

  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Hello to old friends and new! Sorry I was MIA in Feb., was working 60 plus hrs. a week a work and am happy to say that even though I haven't been consistent w/logging and exercise, I managed to get into onederland! My DD joined MFP too and has lost 15 lbs already! Physically, I'm totally out of whack just because my job involves a lot more standing that my foot and hip would like but I'm slowly getting back into a stretching and exercise routine. My hours have decreased a lot (it's a seasonal position) and it accomplished what it needed to-allowing me to pay our yearly flood insurance bill ($890!)

    My March goals: Drink 8 glasses of water a day (can never seem to get past 6!)
    Exercise 30. min 3X times a week (don't want to push it too quickly)
    Log my food every day (haven't been consistent with this)
    Try one new healthy recipe a week (I found a few good ones on the mayo clinic website and a great mini meat loaf
    one that my whole family likes-even picky DH!)

    Hugs to all of you!:flowerforyou:

  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,510 Member
    Thank you Barbie!
    Will update later, gotta get off my butt!
  • pussycat29536
    I lost 4.5 lbs in February!!!!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: MacMadame, I hope you’ll keep posting…..you have inspired me and entertained me and I’d love to hear from you often.
    Marcie, your new treadclimber sounds great…..do you use it while watching TV or listening to something?

    :flowerforyou: Cici, that’s a great idea to continue with last month’s resolutions if you weren’t as successful as you wanted to be last month…..good luck to you

    :flowerforyou: Amanda, how brave and principled you are to have spent all that time with your father while he spoke of things that were sad and hurtful for you.

    :flowerforyou: MA, what kind of dogs do you have? I have Standard Poodles and they love the walks we take every day---I get exercise and they have fun.

    :flowerforyou: DeeDee, what you said about the nice compliment from your friends, reminds us that the inches are more important than the scale----people see the inches, not the number on the scale.

    :flowerforyou: LIndaC. I think crocus is the little flowers that I see (I didn’t know their name) but there is also something that looks like a round low bush all winter and now the top is all purple or white little flowers…walking around while the children exercise or play sports is a good way to get extra steps……I used to take the dogs to the off leash dog park and walk around while they played.

    :flowerforyou: Carol in NY, I’ve seen your posts on the home page, but it’s even better to have you here with us on this thread….your goals are great.

    :laugh: The dogs are looking at me and wanting to go for their walk.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
  • determinedinAZ
    determinedinAZ Posts: 97 Member
    :flowerforyou: Goals for March
    1. Record food every meal - every day
    2. Get up and move - walk at least 3Xs per week
    3. Stay focused on "what" I'm eating to become more healthy (part of tracking)
    4. Drink at least 5 to 8 glasses of water a day

    This past week was a challenge to stay on track with the right choices of food. :sad:
    Cruise at the end of the month.....want to be as good as I can be on a cruise / resort accomodations.:bigsmile:

    Wishing you all a successful journey in March.:wink:

    Barb in AZ
  • marciebrian
    marciebrian Posts: 853 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: MacMadame, I hope you’ll keep posting…..you have inspired me and entertained me and I’d love to hear from you often.
    Marcie, your new treadclimber sounds great…..do you use it while watching TV or listening to something?

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    Hi Barbie, yes actually we put it in the bedroom so I would feel obligated to at least use it a few days a week:laugh: The treadmilll in the basement is a storage area:sad: Nice to meet everyone and I'm happy I found this thread.
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: Just found my Feb goals again. Had to go to my profile page and click on "view all" on "my recent forum posts" (in bottom left corner.
    these were my goals which I carry forward to March:

    -post weekly veggie/fruit challenges for my MFP friends - done and ongoing (see my profile for the newest link)
    -hit 30 g of fiber each day, which means a lot of fruits and veggies, mostly fresh - (mostly) done and ongoing
    -not get discouraged if the scale doesn't move : done and ongoing
    -continue with 14 week training program for the 10K on April 28 - as a walker: done and ongoing
    -learn more about healthy eating - reading Dr. Fuhrman Eat to Live

    -add 2x/week strength training - not started
    -fit in some flexibility training like yoga - not started

    this is an added March goal:
    -start riding my bike when the weather is good.

    Thanks to my Vitamin F friends that you all are.

