Eating "junk" and losing weight?



  • monajkm21
    monajkm21 Posts: 23 Member
    I see SO many people on here who have their diaries open and eat more than half of their calories from what's considered "junk" food. What's the deal with this?! I realize I'm the one with 150 pounds left to lose, but wouldn't these people be losing more if they would eat fruits and vegetables at every meal? I'm striving for 75% fresh food. Is that maybe unrealistic? And there are people losing .5 pounds per week but eating candy, chips, etc. Would it not make a difference if they'd eat real food instead? Maybe I'm just confused!

    I know what you mean...I used to have my diary open for my friends to view because I wanted them to say something to be about the things that I was eating as long as it was in an encouraging way. I will say this, in the beginning, I ate whatever I wanted and I still put in the MFP journal even though most days I went over my calorie goal. But being able to see what I was doing and notice how much fat and cholesterol I was putting into my body helped me to make better choices. Over time, I have adjusted my eating and learned to make better choices. Maybe they are having a similar experience? Idk hard to say but it's possible.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Disagree. Processed foods have long been available in Asia. Their population seems to do just fine. What they are lacking is a population of 60% overweight and obese people.
    No medical organization will dispute that WEIGHT is the number one predictor of health risk.

    Obesity is rising in China alongside fast food market growth.

    There does seem to be some relationship between processed foods and weight.

    Easily accessible calorie dense food. "Processed food" (whatever that means) is not the what is causing obesity. Obesity is causing the health risks.

    You "know" that, do you?

    Well if you eat nothing but processed food and keep the calories down, you don't gain weight. So yeah we all know it.
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    You will be better for getting your tastes used to fresh and healthy foods. I was just reading a thread where someone is addicted to ruby red grapefruits and has to eat one every day! Now isn't that a better option for your body than NEEDING chocolate every day?

    If you can eat fresh and still enjoy your food, DO IT! I personally would need something "bad" at PMS time, but I don't think it's good for your health to have it all the time. For me, it's not about fat:thin, but rather do I want to be healthy or would I like to increase my chances of cancer by eating all kinds of carcinogens and preservatives and refined sugars?

  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    Disagree. Processed foods have long been available in Asia. Their population seems to do just fine. What they are lacking is a population of 60% overweight and obese people.
    No medical organization will dispute that WEIGHT is the number one predictor of health risk.

    Obesity is rising in China alongside fast food market growth.

    There does seem to be some relationship between processed foods and weight.

    Easily accessible calorie dense food. "Processed food" (whatever that means) is not the what is causing obesity. Obesity is causing the health risks.

    You "know" that, do you?

    Well if you eat nothing but processed food and keep the calories down, you don't gain weight. So yeah we all know it.

    It has also been shown MANY times over that health markers can improve with weight loss alone despite continued eating of so-called "unhealthy/bad/prcessed foods. So yeah I can say I know that.
  • nokanjaijo
    nokanjaijo Posts: 466 Member
    So we all agree that calories cause weight gain and weight gain causes health risks.

    I can agree to this. I don't think I said otherwise.
    Micro nutrients content has little to do with satiation.

    I won't agree to this. As far as I know, if your body is sorely lacking in micronutrients, it might strive to cause you to eat more food.
    I eat 50/50 Half junk or what possibly people think are junk you could call any food junk or any food healthy, food is food a calorie is a calorie, and thats it, i eat half Whatever i want, If thats chips so be it , than the rest i eat heathy salads lean meats But i can eat healthy 100 percent on some days the 5-/50 is optional, this is a lifestyle change and i know i can do this for the rest of my life,!!
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    Disagree. Processed foods have long been available in Asia. Their population seems to do just fine. What they are lacking is a population of 60% overweight and obese people.
    No medical organization will dispute that WEIGHT is the number one predictor of health risk.

    Obesity is rising in China alongside fast food market growth.

    There does seem to be some relationship between processed foods and weight.

