10lbs a week???



  • naschulze
    I think by negative she means the people who are commenting on her spelling and telling her to cut off limbs. Some people are talking to her like she's stupid instead of just giving her information. Not everyone knows everything about weighloss and mocking her question will not help her learn.

    humor is allowed in the world, some people have more than others, hence all the misunderstandings.
  • larsen626
    larsen626 Posts: 99 Member
    I lost 10lbs a week for 3 weeks after barbaric surgery now losing 6lbs per week
  • Mrs_Fit
    Mrs_Fit Posts: 86 Member
    I once got sick with some kind of stomach thing. Lost 10lb in a week. Found it again real fast though.

  • naschulze
    You can lose about 8 pounds doing an apple cleanse (only apples, as many as you want, for 3 days) but a lot of it will come back. But it's supposed to rid you of toxins.

    You can lose about a pound a day doing a juice cleanse (home-made veggie and fruit juice, and nothing else) but some will come back.

    Now we're talking. Some helpful advice. Eat just apples, watch your protein take a nose dive, and quickly lose weight (and a lot of muscle) in a temporary way.

    Or just drink juice and lose weight quickly only to watch it come back. Again the muscle you lose will be replaced with fat. But hey for a few days the number on the scale will be lower! And that's what we're all after.

    Hopefully we can get a few more of these suggestions and less of this "eat right, exercise" nonsense. Ain't nobody got time for that!

    LOL, I would hire you.
  • chunkydunk714
    chunkydunk714 Posts: 784 Member
    I think by negative she means the people who are commenting on her spelling and telling her to cut off limbs. Some people are talking to her like she's stupid instead of just giving her information. Not everyone knows everything about weighloss and mocking her question will not help her learn.

    humor is allowed in the world, some people have more than others, hence all the misunderstandings.

    I have all the humor in the world and still see a lot of these comments as bullying. So lame how there a ton of excuses for all the bullying going around these days. Whatevs.....to the OP....this is exactly why I dont post that much....people use the internet as an excuse to be a complete a s s of themselves and think its okay.
  • ajhugz
    ajhugz Posts: 452 Member
    I think by negative she means the people who are commenting on her spelling and telling her to cut off limbs. Some people are talking to her like she's stupid instead of just giving her information. Not everyone knows everything about weighloss and mocking her question will not help her learn.

    humor is allowed in the world, some people have more than others, hence all the misunderstandings.

    making fun of people's English and mocking people is not allowed in the forums on this site... it doesn't matter if you think its funny or not. People come here to get help not to get laughed at
  • seanezekiel
    seanezekiel Posts: 228 Member
    When I lost 80lbs quickly I was losing 8-9 per week for 3 weeks in the middle of it. But I understand now my body was eating as much muscle as it was fat and it was a very unhealthy way to lose weight.
  • cassiepv
    cassiepv Posts: 242 Member
    I think by negative she means the people who are commenting on her spelling and telling her to cut off limbs. Some people are talking to her like she's stupid instead of just giving her information. Not everyone knows everything about weighloss and mocking her question will not help her learn.

    ^^^ this !
  • MeMyCatsandI
    MeMyCatsandI Posts: 704 Member
    No, not possible at all. Even when morbidly obese when it just "falls off" in the beginning, 10 lbs of week is impossible. That's more like 5 lbs a week.

    I will contest that-- at my highest weight, I was almost 300 pounds. When I decided to get serious about watching what I ate, all I did was cut back on the snacking, and I shed nearly 40 pounds in less than a month. (And it was February too, so it was more like three weeks.) I lost 20 more the next year, and then gained it and lost it about four times, but I never gained back that sudden loss. It "fell off" and I couldn't be happier that it stayed off!
    uhhhhhh.. I hate to bring math into this, but February is EXACTLY 4 weeks, not "more like 3 weeks".
  • naschulze
    I think by negative she means the people who are commenting on her spelling and telling her to cut off limbs. Some people are talking to her like she's stupid instead of just giving her information. Not everyone knows everything about weighloss and mocking her question will not help her learn.

    humor is allowed in the world, some people have more than others, hence all the misunderstandings.

    making fun of people's English and mocking people is not allowed in the forums on this site... it doesn't matter if you think its funny or not. People come here to get help not to get laughed at

    you say mocking people's English, I say correcting spelling. Both helpful and informative. Others are surprised that someone would post such a ridiculous question when you could easily do a quick google search or a little research to find the answer. If anyone is mocking anyone, it's her mocking the people out here who are serious about losing weight and keeping it off.

