June Weight Loss Team



  • Accountability for today - I walked (briskly) the dog this morning at 5:20 until 6:00. Wahoo for me. I have lost 2 lbs since I started on this site a few weeks ago too. Tracking food/exercise is a chore but worth it. All good things are worth the effort!!!
  • cina409
    cina409 Posts: 23
    Hello! I so excited I released another 2 pounds!!! I feel so good!!! If we keep pushing each other I know we Will do this!!!! LET'S GO!!!
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • janeant
    janeant Posts: 7
    Since we are telling a little bit about ourselves I'll go next. My name is Janean and I will be 32 in a few weeks. I'm a single parent of two boys. My oldest is severely autistic. I work long hours on top of shift work. Both of which are reasons as to why I have not been able to lose the weight I have gained. I was in a pretty good spot weight wise when I went through my divorce. I didn't gain the weight because of it as many would think. I gained it when I met the most wonderful man! So there was someone to cook for and eat with again....and slowly but surely the weight packed right back on! He doesn't care, he still believes (thank god) that it doesn't get any better then me :blushing: But I know I'm better then this, I went to two military schools and although I've never been a "skinny minnie" I've always been in much better shape. It's embarrassing to tell people where I went to school, and then explain the weight gain was much later in life! Plus, for work, I need to be in the best shape possible! I've been with MFP for several weeks, but have not found the motivation to keep up with it. So I'm hoping joining this group will help! Feel free to add me as a friend for support!!
  • I weight in on Monday mornings. This is my first week of using my fitness pal so I am hoping to see a couple of punds gone by the beginning of next week :).

    I have never been a huge water drinker, but I am drinking water like crazy today
  • whiskey01cat
    whiskey01cat Posts: 20 Member
    I’ll go next with “a little about us”…My name is Natascha and I’m 35 years old. I have three teenage children (17,15, and 13). My husband has been in the Army for the last 16 years and I am now a full time college student( raised the babies, it's my turn now!) I have never been thin but remained at what I considered a comfortable weight between 130-150 lbs. I did shoot up to 200 lbs in the early to mid 90’s but I had 3 children in 3 ½ years. In 2004 I woke up one morning and quite simply could not move my legs…I could feel them just couldn’t move them. After hospitalization and what seemed like medieval torture I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. A hefty dose of steroids gave me back the use of my legs but also gave me a 38 lb weight gain in less than a month. After feeling sorry for myself for a few years I decided to take my body back. Every specialist told me the same things…lose weight and exercise or the disease will win so for me this journey is about avoiding the dreaded cane or wheel chair. At my last doctor’s appointment I was told if I can keep going the way I have been and continue with the medications I’m on ( a lovely 13 pills a day and 3 shots a week) I stand a good chance of avoiding any progression of the MS. So….while I will never be considered healthy, I will do everything I can to keep the body I was given as healthy as possible.
  • nadine2unfit2bqueen
    nadine2unfit2bqueen Posts: 153 Member
    Weighed in this morning; sadly I am a little heavier than I originally thought, 130.4lbs. That makes my goal weight for July 1st 122.4lbs.

    My daily goal is to make it to the indoor climbing gym, complete an abs workout, and run home (about hilly 4km).

    A little about me;

    I'm 23 and just broke up with my boyfriend of two years. I live in a town that is 50% extreme sports athletes and 50% transient partyers. I moved into a new place yesterday with new housemates. I am hoping this means being able to use the kitchen + buy groceries (my old housemates never cleaned up after themselves and ate all my food) and getting 8 hrs of sleep per night (my old housemate would come home from the bar at 2am almost everynight and have dance parties in the living room).
    This is a new start for me and hopefully the difference I need to finally acheive my weightloss and fitness goals. This is about finally doing for myself what I need to look good on the outside and also to feel energized and healthy on the inside. I've finally put my foot down and rid myself of all excuses, including the bad influences in my life; my junk food eating (skinny) boyfriend, his non-stop party friends, the unhealthy living environment. I feel like I can finally focus, and I am so excited to see how this month plays out.

    I want to check in every day with my excersize goals and mini-weight loss successes, I feel the daily check-in and patting myself on the back for small accomplishments will help me see this through to the bigger goals. I find if I don't, if I just check-in weekly, I have moments where I am like "I feel thinner, bet its okay then if I eat a chocolate bar... and maybe some icecream... and maybe some lollies..." gotta kick that habit!

    Anyways good luck everyone! Looking forward to reading all your posts and getting inspired by everyones successes!
  • janeant
    janeant Posts: 7
    good for you for getting rid of the bad stuff in your life! I'm sure that wasn't easy, especially having been with him for a period of time. And you're right, it's probably easier to stay on track by checking in here daily. I should do the same! And my reward for getting rid of all the weight....I'm finally going to get the mommy makeover I've been wanting for so long!
  • annasid78
    annasid78 Posts: 99
    Good afternoon everyone. I have just started using the food log and exercise log here on MFP. The calories seem high, I am going to give it a try though. I made it under my calories yesterday despite a deal with the mm's. I am excited to get going on this weight loss again!

