
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    How do you add the goals to your posts? I think if I wrote down and aimed for one goal a month, like it seems y'all are doing, I might be able to make it. So, how do I set it into MFP?


    Willkommen (I read your profile:wink: ), it appears we now have two "Robins." You know what they say about "Birds of a feather..":bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    To answer your question:

    If you want to add a ticker to your post, such as the one under mine that indicates how many pounds lost, you first to to the tools tab at the top of the page and then choose "get yours now" under Weight Loss Ticker. Once there, choose the style of ticker you want..the page is fairly easy to follow. Once you have picked your ticker format, you will do a copy command for the code of the ticker you have chosen. Be sure to follow the instructions before leaving the ticker page to save your info, so your ticker will be kept.

    Then come back to the forum post page, and choose "Signature." If your ticker code is not already showing in the field for message board signature, do a pasted command and the ticker will be placed in that field. (It has been so long since I did mine, I can't remember if it was there or I had to copy it in manually:blushing: )Anyway, once it is in place, you can type below it and put in the goals, or whatever, that you want to be as part of your signature. If you exceed the maximum number of available characters, it will give you an error message and not save, so "short and sweet" should serve you well.

    This is a great group of ladies, and we are here to provide all the encouragement you need. I saw on another post that you are doing Jenny Craig. That may be a good way to get started. In time, by using this site you can build new eating habits and be successful at losing without being on a pre-packaged food regimen. In order to keep weight off, this will be an important skill to develop. Jenny Craig can be a stepping stone to building that skill. Good luck!!


    PS. We have three Barbara's on here,(Barbiecat, auntibk, and me) so don't worry about the name duplication. We can usually tell which person was addressed. We have Robin from WA, and now Robin from VA (that would be you)
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    I just saw your latest post about PJ. I am so sorry it has come to this, but I think you are keeping PJ's best interests ahead of all else, and that is the best thing to do in this case. What you said about the color of his gums is an indication that he is not getting enough oxygen in his system, so it is no wonder he is pretty lethargic. I will be thinking of you and your family.

  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    Happy Sunday!! Just checking in. :bigsmile: I haven’t read most of the post:blushing: but will try to later.:wink:

    Yesterday I went to the store to do clothes shopping and I couldn't believe what I was fitting into!! :bigsmile: I use to be an 18 - 16 and now my jeans are a 10! I was so excited!:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    So hang in there if you're struggling. :wink: I STILL struggle....:angry: but the difference is....I GET UP AND KEEP GOING!!!

    Have a great Sunday and remember we can only make a difference……today!!!:flowerforyou:


    :drinker: Well Done Birdie - and yes, it does give me hope that one day I too will be able to fit into size 10 jeans. :noway: :smile: I know it is going to take time (lots of it :laugh: ) but as you say the best thing to do is to keep going and never give up. So get those pictures posted, you deserve to feel proud and excited. :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    :frown: It has rained on and off today, and we were so looking forward to having a fine day for the Race for Life. It started as a light drizzle just as we set off, little Autumn was wearing a pink fairy outfit and looked so cute. We'd only gone 1km when the rain came down in buckets - we got soaked, but Autumn didn't want to sit in her buggy so we carried on to 2km we were almost at 3km when she decided she would like to ride in her buggy we thought she might go to sleep, but she had a little drink and a rest and came out to walk the rest of the way 5km. She loved it when she got her medal. Then we all ate an ice cream before setting off back to my niece's house to eat the picnic we were going to have if the weather had been sunny. We still had a good day despite the rain. :smile: And we raised some money for the Breast Cancer Charity. :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Jackie I usually end up buying DH either Jeans or Tee Shirts or sometimes a DVD that he wants. I think men are harder to buy for than women.

    Well I had better log my food for the day, don't forget to add the ice cream Viv, ooh by the way did I mention it had a flake in it :embarassed: :embarassed: I'll log it I promise :laugh:

    Things to be thankful for - :heart: my family, :heart: my health :heart: and that people can turn out in such awful weather and still have a good time running/walking for charity. :heart:

    Hope you all had a good day :flowerforyou:

    Night Night

    PS :brokenheart: Michelle I am so sorry to hear about PJ but I think you know when it is time. Our old dog Milo had heart disease and towards the end I used to sleep downstairs with him and it broke my heart listening to him struggling to breathe. My heart goes out to you and your family but you have done your very best for PJ and now you are doing him a kindness. My thoughts are with you.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    ...Well I had better log my food for the day, don't forget to add the ice cream Viv, ooh by the way did I mention it had a flake in it :embarassed: :embarassed: I'll log it I promise :laugh: ...

