Replacing peanut butter with????



  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Get rid of peanut butter all is not even considered a nut and its not good for you regardless. I love almond butter and it mixes well in my protein shakes and spreads well! It comes in chunky organic which is awesome too!

    peanut is not a nut? someone tell the planter nut guy....

    seriously, a little peanut butter is not bad for you as long as you count it. I mix it in protein shakes or put it on bread from time to time...
  • pg3ibew
    pg3ibew Posts: 1,026 Member
    Peanut butter and bacon. Two of my favorite food groups. Even better together. (Insert Homer Simpson Drool)

    How dare you say Peanut butter is no good for you?

    Pure Blasphemy, I say.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Wow a lot of Paleo's in this thread. I didn't know Paleo's had Internet :rolleyes

    they invented a time machine and transported themselves to the future....
  • CRMstar
    CRMstar Posts: 8 Member
    Replace it with PB2. It tastes pretty much like regular peanut butter, but it has had most of the fat removed. It's made by a company called Bell Plantation. It is usually by other pb substitutes in the grocery store.
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    I just heard peanuts are bad for you. What kind of nuts/seeds should I replace my peanut butter with? Thats 16 grams of fat!

    I'm having an affair with my peanut butter.. I see him almost everyday.. My boyfriend will be jealous if he finds out..

    get the ones where organic peanuts are the only ingredient.. problem solved. Nuts -.= good added sugar and all that other crap half those brands have = bad.
    Replace it with PB2. It tastes pretty much like regular peanut butter, but it has had most of the fat removed. It's made by a company called Bell Plantation. It is usually by other pb substitutes in the grocery store.

    PB2 has nothing on real peanut butter and it doesn't taste the same either. It's yucky and it's not natural. Just my opinion. ;~)
  • ratherbeskiing
    ratherbeskiing Posts: 847 Member
    almond butter.... but I like peanut butter too :huh:
  • artickb22
    artickb22 Posts: 411 Member
    I'm addicted to crunchy almond butter myself
  • 4Boys4Me
    4Boys4Me Posts: 16 Member
    Try powdered Peanut Butter. A lot less calories and fat. Awesome in smoothies.
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    Peanut butter is healthy and it! If you're concerned about calories, PB2 is great, but there's not a thing wrong with the real stuff if you aren't allergic. No it isn't a nut...its a legume. Its a bean!
  • 0nichan
    0nichan Posts: 5
    Get rid of peanut butter all is not even considered a nut and its not good for you regardless. I love almond butter and it mixes well in my protein shakes and spreads well! It comes in chunky organic which is awesome too!

    peanut is not a nut? someone tell the planter nut guy....
    Peanuts are legumes, strictly avoided by the paleo types because they think that cavemen had access to bison (native to north america, not around during caveman times) but not legumes (readily found growing wild everywhere).
    Peanuts are a great source of vitamins and minerals, protein, antioxidants, and healthy fats. Don't replace them! Just look out for the creepy factory handled varieties, like planters, which have been sterilized, irradiated, UHT pasteurized, and generally have very small amounts of nutritional value, especially mixed with fillers for commercially manufactured "peanut butter". Try and get a couple pounds of raw valencia or spanish peanuts and make your own PB at home - it takes about 5 minutes in a blender or food processor and you will never go back to store bought "peanut butter" again ^^
  • imperfect188
    Just have them in moderation. Although a good source of protein they are high in fat.
  • kes2014
    kes2014 Posts: 4 Member
    I love peanuts and peanut butter. Full disclosure :-)

    Peanuts are bad for people with peanut allergies.
    My mother doesn't eat peanuts and a lot of other things because she is on a restrictive migraine diet.
    My brother doesn't eat a lot of peanuts because he forms kidney stones.

    If, however, you don't have medical issues with peanuts. they are a healthy, if high calorie source of protein. I have recently found a powdered peanut butter (which I wish didn't have ANY SALT OR SUGAR but at least it doesn't have a ton of it) that is very low calorie. I, personally, find it better for cooking - for which it is amazing. Although, to be honest, I often find I want/need to add fat (usually with my recipes, dark sesame oil..).to it to make the recipe work right

    If you need or want to find alternatives to peanut butter (even if you don't need to... they're fun!) there is almond butter, tahini, cashew butter - those are usually easily obtainable. I have also recently seen pecan butter, sunflower seed butter (which my mother swears by) and if you have a food mill or a food processor, there is nothing stopping you from grinding your own nut or seed butter from fresh from any nut or seed you desire, and the added benefit is you can control any additives.

    The biggest downside is that they are high calorie... but usually they are all healthy/reasonably healthy fats (at least as far as I know, mostly monos and polys). So unless you have a medical reason to avoid nut/seed butters, it's probably just a question of moderation. On the other hand if you have a medical reason... There's a lot to choose from and your choice will differ, depending on the medical issue you're dealing with.
  • kes2014
    kes2014 Posts: 4 Member
    I love peanuts and peanut butter. Full disclosure :smile:

    Peanuts are bad for people with peanut allergies.
    My mother doesn't eat peanuts and a lot of other things because she is on a restrictive migraine diet.
    My brother doesn't eat a lot of peanuts because he forms kidney stones.

