Real women drink beer.



  • amberlykay1014
    amberlykay1014 Posts: 608 Member
    We have two pubs in the area that feature really, really good rotating micros and imports along with probably hundreds of rarities in the coolers. They each have specials, Tuesday and Wednesday, so of course we go both nights.

    Offer to drive more often and you'll be less likely to indulge. Share a beer with someone so you can still sample without getting too many calories in. Play games, like darts and pool. Mix a diet soda in between beers if having more than one to slow you down.

    Cheers, girls!
  • MorgueBabe
    MorgueBabe Posts: 1,188 Member
    LIght crappy beer is not worth drinking.

    I save my calories for beer
  • lolagurlx0x0
    lolagurlx0x0 Posts: 149 Member
    How about you try this- Don't Drink it. Just like with us "Fake women?" Who give up cake and sweets and Tequila shots- Beer is one of the things that got you with pounds to lose. Set goals. Reward yourself with a pint.
  • dntpretndtosmile
    I just started and beer is definitely my downfall. I have been doing pretty well with it so far. Saving my beer for the weekend and gladly giving up snacks for it. It is hard to resist when I have it in my house during the week so I try to not buy it as much though my father in law loves bringing dogfish head 90 minute over.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Develop a severe hops allergy. That puts you right off. I can't touch beer without throwing up and my face swelling.
  • SportyLadyPhotographer
    Just plan for it and work it off, Im a light weight so cant really drink more than 5tops without water or anything else but I really like the dark beers to :)
  • thepinkpacker
    thepinkpacker Posts: 32 Member
    I love beer. I went to Europe a few years back and the romance began. I plan for it and don't feel guilty. I treat myself with really nice beer or beers that I just like and enjoy each drop. Last night we had a cooking night and I enjoyed 3 Rickard's Red...hmmm good.

    Also I enjoy Belgium beer...they make varieties of fruit beer, very good...great in the summer time as a treat in the hot afternoon. Also if you enjoy your beer after a good exercise session...just like consuming extra carbs at that time you burn faster.

    So my tips are:
    Enjoy your beer, or for you other women out there whatever it is that you like, in moderation.
    Treat yourself to really good beer or treats, don't skimp, you're worth it!
    Consuming high carbs after a high intensity workout as a the summer after a long run, a beer goods down good in the hot sun....then I usually take a swim.
    Finally, cheers to you!
  • thepinkpacker
    thepinkpacker Posts: 32 Member
    Sorry new to this: This post is in response to drinking low cal beers from above. Bear with me I'm learning. Hehehe

    I agree. I have tried an assortment of everything out there and no go. I don't mind Coors Light on Tap but other that it. It's like indulging in cheap chocolate...go for the good stuff, plan for it and enjoy yourself to the very last drop.
  • lizzyb83
    lizzyb83 Posts: 107 Member
    People always assume I have given up beer or chocolate. Umm, absolutely not! And the light stuff...why bother! lol I just don't do it as often! I used to have 1 or 2 with dinner most nights. Now I just limit it to 1 or 2 nights total. But I am not always that good ;) Just make sure you are drinking a lot of water, and eating pretty healthy the rest of the time
  • benflando
    benflando Posts: 193
    It's a change in lifestyle. Its something your going to have to let go for majority of your time trying to lose weight. I would say 6 out of 7 days don't drink. If your drinking every night or every other night your results are going to be hindered. Make a decision.
  • iulia_maddie
    iulia_maddie Posts: 2,780 Member
    no they don't, it is not ladylike.
    *burp* Excuse me.
  • ekr1984
    ekr1984 Posts: 22 Member
    I do my own home brews and make sure to plan for it. Part of the enjoyment of brewing my own ales is that I don't have to wait to the weekend to enjoy one. That's when I brew and I already have a hard time waiting for that.
  • FitandFab33
    FitandFab33 Posts: 718 Member
    You don't have to worry about it anymore. I drank allllll the beers last night.

    <3 hah

    Moderation is key- one night a week, or one beer a night- but keep in mind the effects of alcohol are beyond the calories..
  • courtneywiens
    courtneywiens Posts: 148 Member
    I LOVE LOVE LOVE beer. I even wrote my graduate thesis on the craft beer industry (I love many of them from the PNW!). So I totally agree with you! I haven't given it up, but I drink it less frequently. I make sure to pick one that I really like, and that is really flavorful, and really savor it. After that I'll usually switch to Bud Light or something with less calories if I want to have more than one. Generally good beers are high in alcohol content so they pack a bigger punch with feeling the effect and with calories. I don't think it's worth it to drink things you don't like so just enjoy what you do have (I enjoy Bud Light so I like drinking that too, but sometimes I want a really good beer). Drink water in between sips so you can make it last instead of just downing it and wanting more. I usually budget an extra 200 calories if I'm going to have one or I'll just exercise more that day. Definitely don't give it up! :)
  • samantha1242
    samantha1242 Posts: 816 Member
    I still drink the heavy, delicious oh so amazing local beers, but only once in awhile. I had to cut back for other reasons then weight loss. I think its important to keep having what you love to have.. everything in moderation.
  • BigDog
    BigDog Posts: 272 Member
    All you real women who haven't found it yet... Come join us in the Craft Beer and Home Brewing group.

    You will feel at home there and you won't get anyone telling you things like Don't drink at all and alcohol is bad like you will out here in the macro forums. ;-)

    And in response to the OP... I will add my support to what many have already correctly said. Plan the calories in to your day, drink water alongside your beers, exercise more to make up for beers you will have, and moderation. If you follow these things you will do fine.

  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    You've just got to fit it in. Don't have it every night. When you do just have 2 (or 2 good beers followed by something light that's tolerable, I still have a soft spot for Coors Light as I went to college in Golden). Guinness is surprisingly low calories (if this hasn't been mentioned already).

    And yeah, the notion that drinking beer is unlady like is funny. I try not to fart or talk about my period in public. That's about as lady like as I get.
  • kimmymayhall
    kimmymayhall Posts: 419 Member
    Plan your beers into your day and decide what is worth it for you. I know that I enjoy one good beer much more than two light ones for the same calories. I usually only have one at a time now (sometimes two) and only a couple times a week. Wine is another story though.
    Can you get refillable growlers? At home I can pour myself a glass of beer just the right size to fit my calories and desire for hoppy goodness.
  • afia233
    afia233 Posts: 47 Member
    really i thought butch manly women drunk beer.....
    real women stick to water deary....
  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member
    i love delerium and dogfish head 90 minutes.
    i drink wine instead calorie wise, but i would rather drink a dark beer any day.
    light beers are nasty