is it ok to eat around 500 calories a day?



  • DarkAngel262
    DarkAngel262 Posts: 118 Member
    Some people may have been rude, but I think some are just really trying to stress the point so you don't get sick. :heart:
  • squindles
    squindles Posts: 350 Member
    There is no reason to be so rude! I never once said I was doing this, i said it was an idea. I understand that I cannot take the adipex forever. I could also go all day without eating, but I'm not doing that. I am eating around 1200 calories a day and walking a mile on my treadmill. I figure the adipex will help with my hunger while I learn to eat less and exercise more. My plan is to do it the right way, diet and exercise and use the adipex to help me.
    What a shame I couldnt get 6 pages of responces when I joined the group and was looking for support.
    No offense luv but why didn't you state what you were actually eating at the start of the post??? Did you just do it to see how many replies you could get? Of course people are going to "freak out" when they read a post like that one. Shame on you for posting in the first place without clarifying :frown:
  • sassafrascas
    sassafrascas Posts: 191 Member
    When I was on the HCG diet thats what they said I was supposed to eat, needless to say that ish didn't last long. Just because something is masking your hunger cues doesn't mean your body isnt wanting to eat. Its not the healthy way to go. Aim for healthy!
  • CharityGC
    CharityGC Posts: 499 Member
    Doing it "the right way" is awesome but your original post led no one to believe that was your intention. I'm not surprised that no one supported the idea of 500 calories a day simply because it's not healthy. I don't think anyone would openly support something that could harm you.
  • You will starve to death.
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    There is no reason to be so rude! I never once said I was doing this, i said it was an idea. I understand that I cannot take the adipex forever. I could also go all day without eating, but I'm not doing that. I am eating around 1200 calories a day and walking a mile on my treadmill. I figure the adipex will help with my hunger while I learn to eat less and exercise more. My plan is to do it the right way, diet and exercise and use the adipex to help me.
    What a shame I couldnt get 6 pages of responces when I joined the group and was looking for support.

    Why not learn how to lose weight without the adipex? You have apparently taken it before so you know it's not teaching you anything once you are not longer taking the drug.

    Even 1200 is not enough and will result in muscle loss along with it being harder to get proper nutrients in.

    If you want to do things the right way learn how to eat and exercise without pills. Clearly you know they don't work once you are off them since you took them once before.
  • cherio256
    cherio256 Posts: 219
    excuse me I did say this :" I am still eating because I know its bad for you to not eat at all"

    did I just ask to see how many replies I could get? are you serious? Like I have nothing better to do with my time.
  • cherio256
    cherio256 Posts: 219
    I did take them before and lose weight. I walked everyday and ate much less than I am eating now. After I lost the weight I didnt walk anymore and my eating gradually went back up to overeating. My plan now is after I lose the weight to keep walking and eating less.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member


    I. LOVE. THIS.

    OP, you asked about a dangerous form of weight loss and got an alarmed community in response. That IS support. A lack of support would have been a bunch of people telling you to go ahead and commit the slow suicide that 500 calories is.
  • RhodRhod
    RhodRhod Posts: 109
    Please don't, if not for yourself then those that love you. Faster is not always better. If all of us over weight people could lose it tomorrow we would but that's not living in the real world. It looks like you've got a beautiful little boy depending on you and he deserves for you to take care of yourself. Set little goals and reach them and before you know it you'll be looking at your main goal straight in the face. You can do this, you just need to be smart about it. Best wishes!
  • kiykiy79
    kiykiy79 Posts: 177
    Not only is eating only 500 calories a bad idea... But so is taking Adipex. Just because a 'doctor' wrote the prescription does not mean it is good for you. It's very bad for you heart and will shed hair heavily because you are not properly nourishing your body. I took it for years and it never gave me long term results. My genuine and concerned suggestion is to lose weight the natural way (i.e. eating right and exercising)... I know that's not instant gratification, but I have never felt as AWESOME as I do after losing 42lbs the right way as I did when I took Adipex and lose 20lbs by starving myself.

    Also, as soon as I stopped taking the pills or my body became immune to them... Guess what? I gained the weight back plus a little more!

