Share the REAL reasons why you're fat (or too thin)



  • I had a hard time staying away from junk when all my naturally thin friends were eating it, I would put on weight as a result and become depressed and then eat more junk. It's quite the nasty cycle.
  • I love food. Cooking is my passion and it's evident in how I’ve been treating my body. Like a neverending tunnel of junk-high calorie-high fat-high carb foods. I overdue it and I don’t know when to stop eating. For the past 2+ years I've been yoyo dieting with binge periods in between.

    I’m also an emotional eater. When I get depressed or filled with anxiety the first thing I turn to is junk food because it fills that void and makes me happy.

    I lost 50llbs 4 years ago and put it back on. I started my healthy lifestyle mid-january but I decided that I needed support and here I am.

    I need to figure out a way to combat my emotional eating before it gets worst.
  • skinnydreams19
    skinnydreams19 Posts: 282 Member
    Overeating snack foods (salty, sweet, chocolate, etc.). Love food and don't know when to stop - the pace picks up and, before I know it, I've put away 3000 calories in a sitting. This has happened every night for months (including tonight) with the exception of 3 last week, just when I started MFP. I need to stop for good - if you understand this sort of thing and have advice, please reach out!!!
  • qgene62
    qgene62 Posts: 1
    I am a new member of this program and I must say, it's helping me. The reason why I am fat is because i DON'T eat!!! I have struggled with this for many years. I know the right foods to eat, but forget sometimes to eat, due to busy work schedule or can't decide what I want. I often prepare the food, then don't eat it. My physicians have all told me that I have to eat to lose weight, as not eating, makes my body store fat. I often skip breakfast, then by lunchtime, I am not hungry...fill hunger pangs, when I get them, with water. No eating disorder, just most times don't have an appetite. Low metabolism.. So now, I am headed in the right direction by logging in what I eat and it's really easy to eat now. I love veggies, fish and chicken..not much of a meat eater. Not much for sweets either, and don't care much for chocolate and don't really drink alcohol (dry red wines are what I drink mostly, when I do so... Sooooo.... Let's see what happens...
  • MayaSPapaya
    MayaSPapaya Posts: 735 Member
    I've had some extra pounds for years because I love junk food. Whenever my mom would go food shopping and our house would be stocked, I would come home and fill up a cup with a **** ton of ice cream, and mix in cookies and peanut butter. I went to college, and actually stopped snacking and was actually losing weight. Then I became the victim of bullying, and whenever I was sad or lonely, I would eat. And thats how I gained twenty pounds in a matter of months.
  • AABru
    AABru Posts: 610 Member
    Wow. This thread is causing some serious self-reflection. I don't know why I was fat originally. I graduated highschool at 260+ pounds and a US women's size tight 24. When I went to college I lost 80 pounds. I am an emotional eater. Portion control was an issue. Now I am fighting the emotional eating with exercise. I have body dysmorphia, and I am not sure I will ever look fit in my own eyes. I'm only 15 pounds from my prepregnancy weight at this point. I have a high stress job and two children under 6. Although I am married, my husband and I work opposite schedules...we used to exercise together. we are working on family fun time I guess the original reason was I was ignorant of good choices, and now I make bad choices. And I love chocolate...

    lol. I am also allergic to my own sweat. No, really. I have exercise induced iridcaria (hives from exercise induced sweat). :huh:
  • amyavivah
    amyavivah Posts: 42
    when i was younger i was very thin ... i was raped by my boyfriends best friend at the time... not to go any deeper then that i got it in my head if i was fat i wouldnt ever be raped so i packed on lbs to say safe
  • jgbkab
    jgbkab Posts: 24 I would eat a pot of pasta in two days. Sweets and bread were also problems. Also, I got confused by terms like low-fat or heart healthy instead of understanding calories. Those reasons became a whirlwind of weight gain from 160 to 236. I gained 31 lbs in one month which lead to my liver failing. I started exercising two hours a day for 5 months and lost 37 lbs but could not lose any more so I gave up. Found this app and started understanding that the McDouble I ate was not 175 calories as I thought. Finally dropped. Below 199 and won't be looking back.
  • grad school.
  • Marinayes
    Marinayes Posts: 21 Member
    I ate too much and moved too little. That's pretty much it. I still move too little, but since I started eating less, I have lost weight.
  • mona_patty
    mona_patty Posts: 170
    I got married to the wrong man hahaha!!! I gained like 40 lbs in one year and all thru my marriage I was fat. Until now I am focusing on me. I easily stressed & I am or was?? an emotion eater so that might of also been the cause.
  • dawndw
    dawndw Posts: 203
    Never been overweight until a very bad relationship.....did me in pretty much. Was not supportive on anything healthy and would totally bash me verbally if I did anything to improve myself. Kept saying it was for another man..................but, that is all history and I am single and back to being me!!!
  • princessbee76
    princessbee76 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi there! Lack of discipline and laziness in controlling my food intake got me to just over 200#. I used to be a college ball player and I miss my former athletic self.
  • mrty953
    mrty953 Posts: 26
    I went through a very bitter divorce over 12 years ago and coming from a very abusive and controlling marriage of 32 years I after going into a depression because of my divorce I started to realize that I was still attractive and from not eating and being upset over the divorce I lost a lot of weight and started to go to a singles club. I danced and danced and for over a year maintained a healthy weight and then 2 years after my divorce I got remarried and gradually started to gain and now 10 years I am what you call obese and I have decided that I do not want to be this way anymore. I love to cook and unfortunatley like my own cooking but now I am cooking healthier for both me and my husband. I know the weight will take awhile to come off but I am determined to do this.
  • Moonlight17
    Moonlight17 Posts: 173 Member
    In all honesty.. Because I was extremely lazy. I was mostly sedentary what with studies, gaming, and just plain lazing about watching TV, surfing the internet. I was also eating a lot of junk food and match that with the laziness, I was bound to put on weight. In fact I'm surprised I didn't put on even more weight because of those reasons!

