Coffee Drinkers



  • Tiffy_Pea
    Tiffy_Pea Posts: 49 Member
    I put a couple drops of vanilla extract, a couple dashes of Cinnamon, and a scant teaspoon on Stevia powder. Yummy!
  • Mbishop7684
    Mbishop7684 Posts: 171 Member
    I would say instead of investing $$ in cream and sugar why not take that and buy some good tasting coffee? Before I switched to french press I bought the folgers black silk- VERY YUMMY. Also- you could be making it too strong. Try and experiment with how many scoops you use per pot. Coffee is very good on its own but a lot of times people put too much in and it makes it bitter!

    Good luck!
  • BoomstickChick
    BoomstickChick Posts: 428 Member
    I don't replace my creamer. I only have one cup of coffee a day, so it's like 80 calories or something for the creamer.
  • texnurse
    texnurse Posts: 33 Member
    I tried to give up coffee for a month (keurig addict) I would drink the green tea k cups with honey instead, that didn't last, I still drink my coffee every day, one cup with a tbsp of coldstone icecream creamer, yum! Still losing weight, still enjoying my coffee!
  • I love coffee. Just the thing to start my morning. I use a splash of 1% milk, and 1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract for my cup. I like the taste although my palette is sensitive, so I can taste it. My wife says she can't because of the small amount.
  • Marie_25
    Marie_25 Posts: 67 Member
    It's like our own little club, the coffee addicts! I never intend to give up coffee, I probably drink about 6 cups a day. With 1% fat milk it's about 49 calories a cup (bummer, think of what I could eat for 300 calories a day). I recently discovered Almond Milk which I find more than halves the amount of calories (also fat and sugar). I hope you find something that suits you, everyone has different tastes! :0)
  • jacque930
    jacque930 Posts: 122 Member
    there are loads of good ideas on here. I love coffee too! I remember someone telling me to use fat free evaporated milk, it has like 10 cals per tbsp. i am sure you could add some kind of extract or sugar free coffee syrup if you wanted something more fancy. I haven't tried it yet but since you reminded me guess i will have to pick some up when i hit the grocery store. I want to try using it in place of thicker creams and milks in cooking and baking.

    I saw a nutritionist and she recommended the evaporated milk... not bad!!

    Good Idea above to try.. I think I may look into that.

    I also like cream in my coffee. Use Coffemate Vanilla Caramel. - Have gone to the Sugar Free Coffemate - I don' t care for the sugar free as much.. fake sugar flavor, but I mix. I used 2 tsp of sugar-free then 1 tsp of non-sugar free. I would do this as a transition if you don't care for the sugar-free flavor. - Measuring your creamer is key as well.

    The BEST thing I have found is making my own Latte's at home - I purchased the Mr. Coffee Latte Maker and use skim milk. If I have only 1 of these, I find it sufficient instead of 2 or 3 cups of regular coffee with creamer. For flavor I use sugar-free torani syrups. Measure the syrups, 1 Tbsp is enough.
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,779 Member
    I drink my coffee with 1TSBP 1/2 & 1/2 and 2 tsp sugar for 50 cals. The 1/2 & 1/2 adds the richness to the coffee without the cals of flavored creamers.
  • mum212
    mum212 Posts: 173 Member
    i have full fat milk and no sugar most of the time unless i feel like sugar then i will have 1
  • Hi. I love coffee also. I use fat free creamer or skim milk . I can sacrafice a lot of things, however coffee is not one of them.

    same here!

    I also use stevia as a sweetener
  • Heyyleigh
    Heyyleigh Posts: 268 Member
    I was the same in the beginning blowing tons of calories on it. My soultion was switching to powder. It worked. I learned to like it better than the creamer ;)
  • lisanxd
    lisanxd Posts: 93
    I'm a tea person for the most part, but we got a Keurig this weekend so I felt like I should try it. I only like coffee if it has a lot of flavoring :-) Yesterday I put some blue diamond unsweetened vanilla almond milk with truvia and it was actually really good.
  • langsyne
    langsyne Posts: 106 Member
    I would be willing to give up just about anything except coffee. I don't use sugar, and use just enough milk to take the bitter edge off. I've gotten to the point where I don't even like the taste if there's sugar in it.
  • ademiter
    ademiter Posts: 176 Member
    I LOVE coffee too and seem to have an obsession with creamers! ;) I just don't skimp on it. It starts my day off right with that great cup of coffee and I SURE make an awesome cup every morning!! Those calories are worth it to me. I use straight up sugar and cafe mocha creamer (and lots of it)! :)
  • marlabelle
    marlabelle Posts: 55 Member
    I too used to be a flavored creamer girl but have weaned myself off it over the years and now exclusively use unsweetened vanilla almond milk and truvia. It took a little time to acclimate my taste buds to the the change but I def prefer almond milk over soy in coffee.
  • Sadiyyah70
    Sadiyyah70 Posts: 38 Member
    I'm a big coffee drinker too:drinker: All day right up to bed time, with lots of flavored creamer and Splenda in each cup.

    I now use 1 Tb Torani Sugar Free flavored Coffee Syrup (0 cal/0g prot/0.5g carb/0fat/0g sugar/2.5mg sodium) and Stevia or Cinnamon/Vanilla extract and Stevia. Sometimes if I REALLY want the creamy color, I'll add almond milk or lactaid fat free milk, but for me the flavor trumps color. I started drinking hot green tea with a whole sliced lemon and Stevia first thing in the am and a "side effect" I didn't expect has been that I've cut back to have half cup reg coffee with half decaf for my first cup, then decaf or decaf tea the rest of the day.

    At night I do get wicked cravings for sweets, so I have a cup of decaf with stevia and no more than a teaspoon of sugar free flavored non dairy creamer which seems to be working for me because the flavor and texture are satisfying.
  • MrsG31
    MrsG31 Posts: 364 Member
    We use flavored creamer, but only a splash, and Splenda in our house. The one I used today is a liquid by Coffee Mate - Cafe Mocha and it is 35 cal per 1 TBSP.

    But we love to try new flavors and different things, and seeing how people many use almond milk...I may have to try that!
  • iWILLbeFit062012
    iWILLbeFit062012 Posts: 97 Member
    I used to be just like you. Loved my coffee every morning with french vanilla creamer. In my attempts to give up the creamer, I tried vanilla almond milk and hated it. Then tried milk and truvia sweetener. Again, no go. After about a month of experimenting I said screw it and went back to the french vanilla creamer, but it was way too sweet. Now, I only use milk, no sweetener, and love being able to savor the flavor of my coffee rather than the sugary vanilla flavor. Occasionally, I have flavored creamer but prefer it with milk only.

    If you are unable to find an alternative, keep drinking your coffee the way you like it and make it fit your daily goals.

    Good luck to you!
  • melbot24
    melbot24 Posts: 347 Member
    You must try Sweet Leaf Stevia Drops in Vanilla!
    They come in all sorts of flavors, cinnamon, chocolate, lemon.

    It's about 10 bucks a bottle, which is a bit expensive but a little goes a long way.
    Just a couple of drops in your black coffee and voila! You won't miss your creamer - I PROMISE.

    You can find it on Amazon or your local Whole Foods.

    I used to be obsessed with flavored creamer and this was the only thing that could keep me from missing it.
    Even milk and sweeteners just couldn't do it.

    Now I drink iced Toddy coffee so I don't feel like a need creamer anymore.
    (That's another tip, too...)
  • jumpthemoon
    jumpthemoon Posts: 152 Member
    We use Land O Lakes Fat Free Half & Half and it's really pretty good! I can't do black coffee so I understand where you're coming from! Good luck!