Share the REAL reasons why you're fat (or too thin)



  • danicaliforn1a
    danicaliforn1a Posts: 46 Member
    I am a closet eater. I eat extremely healthy at work. When I get home from a stressful day I reach for comfort food.
  • LesleyGillan
    Pregnancy made me fat, but not eating enough and eating the wrong food when I did kept it on.
  • andreagreen1974
    andreagreen1974 Posts: 64 Member
    Because when I was in high school, everyone called me pudge. I was 130 pounds while my friends were 120-125. So I went on my first diet and lost 10 pounds THE WRONG WAY! Gained back 20, lost 20 gained back 40 etc. Eventually I was 299 pounds. Now down to almost 190 (grr, 2 weeks of sabotaging myself and staying the same!)
  • Stormchasegrl
    Stormchasegrl Posts: 61 Member
    In all honesty.. Because I was extremely lazy. I was mostly sedentary what with studies, gaming, and just plain lazing about watching TV, surfing the internet. I was also eating a lot of junk food and match that with the laziness, I was bound to put on weight. In fact I'm surprised I didn't put on even more weight because of those reasons!

    Then I became depressed because of my weight, then ate more, then got depressed again - vicious cycle, But I'm changing all that now, and I want to be in the best shape of my life this year for sure.

    ^^This!! Add this to my previous reason!!
  • jjlibunao
    jjlibunao Posts: 78
    I think a lot of it is genetics. My parents were both on the heavier side, as are both of my brothers and my sister. So, it's been a battle for a lotta years.

    Having said that, laziness a small part, while my love for pizza, wings, chips, cookies and other unhealthy things play a HUGE part. :)

    There's also the lack of discipline. When I'm motivated, I eat right and exercise like a mad man, and the weight pours right off of me. But maintaining isn't easy for me. I'm an all-or-nothing kinda guy, so I'm either being very good or very bad...usually very bad. :)

    Yes - thank you! I'm not a moderation type person at all! It's either I'm being very good with both food/exercise or I "fall off the wagon." I also agree that genetics plays a HUGE part. My brother got the great metabolism where he can eat whatever he wants and I have to watch what I eat or i gain.

    Main two reasons why I "fall off the wagon" and binge are: boredom and stress.
  • littlebre33
    littlebre33 Posts: 318
    I took the "Eating for two" too literal while pregnant with my first son. Started to watch what I ate more while I was pregnantw ith my second and gained 7lbs the whole pregnancy!! Unfortunately, I still had the extra 35lbs I gained with my first.

    Secondly, my hubby eats anything and everything, so I thought I could.. well man was i WRONG!!.
  • cindylu35
    cindylu35 Posts: 43 Member
    I treat food as a reward (holidays, after an active day.. etc)
    I treat food as a "skill" (Learning how to make something that tastes great and people tell me how good it tastes)
    I treat food as a friend (boredom, being alone)
    I treat food as revenge (angry with husband)

    Being overweight isn't like smoking. I can live without smoking. I can't live without eating. I love food that tastes good, but I don't like many vegetables and despise chicken. I'm not fat due to quantity......I'm fat due to quality.

    I eat too many fats, carbs, sugars. I've been on MFP for a long time and so that's how I analyze the bad foods I consume.
  • janfish2
    janfish2 Posts: 128 Member
    I love to eat. No stop button for all the wrong foods so portion control didn't exist. Heck - I didn't even really know what a reasonable portion was.
    The older I have become and the larger the less I have liked to move. I am quite happy to curl up with a book. Small spurts of classes or hiking but nothing continual.
    Not moving and eating - bad combination.
  • dazzo62
    dazzo62 Posts: 78
    I have always been an emotional eater. Over the past 15 years I have learned recognize exactly what sets me off, so I give myself the option of overeating to comfort myself to a certain extent.

    I have managed to keep within 5-7 lbs of my goal that way - keeping 70 lbs off for 25 years.

    Since mood affects my eating so much I know that exercise is key to keeping me happy. I have had several major surgeries, (spinal fusion, several knee operations, etc). I can't do all of the exercise I used to do but I always try to walk several miles/ several times a week.

    I think we just need to be nicer to ourselves - it makes the whole weight issue easier.

    I really like having this community - being able to share food issues helps quite a bit.
  • XRavenhood
    XRavenhood Posts: 102
    I love eating and I seem to be an emotional eater, including pretty much all emotions it seems... I've never been a really happy person and several years ago became rather depressed and lost my motivation to just, do stuff. I used to love doing sports and exercise and I'm Just starting to get back into that. I've always had low self esteem and that has played a big negative role in my life, and I just got stuck in a hole. Once I switched my diet around to a healthy one about 3 years ago, I also developped a love for cooking. Over the years I started eating poorly again but I still loved to cook, especially baked goods, so I always got first dibs on whatever I made and had difficulty stopping myself. If I have one addiction at all it's eating food, especially sweets and baked goods. I also noticed that I tend to get all kinds of cravings before my period, and my period is often late, so it seems that sometimes these cravings go on for longer. It's horrible.
  • BoomstickChick
    BoomstickChick Posts: 428 Member
    Thyroid mostly.
  • cazzer69
    cazzer69 Posts: 162 Member
    Easy....I used to to a lot of physical stuff.