    Then I became depressed because of my weight, then ate more, then got depressed again - vicious cycle, But I'm changing all that now, and I want to be in the best shape of my life this year for sure.
  • 366to266
    366to266 Posts: 473 Member
    So many reasons....

    But it started with a metabolic disorder which causes me to secrete far too much insulin. Then:-

    Not caring that I got fatter
    Comfort eating to get me through a very stressful job
    More comfort eating when my partner died young
    More comfort eating when other people hurt/abandoned me

    Sugar addiction
    Refined carb addiction
    Chocolate addiction
    No help or advice in getting free from addiction

    Wrong advice from nutritionists and dieticians --" Eat more sugar and less fat".

    Denial about how much junk carbs I was eating.
  • DexterDarko
    DexterDarko Posts: 235
    I grew up with the fat lifestyle.

    In elementary school I ended up being like, 130 pounds. I was innocent and didn't know any better, I got bullied by people for it. All I'd do was eat crap and be on the computer all day. Although, I was actually a semi-active person. I would go outside and go hiking in the forest behind my house with friends like everyday. But, all I ate was a crapload of junk food, and who knows how much.... obviously alot. Moving on...

    In middle school I became smarter, realized I could lose it. I tried sometimes, but usually I maintained my lifestyle. Eventually, growing to 250 pounds. I was a completely different person as a little kid, I played the "fat kid" role pretty well. It made me an insecure and insufficient human being. Now it's made me a pretty messed up person to date.

    By highschool, I became 350+ pounds. Hitting my peak of 366. At this point, I'm just depressed. Life itself is meaningless, I don't know what people have to live for. Got put on antidepressants and things are going better. I realize I AM a fat person. I'm a binge eater, I'm addicted to food. I have the fat mentality. It's up to me to find a way to defeat it and change myself. Why am I doing it now? Because I do realize there is at least one thing I want to live for. Love.

    And how could I "love" anybody else when I don't even like the way I look? Once I lose all the weight, I can only hope that I view myself in a different light. Growing up in todays society where everyone needs to be perfect, everyone needs to live the typical human lifestyle, it's tough. It's actually pretty ironic, if people had treated me better, I'd probably be normal.

    You could say I'm fat because I'm lazy. But it's not completely true. People put me in my role as a child and I grew into it, way too perfectly. Then once I became smarter then that, I became a depressed human being, not because of my weight. Because of the way I view existence, which made me a living zombie. The only thing that has changed is that I got a motivation and I believe that once I lose my childhood insecurities I can view life in a better way. I don't know if I'll ever be that way though.
  • majoki
    majoki Posts: 151 Member
    I let my busy life dictate convenience take-out foods.

    I use my busy job as an excuse to nap on the couch with the dog when I get home instead of putting on workout clothes.

    But for the past ~8 weeks I haven't been using these easy outs, and I feel much better mentally and physically =)
  • skamnorth
    skamnorth Posts: 43
    I was an athlete, and then I ended up in a wheelchair. Depressed me comforted myself with food and became too preoccupied with eating all the while I was missing out on living my life. I used my physical pain as an excuse to not do anything about it.

    Now I want to push through that pain, and regain my strength and shape to live life to the fullest!
  • witchblade
    witchblade Posts: 11 Member
    I use my fat to keep people (especially men) away from me. I have a fear of being used, hurt, or rejected. I have live a over-protective life. My fat is my protector. along with my clutter problem. I eat when I am feeling good or feeling bad. Sometimes i eat secretly like in my car. I have lied to my family about my eating habits. I am not fooling anyone but myself. When they talk about my weight I get very angry. My stinkin thinking is a big reason I am fat. I am compulsive in many areas of my life. I am having a hard time getting over my resistance to eat right and exercise. However I feel differently about my ability to lose weight. Signing up for MYP is a big deal to me. It is a small step into my new journey. I am working on this problem with my therapist. I have a fear digging up some type of trauma. Nothing sexual. I started gaining weight after high school and not to long after I moved to a rural area with my parents and sister. I was so angry. I think I still hold a grudge. I am not sure if this relates to my gaining so much weight. Can anyone understand or relate?