    I am off to my training clinic soon, so I will ttyl.

    :heart: Renny
    Vancouver Island, BC
  • nonnicee
    nonnicee Posts: 38
    Good morning Vit F ladies!!

    I woke up to a blanket of snow this morning and am so thankful that I don't have to be anywhere today. I am planning tackle my "Mystery Room" and hope to make some headway in there. Wish me luck.

    I almost posted on the Feb thread then it dawned on me that we started a new month yesterday. Time does fly!! And not only is there a new thread for March - it is already 4 pages long. We are a chatty group.

    I'm sorry that I could not catch up on all the posts. I trust that everyone is feeling well and that life is going good.

    Looking forward to chatting more later,

    Take care
    Mary in TN
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Oh for joy! Spring is starting to appear just a wee bit, daffodils just starting to pop! I'm feeling a great load lifting off my shoulders just knowing that soon I'll be able to spend time in the garden. I miss it terribly during the winter! Spring cleaning will not only include my house, but my heart and soul as well. Refresh! Rejuvinate! Toss out the junk! Things have "piled up" over the winter in more areas than just under the furniture. :tongue:

    Happy Saturday, :flowerforyou: Let's be gentle, let's be kind, let's be determined and of strong mind!

    :smile: jb in Portland aka "Little Piggy" who needs to have a weekend full of greens! Wee wee weeeeee!
  • bevmcarthur
    bevmcarthur Posts: 341 Member
    hi this is my first post to this group just found you all this morning.here is a little about me
    I am going to be 50 On the 25 of April and i feel better now then i did a 30
    I am just coming off a 3 week stint of not being able to do anything i tore my calf skiing and i have just got the Ok to go back to doing some light Cardio YAHHOOOOOO it has just about killed me to do nothing for weeks.
    Here is my goal in March
    1) log every THING I put in my month
    2) make sure i eat my TOTal Calories each day
    3) do at least 45 Minutes of Cardio 5 days this coming week then back up to 60 minutes by the 5 th 5 days a week
    4) Hope to get the Ok to do this 90 minute hot yoga class at least 5 Days a week
    5) and to get my Body fat down from 26.1 to 25
    6) and to just breathe LOL
    Cant wait to read more post in this group but now it Gym time
    Have a GREAT day
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Happy 2nd day of March. Came in like a lamb down here in TX. Had a cool but lovely golf game with my Friday group.

    Linda in IA – the good news is you don’t have to know how to spell elliptical to get on it and burn a lot of calories. People who work out on that machine are my heroes. Good luck!

    Renny – lugging grandbabies around is the best exercise ever! Mine are all too big now (youngest is 6 but thinks she is 16!)

    Grandmallie – my DH says he is go glad when I’m on a “diet” because I cook more interesting and good things. My response was, “I’m not on a diet, this is what we eat now.”

    Kimmy – my March goal was to get more f/v everyday too! Your goal to not skip breakfast is so important to your journey and I hope you will focus on it.

    Sharon – You can do this as you already know since you’ve lost 43 lbs. Come back and keep us posted on your progress.

    Deb in CNY – Move, Move, Move – today is your day make the most of it! I am in awe when I look at your ticker and see 71 lbs lost. Good for you!

    Karen in NM – welcome to the group. I like your goals for March.

    Marcie – Maryland – welcome and good luck with your March goals.

    CiCi – glad to meet you and look forward to “chatting” with you on the thread.

    MacMadam – glad you got back to the thread. 99 lbs lost is quite an achievement. You are an inspiration to me!

    Michele – while we were going through January and February it seemed like they would never end and now we’re wondering what happened. LOL. As for me, I’m ready for daylight longer in the evenings but not the darkness in the morning. Need to invent a new time for me!

    MA – England – welcome. What a sweet dog you have. Good luck with your March goals.

    DeeDee – You certainly deserve that compliment as you’ve worked very hard. It does give you a little boost to keep going doesn’t it?

    LindaC – Love you poem and it reflects just what happens on this thread. Everyone is willing to reach out and help each other. Thanks for posting it.

    Carol – welcome and come back often. Since you’ve posted here you can go to MY Topics in Community and find it again. Your first goal is perfect! That might be the theme for March as we all try to help and encourage each other.

