barbiecat Posts: 17,136 Member
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
This is the month when summer begins even for those of us up north where it’s been rainy and 50 degrees for weeks……..Welcome to the thread that changed my life……It says that it’s for Women 50+ and to us that means all women who are traveling the weight loss path…..We check in regularly with each other and share our success and failures and life experience.

How did you do with your goals for May? What goals do you have for June?

If you haven’t set goals for June, stick around for awhile and see what others are doing and you’ll get some great ideas.

We can do together what we cannot do alone……….Never, never, never give up :bigsmile: :bigsmile:


  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    It's not June yet here but I found the thread early, so...

    I didn't do that well with my May goals. I did get in my protein and water. But I am back to staying up late instead of going to bed early. I also still am struggling with my calf injury. I tried to take it easy this month and rest it up but I don't think I quite managed it. We'll see what happens in the next two weeks...

    I will have to think about June goals. My goals are starting to turn into something generic like all those years I'd make a new year's resolution to lose weight and forget about it two weeks later. I need to focus and pick something I'm really going to work on!
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Just put this on the May page, so I will repost:
    Just stopping by to tell you all goodbye for a little bit. I am leaving in the morning, and camping at the lake until Sunday night. I told my husband today that I am taking steaks to grill for our anniversary tomorrow night, and actually plan to eat one for the first time in about 18 months. But no potato - I bought fresh broccoli and tomatoes to cook with some dill and lemon pepper.

    I am hoping for good weather. Forecast is for about 90 every day, and 65 at night, with the usual midwest "chance of thunderstorms." I'm sure that we won't get the snowstorm that we had last trip, but hoping for no tornadoes. They always kind of put a damper on the festivities while we look for cover.

    I will really miss logging, since I am not even pre-logging like I usually do, but have my menu made and know that I am planning to eat good foods that will be in my plan. I will see you all next week, and until then, Here's to smart choices!
  • Lianne95519
    Lianne95519 Posts: 63 Member
    Hi everyone,
    Happy June. Just catching the thread.

  • bjberry
    bjberry Posts: 665 Member
    Hey, I'm 57, going on 58, so I guess I fit in here.
    Feb: Lost 26 lbs since Feb 5, 2010 (16 of those since early March 2010, when I joined this site.)
    May: Lost 5 lbs in May (about one lb per week , which is my goal.)
    Jun: Plan to lose 4-6 lbs.
    My final goal is 147 lbs, but I may aim for 142, once I attain 147.

    I want a healthier body and to live at least 20 more years, God willing. My grandson (almost 6yo) is the primary person who keeps me moving. He loves to be chased and I like to speed-walk! Then I throw myself down on the couch and recuperate for about 15 minutes, before we start again. ;)
    Health issues:
    - Fibromyalghia (trick--get up and moving. The pain gets much less with movement).
    - Large abdominal hernia (from multiple abdominal issues and surgeries), so I have to exercise in ways that work my legs and arms and side abdominal muscles, instead of the rectus abdominal muscles--which are removed.) Chasing the grandson works very well for that, plus stretching and wearing an abdominal support.
    I love having gone from a size 18 down to a size 14 (I'm almost to a size 12).
    You-all take care of yourselves and have fun with life!
    DAKTHREE Posts: 52
    I just turned 53 and would love to join your thread. This is new to me. Is there anything I'm supposed to do other than post?
    I wish fantastic results for everyone in June:)
  • mimi7grands
    mimi7grands Posts: 616
    I’m back home after spending the weekend with family celebrating my DN’s (dear nephew’s) engagement and reveling in the sun. Even though I had a wonderful time, I’m glad to be back where I feel more in control of eating. The nibble-y stuff is hard – but getting easier.

    My DN and his bride-to-be plan to get married on a mountaintop on July 3. Being thinner will make the trek (a short one) easier. I have to laugh though. They’ve invited about 350 people and are now telling people it’s going to be pretty rough going getting to the summit and it’s okay to just come for the reception. They are so young (22) and a great couple but not very practical! :laugh:

    I'm happy with my progress (not perfection!) in meeting May goals...made the 1.5 to 2 lbs per week weight loss. Got as close as the hair on my chinny chin chin (half a pound) to losing 100 lbs by my birthday 5/20 from my most awful weight 9 years ago. Did better with exercise but still have a ways to go. And improved at counting my blessings. I am blessed in so many ways and a big part of that these days is all the encouragement from this great bunch. :flowerforyou:

    Goals for June? Continue with 1.5 to 2 lbs weight loss per week. Get to the half-way point in reaching my goal weight. Exercise at least 30 minutes a day for 5 days a week. Continue to count my blessings.