    Night Night

    If your ice cream had flakes in it, I hope it was because you were eating it during a snowstorm!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    Birdie – Can't wait to see the new pics. We all love a success story! Yippee for you!!:flowerforyou: I love the can-do spirit that just oozes from this site and this thread in particular. It sure helps to have others doing the same thing and encouraging us all along the way. I have caught the “yes I can” attitude from you all. I'm with you on the get up when you fall down attitude. We all mess up; we just have to shrug it off and get back at it. :laugh:

    Mimi – I too am hoping that the lowered heart rate means you have done so well that your meds need to be reduced. Is this possible?

    Michele – I am sorry to hear that PJ is failing. It is so sad to have to make that decision. We have had to do the same and I know it hurts. The only consolation is knowing that you are being unselfish and responsible.

    Going for a walk up and down our 1/8 mile long driveway to get some exercise in today. I would walk the road, if it weren't for the occasional unfriendly roaming dog around here.

    Maybe the mocking birds will be singing, as it just stopped raining. Last night there was one in a tree next to where I was weeding and it was amazing the repertoire it had. I recognized the songs of bluebird, cardinal, bobwhite and blue jay among his many songs. Quite a concert!

    I can never hope to reply to everything going on on this site, so I'll leave it at that. It could be a full time job to keep track of us all and I'm already retired. :wink:

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    Michele I am so sorry about PJ:sad:

    Regarding size 10 jeans. the ones I bought a couple of weeks ago are now too big. I was wearing the 8's yesterday. I just can't beleive it.

    What is a healthy resting heartrate? just curious.

    you guys can refer to me as rj if you want to keep the robin's straight.
  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    ...Well I had better log my food for the day, don't forget to add the ice cream Viv, ooh by the way did I mention it had a flake in it :embarassed: :embarassed: I'll log it I promise :laugh: ...

    Night Night

    If your ice cream had flakes in it, I hope it was because you were eating it during a snowstorm!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    ...Well I had better log my food for the day, don't forget to add the ice cream Viv, ooh by the way did I mention it had a flake in it :embarassed: :embarassed: I'll log it I promise :laugh: ...

    Night Night

    If your ice cream had flakes in it, I hope it was because you were eating it during a snowstorm!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Oops :blushing: let me try again. I love the old quote that goes something like "The US and the UK; two countries divided by a common language.

    The walk got canceled due to rain. Maybe later.

    If this try at the quote thing doesn't work - I GIVE UP. :embarassed:

  • dansdeb
    dansdeb Posts: 164
    I did ok in June - but went on vacation for the past week. I tried to be good, but everyday I allowed a small splurge. I am really not looking forward to weighing in tomorrow a.m. It is so darn easy to put a few pounds on and so hard to take them off. Any suggestions? Had a good time on vacation, but now depressed because I know I have screwed up :angry:
  • dansdeb
    dansdeb Posts: 164
    I would kill for size 10 jeans again! I've gone from 14 to 12, slowly working my way there. congratulations - that is wonderful:bigsmile:
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Okay--I should be fixing dinner but I just HAD to find out what "ice cream with a flake in it" was. Here's what I found:

    "Cadbury Flake is a bar of thinly folded milk chocolate produced in the United Kingdom, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, Ireland and South Africa by Cadbury UK.

    The product was first developed in 1920 and was founded by an employee of Cadburys. When the excess from the moulds was drained off, it fell off in a stream and created folded chocolate with flaking properties.[1]

    Since 1922 in Britain and Ireland ice cream vendors serve '99s' which are vanilla soft serve ice cream in a wafer cone in which a half size Flake bar is inserted in the top. Screwballs are similar but have a plastic cone rather than a wafer.

    As of 2008, Cadbury Flake is now sold in Canada."

    Sounds really good--I'm glad I haven't found any here!

    Michelle--I'm so sorry about PJ but you are doing the right thing in not letting him suffer. So sad to have to make decisions like this, though!

    Donna--when I quit smoking I put on about 6 pounds but I stuck with the exercise and healthy eating and it is slowly coming off again so--hang in there!

    I think I saw some new names--welcome to you all:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Thank you everyone for your kind words about PJ, Barb (weaklink), Viv, Faye, Robyn, and anyone else that I might have missed. Just now I went into the back bedroom to sit with PJ and give him some treats. He walked from the side of the bed to the water dish we have in the bathroom, I would guess maybe about 12 feet. Twice he had to stop and get his balance. As much as it hurts me, I do think it's time.

    As to what I'm going to give Vince for father's day....well, he's getting a t-shirt that I got right after St. Patrick's day 1/2 off, a lava lamp that *I* thought was cool from the Salvation Army (I'm a big spender, huh???), an Uncle John's Bathroom reader that I found at Sam's Club and this metal ice cream scoop (now THAT I paid full price for...lol) -- it's all one piece. Wonder if I need to spend any more money on him?