    Jb – you make me smile. Love the idea of Refresh, rejuvinate and toss out the junk… .

    OK, you girls have convinced me I need to try the 30 day shred again. So, I’m putting it in the DVD player, got my tennis shoes on and ready to do it. It may not be pretty as I’m kinda old!

    Sue in TX
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    March started off with a bang. She actually had HR give me a verbal warning about me not meeting expectations. They then asked me what training I needed to meet expectations. I told them I had no idea because no one could tell me what I wasn't doing or what I was doing wrong. How do you train to a personality conflict and a bitter hard to work for woman? It sucks. She is on the way to get me fired. My claim may slow the process but if she is determined I may just be s**t out of luck. My depression is really kicking in. Not good.

    March goals

    Survive this.
    Drink water
    Put my fitbit on every day.

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter.
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,862 Member
    Hello to all and happy March! Let us all march forward toward our goals.

    February goals were to eat fish twice a week. I averaged three times per week, yeah!
    Eat broccoli twice a week and something with beta carotine at least twice a week. Met this one too.
    Get in recommended amount of protein. Dietician says 80 grams. I really struggle with this.

    March goals: Log everything I eat. Drink at least 8 glasses of water per day. Try to get more days this month with 80 grams of protein. Up my weekly exercise goal to 240 minutes.

    Rabbits, rabbits, rabbits to all of us for the month. If having tons of them in my yard is a sign of good luck then I should be a very lucky person because that is what we have. I think they spent the whole winter breeding.

    Must go for now. I need to clean house and mark my bell music. Sue in SD
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    My challenge for March is this: I am going on a 10-day trip to Portland, OR -- a super Food Town -- and visiting my daughter who is a chef. I'm stressing about how to maintain my weight loss. My husband (skinny) and I will stay in a hotel, but we do have a microwave and refrigerator. I will do the best I can, but would appreciate any strategies that have worked for others when traveling.

    we traveled a lot, too, and it helped me to remember that losing weight was more important to me than pleasing other people (including my husband)......I prepared as many meals in the room as I could and then was careful at restaurants......no fast food places
    most good restaurants will be able to prepare broiled chicken or fish with a huge side of steamed veggies and salad without croutons or cheese with dressing on the side......also look for every opportunity to walk and make us of the hotel's fitness center.

    You can do it :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Barbie from NW Washington (about 200 miles NW of Portland, OR)
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    ohiomomof2: Good luck on your goals. I couldn’t plan all my food in advance and log it. I don’t have the self-discipline or desire. I can log everything I put in my mouth, though, and I do it.:smile:

    Kate: I’m thrilled that you are such an effective advocate for bike safety. It is an important cause. I too am a private (closet?) writer. I have a book written and sitting in a box. In fact, I wrote it three different times, along with a partial sequel. I haven’t had the peace or presence of mind to write fiction for several years, but have also sent some letters to the editor. I think one of them helped our teachers to get their contract last time around. I’d love to hear about your efforts, and you might even inspire me to dust off my keyboard and brain.:bigsmile:

    Glenda: I think listening to your body and being kind to it are great goals. I hope your lingering flu symptoms disappear and you feel 100% better asap.:flowerforyou:

    Robin: Congratulations on your secret. :love: I promise I won’t tell anybody about it.:wink:

    Brooke in CO: Congratulations on completing level 1. I keep hearing about 30 day shreds, but have no idea what is involved. :huh: Can you tell us what level 1 involves?:flowerforyou:

    Jodios: I didn’t know you were a yoga instructor. I had a nasty fall after coming home from yoga Tuesday, and I think that having had all my muscles stretched and toned kept me from hurting myself much more seriously. Doing my Thursday class felt good, too. It turns out that I really love yoga.:heart:

    Linda C: Welcome to Onederland!!!!! Did I already post this? I know I intended to…:blushing:

    Barbie: I HATE standard time because it robs me of afternoon light. Now that I’m retired it isn’t as much of a problem, but I used to leave for work in the dark and get home in the dark, and that was demoralizing. I’m a big fan of daylight time and would like to see it year round.:bigsmile:

    Amanda: I am sorry you had to hear your dad talk about your late mom and her unfaithfulness. I imagine he needed to say it to someone, and it was quite a gift that you willingly heard him. :heart: I hope you won’t have to hear it again, but he may need to say it repeatedly to someone. I think you’re right that the diaries should be burned but wonder if your siblings agree. I hope your own hospital visit solves your anemia and low potassium issues.:flowerforyou: I always want a vitamin or mineral supplement to solve everything, and life doesn’t always work that way.

