attacks at home before playing again.

    thanks for trying!
  • _noob_
    _noob_ Posts: 3,306 Member
    I've not killed organisms with sodium arsenate, sodium arsenite, mercuric chloride, cadmium chloride, a variety of perflouroacids, aflatoxin, fumonisin, lead chloride, (running at a loss here, I forgot what else I've not killed things with).

    Anyway, I had a point here, but I can't remember.
  • Shock_Wave
    Shock_Wave Posts: 1,573 Member
    Why not just sweeten it NATURALLY? Why is that so friggin' hard?! Maybe with erythritol or stevia-- or even xylitol-- it prevents cavities, for goodness sake.

    Why must be shove these awful chemicals down their throats? **Sigh**

    I'm sure they could do that too, if it needs sweetening at all. Nobody is forcing anybody to drink chocolate milk, just like nobody is forcing anybody to drink coke, or juice or whatever.

    Just drink plain milk, problem solved. NOBODY IS SUGGESTING ASPRTAME BE ADDED TO PLAIN MILK.

    ^^ so they're adding aspartame to my regular milk ?!? ( runs screaming lighting house on fire )

    ^ Silly blondes hahaha :laugh:

    Another joke in the making. How do you get a blonde to set her house on fire..? Tell her there is aspartame in her milk..:laugh:
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    Maybe I'm confused? From what I read in the original article:
    Dairy industry groups have asked the Food and Drug Administration to be able to put artificial sweeteners in milk, and not change the label, claiming that it is so consumers can "more easily identify its overall nutritional value".

    Isn't that what's happening? I'd like some clarification :(

    The original article is terrible. Here is a better one:

    They are allowed to add sugar or HFCS to milk and still call it milk. For example "chocolate milk" always has HFCS or sugar added to it.

    They want to be able to add zero-calorie sweeteners like aspartame, Stevia, etc, instead of HFCS/sugar and still sell the items as "chocolate milk." Right now, doing so is illegal.

    I think it would be good to be able to buy "chocolate milk" that has aspartame or stevia instead of HFCS added to it.

    Ah, I see, thanks for the clarification! As long as it's labeled (cane sugar, HFCS, stevia, aspartame), then that's fine. As long as the consumer can see what's in the milk and decide based on that. Personally I don't consume aspartame because it gives me headaches and I try to avoid artificial sweeteners, but if someone who is, say, diabetic wants to buy chocolate milk, then it's a good option to have!

    Research has shown that artificial sweeteners cause insulin spikes and those insulin spikes make the Type II diabetic person ravenous! They would be much better off without artificial sweeteners. I do not use sugar, simple carbs or artificial sweeteners and I'm still here! In fact, my health has significantly improved.

    Also protein is highly insulinogenic, best avoid that too

    Protein is essential to the body.....aspartame is most definitely not! Nor are carbohydrates/sugar because the body creates it.

    But in relation to this comment, "Research has shown that artificial sweeteners cause insulin spikes and those insulin spikes make the Type II diabetic person ravenous! They would be much better off without artificial sweeteners", that aspartame should be avoided by type II's because it spikes insulin (even though it doesn't), then by the same logic, protein should be avoided too, since it spikes insulin

    My doc confirmed that the research shows that artificial sweeteners DO spike insulin levels. Of course, all research is suspect now because it is often "science for hire" these days.

    So how did your doc wade through all the literature to determine which was suspect and which was legit?

    Don't know---maybe it was his observations of his Type II patients?
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    I don't really drink milk, but I also don't care about aspartame.

  • 1ConcreteGirl
    1ConcreteGirl Posts: 3,677 Member
    I'm not gonna read this whole thread, but I hope you know that dairy cows are fed copious amounts of jelly beans to sweeten their milk.

    That is all.
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    I'm not gonna read this whole thread, but I hope you know that dairy cows are fed copious amounts of jelly beans to sweeten their milk.

    That is all.

    No, you're thinking of Ronald Reagan.
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    Makes me SOO glad I don't drink milk or other dairy products! But I am worried they might do this to soy or rice milks :/

    Guess what? They put synthetic Vitamin D2 in a lot of artificial "milks". D2 is very bad because it binds magnesium in the body--not a good thing for a majority of people who are already magnesium-deficient (as 85% of N. Americans are).
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    I'm not gonna read this whole thread, but I hope you know that dairy cows are fed copious amounts of jelly beans to sweeten their milk.

    That is all.

    No, you're thinking of Ronald Reagan.

    Hated broccoli. Fact.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    I'm not gonna read this whole thread, but I hope you know that dairy cows are fed copious amounts of jelly beans to sweeten their milk.

    That is all.

    No, you're thinking of Ronald Reagan.

    Hated broccoli. Fact.

    I like jelly beans. I hate broccoli. I also rarely know what's going on.
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    I'm not gonna read this whole thread, but I hope you know that dairy cows are fed copious amounts of jelly beans to sweeten their milk.

    That is all.

    No, you're thinking of Ronald Reagan.

    Hated broccoli. Fact.

    I like jelly beans. I hate broccoli. I also rarely know what's going on.

    What about a Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Broccoli Bean?
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    I'm not gonna read this whole thread, but I hope you know that dairy cows are fed copious amounts of jelly beans to sweeten their milk.

    That is all.

    No, you're thinking of Ronald Reagan.

    Hated broccoli. Fact.

    I like jelly beans. I hate broccoli. I also rarely know what's going on.

    My sample size of two proves that eating broccoli with your jelly beans will increase mental awareness!
    _SABOTEUR_ Posts: 6,833 Member
    I'm not gonna read this whole thread, but I hope you know that dairy cows are fed copious amounts of jelly beans to sweeten their milk.

    That is all.

    No, you're thinking of Ronald Reagan.

    You've been drinking Ronald Reagan's milk? You sick mo'fo.
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    I'm not gonna read this whole thread, but I hope you know that dairy cows are fed copious amounts of jelly beans to sweeten their milk.

    That is all.

    No, you're thinking of Ronald Reagan.

    Hated broccoli. Fact.

    Actually, I think it was Bush Sr. who said he hates broccoli. :tongue:
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    I'm not gonna read this whole thread, but I hope you know that dairy cows are fed copious amounts of jelly beans to sweeten their milk.

    That is all.

    No, you're thinking of Ronald Reagan.

    You've been drinking Ronald Reagan's milk? You sick mo'fo.

    I am a real American, fight for the rights of every man.
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    I'm not gonna read this whole thread, but I hope you know that dairy cows are fed copious amounts of jelly beans to sweeten their milk.

    That is all.

    No, you're thinking of Ronald Reagan.

    Hated broccoli. Fact.

    Actually, I think it was Bush Sr. who said he hates broccoli. :tongue:

    I knew it was one of those dudes.