    Easily accessible calorie dense food. "Processed food" (whatever that means) is not the what is causing obesity. Obesity is causing the health risks.

    You "know" that, do you?

    Well if you eat nothing but processed food and keep the calories down, you don't gain weight. So yeah we all know it.

    You know that obesity, in itself, is the cause of illness? Or is it the same habits that cause obesity, causing illness? You do not know which one is true. You may think you do, but you do not.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Disagree. Processed foods have long been available in Asia. Their population seems to do just fine. What they are lacking is a population of 60% overweight and obese people.
    No medical organization will dispute that WEIGHT is the number one predictor of health risk.

    Obesity is rising in China alongside fast food market growth.

    There does seem to be some relationship between processed foods and weight.

    Easily accessible calorie dense food. "Processed food" (whatever that means) is not the what is causing obesity. Obesity is causing the health risks.

    You "know" that, do you?

    Well if you eat nothing but processed food and keep the calories down, you don't gain weight. So yeah we all know it.

    You know that obesity, in itself, is the cause of illness? Or is it the same habits that cause obesity, causing illness? You do not know which one is true. You may think you do, but you do not.

    Too many calories is what causes obesity.
  • Sharon_C
    Sharon_C Posts: 2,132 Member
    ::raising hand:: That would be me. I love food and that's never going to change. I wanted to lose weight but not give up what I love and guess what? I did it. Last night I had pizza and a big piece of chocolate cake. I was a little over on calories (hey, it's my birthday, I'm allowed) but I will compensate the rest of the week by eating under.

    There are days my husband and I do lunch or go on dates and I refuse to worry about what's going in my mouth because I still want to enjoy myself and, yes, I enjoy food. It's one of my pleasures. For other people it might not be. On the days I don't go out to lunch or dinner, I make sure I eat under calories so it all balances out at the end of the week.

    I've lost a pound a week and have now upped my calories to lose .5 pounds a week and its working.

    If I had to eat only vegetables (yuck, I HATE vegetables) and fruit and lean meat and chicken for the rest of my life I would totally rebel and go in the other direction.

    I've a found a good balance that works well for me. :drinker:
  • sammys1girly
    sammys1girly Posts: 1,045 Member
    I strongly believe in all things in moderation. I know that I can't realistically eat mostly just fruits and veggies, not do I want to.
    I have followed this principle all of my life, including eating "junk" food, and have never been more than a tiny bit overweight.
  • erin4455
    erin4455 Posts: 135
    I see SO many people on here who have their diaries open and eat more than half of their calories from what's considered "junk" food. What's the deal with this?! I realize I'm the one with 150 pounds left to lose, but wouldn't these people be losing more if they would eat fruits and vegetables at every meal? I'm striving for 75% fresh food. Is that maybe unrealistic? And there are people losing .5 pounds per week but eating candy, chips, etc. Would it not make a difference if they'd eat real food instead? Maybe I'm just confused!

    I eat a variety of fresh, processed and restaurant meals (mostly the latter). My schedule and lifestyle are big factors in what choices I make each day. I may not be "eating clean" but I am losing weight consistently. I say, DO WHATEVER WORKS TO GET YOU TO GOAL. Losing excess weight can make a huge difference in your overall health...and it makes that difference if you eat clean, or if you eat processed or if you eat every single meal at a restaurant - if you are watching your calorie intake, exercising and striving for balanced meals, you'll be fine. That being said, is it better to eat fresh foods and avoid processed? Sure, ok! But it's not REALISTIC for everyone. The best advice is to worry about your own diet and leave the others to their success or failure. Who has the time to worry and compare other peoples food diaries when they're not asking for advice to begin with???
  • nokanjaijo
    nokanjaijo Posts: 466 Member
    You know that obesity, in itself, is the cause of illness? Or is it the same habits that cause obesity, causing illness? You do not know which one is true. You may think you do, but you do not.

    Well played.

