So who's upped their calories to lose?



  • RonandDi
    RonandDi Posts: 120 Member
    For those of you that have upped your calorie intake from MFP suggested amounts, how long did it take for you to see results? I've had good results staying "around" the recomended amounts, and I hate the thoughts of changing it up.
  • mallen404
    mallen404 Posts: 266 Member
    So what you all going to do when you stop losing weight again, increase them even more to lose more weight lol.
    The truth is if you, had lowered your calories gradually to begin with and not had such an agressive deficit then this problem could have been avoided, lesson learnt i think :)

    Lowered? mine were set at 1200 calories.. and my BMR is 1507. I was tired and hungry...

    I don't think going down from 1200 would have been dumb.
  • mindidily
    mindidily Posts: 196 Member
    I just did. I was set to lose 1lb a week and followed MFP's prompt to lower my calories every so often. But it got too low for me (I think it was like 1350-ish?). I plateaued and also found 1350 too hard to stick with. I reset MFP to 1/2lb a week and upped my calories so we'll see!
  • SmartAlec03211988
    SmartAlec03211988 Posts: 1,896 Member
    I was eating 1500 calories for so long, lost 60 lbs. Then it stopped.

    Upped to 1750-2000 and I've lost an additional 20 lbs.
  • autumnpath
    autumnpath Posts: 72 Member
    I upped mine from 1200 to 1380 a day and it has made all the difference in the world. I"m not hungry all the time and I'm losing again!
  • Ph4lanx
    Ph4lanx Posts: 213 Member
    I've gone from 2,050 calories up to 3,100-3,300 (varies on day to day basis, depending on rest, training or dance day). Losing around 2-3lbs per week at the moment.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    I did and guess what? I gained weight.
  • Tatiyanya
    Tatiyanya Posts: 255 Member
    i upped my calories cos i decided am now happy with my weight. Got such a surge of evergy that I started moving more, upped my yoga difficulty even started shyly with lifting not-so-heavy-yet things and the weight still is droping :D I dont eat back all my excercise calories cos I hate feeling of overstuffed belly, so prolly thats why i keep loosing dem lbs.
  • mynameiscarrie
    mynameiscarrie Posts: 963 Member
    I eat at 1600 a day and log my workouts as 1 calorie. If I worked out more, I'd eat more, but I only get to the gym about 3 times a week (30-60 minutes of strength training and 30 minutes cardio on the shorter strength training days) so I stick with 1600. It's worked for me so far! I've noticed my weight isn't going down as fast, but my INCHES are decreasing in all the right places.
  • RobinvdM
    RobinvdM Posts: 634 Member
    I was at 1400 until mid January. I always eat back my workout calories. I had hit a solid wall of going nowhere no matter how hard I pushed at the gym. I decided to take the plunge and checkout the BMR/TDEE calcs saw that my BMR should be more like 1700 and upped my cals to 1600 (ya I am a wimp.) My weight dropped within the first 2 weeks, broke the plateau but then stalled again at the "new low" but rather than give it up, I stuck with it. About 5 weeks after bumping myself up by 200 cals I have not only broken my wall, I have lost 9lbs once the numbers started moving again. Id call that a victory :) I am going to stick with it for a bit longer, and maybe come the end of March inch it up to the 1700 mark where I should be. Yep. Coward, but giving myself room for improvement!

    In short: Increased by 200, after stalling for 3 weeks, saw the weight jump around for 2 weeks, then it dropped off. Total invested time to see results: 5 weeks +/- Good luck to anyone who has doubts. It is a trying period to watch and wait and nail bite. :flowerforyou:
  • justjenny
    justjenny Posts: 529 Member
    Bumping for later
  • moseler
    moseler Posts: 224 Member
    I know what you mean. I have been on a plateau since December. I increased my work out, but MFP had me eating only 1250 calories. I still have 70 lbs. to go. If 1200 is the lowest I can go, then I don't see how I will EVER make my goal eating almost the minimum now and not losing. What I did was change my goals from 2 lbs. per week to 1.5 lbs. per week... this gave me over 1500 calories to eat and I lost 3 lbs. this week alone. Sometimes, our bodies seem like they need a change in order to work for us... Good Luck to you.
  • nwg74
    nwg74 Posts: 360 Member
    This is something I have started. I lost 200 pounds on 1500 calories and while not a plateau, my weight has been going up and down the same few pounds this year. I decided to try 1700 for a while.
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    I started at 1200 in December, upped it to 1300 2 weeks ago, now upped it to 1508, based on my TDEE-30%.
  • stephaniemejia1671
    stephaniemejia1671 Posts: 482 Member
    RIGHT HERE! I was set at 1310 for a week or 2. But as time went on I slowly saw that I wasn't at all sticking to that number, especially on my days off. So I gladly went up to where I am now 1470 and am as happy as spongebob squarepants is when jellyfishing.
  • LadyL2012
    LadyL2012 Posts: 127 Member
    I'm upping mine.

    I was on 1200, plateaud, went up to 1400 and still nothing. I am doing Insanity 3 times a week.

    How much more should I up it by do you think and is there another reason why I might not be losing?
  • bajoyba
    bajoyba Posts: 1,153 Member
    I'm seriously thinking about upping mine. MFP has me at a net of 1420, which has been working fine for the most part, but it took me the past 3 weeks to lose a pound. I know that weight loss isn't linear, but my BMR is 1597, and it seems like when I know I net around 200 calories more than my MFP goal, I end up with better results the next day. I went to Las Vegas at the end of January for 5 days and didn't log everything I ate (or drank). I was sure I would come back weighing more, but I had actually lost. weight. So I think I might give 1600 a try for awhile.
  • butterfli7o
    butterfli7o Posts: 1,319 Member
    Just upped mine from 1200 to 1723 last week, which is TDEE-20%. I couldn't really stick to the 1,200, I was hungry all the time and ususally ended up going over anyway. I was all over the place. Tried WW and found I was hungry as well. Now that I'm working out five times a week, there's no way I'm living on 1200 cals. I can't wait to see the results. And I'm not starving!
  • KDCrocker
    KDCrocker Posts: 12 Member
  • Bradykirk
    Bradykirk Posts: 12 Member
    I just upped mine this week - I agree it is scary! I never thought I would be stressed about needing to eat more food while trying to lose weight!! We'll see what happens but I think it was the right thing for me.