Share the REAL reasons why you're fat (or too thin)



  • FindingMonica
    So many reasons...
    I was an emotional eater, a bored eater. In love with junk food. Beng tired (lazy) after my long day at work<
    MY best excuse
  • otterish
    otterish Posts: 50 Member
    I was a chunky baby, a tubby toddler and when I was eight years old my mom (taking black beauties at the time) and her doctor put me on a reducing diet. I have been "dieting" in one form or another ever since.
    As an adult, I stuff my face when I am unhappy in the long term.
  • 3nchantress
    I'm to a point where any reasons I'm overweight seem irrelevant to me, because I'm determined to live in the present and only look forward, never back.

    Well said.
  • RiverMelSong
    RiverMelSong Posts: 456 Member
    Too many snacks (stress/boredom eater) and not enough exercise.
  • thelaurameister
    thelaurameister Posts: 689 Member
    Big combo of a bunch of things. I've always been overweight, I weighed 180lbs in 7th grade, but it really got out of control for me in 8th grade when I switched schools and didn't have many friends at my new school. I turned to food to comfort my depression of being separated from my friends and hating the school I went to. It became a habit, I started eating out of boredom, and just got bigger from there. I think in 10th grade I weighed 270lbs. Then I transferred back to the high school where all my friends were in 10th grade and joined marching band. I managed to lose 30 pounds (240lbs). Then I went to college and gained weight and my freshman/sophomore year I stayed around 270-280lbs. I met a boy who loved me for me and I used that as an excuse to eat like crap and got up to an eye popping 292. I would always use boys as motivation to at least attempt weight loss, but now that I had a guy that loved me the way I was, I lost that motivation.
  • ehorn625
    ehorn625 Posts: 144
    lazy, stress eater, lack of willpower, like to eat, don' like to deny myself
    Maybe I need a shrink, not a diet! :laugh:
  • monilove78
    monilove78 Posts: 100 Member
    I could list a number of reasons, but primarily it's because I'm an emotional eater and over the years I have lacked the stamina to maintain any weightloss. Add to that the sheer fatigue of gaining and losing. i got sick of trying. <shrugs>

    Now I'm trying to retrain my thoughts and beliefs about it all.
  • meredith1123
    meredith1123 Posts: 843 Member
    Because i like food, preferrably Cheetos sandwiches.
  • AprilNew1
    AprilNew1 Posts: 10 Member
    Quit Smoking and picked up extra weight and just not taking care of myself like I should have.
  • mhogg4
    mhogg4 Posts: 2
    I'm not here because I'm too fat. I'm here because I have an unhealthy relationship with food. I eat when I'm bored/stressed/upset and whenever there is food within sight, I eat it. Then I gain a few pounds and feel guilty about it because I'm not comfortable with my new weight (even thought I'm not "overweight"). By writing things down in this supportive group, it makes me accountable for what I eat, and I can recognize the reasons behind my eating. For example, if i notice that on a particular day I ate a lot of sweets/ice cream/chips etc, I can think "oh yah, that was right before a big exam, and I was stressed". Then I can recognize my triggers and hopefully prevent it from happening again.
    So that's my story. I've been an emotional eater for years with my weight going up and down within a 15 pound range, and I want to stop it!
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I've lost and gained weight a few times. Once from too big portions after moving in with my now husband, and from the stress of doing my teacher training, and twice from pregnancy. All the times I lost weight before I followed a 1200 calorie (or less) diet, and it was only between my 2 kids that I started doing strength training. Now I do a lot of strength training, as well as lots of cardio, plus I eat 1500 calories a day. I'm the thinnest I've been for years.
  • Sweetestthing87
    Sweetestthing87 Posts: 276 Member
    Moved to HOUSTON, Divorce, Stress, Broke, Knee Injury, Pain, Lazy, DNA, over eat, under eat, BEER, Wine, BEER and I love cheese! Probably a million other excuses.

