Let's Start a Group! TALL WOMEN UNITED :-)



  • I love this group.
    Unlike you all, people don't tell me not to lose weight..lol and someone is alwayssss calling me thick or big girl which I hate. I am into a slim look, thick is not for me. My ultimate goal is too be long, lean, and shapely.

    5'9 1/2"
    SW: 190
    CW: 180
    GW: 150
  • Hi!
    Hope everyone is doing well ...
    I need to drink more water!!! LOL
    I'm excited to see if I can lose this weight by July 4th.
    Its my birthday month (the 31st) so that would be great for the little skanky outfit I have picked out for my party :D
    If I lose 4, I'll try to lose another 4 and so on, etc till my birthday.
    Peace my tall peeps!
    My bday is the 31st as well (heyyyy Leo) and I'm hoping to wear my lil shakey butt butt dress! Good luck and I know you will lose tons of weight b4 the bday celebration.
  • nikki3337
    nikki3337 Posts: 19
    I love this, people that aren't tall never know how you feel! I'm 5'10, currently at 164 pounds. My goal is to get down to 150. It seems so unreal sometimes because I used to weigh over 200 pounds. Now i'm so close to my goal weight but these last few pounds are the hardest to lose! I'm sticking to it though, every pound is one step closer! I'm currently a size eight but clothes are the hardest thing to find! Jeans are either too long or too short, and dresses almost always look like shirts. Yay for being tall!
  • gabbyj
    gabbyj Posts: 7
    Hi everyone!
    Its July4th!!! LOL
    I didn't achieve my 4 pound loss AT ALL but I did a side by side photo of myself (peep my profile pic) and I am pleased with my results.
    Anyone else?
  • abyssfully
    abyssfully Posts: 410 Member
    Always short and tall groups. What about us 5'8" ladies =(
  • happy_jax
    happy_jax Posts: 289 Member
    Well this is nice...I'm 5.9" so one of the short-arses amongst you! :laugh:

    I have to say the thing about being tall that I really don't like is always feeling bulky no matter what. That's why I think it's important that us taller ladies are lean, no matter if people say it's okay...or it's curves or whatever. Shockingly enough I am actually the skinniest out of all the girls I work with, but as they are all super-short I always feel like a complete hippo.

    I am actually at my goal weight now - but am working out like a hardcore dynamo bunny still desperate to sort out my awful tummy! (Lots of loose skin and a bit of excess tub still despite my weight being right! Ggrrrr! :explode: )

    With regards to jeans....7 for all Mankind are THE BEST for leggy ladies! All the 36" leg ones seem to go to Outlet too so you save a little ££!! :happy:
  • rayneface
    rayneface Posts: 219 Member

    SO, today I went to visit with my mom and grandma and it started just about as soon as I walked in the door.

    "You've gotten SO skinny, you can't lose any more weight! Good lord are you eating?!"

    Honestly, nothing makes me more mad. Why? Well, I am 188lbs, NOT a healthy weight. Actually overweight! I am also unhappy with my unhealthy predicament and doing my best to turn that around. I have lost 17lbs since starting with MFP and I couldn't be more thrilled - I have found something that works! Exercise, eating well, sticking to my calories, funny that would work right?

    So the day goes on, including grocery shopping.. which surprisingly I don't catch a lot of flack for buying veggies/fruit and mostly unprocessed foods. But then comes lunch...

    Surprise, junk is suggested - McDonald's... or maybe to "accommodate me" pizza. Yup, cheesy pizza is the "healthy" option suggested. I offered up that I could grab Subway and they could go for the burgers. Unfortunately I wasn't driving so that never happened. McDonald's drive thu here I come.

    I decided I would get chicken nuggets, 6, with mustard sauce and a diet coke. It would hold me over until I could get home for some real food. Well that wasn't good, that wasn't a meal - how could i only eat that? Where was my burger?? Nuggets are a side you have with something, not all alone. There was nearly a fight at the order speaker about how I was fine with just the nuggets. UGH!!

    God knows I love my mother and grandmother but I was just plain annoyed by the whole conversation surrounding lunch.


    Eating healthy is MY choice, I will not push it on anyone - family, friends, not even my boyfriend with whom I live. Sure he ends up eating healthier because I am the cook, but if he asks for chips or chocolate the next time I am out grocery shopping, I won't deny him. It's his choice not mine. I really wish that people could be more supportive when someone strives for betterment. Having to deal with this kind of negativity is difficult when you know you're just striving for health.

    I feel better, getting that off my chest. Thanks all for being here to listen!! (or should I say read haha)
  • gabbyj
    gabbyj Posts: 7
    Did anyone achieve their goal? :D
  • Divabonita88
    Divabonita88 Posts: 63 Member
    http://www.bodyrock.tv/ (FREE Home workouts!!)