    Mary, glad to see you back. Hope you had a nice birthday. I enjoyed listening to the music. Enjoy your anniversary camping trip. Steak sounds good and the healthy sides sound even better. That’s great progress.

    Ainslieglen, welcome home! I like Crystal’s voice a little better than Lee’s, but I was still happy to see him win. I have to laugh at myself for being so addicted to that show. It’s a good kind of reality show. You have done really well with your weight loss, especially as you’ve been away from home so much. I don’t know how to explain the 5 lbs? Are you using a different scale? If not, your body is just messing with you. To actually gain 5 lbs of fat would mean eating an extra 17,500 calories. I doubt you’ve done that!

    Jackie, maintaining is an accomplishment in and of itself. You’ll get going soon. I can hear it in your “voice!”

    Barbie, good for you for getting out in the bad weather. You are a better woman than I am!

    Robin, you’re DH sounds like a sweetie with his positive comments. I bet you look hot (!) in your size 10 jeans!

    MacMadame, an anniversary date deserves celebrating. I hope you enjoyed every bite! And, getting more sleep than you did before falls right into that category of “progress not perfection.”

    Barb, I hope you get your dry weather. We finally got a few days of it. Makes a nice change!

    Viv, thanks for reminding me to be thankful. Today, on a personal level, I’m thankful to get back to logging what I eat accurately. On a larger level, I’m thankful to everyone in the military who’s given his or her life for us.

    Welcome, zanniew. You’ve done really well. What do I do? Well, I’m in the “Just learning” phase. But, what I’ve learned works is to load up on all kinds of delicious and healthy fruits and veggies. I’m rebellious by nature and, when faced with temptation, tend to go for it. When I’m full of delicious foods the temptation just miraculously goes away! So…I’m not any better at resisting temptation but I am a lot better at avoiding it!

    Barbara, your post made me smile! Thanks.

    Terri, you gave us some wise advice. And you’re right about progress. I’m reminded of the saying, “Progress, not perfection.” When I was looking online for the source of that saying (It’s one of the 12 Steps), I came across someone’s comment that “progress is perfection.” I like that.

    Kackie, I loved hearing about the boys. I’m glad it was a successful weekend.

    VickiM, I’m glad you have such heartwarming memories of your mom. It sounds like you’re on track for a great June.

    Faye, way to go on the exercise and weight loss. I hope it sticks and then some. Your hummus variation sounds mouth watering!

    Donna, I’m glad you’re back. Getting to bed sounds like a great idea. MFP (this thread in particular) has kept me up for a good hour past my bedtime. Yawn.

    Michelle, you did GREAT at the cookout. You made great choices. And you enjoyed them. I love it when we can try a little of the “old” stuff, realize it doesn’t taste all that good, then eat some of the “new” stuff and realize it’s wonderful.

    Hello to BJB, Gail, and Lianne. This is a terrific thread, with lots of caring, sharing, and support. It’s changed my life. :love:
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hi everyone

    just marking the thread so I can catch up with you all tonight. :heart:

    Better dash I am late for work - I'll think about goals for June:bigsmile:


    Viv :smile:
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    I'm going to be 51 in a fortnight, so thought I'd join in if that's ok with you guys.

    I've managed to lose 62 pounds so far, but would really like to lose another 50. Because of arthritis in my knee and a bad back (which I broke many years ago), I am unable to do huge amounts of exercise, but do at least 30 minutes a day on the treadmill (not usually all in one go). The benefit of doing this at home is being able to stop as soon as I have to instead of having to worry about getting home again.

    I lost 12 pounds in May and would love to lose at least 10 pounds in June.

    My goals for June:
    To lose 10 lbs
    To speed up my walking on the treadmill
    To never sit on the couch for longer than an hour at at time!
  • mynyddisamrs
    mynyddisamrs Posts: 387
    :flowerforyou: Afternoon everyone .....Welcome to June ...cold and rainy here in N.Wales ...hope this isn't a foretaste of our June Weather!!
    I've been up 2lb, down 2lb, up 2lb etc. for a while now ... I'm getting used to life's ups and downs!!
    :flowerforyou: Welcome to any "Newbies" ...I'm not going to say Hi to the "Oldies" .....you're as old as you feel .Me? Don't ask!!

    I'll be back later after hospital visiting and will try and post new goals for June.

    :heart: Jackie
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,584 Member
    Good morning ladies.