    I had a major motorbike accident.
    In hospital for months, on crutches for over a year.
    I still walk with a slight limp 18 years later.

    Why am I fat? Cos I carried on eating like I did when i was active before the accident.
    Simple really.
  • RhodRhod
    RhodRhod Posts: 109
    Well for me I think it was being raised in the South. You know if it's not creamed, fried or dripping with butter, it's not good food. LOL And I love to cook and eat. So now I'm cooking healthier stuff and still loving eating and by the way I love the South!
  • fatpanda96
    This is going to sound silly and like I'm blaming my dad but I just honestly think this is where my weight gain and unhealthy habits started.

    So I was about 6 and I really wanted to stop using a car seat so my dad told my I could only do that when i was 70 pounds and i was like 50 at the time so I remember eating a whole bunch of sugary things because i thought it would make me gain weight and I wanted to badly to hit 70 pounds and I did. But I don't think I ever really stopped eating badly after that. I know it sounds stupid but thats how i remember it. I eventually hit 140 pounds when I was 10 and in the 7th grade, when I was 170, I stumbled upon a bunch of "pro ana" sites and began starving myself and throwing up every meal and I thought it was ok because I was losing weight. Then that summer I gained it all back but I started feeling better about myself. Now and then I still feel like starving or purging would help but then I think of the slump it put me in and how anti social it made me and I know I'm doing it right now.
  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member
    I was sexually abused by my mother's boyfriend from the ages of 7-11. When I was 9, I got my period early, and gained about 50 pounds in a year (obviously something was hormonally whacked, but my family just said "wow, you're so fat!" and put me on every diet known, including sending me to Weight Watcher's camp when I was 13, and shaming me for every bite I put into my mouth). When I was 11, my mother's boyfriend told me I was so fat he didn't even want to touch me anymore. That's when the abuse stopped, but my mind has been so warped that I thought his abuse was love, and that me being fat and him stopping meant he no longer loved me, and that I was not worthy of love. But at the same time, I knew what he did was wrong, so I figured if my weight stopped him, it might stop other people from treating me badly, too. Cue years of eating myself into an emotional coma, trying to become invisible, and being treated like crap by everyone around me, because that's all I knew, and that's what I thought I deserved. I still struggle with all of this on a daily basis and don't know if I will ever feel worthy of love, even from myself, and it doesn't seem to get any easier, but I'm still here, so that's all I have.
  • Beyond_Value
    Beyond_Value Posts: 46 Member
    I began to gain when I got in my 40's became less active - I got Saved and all they did was sit and eat never went anywhere that kept them moving. So, now still Saved but moving and no longer hang with them.
  • Kimmy_927
    Kimmy_927 Posts: 27 Member
    I probably eat because of emotions sometimes, or just boredom. But then there are times if I'm upset I can't eat anything. I do exercise, which I enjoy. I used to have very high metabolism and could eat everything in sight. At about 18 that stopped, and I started gaining weight. Ever since I've been learning how to eat healthy. I am on birth control, which does have a side effect of weight gain. All the hard work I do seems to just maintain my weight, not lose any. I think will power is an issue also. If I'm physically or even mentally drained, I'll just grab the first thing I see and eat it, instead of preparing my healthy food that I buy.
  • takemetothepub
    Simple, I was eating way too much and mostly bad food.

    3000+ calories a day, that coupled with them being bad calories = fatso!
  • theosgoods
    theosgoods Posts: 8 Member
    I would say for me, it’s making food that tastes so good I can’t stop. I’m aware of fat content and make every effort to slim down the fat consumption by making the food from scratch. The lack of discipline is a my form of laziness in holding to this system of tracking consumption. I keep saying to my wife, if you track what goes in, you may not be as willing (or at least, severely cut back) to open that bag of chips, eat those nuts, have that extra helping. Does this make sense to you?
  • swiseman81
    I'm one of those people who used to 'eat their feelings.' Whether they be happy, sad, angry, comfort, grieving... anything and everything. I loved food..especially junk food... I still love my food, I just choose healthier food and more acceptable portions and times. I also never did anything exercise wise to help at almost 32 I regret that, but am happy with myself for the decision I have made to improve my health and overall appearance... I may not be in a bikini this summer but you can bet your *kitten* I'll be in one next summer!!!

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