    OK, Robin, size 8! That's wonderful! Guess that means a new wardrobe, huh? To me, one of the worst things about losing weight is that you wear something like a pair of pants, the pair you love, and you find that they are really baggy. I had that happen to me. I had just had this outfit altered, I wore it and someone took my pic. When I looked at the pic, I couldn't get over how baggy the pants looked. They still fit around the waist, tho.

    dansdeb - the best thing you can do for your depression about what you feel is "screwing up", is to just get right back on the bandwagon. You'll lose and then the "screw up" won't bother you at all.

    The resting heart rate really depends on how fit a person is and their age (it rises as we get older). A physically fit person is going to have a lower resting heart rate. It is usually around 60-80. Lance Armstrong's RHR is around 38. I don't think I'll ever get that low. So there are some factors that should be taken into account before saying what a "healthy" RHR is. Hope this helps.

  • Wishful
    Wishful Posts: 618 Member
    Wow! These posts add up quickly! I just scanned them. I haven't done as well over the weekend as I was doing during the week. Everyone is always hungry at my house.:ohwell: Mainly, I need to cook at the house and quit buying prepared foods. Congratulations to all on your hard work!
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    :smile: I don't know how to get a photo in the main part of the message, :huh: so I'll put my new picture as my profile picture. If you go into my photos, you'll see me last August wearing the pink blouse. I couldn't even button it.....:noway: so I wore it layered.:grumble: Then an updated picture of me in the same pink blouse and the capris that I couldn't even get over my hips last summer. :blushing: Slimmer feels better than any cookie ever tasted!!!:laugh:

    Hopefully tomorrow I can catch up on posts, I've had company all weekend. Got to get back to my daughter and grandchildren!

    Have a great.....rest of the day!:flowerforyou:

  • robnbrwn
    robnbrwn Posts: 18
    How do you add the goals to your posts? I think if I wrote down and aimed for one goal a month, like it seems y'all are doing, I might be able to make it. So, how do I set it into MFP?


    Willkommen (I read your profile:wink: ), it appears we now have two "Robins." You know what they say about "Birds of a feather..":bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    To answer your question:

    Thanks so much! This is a test to see if the ticker worked.
  • robnbrwn
    robnbrwn Posts: 18
    So, Barb, thanks for the tip, it worked! And thanks to the other welcoming souls. I don't have the courage to do this all the time, so I appreciate the support.

    I'm hopeful Jenny Craig will get me recalibrated, so I can learn what appropriate portion sizes are (for the first time in my life) and get me down enough that I can exercise without pain.

    Thanks all!
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Michelle...so sorry about PJ :frown: but I'm sure you're making the right decision. Hang in there.:love:

  • mimi7grands
    mimi7grands Posts: 616
    How do you add the goals to your posts?
    Hi Robin, Someone else may have beaten me to the punch on this. In case they didn't, here's how you do it:

    To add a weight loss ticker, click Tools then Weight Loss Ticker

    To add your own narrative, click Community then Signature

    Some folks add second tickers to their signatures. I'm not quite sure how. When you find out, let me know!

    Good luck!
  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    Birdie - Holy cow! You look great! :bigsmile: You don't look like you ever were heavy at all. How'd you do that? :noway: You truly do look like the younger sister of the heavier you. I just love these success pictures.

    Finally got 1 3/4 miles in before dark. Not much but it's something. M-F are my main exercise days.

    (oops - edited for typo)

  • mimi7grands
    mimi7grands Posts: 616
    Michele, I'm sorry about PJ. That's a hard decision, but a kind one.

    Birdie, congrats on being within a hair of your goal weight. That's awesome! I just saw your before and after pics. They're amazing. You look great and probably 20 years younger. I just saw they we're both 62 and have both lost 47 pounds. Of course, you're almost "there" and I'm almost to the half way point but, we're both successes in our stick-to-it-iveness!

    Robin #2, I see Barb beat me to the punch. I must have skimmed right over her post. I should have known our techie gal would be there before me!

    RJ, A healthy resting heart rate is usually 60 to 80. 60 is usually seen in athletes. I'm bummed that mine's in the 50's half the time. It's not the end of the world. There are options. But I have to say getting old ain't for sissies. And I'm not even old yet! (At least I don't feel old, although the wrinkles tell a different story!)

    Even if I can't claim the lower blood pressure as a bennie of getting thinner, I'm so glad I'm here and so glad I'm doing this. And, it's for sure that losing the weight and getting fitter can only be a good thing!
This discussion has been closed.