    Good luck!
  • scress0514
    scress0514 Posts: 51 Member
    You could loose weight like this, but it wont last. Yrs ago i went to a weight loss clinic in my area and paid to have advice and nurses oversee my progress in my weight loss goals...they put my on a 500 cal diet...ya I lost weight, and as soon as i stop eating the 500 cal diet I put back on every pound and then some. It was very unhealthy for me and of course that place is no longer in business and hasnt been for alot of yrs. You need to make life long changes not fast short term changes, this will ensure 1200-1400 cals per day and you will obtain all your results for a lifetime....good luck
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    I did take them before and lose weight. I walked everyday and ate much less than I am eating now. After I lost the weight I didnt walk anymore and my eating gradually went back up to overeating. My plan now is after I lose the weight to keep walking and eating less.

    Learn how to lose weight and eat better without the pills. Pills are dangerous and can hurt your heart... the pills combined with very little food is not healthy.

    Learn how to do it the proper way. With eating so little you are losing muscle. You can and will lose weight eating much more than you do now.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    There is no reason to be so rude! I never once said I was doing this, i said it was an idea. I understand that I cannot take the adipex forever. I could also go all day without eating, but I'm not doing that. I am eating around 1200 calories a day and walking a mile on my treadmill. I figure the adipex will help with my hunger while I learn to eat less and exercise more. My plan is to do it the right way, diet and exercise and use the adipex to help me.
    What a shame I couldnt get 6 pages of responces when I joined the group and was looking for support.

    So you ask a question and don't like the answers, and everyone is rude for not giving you the answer you wanted to hear? Gotcha
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    There is no reason to be so rude! I never once said I was doing this, i said it was an idea. I understand that I cannot take the adipex forever. I could also go all day without eating, but I'm not doing that. I am eating around 1200 calories a day and walking a mile on my treadmill. I figure the adipex will help with my hunger while I learn to eat less and exercise more. My plan is to do it the right way, diet and exercise and use the adipex to help me.
    What a shame I couldnt get 6 pages of responces when I joined the group and was looking for support.

    Are you serious?

    You ask if a ridiculously low calorie diet is a good idea, and when people tell you NO and why, you reply with this? UNSUPPORTIVE would be to lie to you and say, "sure good job" when you propose things like this that can and will have detrimental effects on your long-term health.
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    and the Darwin award goes to....
  • vickyg1
    vickyg1 Posts: 211 Member
    I have a friend who is doing cr500 diet which is 500 calories a day. Ive been trying to tell her it is no good. Of course they sell you these supplements to help supress your hunger so basically you are paying them to screw up your body. You need to eat. I dont get why people are into not eating.
  • _Witsy_
    _Witsy_ Posts: 609 Member
    I did take them before and lose weight. I walked everyday and ate much less than I am eating now. After I lost the weight I didnt walk anymore and my eating gradually went back up to overeating. My plan now is after I lose the weight to keep walking and eating less.

    I'd be afraid that this cycle will repeat again. Long lasting weight loss doesn't happen over night. And you clearly know you need to eat at least 1200 calories and eat back exercise calories.
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    There is no reason to be so rude! I never once said I was doing this, i said it was an idea. I understand that I cannot take the adipex forever. I could also go all day without eating, but I'm not doing that. I am eating around 1200 calories a day and walking a mile on my treadmill. I figure the adipex will help with my hunger while I learn to eat less and exercise more. My plan is to do it the right way, diet and exercise and use the adipex to help me.
    What a shame I couldnt get 6 pages of responces when I joined the group and was looking for support.
    People were actually pretty kind considering what a flat out terrible and unhealthy idea it is. MFP sets a reasonable calorie goal.
    Remember, slow and steady.

    You aren't going to "lose weight and fast" and keep it off.

    Then again I'd be grouchy and overract to kindness and concern if I only at 500 calories a day as well.
  • blably
    blably Posts: 490 Member
    the past two days (when i really have time to read through some topics) made me come to...just having one question.

    are people seriously so uneducated around the world....or is the problem with their IQ?

    as for the OP, sure go with 500 / day, send us some greetings when youll end up in a hospital...and dont forget to take pictures from all of your excess skin...oh and you should tell someone what youre doin so they wont be suprised once youll need their help to even get out of bed since you will lose all of your muscle mass too.
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