Black Team- A Team of Champions!



  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Ok-- homework assignment for number one--

    This struck me-- " In the last decade, neuroscientists discovered that you have the capacity to create an almost infinite number of new neural connections in your brain when you run new thought patterns. "

    HBO recently had a documentary miniseries some of you may have seen or heard about on Alzheimer's Disease. I transcribed a ton of the interviews and crud pre-production, months before it aired and learned a bunch--

    Bottom line, because while I learned a lot, putting medical jargon intelligently to you is usually beyond my grasp, BUT the new neural connections in our brain that are created when running new thought patterns, and expanding our brains beyond our norm-- trying new things, learning new things-- getting out of our comfort zone, routines and patterns, HELPS reduce the likelihood of developing Alzheimer's.

    So, my friends-- the benefits of this go farther than we can even imagine.

    Secondarily-- "What do you say to yourself every day? Do you say, "I am becoming leaner, healthier and more muscular every day?"... or do you say "I am a fat person - I've tried everything, nothing ever works?"

    This hit me, too-- just this morning-- down the 14 pounds of water, but still battling the same floof that took me to the doctor in the first place, I look in the mirror and am so down and angry about the muffin top that is just this freaking elusive enemy right now.

    Instead of seeing the woman who is training for a 1/2 marathon, lifting weights 3 days a week, et cetera, I looked there today and saw the muffin top and got pissy to start my day.

    Hmmmmmmm-- hormones no doubt don't help on these days, but still-- interesting.

    That's it for now-- later.

    Thanks, Lori.
  • loreeb18
    loreeb18 Posts: 1,221 Member
    tag for later

    wow, lori, check out that baby ticker! you're almost there...woohoo!!

    After I posted earlier I noticed that. Only 30 days. One month from today. His room is done, clothes washed and put away, hospital bag packed, car seat installed. Now I have nothing to do but wait and get nervous. *eek*
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,757 Member
    That Marla woman takes homework seriously!

    Lori- it's getting so close! Woo-hoo!

    Sky clouded over, just in time for a dozen or so extra teenagers to arrive at my house for a swimming party. 85% chance of storms at 8:00 PM. Grrreat.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    tag for later

    wow, lori, check out that baby ticker! you're almost there...woohoo!!

    After I posted earlier I noticed that. Only 30 days. One month from today. His room is done, clothes washed and put away, hospital bag packed, car seat installed. Now I have nothing to do but wait and get nervous. *eek*

    It will be smooth and easy..............smooth and easy baby! Hugs Lori
  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465
    is it cheating to just copy your goals?


    My goal is to SOME FREAKING DAY hit 160, but honestly to just keep plugging away, train for my half, keep logging the food, make wise choices and like you, Lori, love the lady looking back at me each day knowing 20 years ago I wasn't fit to lick the boots of who I am today.

    My goal for hubs' absence is to anally follow my training schedule. Also, to increase my weights training with Aaron to every other day across the board, instead of three days a week. okay, I admit it-- I'm totally hooked by upper body toning. A Sherrard with fit arms and back? Unheard of. (my maiden name-- 'member, I come from a long line of thick backed women)

    Summer goal is to enjoy the healthy food of the season. Cmriverside has been in my head today, who theorized that maybe our 5-10 lb gain during the winter is just our lifestyle, our diet, et cetera. Ya know-- maybe. I always weigh and measure faithfully-- but 1400 calories of summer fruits and veggies has got to be better than 1400 calories of winter stews and casseroles. So, we'll see what happens. I'm bust my rump as usual, and see if the floof disappears.

    Lori-- you just rock. SOOOOOOO glad to see you "BACK." I knew it would happen.

    NEXT MISSION-- BATMAN-- where the h-e double hockeysticks have you been, buddy? No excuses, my friend-- get yer butt back here and get it in gear. You have a whole summer full of crap on your calendar you have to be fit for. What gives?

    Love to all-- goshhhhhhhh, I hope I can meet some of you this summer!!!!!!!!!

    The Black Team's Theme Song-- I love you all!

    I would explain where I have been and what I have been doing but you said no excuses soooooo....... Moving on. The past is the past. Time for the future.
    Daily goal- Log all my food and get in a work out.

    60 days of running folks. I am going to try and run every day for the next sixty days. Fitting punishment for my naughty ways. I will check in daily. =)

  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,757 Member

    I would explain where I have been and what I have been doing but you said no excuses soooooo....... Moving on. The past is the past. Time for the future.
    Daily goal- Log all my food and get in a work out.

