Lent!!! What did you all give up?



  • gaelicgal70
    Funny, I gave up Facebook too! :smile:
  • lsumomma
    lsumomma Posts: 14 Member
    I gave up soft drinks. I only drank diet drinks. I am amazed that I am not bloated anymore! I just wished I liked coffee. I have been drinking tea sweetened with Splenda to get some caffeine in my system.
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    Is lent the same as Ramadan?
  • LiqueLique89
    LiqueLique89 Posts: 75 Member
    I gave up all sweets, sodas & fast/fried foods....so far so good :)
  • Chris99mu
    Chris99mu Posts: 352 Member
    Is lent the same as Ramadan?

    Same? No. Similar? Yes. Both are a time to decrease earthly pleasures or temptations (Foods, behaviors like swearing, etc) and increase spirituality (prayer, mediation, acts of service, etc)
  • PMarie29
    PMarie29 Posts: 75
    I gave up controlling my calories as strictly. I have been strictly limiting my calories to 1200 since October, and, while I have lost a fair amount of weight, it was driving me crazy and making me unhappy. So I increased my calorie limit by a bit to where I'm still able to lose weight (with a little increased exercise) and not drive myself as crazy!

    I gave up a little over-control :) does that count?
  • tjl2329
    tjl2329 Posts: 169 Member
    I like that one awesome. But got the last time Weight. I am giving up my weight. Does that count. Hopefully 10 lbs a month
  • workaholic_nurse
    workaholic_nurse Posts: 727 Member
    I decided to abstain from eating animal-based foods (basically going with a whole foods, plant based diet) and to stay away from anyone or anything that is negative and soul crushing. On the plus side I decided to devote at least 10 min every day engaging in a positive activity, whether it is kind words to myself or others, a healthy enjoyable activity or just doing something nice in general. Lent doesn't always have to about giving up something but maybe finding something that is better than what you were doing before.

    Who knew I was actually listening during all those years of Catholic school and Mass? LOL My mom would be proud!

    Instead of abstaining from something I have chosen to be a better communicator with my spouse. And my mom would be proud too...
  • endlesoul
    endlesoul Posts: 98 Member

  • mona_patty
    mona_patty Posts: 170
    I gave up alcohol and meat ....
  • benflando
    benflando Posts: 193
    I gave up lent. Just playing. I'm giving up spinach and going for kale. I heard it has more protein, fiber, and is better for you. I'm trying to get real lower ab definition.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    I gave up responding to obvious troll threads on MFP.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    I gave up fast food but I may have to break that bc I recently saw in my local newspaper that taco bell will be coming out with a cool ranch dorito taco. *drool*

    It'll still be there when Lent is over!
  • ifyouknew
    ifyouknew Posts: 68 Member
    I gave up silly religious rituals, like giving things up for lent :)
  • vaceves
    vaceves Posts: 6
    Hello =)

    The last few years I started giving up things like alcohol or Facebook rather than giving up my normal things like soda or candy.

    This year I stepped it up a bit by giving up Facebook, Instragram and a couple online games that I loved playing on my phone or Ipad that sucks up a lot of my time and therefore takes me away from my husband and kids.
  • JacciSimms
    JacciSimms Posts: 212 Member
    Sweets and my Kindle
  • AngelineTheBaker
    AngelineTheBaker Posts: 155 Member
    This year I stepped it up a bit by giving up Facebook, Instragram and a couple online games that I loved playing on my phone or Ipad that sucks up a lot of my time and therefore takes me away from my husband and kids.

    I gave up facebook this year for that same reason -- to better focus on my role as a mom and wife.
  • kimberly728
    kimberly728 Posts: 124
    I gave up wine and shoe shopping. And the stores are having amazing sales right now, so its been extremely hard to stay away from the shoe racks.
  • gerard54
    gerard54 Posts: 1,107 Member
    fast food and soda, except when its a chaser haha...:drinker:
  • bpotts44
    bpotts44 Posts: 1,066 Member
    I'm fasting from lunch on Fridays.