    Did I mention that I moved to Houston.
  • DeniseMcEach
    Was slightly overweight all through school. When I was a teen and complained to my mom about my weight, she told me that I have her metabolism and that I would always have to struggle with my weight. So I did! I struggled with my weight most of my life. I got told I was big boned a lot too.
    I am an expert on diets. Weight Watchers was my fall back. I lost a lot of weight with them.
    Hit Menapause and even Weight Watchers stopped working. Uh oh!
    So now I have to start believing that it does not have to be a struggle.
    It is simple, eat less, move more. Be accountable for what we eat and how much we move. That's it! That's all. No more excuses!
  • rcarlow
    rcarlow Posts: 5 Member
    I am fat because, I did not exercise for years, ate a lot of take out and drive thru, didn't eat on a regular schedule, didn't eat a healthy breakfast, drank too much coffee and not enough water. Ate lots of pizza.need I go on? I love holiday foods and cheesecake to top the meal.
  • yeraldin03
    I was loosing weight when i got pregnant. During my pregnancy I ate everything (i.e. I worked at a grocery store!) I had a 12hr labor and almost had a seizure during birth. I decided to breastfeed my baby girl and for her I try to eat healthy. Although sometimes I go crazy for sweets! I love SWEETS!!!! lol Now I am trying to loose all this weight and feel Sexy again!
  • FlippinNora
    FlippinNora Posts: 41 Member
    Ate far too much bad stuff far too often and was extremely sedentary.

    Gained a load of weight and felt self-conscious/ashamed, so I ate more and remained sedentary and put on more...

    ...felt self-conscious and ashamed
    and round and round I go...
  • rockwoodrita1
    Wow........great question. With me it started 12 years ago when I quit smoking. I have put on 30 pounds in the last 12 years. I broke my ankle 4 years, and actually LOST 16 pounds over 5 months because I thought if I can't go to the gym, I better not eat so much. I opened my own business (2.5 years ago) and that just sucks my time. I make poor food choices, I get unhappy with life, so I eat what I call crap food. I keep thinking that if my life gets better, I'll have more time to go to the gym and more time to dedicate to eating properly......I know I'm kidding myself.......I just need to get serious and DO IT. Oh ya, being over 50 and going through "mental"pause isn't helping either!!!!!!!!!
  • lina011
    lina011 Posts: 427 Member
    My dad looked after me and my brother cos my mum was sick all the time, we both got fat due to dad not knowing what proper nutrition was and we was not allowed to play sport, left home at 16 lost a little weight cos i was poor then got really thin when me and my partner broke up got back together had a baby got fat again lol now im ok not fat nor thin and im ok with how i am now,i do this with regular exercise and proper healthy, occasional treats.
  • mamabisme
    mamabisme Posts: 59 Member
    I ate too much and moved too little. Got fat Got depressed about being fat. Ate more. Moved less. Got fatter. Repeat ad nauseum.
    This 100%!
  • BrienJD
    BrienJD Posts: 541 Member
    The real reason(s) I'm fat?

    I like cookies, candy and cake, whole milk and ice cream, crackers and cheese, sausage and cheese, chips, nuts and....just about anything that can be eaten while reading....and I read a lot. If I read I have to have a snack...funny if I don't read, I don't usually snack. And I'm not ready to give up things that I like.

    I like fast food, italian, burgers, pizza all the good calorie laden stuff, and I like to eat while watching TV. Nothing better than scarfing down a pizza while watching a DVD on Friday night.

    I'm undertall. Not ecessively, but at 5'3 about 5-6 shorter than I need to be.

    Genetic predisposition. Yes, I'm going to use the cop out but it's semi-factual. With few exceptions, everyone in my family is heavy, and the older we get the heavier.

    Medical difficulties. I have three herniated disks in my back which make exercising difficult at times.

    I'm lazy an I soemtimes lack discipline. That's right, lazy. I'd rather sit at home eat snacks and read, and have a nice big dinner watching my favorite show than anything else.

    SO... 4 and 1/2 out of the 6 reasons are self-inflicted. I'm fat because I make poor choices. There are reasons behind those choices...cause and effect as well as what can be done about them that could fill another post but that was not the question.