    60 days of running folks. I am going to try and run every day for the next sixty days. Fitting punishment for my naughty ways. I will check in daily. =)


    I like your daily goal. Remember your body needs a break sometimes. 60 days in a row isn't punishment, that is just brutal for the bod. How about 60 days in a row of cardio, which is not necessarily a break, but some form of cardio daily is reasonable. Throw in some riding or swimming maybe?
  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    Okay daily goals:

    Better food choices and log them
    Continue exercise no matter how freakin hot and humid it is
    Abs and arms

    Short term:

    2 months :2 5K's first goal of 45 min or under

    Ultimate goal: 6-9 months

    Reach my goal weight

    Ultimate goal:

    See what everyone else sees. No matter how many times someone tell me I look great, skinny, thinner...I don't see it. I think like I did 25 pounds ago.
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,757 Member
    I just saw Jeannie's signature and got a good chuckle.

    I am in the midst of teenage hell but it's winding down. It started out fairly tame. They decided to swim. The big storm clouds rolled in. We rolled them OUT of the pool. They were wild, they were running around in the rain, no thunder, no lightning, we sent them back in the pool and hot tub. I stood with an umbrella doing a lightning watch. Too much responsibility with other people's kids! Yeesh!

    They discovered they could use the wet plastic picnic table for a slip n slide. Idiot teenage boys. No brains. The girls are a little more mild, the boys, the testosterone is flying so freaking high it's not even funny. They are only happy when they are beating one another with something, throwing things at one another, drowning one another.

    I spent all day cleaning because we have a soccer party with the kids and parents here tomorrow. Rain+freshly mowed grass+a lot of teenagers= one flipping messy house. I am absolutely beat and I want to cry when I look around.

    The good news, there was hotdogs, there was cupcakes, there was chips, there was nachos, there was cheese puffs. I only ate sloppy joe (made from turkey of course), on a crappy white bun though and watermelon. Oh the temptation to stick my hand in one of those open bags of crunchy or grab a cupcake. It's almost like second nature, like an instinct. I had to keep telling myself 'NO'. Every time I would get tempted I'd eat more watermelon!

    Is it 10:00 yet? Guess I'd better go and see what's going on. They decided to play manhunt so they are now terrorizing the neighborhood. I may need to apologize to neighbors tomorrow. :ohwell:
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Lori- You are a amazing mom!!

    Marla- Happy birthday and you have come so far..thanks for continue to inspire me!!

    Lori - 30 days wow!!

    Bobbi- Love your goals..

    Me on the other hand it trying something different today..Yesterday (friday)I went to the gym burn 800 calories got my tail kicked all over cracker barrel dining room had no time to eat until 430 pm..So I went to golden corral for dinner as I so deserved to..Ya'll know that I use Sat as my family day..well yesterday I hada revelation...Why use sat as my family day when I am running 10 miles then going to the gym for 90 minutes just to shovel food in my mood, that literally makes me sick..and family day means the family is HOME!! I cant tell you the last time my 12 year old was home on a sat, unless we had a ballgame but he leaves right after that..So today my friends I am going for my 10 miles run then going to the gym for 15 minutes just to lift weights and I am DONE!!! For the day..we have a 9 am ballgame and then after that we are gonna work in the yard and work in the house..So today my friends, I get one treat, and I think I am gonna get a mcdonalds chocolate dipped cone..And we are gonna grill..HEALTHY!! I am done beating my body up, just to throw more junk in it and beat it up some more!!

    Now I am not saying if we have a party planned I wont go the extra and put more time into the gym, I am just saying if I dont have to, why do it..I work out so so so hard and never eat quite as much as I should!!

    So this my friends is my goal for the next few weeks...

    Outta here to run, have a great day my friends and love to everyone of you, who keep me trucking along!!!
  • mumsanutter
    mumsanutter Posts: 3,064 Member
    Hello my friends, I had a wonderful evening and overnight with just my hubby and am now back to normality and the boys are on fine form :laugh:

    I can pretty much guarentee that yesterdays calories were blown out of the water - white wine, rib eye steak, parma ham etc etc etc, but I am home now and back to counting. Going to do my workout this evening as it is too warm at the moment, and I will eat within my calories today.

    Goals -

    To be more positive about what I say and see. To look in the mirror in the morning and be positive, think about what I have achieved not what I still want to achieve.