    The cutting off limbs comments were clearly jokes.
  • Ramberta
    Ramberta Posts: 1,312 Member
    No, not possible at all. Even when morbidly obese when it just "falls off" in the beginning, 10 lbs of week is impossible. That's more like 5 lbs a week.

    I will contest that-- at my highest weight, I was almost 300 pounds. When I decided to get serious about watching what I ate, all I did was cut back on the snacking, and I shed nearly 40 pounds in less than a month. (And it was February too, so it was more like three weeks.) I lost 20 more the next year, and then gained it and lost it about four times, but I never gained back that sudden loss. It "fell off" and I couldn't be happier that it stayed off!
    uhhhhhh.. I hate to bring math into this, but February is EXACTLY 4 weeks, not "more like 3 weeks".

    Uh, I hate to bring reading into this, but that's why I said "less than a month". :)
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    Stop tossing around the word bullying. Bullying requires 2 things:

    1. Children
    2. A power imbalance.

    there is by definition, no bullying on mfp

  • ajhugz
    ajhugz Posts: 452 Member
    I think by negative she means the people who are commenting on her spelling and telling her to cut off limbs. Some people are talking to her like she's stupid instead of just giving her information. Not everyone knows everything about weighloss and mocking her question will not help her learn.

    humor is allowed in the world, some people have more than others, hence all the misunderstandings.

    making fun of people's English and mocking people is not allowed in the forums on this site... it doesn't matter if you think its funny or not. People come here to get help not to get laughed at

    you say mocking people's English, I say correcting spelling. Both helpful and informative. Others are surprised that someone would post such a ridiculous question when you could easily do a quick google search or a little research to find the answer. If anyone is mocking anyone, it's her mocking the people out here who are serious about losing weight and keeping it off.

    The cutting off limbs comments were clearly jokes.

    Just because you know something doesn't mean its common knowledge for everyone. How do you know she isn't serious about losing weight? Why is the question ridiculous? Is it because everyone should know how much weight they can lose and how fast? I don't think she asked to hear a joke. I think she really wanted an answer to her question. If you don't agree with the question, don't comment.
  • MeMyCatsandI
    MeMyCatsandI Posts: 704 Member
    No, not possible at all. Even when morbidly obese when it just "falls off" in the beginning, 10 lbs of week is impossible. That's more like 5 lbs a week.

    I will contest that-- at my highest weight, I was almost 300 pounds. When I decided to get serious about watching what I ate, all I did was cut back on the snacking, and I shed nearly 40 pounds in less than a month. (And it was February too, so it was more like three weeks.) I lost 20 more the next year, and then gained it and lost it about four times, but I never gained back that sudden loss. It "fell off" and I couldn't be happier that it stayed off!
    uhhhhhh.. I hate to bring math into this, but February is EXACTLY 4 weeks, not "more like 3 weeks".

    Uh, I hate to bring reading into this, but that's why I said "less than a month". :)
    And I quote....:(And it was February too, so it was more like three weeks.) "

    It doesn't really matter. Either way, I don't really believe you. And you don't care that I don't believe you. So again I say, it doesn't really matter.
  • Mr_Excitement
    Mr_Excitement Posts: 833 Member
    I can only assume there are a lot people here feeling fussy because they're craving carbs or something. I'm going to just choose to believe a collection of normal adults wouldn't act like such *kitten*.
  • ChloeRoseLejeune
    LOL ^
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    I can only assume there are a lot people here feeling fussy because they're craving carbs or something. I'm going to just choose to believe a collection of normal adults wouldn't act like such *kitten*.

    Please. These boards are tame .. non-abusive. Just sarcastic, snarky and occasionally funny. You want mean? try here: http://www.hockeydboardonline.com/
  • pspetralia
    pspetralia Posts: 963 Member
    nothing more obnoxious than when OP deletes the post!

  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    I've lost 10 lbs in a week doing the stupid lemonade fasting. That was before I learned the more sustainable diet and workout lifestyle. As soon as I stop fasting and eating just normal meal, it shot back up 15 lbs!

    No one should try that. It's not worth it.
  • nwg74
    nwg74 Posts: 360 Member
    Even when I started at 373 pounds, I only lost 5 pounds in a week 4 times over a year. My average weight loss was 2.5 pounds a week over 20 months. I have still ended up losing 200 pounds in 22 months and still have a little more to go.

    It is realistically only possible to lose 1 pound of fat per day at most, anything more will be fluid/water. It won't last though and not everyone can do it and it would require a lot of hard work. Most I lost in one month was 18 pounds a couple of times. 14 pounds was more common.