    I hope you all are having a great week!
  • well, looks like a lot of people are writing little blurbs about themselves, so i decided to write one as well!

    so i guess to start, i'm a 19 year old student trying to lose weight and get in shape. my image has always been an issue of mine, ever since about 8th grade i've been uncomfortable with my weight, even though i wasn't overweight at all lol. my junior year was when i first working and was working a lot, and i guess i decided to turn to food to deal with the extra stress and whatnot that i had, and gained about 15-20 pounds. so senior year rolls around and i say enough! and over the course of that year i manage to lose 15 pounds, was feeling great, looking good. and then summer comes along and something just snapped in me and i stopped caring. so very, VERY quickly i packed back on those 15 pounds PLUS an extra 12, bringing me to my heaviest weight to date. it wasn't until about the end of this april that i had any real motivation to work towards weight loss again, so i started eating a lot cleaner, and a lot healthier than i ever have in my life, and lost 5 pounds in about 3 weeks. i thought, great! well. then all my friends came home from school and i was done with classes, so going out increased and boredom eating became more and more frequent, and cheat days became cheat weeks. i was still eating my healthy foods, just with milkshakes, fries, and pie on top of it.

    SO, that brings me to here and now, june and this wonderful thread of people. i want to make up for the time i lost in may by really trying hard this month, so i can get a nice confidence boost before i go away for school in the fall (which, i am really nervous in relation to this. i have no idea how easy/hard it will be to keep up my good eating habits when i won't have my own kitchen!).

    to reach my goal my plan is to up my strength training and really try and stick with it, since that is what i always get super lazy with, so i'll be doing some strength training 3 days a week, and the rest of the days will be various forms of cardio. i am ready to do this, and i know we can all reach our goals :]
  • nadine2unfit2bqueen
    nadine2unfit2bqueen Posts: 153 Member
    mamahutson - Wow, that is some journey you're on! I guess it goes to say that if you can do this, and you seem to be doing it very well, the rest of us are more than capable! Thanks for sharing your story and opening my eyes to the fact I shouldn't be taking my good health for granted. Today I think I will run not because I really want to, but just because I can!

    On another note, anybody have any thoughts on obesegens? I started reading a health article about these and I am a little freaked out... are they really in almost every form of plastic we use? Do they really have such a major effect on how we metabolize food? I hate to think my healthy diet is being sabotaged by the plastic bags I put my produce into ... :S
  • I would like to join your group:

    JoJo_69 - to lose 14lbs
    crking - to lose 5lbs
    Purenel - to lose 9lbs
    Alexandrea888 - to lose 10lbs
    Caramel827 - to lose 10lbs
    Janeabt - to lose 10lbs
    Annasid78 - to lose 6lbs
    Justahorsen - to lose 10lbs
    Sotonguetied - to lose 5lbs
    Marvey1214 - to lose 10lbs
    aimeeclaire - to lose 4lbs
    pavenneh - to lose 10lbs
    aimeeclaire - to lose 4.2lbs
    flwyland - to lose 6lbs
    crystalfordham - to lose 10lbs

    Thanks looking foward to this!
  • EboniA
    EboniA Posts: 181 Member
    Well, tomorrow's my weigh in and I'm nervous. The first week was good but that was when I made the most changes. I think I worked out more this week so I hope it was enough. I will get in a good workout tonight and see what happens. :drinker:

    I love hearing daily updates from everyone because you never know when one of us will need that extra boost of motivation. So put down that (fill the blank) and go workout!! Hehe. :laugh:
  • JoJo_69
    JoJo_69 Posts: 47
    Whooooooooooohooooooooooooo hi everyone, well I lose 2lbs this week ha ha, only 12lbs more for me to go..............welcome to all the newcomers :-) Hey I even got Slimmer of the Week at my local club :laugh: Total of 9lbs in 5 weeks for me, and I am well chuffed.