    To exercise in some form every day - smiling

    To get to 160lbs by the end of august

    To get to 145/150 by this time next year
  • loreeb18
    loreeb18 Posts: 1,221 Member
    I would explain where I have been and what I have been doing but you said no excuses soooooo....... Moving on. The past is the past. Time for the future.

    Well, you can explain where you've been if it's a good story like you were in jail for joining a biker gang or the light bulb in your bat signal burnt out.
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,757 Member
    Tanya- I'm happy you have a great time with your hubby and I love your goals

    Tamara- I am thrilled to see your goals! I listen to how you kill yourself in the gym day in and day out. You are under your goal weight girl! It's one thing to step it up that notch when we are trying to lose, however, once we get there, you shouldn't have to continue at that pace. You should be able to eat healthy, exercise moderately and stay where you want to be. One treat or one treat meal is reasonable. One whole day of junk food, maybe not the best of choices.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    :sick: love the new 'bikini bumps' add running today................not!:embarassed:

    Here to say I did pretty good on phase I of my positive thinking process. I know I do not need the white stuff in my diet. Nope...the tummy tells me it is no good.....

    I also remember now how many things have sugar in them that we don't even think about. I bought greek yogurt........of course it did have caramel in it.........was NOT thinking........doubled my sugar yesterday!! It si OK....this moment is here!!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I would explain where I have been and what I have been doing but you said no excuses soooooo....... Moving on. The past is the past. Time for the future.

    Well, you can explain where you've been if it's a good story like you were in jail for joining a biker gang or the light bulb in your bat signal burnt out.

    :laugh: Or Beth locked you in the celler so you wouldn't go out of town again:glasses:
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,757 Member
    I took these pictures the other day to prove something to myself.... I'm going to share them with you.... they say a lot.

    On this plate 5 very small cookies.

    Calories 400
    Fat 20
    Carb 30
    Protein 5
    Sugar 30
    Fiber 0


    Now on this plate is 2 cups of broccoli and cauliflower, a 6.5 oz portion of sweet potato and 5 ounce piece of boneless skinless chicken breast.

    Calories 391
    Fat 4
    Carb 53
    Protein 40
    Sugar 17
    Fiber 15


    HUGE difference in not only the amount of food, but the nutritional values! Huh? Make smart choices my friends!
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    I took these pictures the other day to prove something to myself.... I'm going to share them with you.... they say a lot.

    On this plate 5 very small cookies.

    Calories 400
    Fat 20
    Carb 30
    Protein 5
    Sugar 30
    Fiber 0


    Now on this plate is 2 cups of broccoli and cauliflower, a 6.5 oz portion of sweet potato and 5 ounce piece of boneless skinless chicken breast.

    Calories 391
    Fat 4
    Carb 53
    Protein 40
    Sugar 17
    Fiber 15


    HUGE difference in not only the amount of food, but the nutritional values! Huh? Make smart choices my friends!

    Thanks Lori, you are very righ..I ran my 10 miles or so, really dont know how many miles it is my watch dont keep up with miles..But did burn 1070 calories..So if I do run into something and we go out to lunch, I can eat something semi helathy and still be ok...I am almost 9 pounds under goal weight..So I really thank you for the postive thinking you made me do!! Everyone has been telling me for a while, but they see me everyday but for someone who really doesnt even know me, and you see it also, really tells me something so wanted to throw a personal thanks out there!!!

    Headed to shower then ball game I am stinky!!!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    good visual Lori. You really got me to thinking...........did you smell the smoke??? :wink:

    I ate well yesterday, but at 5 pm I had eaten most of my calories. choice was to work out or assess my intake and hunger. Hunger=0 and I was still not feeling 100% for working out (BS, I was lazy.....pfft)

    So I had strawberries and ched cheese. No crackers..........nothing else. I felt full and happy and stayed withing 50 of my caloric intake goal.

    We can do this with wise choices. I would like a plate of that chicken please............pass it over!! Yummo!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Proverbs 16:9 (New International Version)

    9 In his heart a man plans his course,
    but the LORD determines his steps.

    okay-- I just deleted 3 paragraphs of complaining-- I need to just chill.

  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member

    Happy Birthday Sexy Momma!!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Proverbs 16:9 (New International Version)

    9 In his heart a man plans his course,
    but the LORD determines his steps.

    okay-- I just deleted 3 paragraphs of complaining-- I need to just chill.


    :laugh: you would be surprised at the number of times a day I type out pages of words, only to delete down to ":flowerforyou: Your doing a great job!!" :laugh:

    PM me if it will get it off your chest. :flowerforyou: