"Atkins Flu" SUCKS



  • beets_yum
    beets_yum Posts: 36
    Let me rephrase: listening to your body is terrible advice in *this* scenario. Obviously it's critical when it comes to physical pain, exhaustion, illness or foods that, over time, make you feel bad because of an allergy or sensitivity.

    Sugar-fattened rats taken off sugar experience withdrawal symptoms similar to opiate-withdrawal--because sugar acts similarly on the brain. It is most definitely addictive for some/many/most people. And simple carbs are converted to sugar. These are facts that no politicking about diets can change.

    Fat makes it better. And fat is not bad for you. (This notion originated with the grain industry.) Your body needs fat. It does not need grains.
  • amandacs81
    Ral263, why are you discouraging anyone who is on the diet and it is working for them from not doing it? I'm not flaming you, not any response of the opposite opinion in a reply is flaming you; I'm just trying to debate your point in a mature manner. If the diet is the only thing that works for someone and they can go into a maintenance regimen that is balanced and maintain their goal weight afterwards, why would you discourage them from doing it? Would you suggest they get dangerous surgery instead? Are you a doctor? I'm just saying, if you don't have a PHD, it is a matter of either opinion or experience with one's OWN body. What doesn't work for you may work for me, and if I'm on a roll, your opinion isn't really going to stop me.
  • amandacs81
    Fatandfifty3, no, Dr. Atkins died of renal failure. It had nothing to do with weight or diet. Completely false!

    "The falsehoods concerning his death are mainly propagated by the vegan group the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine and related groups and individuals."

  • Morn66
    Morn66 Posts: 96
    Fatandfifty3, no, Dr. Atkins died of renal failure. It had nothing to do with weight or diet. Completely false!

    HOWEVER, renal failure is sometimes caused by a faulty liver that cannot process protein properly, allowing partially-processed and sometimes completely unprocessed protein to be floating around in the bloodstream. That, in turn, destroys kidney tissue. I should know, because it is what is happening to me because my liver is failing. I'm on protein restriction, mostly to try to protect my kidneys. So, if Dr. Atkins had an underlying problem that caused liver dysfunction, a high-protein diet like he advocated could well have hastened, perhaps even caused, the renal failure.

    Which isn't to say that the Atkins diet is "bad," but I would HOPE that anyone embarking on it would have some blood work done to make sure that their liver is working properly and to repeat the tests often to make sure it stays that way. Liver impairment often causes no symptoms except funky enzyme levels in the blood until irreversible tissue damage has already been done. Eating high amounts of protein will hasten damage in vulnerable/compromised people. Just sayin'.
  • fastfoodv
    fastfoodv Posts: 41
    I don’t recommend the Atkins diet. It sounds like your body doesn’t either.

    Get an exclusive look at Lisa's new book STOP THE DIET, I WANT TO GET OFF! at www.stopthediet.com and visit Lisa Tillinger Johansen at www.consultthedietician.com on Facebook at Lisa Tillinger Johansen and on Twitter @LisaTJohansen
  • Dagreth
    Dagreth Posts: 11 Member
    I for one wouldnt flame the lady who says the Atkins Diet is wrong. We are not meant to run on fats and proteins. Carbs are the first nutrient that is metabolised by your body (after the poisons such as drugs and alcohol which the liver tries to ditch first) and if there is none, then your body will eat up not only fat but muscle tissue too.
  • Dagreth
    Dagreth Posts: 11 Member
    Doesn't the body treat alcohol like a carb?
  • jenna07985
    jenna07985 Posts: 3 Member
    Where did renal failure come from? He died from a head injury.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    hmmm so you cut out carbs and now you have a pounding headache and flu…sounds like path to longer term sustainable health…

    why not just eat in a calorie deficit, have some carbs, and save yourself the torture…?
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Headaches are a normal part of withdrawal. It only proves that I was addicted to sugar and carbs and my body wants what it wants. I'm choosing instead to give it what it needs. Trust me I have plenty of carbs stored on my tummy right now to survive 2 weeks.

    No, it just proves you are depriving your body of energy aka carbs….
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    You are replying to a months old thread...

    Just a head's up.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    awww man …freaking zombie threads…geez
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Going low carb to switch to "fat burning" mode is silly. You know how you have to increase the amount of dietary fat when you go low carb, well where do you think the "fat burning" then comes from.

    Damn you law of thermodynamics.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    awww man …freaking zombie threads…geez

    ikr? There's a few tonight.
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
  • TarynAngeline
    TarynAngeline Posts: 95 Member
    I love how there's SO many "I did atkins and lost __ lbs, __ years ago... then gained all the weight back. Now I eat carbs again" stories.