    DeeDee: Congratulations on receiving a great compliment! I’d call this a terrific NSV.:flowerforyou:

    uwharriegold: Portland is a great foodie town. I survived Thanksgiving and my son’s wedding on the road, so here is my expert? advice. 1. Log your food and drink. Every mouthful. 2. Take control of your own breakfast. One of our hotels had a continental breakfast and I could get hard-boiled eggs every morning. I ate one whole one, and one white only, plus my morning coffee. Your microwave and fridge give you options to manage a healthy, low calorie breakfast every day. 3. Log every bite. 4. Your daughter is a chef; enlist her support and advice. 5. Log every bite. 6. Allow yourself a treat every day AND LOG IT. Include it in your calorie totals. 7. Use portion control. For example, you can share a Voodoo doughnut with DH, or have one on your own, but DON’T take a box back to the hotel.:noway: :wink: 8. When eating out, make the best choices you can. 9. Log every bite. 10. Did I mention log every bite? Have a good time.:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Welcome to all the newbies. This is a great group. The way you join is to post, and the more you read and post, the more support you get and give. To the newbie considering green coffee extract: Green coffee bean extract is a scam in my opinion..:grumble: :mad: :grumble: I tried this and all it did was give me the opportunity to go to the bathroom OFTEN. :sick: :frown: :blushing: Real weight loss happens through diet and exercise. MFP and all its support has been the key to my success.:flowerforyou:

    It is time to start the day. DIL brought DH a set of weights that he can use in his fitness plan. Her friend wanted to get rid of them and they were free! This was only the weights without a bar which was perfect for us. I might use them, too. Have a great day!

    Katla in NW Oregon
  • marciebrian
    marciebrian Posts: 853 Member
    March started off with a bang. She actually had HR give me a verbal warning about me not meeting expectations. They then asked me what training I needed to meet expectations. I told them I had no idea because no one could tell me what I wasn't doing or what I was doing wrong. How do you train to a personality conflict and a bitter hard to work for woman? It sucks. She is on the way to get me fired. My claim may slow the process but if she is determined I may just be s**t out of luck. My depression is really kicking in. Not good.

    March goals

    Survive this.
    Drink water
    Put my fitbit on every day.

    Sorry you're going through this challenge, I would tell HR that you would like to see specific goals outlined so they can be measured and you can see where you are weak and get help. I'm a recruiter and it irritates me to no end when managers can't be decisive in what is expected of their team. Good luck!:flowerforyou:
    Robin, Bodi and Ritter.
  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    Happy Saturday. DH and I started the day with a yoga class followed by a healthy breakfast so I'm feeling great...light in my heart and body. DH really wants to go out to eat for dinner. He has been surfing various restaurant web sites to figure out calories in advance. He is doing MFP with me and has already achieved his goal and set a new one. He is looking goooood :wink:

    Jolene - you've done it before and you'll do it again. We are all here supporting you

    Grandmallie - great goals stick with them

    Sue - do you do DVD's for exercise? I've got some great ones to strength train if you want any suggestions. Also, Shape, Fitness and Health magazine websites have suggested programs you can follow. I like Fitness because you can watch videos to see how the moves should be done

    Deb - love that so many of us are doing the JM 30ds. How far did you get before? To be honest weeks 3 & 4 look at bit intimidating

    Barbie - glad you made your appt. pls keep us posted

    Cici - if you have never done yoga before you might want to start at a studio where the teach can help you with proper alignment so you don't get hurt and they can suggest ways to heal and strengthen

    Amanda - others here expressed better thoughts on dealing with your father's unloading. Just know that I'm sending supportive thoughts your way

    Dee Dee - lost inches matter more than lost pounds...you've worked hard and deserve all the compliments you get!