    How did we do on the Core rehab/gut'n'butt challenge? I FLOPPED! Started strong then just "forgot"...Added it to June goals so it will be right in front of my eyes. Other May goals were a mixed bag. Averaged ok on exercise but most weekends were couchpotatohell. Only had to backtrack journal one day. The Lenten experiment has worked so reliably that it's an experiment no longer, part of my lifestyle.
    Haven't got the notebook yet so today's gratitudes here: 1-dodged the upset stomach bullet last night, thanks to Vernor's ginger ale, 2-veterinarian Dr. Mike Koob who will do Robby's dental today, 3-comfy bed for a good night's sleep, 4-clean carpets for the gutt'n'butt, 5-DH who loves the dogs so much... and me!

    Barbie-thank you so much for leading us on the next stage every month. Morning yoga with your DH sounds as precious as when I can tag along with Joe's morning dogwalks. You are right right right, never never never give up! Together we CAN do this.

    Mimi 1.5-2 lbs/wk is progress-not-perfection? Sounds like a miracle to me! At best can average half that. Congratulation and thanks for the wise words!

    Warm welcome to bjb, Gail and Tiarapants (love that name!)

    Gotta dash, have to take the General in early and he's already antsy wondering why his graham cracker magic and breakfast are not forthcoming!

    Happy Healthy Mindful June to all!
  • caminogirl
    caminogirl Posts: 56 Member
    Good morning everyone - and welcome to all the newcomers! I've got my FIL visiting this week - unexpectedly but nice just the same:smile: - just means a lot of care and attention needs to be paid and less time for a long post, but also need to make sure that the dog doesn't knock him over as he's not as steady on his pins as he once was.

    A quick update on my stress test - which turned out to be more me stressing than anything else. I did it last Friday afternoon and my doc called yesterday to say "all was normal, and that I can exercise as much as I want" which translates into "get off your butt and get moving girl" - she wasn't impressed with my workout routine of walking an elderly arthritic dog, my heart needs a better workout than 3 mph! I agree with her, so my June goals will need to reflect that! Just I'm sooooo lazy sometimes:ohwell: :embarassed: :frown: Thank-you again for all the encouragement though - I really hate going into things without knowing exactly what I'm up for!! (a mild case of OCD I think!! :embarassed: )

    A confession too - I've been a poser here for the last month, I don't really turn 50 until Friday! :laugh: :laugh: I'm happy about my upcoming birthday - 40 seemed so traumatic and was marked with a big party, cards with oh so witty remarks and pink flamingos on the lawn but this year we're going to see the Blue Jay beat the Yankees! :wink: :laugh: :wink: I'm much happier in my skin, I love my grey highlights and the wisdom lines across my brow but mostly I can't wait to lose the 80lbs and walk the Camino. There, I've come clean. :happy:

    I'm happy too that I've found you all - I get far more from reading all the posts and the support given to each other is so encouraging :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Enjoy the day - :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello all and welcome to everyone new!

    I did not do well with May and I look forward to being able to set goals again this month. On the Gut&Abs challenge - I did OK. I did not loose any inches but I can tell the difference in my lower abs already. I plan to keep it up for the summer. I'm doing the pelvic lifts and the marching for now. DD started with those until she was strong enough to do the next two. She said I was not doing the side planks or crunches correctly, so I put them aside until I get stronger muscles down there.

    I will set my goals some time today. Oh, for May I did not gain or loose any weight.

    I could not read the posts for some reason. The page opened up funny. I will read them later.

  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    :flowerforyou: Welcome to our new ladies!:flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou: You've found a wonderfully supportive group here at MFP.

    May goals: 1) To remember to drink my water! 2) To eat breakfast EVERY DAY! 3) To work out every morning before work, 4) NO MORE NIGHTTIME SNACKING!

    I did pretty well on my May goals but, even though I did cut out most of my nighttime snacking I still eat too much junk. I am going to change that goal to no more junk foods and I am changing #3 to: work out for 40-60 minutes every day. I really want to get to an hour of 'formal' exercise every morning and I am getting there!

    We have sunshine--for the moment. There are dark clouds off in the distance so I guess we'll be back to rain soon.:grumble:

    Have a great day everyone!
  • Afternoon all m new to ths site and only joined last nght.Ive just made up 50 a couple of weeks ago.I hate being fat and really want to be slim and stay there,i lose the weight but always end up puttng t all back on.So would really hope to lose the fat and keep t off for good this time.So wud really love to be apart of your group for support and motivation.Thanks for readng.
  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    Just a quick in and out here to mark my spot. Lots of running around today including the dentist (oh joy:ohwell: ) Gotta pack a lunch so I can grab a bite before hitting the gym.

  • heartrw
    heartrw Posts: 187 Member
    Greetings all and Happy Summer!! The weather should catch up eventually!! We are overcast and somewhat cool this morning but the birds are singing and my garden could use the rain so I'll choose to be happy about any rain that wants to come our way.