    Updated List

    JoJo_69 - to lose 14lbs - lost 2lbs = 12lbs remaining
    crking - to lose 5lbs
    Purenel - to lose 10lbs
    Alexandrea888 - to lose 10lbs
    Caramel827 - to lose 10lbs
    Janeabt - to lose 10lbs
    Annasid78 - to lose 6lbs
    Justahorsen - to lose 10lbs
    Sotonguetied - to lose 5lbs
    Marvey1214 - to lose 10lbs
    aimeeclaire - to lose 4lbs
    pavenneh - to lose 10lbs
    Wildechikk - to lose 5lbs - lost 1.6lbs = 3.4lbs remaining
    Flwyland - to lose 6lbs
    Roadchic18 - to lose 5lbs
    nadine2unfit2bqueen - to lose 8lbs
    MFPfriend - to lose 8lbs
    Angel79202 - to lose 13lbs
    sweetgal2301 - to lose 7lbs
    tiarapants - to lose 10lbs
    Mamahutson - to lose 10lbs
    vaughn2005 - to lose 10lbs
    Spikess - to lose 8lbs
    wendytobin - to lose 7lbs - lost 1.2lbs = 5.8lbs remaining
    lisaosumarie - to lose 5lbs
    EboniA - to lose 7lbs
    Cina409 - any loss - lost 2lbs = endless
    DeathIsMyGift - to lose 10lbs
    Nikkielivey - to lose 8lbs
    OSUWrestler - to lose 15lbs
    Corndog05 - to lose 12lbs
    RMX982 - to lose 15lbs
    Healthy1Gina - to lose 15lbs
    ifychudy - to lose 10lbs
    crystalfordham - to lose 10lbs
  • cina409
    cina409 Posts: 23
    I did it! I did 20 mins on my elliptical this morning and 20 mins after I had dinner! I'm going to keep pushing myself I'm going to push it to 22 min. tomrrow and work my way up to 30 mins. 2x a day.... I'm so excited!!!!
  • annasid78
    annasid78 Posts: 99
    OMGoodness! I went way over on my calories today! Should have got more exercise in to counter act.... it just didn't work that way though.

    Hope everyone has a great day tomorrrow.
  • wendytobin
    wendytobin Posts: 208
    I did it! I did 20 mins on my elliptical this morning and 20 mins after I had dinner! I'm going to keep pushing myself I'm going to push it to 22 min. tomrrow and work my way up to 30 mins. 2x a day.... I'm so excited!!!!

    Cina409 Great idea to add on a couple of minutes each time, you can do it, we are all here for you.
  • Hi! Hope it's not too late to join, I would love to do this!

    My name is Sara, I'm 27 and I'm finishing up recovering from an L4-L5/S1 spinal fusion that I had done in March. That was my second spinal surgery in less than a year. I used to be very active before I started having issues with my back, and when you're back pain is so bad you can't even bend to touch your toes the weight goes on pretty fast. I am also insulin resistant and have PCOS so I am watching my carb and sugar intake. While the fusion sets my ability to work out is limited to walking, swimming and basic stretching (and core strengthening...my physical therapy workouts) so I'm having a hard time burning more than 400-500 calories a day from exercise. But I'm sticking to my diet and drinking plenty of water so I would like to lose, we'll say 8lbs this month, an average of 2lbs per week. If I lose more than that yay! But I'm happy with a 1-2lb loss per week.

    I typically weigh in on Wednesdays, but I may be switching to Mondays.

    Good luck everybody :)
  • janeant
    janeant Posts: 7
    Well, I went over about 400 calories yesterday (basically dinner). Hopefully today is better. Normally for breakfast I have oatmeal with almonds, and walnuts. It seems to be the only thing that keeps me satisfied in the morning...but it's also a lot of calories to start the day with. So for today, I cut out the almonds and just did walnuts...and that skimmed off almost 200 calories. I measure everything out, the oatmeal itself is only 150....but adding all the nuts added a lot of calories. Hopefully this will help!
  • EboniA
    EboniA Posts: 181 Member
    I am so mad... I'm not sure if it's more at myself or my husband. I really wanted to workout last night but he came home early and took over the tv. I wanted to tell him to turn it off so I could do my video but I didn't. AND somehow I gained a pound this week. :explode:

    I have been beating myself up about this all morning so when I went to check in, I figured I would measure myself. I lost 3 inches from my waist and 1 inch from my neck, nothing from my hips (oh well). I think I ate too much fast food even though I staying in my calorie range all week. I probably need to workout MORE!!
  • I am so mad... I'm not sure if it's more at myself or my husband. I really wanted to workout last night but he came home early and took over the tv. I wanted to tell him to turn it off so I could do my video but I didn't. AND somehow I gained a pound this week. :explode:

    I have been beating myself up about this all morning so when I went to check in, I figured I would measure myself. I lost 3 inches from my waist and 1 inch from my neck, nothing from my hips (oh well). I think I ate too much fast food even though I staying in my calorie range all week. I probably need to workout MORE!!

    don't get too down! losing inches is still GREAT, and an awesome accomplishment, so great job :] and that extra pound could just be water weight, etc. just remember it's always a new day, and the beginning of a new week. i haven't lost this week, either, so i'm just going to push myself extra hard this next week, and we both just have to stay positive! :]
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