    Linda - love the poem

    Jb - love the idea of personal spring cleaning

    rjadams - oh no. Hang in there...do not let your horrible boss get you down. You are fighting back with the complaint

    Katia - glad you didn't get seriously hurt in your fall. I obviously love yoga too

    Marcie, Karen, MA, bevmcarthur - welcome. I've found a great group. I joined this thread last month and have come to really rely on it...definitely helped me keep going

    Everyone have a great weekend. Jodios
  • nanasorchid52
    Hi VitF ladies

    Wow what a chatty group!!

    Good luck to everyone for their March goals!

    Welcome to all newbies - such a supportive group!

    Don't think I can reply to you all so forgive me if I don't!

    :smile: Liz - hope your heart burn is better ! Only really had it once but it was really debilitating.

    :smile: Jacqui welcome - I have given you a wave across the Bristol Channel we live on the south coast

    :smile: DeeDee- hope your pneumonia is getting better - please don't do too much! So please you had such a lovely compliment. Often we can't see the changes ourselves.

    :smile: Grandmallie - would you be able to find any exercises on You tube that you can do sitting down? I know there are some - just a suggestion.

    :smile: Brooke - I have heard of saying rabbits on the 1st of the month. But we say pinch , punch 1st day of the month and no
    return!! Bit more violent - wouldn't recommend ! Good luck with the shred. I think I am going to be on level 1 for the whole 30 days!

    :smile: Lentigogirl: new month new success!

    :smile: jb thanks for the poems! Love spring but not spring cleaning!

    :smile: Laura - enjoy your meet up and thanks for invite - don't think I'll make it - shall I send a teachers note!

    :smile: Kate - wow did you make the welsh cakes? I make them with raisins - so glad they brought back good memories - we all should have something to smile about every day!

    :smile: Lucy glad you are not going to be beating yourself up about chocolate. We all need some pleasure and they don't have to be guilty!

    :smile: Katia the little ones have so much energy! Enjoy!

    :smile: Glenda hope you feel better soon! Nice to hear you also have a tradition of Welsh cakes. Ours have nearly all gone - saving calories today to have one but they are so high in calories!!

    :smile: Robin - congratulations - something wonderful to look forward to and get fit for.

    :smile: Jodios good luck with the shred! You are nearly on to level 2 - I am impressed!

    :sad: sorry life is a bit tough at the moment. Thinking of you.

    :smile: M - great inch loss! That's what really matters in the end. Luckily we don't have our weight tattooed on our backs!

    :smile: Linda 5 lb weight loss in feb - fantastic!!

    :smile: Lincharp - What a lovely poem! So I reach out and take your hand - you will be inspired to get the exercise as good as the food!

    :smile: Barbie - glad you are getting your appointment - thinking of you!

    :smile: Carol in NY - in my book you haven't done anything wrong with your postings! Go girl go!

    :smile: ok run out of steam and time! Everyone have a great weekend

    Keep smiling

    Wales Uk
  • Memomma2003
    Memomma2003 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi girls! So glad to find this group!
    Here's my "stats" -
    Day 309
    Wt. 190.0 (-0.8)
    Total Weight Loss 42.6
    Countdown to Goal: 270 Days (until my 60th birthday)
    LBS to Goal: 40
    Here's a little of my story. I have arthritis and bad knees. I could hardly walk and had to be on a cane for a long time. One month after my mother died last year, I decided that I wanted to LIVE MY LIFE! I began by walking and could only last for about 5 minutes to begin with. I have stuck with it and have walked several 5Ks and a 10K. I've lost 42 pounds but have really slowed down in the past few months.
    My first goal this month is to train for the Color Run 5K in Atlanta April 6. I don't run much, though, mostly just walking. I've had an upper respiratory infection for 5 weeks and I am having to get back up to speed. My goal for next week is to walk for 30 minutes at least 4 days. Doesn't sound like much. I did 3 days this past week.
    My second goal is to get as many of my recipes entered into MFP as possilbe to make tracking easier and quicker. I also want to eat as many home-cooked foods as possible this month. I'm on the lookout for some new recipes!
    Looking forward to getting to know each of you!!
    Harriette in Georgia
  • Memomma2003
    Memomma2003 Posts: 4 Member
    I forgot to say that I lost most of my weight on Weight Watchers. II love MFP better!!!!!