    Thanks Barbie for starting the new thread and Mimi for your kind words. I'm not sure how wise I am, but I am trying to adopt the 12-step lifestyle for my compulsive overeating! One day at a time I am making progress towards sanity.

    Welcome to bjberry, Gail, tiarapants and Mermaid. You have indeed joined a great group!

    May Goals:

    Walk or swim every day! - Nope, not EVERY day. Did pretty good considering an inflamed big toe at the start of the month & vacation
    Count and log all your calories. – HA, Not even close!!
    Stay in touch and on-line at MFP. – Bombed out on this one too!
    Lose 3 pounds this month! - Does losing the same pound three times count???

    As you can see, I really did bomb out on last month’s goals. Being gone from 5/8 through 5/26 didn’t help! I’ll do better this month as work and vacation interruptions are behind me now.

    First week of June Goals:

    1. Exercise a minimum of 30 minutes/day 7 days in a row.
    2. Measure, weigh and log all my food for 7 days in a row.
    3. Keep daily calories at or near 1,200. ... That's it.

    Hope everyone has a great Tuesday!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    holy cow look at all the posts and all the newcomers. Welcome newbies.

    Cathy - no biggy about not being 50 yet. You saw that I just hit it last thursday so I am right there with you.

    My goals for June

    continue to workout like a maniac. I am currently walking/jogging 6-10 miles M-F and walking 3 on Saturday. M-F I am doing the ChaLean Extreme program for strength training. M-F I am doing the 30 day Shred. I am doing Zumba twice a week and I have two weeks left on the EA Active 6 week Challange on Wii (on the hard setting) I also Wii Fit once or twice a week. If the weather ever gets nice I have lots of gardenting and wall building to do as well.

    With the exercise I hope to maintain my 1.5-2 pound a week weightloss. I plan to continue to drink my 16-18 glasses of water per day and to get even closer to my macronutrient goals while maintaining my calorie goals.

    I hope you all hve a great day and heres to June:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,136 Member
    :flowerforyou: I love being able to read the posts while I have my breakfast and the first day of the month is especially wonderful. I am glad to see new members join us.....Welcome !!!!......we were all new here once and found out that joining was as easy as posting and then remembering to post again at least a few times a week......we talk about all sorts of things and mostly encourage each other along the weight loss highway.

    :flowerforyou: How did I do in May? I maintained my weight, finally started doing yoga on a fairly regular basis, traded the easy pilates I was doing for the exercises in the "Gut 'N' Butt" challenge, and completely bombed at taking regular walks with DH entirely because of the nasty Pacific Northwest weather....we walked daily while we were in California on vacation

    :flowerforyou: My goals for June will be the "Gut 'N' Butt" challenge exercises, yoga (with DH who decided a week ago that he wants to do it every morning) and with the cooperation of the weather to take regular walks with DH.......today he is playing golf in the drizzly weather.

    :flowerforyou: I lowered my weight goal again so I'd like to lose those next two pounds this month, but more importantly, I wanted to get my peanut butter eating under control again and increase my exercise and if the pounds come off, that's great.

    :flowerforyou: Robin, I am inspired by your exercise and will strive to be more like you

    :flowerforyou: tiarapants, I like your goal to not sit on the couch for more than an hour, for me it will be to not stay on the computer for more than an hour.

    Having said that, I need to get moving and make good use of having the house to myself for a few hours......it is rare, since DH and I do everything together except that he usually plays golf on days when I'm at dance class.
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Welcome to the month of June and to all the newcomers! :flowerforyou: You are not alone anymore.... and are connected to women all over the world!
    I remained the same weight this month :ohwell: but have been over my calories quite a few times. :blushing: I will try this month to lose 2 lbs (as I only care to lose 7 more) and continue to exercise daily as well as make good food choices. Since I've been connected to this site, a BAD day is almost what a GOOD day was before!!!!:laugh: :laugh:
    Have a great day and a great month!!!:flowerforyou:
  • AnnePDixon
    AnnePDixon Posts: 5 Member
    I am new to MFP - Started May 17th and have lost six pounds this month. and 21 pounds since I retired. I'm 61 years old For me, its a family affair. My older brother, his wife, his daughters and my sister are all on MFP now. We are cheering eachother on.

    In May, I stayed within my calories, drank my water, logged daily,and exercised at least 3 times a week. I added strength training last week. For June, I've set goals as follows: log daily, stay within calories, drink water, use strength training equipment at the Y at 3 times a week, aerobic exercise at least 3 times a week.
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