Coffee Drinkers



  • Spindigo1
    Spindigo1 Posts: 123 Member
    I use almond milk!
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    I ahve posted on this MANY times myself. It was really flippin tought to kick CoffeeMate, but I swtiched to black flavored coffee and haven't looked back. Like you, I relaized I was wasting a meals worth of calories every moring just on processed sugary flavor and it just didn't make sense.

    Good luck!

    I tried all the other creamers and while the SO coconut milk ones are OKAY, they ain't the same. I just figured I would cut it completely and save the calories for a bigger lunch or dinner.
  • kyodi
    kyodi Posts: 376 Member
    I refer to cream and sugar as...

    Coffee Ruiner #1

    Coffee Ruiner #2

    Black as grump cat's soul is the way to go!!! +1 for "don't put #$%& in my coffee!!!" LOL!
  • I have a 20 ounce travel mug that is my "morning coffee cup." In it, I add 2 ounces of real half and half (there's no substitute for the flavor IMHO), and a combination of artificial sweeteners. I have one each morning, so I think the 80 calories are well worth it. For a normal size mug, 10-12 oz, I would use one ounce.

    I have an allergy to cane sugar, so I *must* avoid it, hence the sweeteners. Stevia is good but it's better if you add a few grains of "pink packet" (brand name Sweet-n-Low) or "blue packet" (brand name Equal). Don't know how yellow packet would work but I assume it would taste good, just since it's made from cane sugar I can't use it. And if you don't mind a few extra calories, agave is awesome.
  • pinalety
    pinalety Posts: 37 Member
    I use stevia...and drink my coffee black. It took me a good while to get to this point.
    I decreased the cream and I didn't like skim milk....and the I stopped splenda and started using Stevia 2 packets,..and then eventually dropped to one packet for a LARGE coffee mug (16 oz). Now, my taste buds are adjusted, but I can't drink the coffee as strong as I used to. I suppose that's okay too. I also, switched to tea as of late and now occassionally drink coffee.
    So, it was a bunch of little progressive steps to get away from the coffee with cream.
  • Reenimal
    Reenimal Posts: 10 Member
    A little Soy Creamer, I like Whole Foods or Trader Joe's brands way better than Silk because it's thicker so takes way less to lighten the coffee up, and a little raw sugar and then I sweeten the rest up with the new Monkfruit natural sweetener (Splenda brand or the awesome little squeeze bottle of concentrated, they have it at Walmart, its super portable). I find that this blend cuts sugar calories way down without a weird aftertaste or chemicals!
  • cortezpj
    cortezpj Posts: 129 Member
    Hey guys--
    I absolutely love coffee and have NO intentions of quitting. But, I am one who loves creamer in their coffee, and flavored at that. However, it is such a kick in the pants by how many calories I WASTE on creamer alone. I need advice. What do you put in your coffee to replace it? I've tried just sugar and BLECK.

    I might've missed it, but how much coffee do you drink every day? And how many days a week?

    I only drink coffee at work during the week and only in the mornings. I drink it black and do so 90% of the time. The other 10% I use half & half or 2%milk if available. This usually happens if I'm out for dinner and someone else at the table orders coffee. I stopped using powderded creamer around10 years ago after I saw the left over residue the powdered creamer was leaving in the lid of my travel mug (gross, I I clearly wasn't doing a thorough job of cleaning my mug).

    If it's your one splurge during the day, I say go for it. But if it's really concerning you, start weining yourself off the stuff slowly and see if you can make the adjustment.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member

    Coffee is the drink of the gods!! That and diet coke, my two vices. Could happily live without cake, chocolate, ice cream, chips, crisps but do not take my latte and diet coke (how would I drink my vodka without diet coke? :-O) lol

    Exactly. Why corrupt it with cream, sugar, and worse yet, flavored syrups? Tired of cream and sugar junkies blaming coffee for their problems.
  • katekross
    katekross Posts: 463 Member
    Thank you everyone for the help!! I'm sooooo jealous of not having a Whole Foods by my house :(
  • mk834
    mk834 Posts: 17 Member
    One thing I refuse to give up is my morning coffee with half-and-half. I usually drink 2–3 cups, each with a tablespoon of half-and-half. It's really not that many extra calories, and I'd rather drink it and burn it off than not have any at all! Coffee just isn't the same without the cream. :)
  • LeLe628
    LeLe628 Posts: 7
    The trick that I stole from Hungry Girl, is to use flavored coffee & fat free or sugar free unflavored creamer, I know it's not the same but this is the best way that i've found to cut back on the calories for creamer.
  • danimalkeys
    danimalkeys Posts: 982 Member
    The only compromise I've made on my coffee is switching to Truvia for sweetener. About 1/4tsp. I use half and half and use about 2TBS of that. I had weaned myself down from a heaping teaspoon of sugar to a scant 1/2 tsp, and then to the Truvia. I don't have more than 2 cups in the morning, usually only 1.
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    if you can't drink your coffee black, you must not really love the gift from God that is coffee.

    You taint the purity of god's gift with sugars and creamers and other such creations of the debil.


    Turn away from your evil ways! When you come to love the purity of the gift of God's that is Coffee, you will no longer lust for sweeteners and you shall rejoice in the wonder that is pure coffea arabica!
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    i just want y'all to know I had to leave this forum to go get coffee.
  • AllAboutThatTreble
    AllAboutThatTreble Posts: 156 Member
    i just want y'all to know I had to leave this forum to go get coffee.

    Ha! I did the same exact thing! I saw the thread and went to get a cup of coffee before I responded.

    When I started to drink coffee, I had to put a ton of cream and sugar. But as I got more familiar with coffee and learning about the different kinds - black is the way to go! You know what they say (heh). I find that skipping the store brands and buying whole beans from a local shop and grinding right before I make my coffee gives me the best taste.

    But it does take some getting used to. I slowly cut down the amount of cream and sugar I put in until I added nothing.