    My hat is off to you, sir or madam.
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    Maybe what you're not getting is that some people's goal is to lose weight, some to lose fat, and some to be healthy. It is about quality and eventual quantity of IS a LIFESTYLE CHOICE when people choose what to or NOT to eat and/or drink.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,619 Member
    But the environment has a profound effect on the foods we eat and processed food is tainted with many chemicals---some deliberately, some inadvertently. How is it that melamine-laced dairy from China (remember the melamine tainted infant formula of a few years ago?) ended up in chocolate candy here? By the way, there is a major scandal brewing on Chinese food imports. Because they irrigate their crops with heavily polluted groundwater, Chinese foodstuffs are also heavily polluted with industrial waste.
    But the US isn't China. But China aside, Japan, Vietnam, Burma, Korea, Singapore, etc. ALL have forms of processed foods that aren't causing overweight/obesity issues there. Again, it's basically boiling down to over consumption.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,619 Member
    Disagree. Processed foods have long been available in Asia. Their population seems to do just fine. What they are lacking is a population of 60% overweight and obese people.
    No medical organization will dispute that WEIGHT is the number one predictor of health risk.

    Obesity is rising in China alongside fast food market growth.

    There does seem to be some relationship between processed foods and weight.
    There seems to be a relationship that any country that starts increasing profit, also increases it's waistlines.

    I mentioned other countries like Japan, Singapore, Vietnam, to name a few. These countries have stores with lots of processed foods on the shelves. And lots of MSG and sodium too.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    but wouldn't these people be losing more if they would eat fruits and vegetables at every meal?
    How much you lose has to do with your calorie deficit. How healthy you are has to do with what you eat.

    Now it's slightly more complicated than that. A lot of processed food is designed to make you eat more, for example. But, if you track your food and you DON'T eat more, then all it does is make you unhealthy, not fat.

    Btw, this is exactly why my diary isn't open. I don't want strangers looking at my diary and then concern trolling me. :wink:
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    Indeed - we could say that there's an increase wrist watch ownership that correlates with the increase in obesity in china.

    Therefore I declare that wrist watches=obesity.
  • leejayem
    leejayem Posts: 120 Member
    If people can eat fast food etc on a regular basis & still maintain good cholesterol levels, normal BGL, & great mental health then I say good on them! I would if I could!!!:drinker:
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,619 Member
    Here's the thing: losing weight is about calories in/calories out and balanced macros, but BEING HEALTHY is different. It's about clean foods, not eating processed garbage, etc. Your immune system, your arteries, etc. will thank you. I can guarantee that since I started eating more whole foods/fewer processed things that I get sick WAY less. I'm averaging one cold a year now, and getting over it much faster, whereas before, I'd get colds/flu at least three times a year and maybe more. You can't work out when you're sick. Not only that, I don't think it's good to develop a "junk food palate"...your mind/body will start to crave garbagey foods, and on days when you can't work out for whatever reason you're going to feel cruddy because you've been eating crud. The old adage that "you are what you eat" applies here.

    So just clean foods? Weight, exercise, rest, stress, sleep, environment, risk behavior and genetics don't have anything to do with health?:laugh:

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    No--all of those factors are very important, but is the weight the problem, or are the effects of the other elements causing the excessive adiposity? Why has obesity only been a significant problem in the West since the latter part of the last century? Could one of the answers be the quality of what we put in our mouths?
    The average American is overweight/obese because of over consumption. There are millions of people in the US who eat moderately, exercise and get enough rest along with eating some cake, ice cream, chips etc. on occasions who aren't overweight/obese because they stay in control of their calories.

    Here's a good example:
    Some of the lowest quality food you can eat is in the prison system. Lots of low quality, processed foods. Somehow, the long term inmates aren't DYING off from it. They aren't getting obese from it either.

    Now if it was just quality of food, then our prison population should be much smaller.:laugh:

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Sharon_C
    Sharon_C Posts: 2,132 Member
    Btw, this is exactly why my diary isn't open. I don't want strangers looking at my diary and then concern trolling me. :wink:
