Rude comment from a coworker



  • NJL13500
    NJL13500 Posts: 433 Member
    Thank you to everyone who had kind words to say. I was just frustrated because I felt like as people said, "You're damned if you do and damned if you don't". My coworker has seen me at both ends of the spectrum of my weight journey and in theory knows how hard I've worked to lose over 100 pounds.

    I have a lot of great friends at MFP and felt that people here would understand because so many of you have gone through it yourselves. (Both the large and the small) Some people would say "Quit your whining", but here people know that it is just plain rude to make a comment about someone's weight when not made in a positive way. "Fat" or "skinny"....can't we all just get along? I know that I can't control other people and my "reaction" was to come here and vent with my MFP community.

    Again, thanks to everyone for making me feel better.
  • cynthiaj777
    cynthiaj777 Posts: 787 Member
    Tell them if I wanted to look like you, I would eat like you.

    I read this as, "Tell them if I wanted to look like you, I would eat you."

    LMAO. Oh man.
  • ccdiva32
    I often get from two coworkers, such as today "eww what are you eating". "That looks so gross (while pointing to my salad with guacomole, egg, carrots, and cucumbers). Why would you buy that in a package (guacomole 100 calorie). While she eats her daily frozen pizza and package of candy number 3 oh did I mention she had two donuts too this a.m... :)
    I hear it from so called friends: "I would never count my calories, that just sounds like so much trouble. You got to live a little. Why do you take all those vitamins no wonder you don't eat" (I do eat all the time about 5 small meals a day around 1600 calories total). Why would you ever run all those miles you are nuts, you never do anything any more (regarding my half marathon training because I can not hang out with you tonight and drink and eat lots of junk, woohoo sounds like so much fun - not).
    Now I never ask people what they think about my foods or my intake of vitamins. This is something they notice and decide to comment about. Sometimes I will talk to people who ask "how do you stay in shape" etc. and I happen to give that information in front of others which I guess gives them a cue to comment rudely about.

    It is awful because I hear more of this from other women. Some women like to belittle others instead of lifting them up.

    But let me tell you these people that comment rudely have all one thing in common they are not healthy, have no desire to be healthy, and they are rude so they just do not get it. Their parents did not teach them any manners and they love to comment about everything negatively or how they would do something or how they do not like something. They have the syndrome "it is all about me". Just spend very little time with negative folks like this! To be healthy is a life style change as well as a change of people who you surround yourself with.

    Good luck everyone!! May the rest of your year be filled with health and positive thoughts!

  • Carlissa3332
    Carlissa3332 Posts: 9 Member
    I agree..