    Gabby i didn't meet my goal :(!!
  • jarrettd
    jarrettd Posts: 872 Member
    I'm down to my last 5 or so pounds (if I like what I see when I meet goal), and still haven't lost hardly any on my lower body. I've lost 15 pounds of upper body (that I didn't really need to lose), and I do have a waist again, but why will the butt, hips, and thighs not cooperate? Anyone else notice the "top-down" type of loss?
  • deja_blu
    deja_blu Posts: 359 Member
    I'm 5'9.5 and I've lost almost 35 lbs. I almost weigh as much as I did in HS! Can't wait for that reunion next year.

    -big smile with teeth-

  • Hello Amazons!!!

    I am 5'10 at 200# and a size 12 (14 in hipless/thighless/buttless clothing). I'm actually literal amazon build, lol - tall, long solid legs and broad shoulders.

    I just joined maybe… 5 literal minutes ago, this thread is what inspired me to. I am actually about to join a rigorous boot camp of sorts that lasts 14days. A friend of mine has done 4 of these 2 week cycles and has already lost 52lbs!! Is that not insane?? He's a guy, and I know they shed differently, but he started at about 300+ lbs. other women in the same group lose from 10-20 lbs in the 2 weeks. I'm really excited about it. I have already been working out the last few weeks, so I'm just using this program to pump up the intensity. I'm really trying to lose this gut and these arm guts, my legs tend to adjust accordingly. Here is my question to you lovely ladies:

    I know there's no exact science, but I'm curious to know approx how many lbs = a dress size for those in the 12/14 range? I saw similar threads but the responses were mainly from the shorties. (God bless em) Lol.

    My goal is to be a solid 8. Or…a big 6 and Im attempting to wrap my mind around a realistic gauge. when i was tounder 10lbs was wnough for people to notice, not so sure now. Just curious about your experiences.
  • drawlins
    drawlins Posts: 2
    Hey Guys,

    I am 27, 6'0 tall and weighing in at 228 pounds. I originally started my weight loss journey about 2 years ago at 275 pounds. It was time for this weight to go. For a long time I used everyone's excuse and I quote "but your tall you're supposed to be 275"! Uh NO WAY! Truth is i was definately overweight. I am currently striving to be 195lbs, not sure what size I would be but I just wanna have a healthy BMI. Btw is anyone in here 6ft 195-200lbs?? If so what size jeans do you wear? Im excited to be a part of a group with real women who can relate :]
  • kelatki
    kelatki Posts: 16 Member
    Hey Ladies,

    I'm 6'1, and very curvy. Need to lose A LOT of weight. Starting weight 300+...have lost 15 pds so far!!! Ideal weight 225/ ideal size 12-14. Glad we have our own place to fellowship! :happy:
  • I need some help here. I have just recently started to dieting\exercising again. I am 17 years old, 6 ft tall and I weigh about 240-230 something like that and I am going to start the military diet. Idk if anyone has ever heard of it, you are suppose to be able to lose 10 lbs in 3 days if you follow it exactly and exercise, but I want to have a goal weight in mind before I start. So I have been looking up how much someone my age,height, and all that should weight and everything says that I should weight between 148-162 lbs & that seems like a little much to me because even though I do weigh alot I don't really look like. So any help would be great or reviews on the military diet. Thanks :)
  • I am 18 and 6'1" and my ideal weight is around 155 right now I am at around 165. I admit I do not think I am overweight but I want to have that tight beach body that every girl strives for. My doctor told me that my ideal weight for my height and I am a bit above average on curviness (38C big butt) would be 160 hope this helped :)
  • I'm 5'10.5-ish. For a long time I've rationalized my weight because I'm tall, and I carry weight very evenly [although mostly in my thighs :( ]. However, for as long as I can remember, I've been out of shape, and I've decided to do something about it :)
    Also, this group is a great idea, I'm always looking for people with similar body types for motivation :)
  • 20 days into the 30 Day Shred

    I just started the 30DS! Do you like it? Have you noticed any results yet?
  • HELLO GORGEOUS LADIES!!! ARE YOU UP FOR THE JULY4TH 4lb CHALLENGE ?? (Thats just a little over 1lb lose per week starting today! It's definitely attainable, slow & steady wins the race!)

    Post your weigh-in and i'll start a graph! :-)

    I'm in!
    Height: 5'10"
    SW: 198.5
    CW: 190
    GW: 150
  • smirf1972
    smirf1972 Posts: 93 Member
    I need some help here. I have just recently started to dieting\exercising again. I am 17 years old, 6 ft tall and I weigh about 240-230 something like that and I am going to start the military diet. Idk if anyone has ever heard of it, you are suppose to be able to lose 10 lbs in 3 days if you follow it exactly and exercise, but I want to have a goal weight in mind before I start. So I have been looking up how much someone my age,height, and all that should weight and everything says that I should weight between 148-162 lbs & that seems like a little much to me because even though I do weigh alot I don't really look like. So any help would be great or reviews on the military diet. Thanks :)

    I'm 5'9" and my ideal weight is 125-168, according to the chart i have your ideal weight is 136-184lbs, hope that helps :)