    If, however, you don't have medical issues with peanuts. they are a healthy, if high calorie source of protein. I have recently found a powdered peanut butter (which I wish didn't have ANY SALT OR SUGAR but at least it doesn't have a ton of it) that is very low calorie. I, personally, find it better for cooking - for which it is amazing. Although, to be honest, I often find I want/need to add fat (usually with my recipes, dark sesame oil..).to it to make the recipe work right

    If you need or want to find alternatives to peanut butter (even if you don't need to... they're fun!) there is almond butter, tahini, cashew butter - those are usually easily obtainable. I have also recently seen pecan butter, sunflower seed butter (which my mother swears by) and if you have a food mill or a food processor, there is nothing stopping you from grinding your own nut or seed butter from fresh from any nut or seed you desire, and the added benefit is you can control any additives.

    The biggest downside is that they are high calorie... but usually they are all healthy/reasonably healthy fats (at least as far as I know, mostly monos and polys). So unless you have a medical reason to avoid nut/seed butters, it's probably just a question of moderation. On the other hand if you have a medical reason... There's a lot to choose from and your choice will differ, depending on the medical issue you're dealing with.
  • S_U_M_M_E_R
    S_U_M_M_E_R Posts: 220 Member
    I just heard peanuts are bad for you. What kind of nuts/seeds should I replace my peanut butter with? Thats 16 grams of fat!
    My personal trainer had me replace peanut butter with almond butter. It isn't as good so I went back to peanut butter. Peanut butter is an addiction for me so I can't even buy it or I eat the whole thing in a couple of days which is too much fat. I do believe that the pb addiction is what made me fat in the first place. For a while I was eating two jars a week. I don't eat a ton of food, but when I eat food that fattening, it really added up without me realizing it. I rarely ever buy it anymore, but I love it.

    Jillian Michaels for one said to NEVER eat peanuts. The list goes on of nutritionists who say not to eat it. Body builders and ppl in the fitness industry say to eat it in moderation. I know they carry bacteria in them. I also know that there are nuts which will help you lose fat such as macadamia, pistachios and almonds. Maybe it is that peanuts are not THAT bad for you, but they carry little nutritional value. So other than protein and some nutrients, they don't give you much other than fat. But even if you're eating it for a protein source, I believe 2 TBS is only 7 g of protein so this isn't a good protein source. It is a fat source, but not one which does much of anything for you. Like the "junk food of nuts" so to speak. So if you're going to look for a fat source you should choose a different nut and that is what I believe the hype is about.

    I use pb when I have a sweet tooth. I put it in the fridge and when it cold, it reminds me of peanut butter fudge. Same texture. It is better than candy, bc it has less sugar. Again going from memory I think 1 TBs of pb (all natural w/no additives is about 2 g of sugar) that isn't that bad, considering it cures my sweet tooth. I'm weird, but it works for me.
  • pattycake118
    pattycake118 Posts: 44 Member
    Those asking how PB could be bad - Aflatoxin can be found in peanut butter. I don't know the stats, but I wouldn't worry about it... The sugar content in the really processed PB terrifies me, though. Natural is the way to go.
    As for replacements? There's a brand called Nuts-To-You Nut Butter that I've tried a few times with a whole wall of flavours at my local organic store. They're amazing. Macadamia, pumpkin seed, sunflower seed, and all other magical butters.
  • AngryDiet
    AngryDiet Posts: 1,349 Member
    I might get myself a monocle.
  • kes2014
    kes2014 Posts: 4 Member
    Get rid of peanut butter all is not even considered a nut and its not good for you regardless. I love almond butter and it mixes well in my protein shakes and spreads well! It comes in chunky organic which is awesome too!

    I'm sorry but I just don't understand this response... do you tell people to dump other legumes from their diets? like chick peas.... and split peas... and mung beans .... and lentils ... and pinto beans... (I'm going to stop because this could go on for a long long time if I went on and even included heirloom bean varieties)

    Peanuts are a legume rather than a tree nut. Are you claiming that all beans are bad for you? If you are saying that, well, you are entitled to your opinion but I sure haven't seen any serious evidence to back it up.

    On the other hand, if you are saying that commercial peanut butters have way too much salt, oil, and sugar, that makes sense... but that has nothing to do with the peanut and anyone who buys a natural brand or makes his or her own can avoid the additives.
  • Shadowknight137
    Shadowknight137 Posts: 1,243 Member
  • S_U_M_M_E_R
    S_U_M_M_E_R Posts: 220 Member
    Get rid of peanut butter all is not even considered a nut and its not good for you regardless. I love almond butter and it mixes well in my protein shakes and spreads well! It comes in chunky organic which is awesome too!

    I'm sorry but I just don't understand this response... do you tell people to dump other legumes from their diets? like chick peas.... and split peas... and mung beans .... and lentils ... and pinto beans... (I'm going to stop because this could go on for a long long time if I went on and even included heirloom bean varieties)

    Peanuts are a legume rather than a tree nut. Are you claiming that all beans are bad for you? If you are saying that, well, you are entitled to your opinion but I sure haven't seen any serious evidence to back it up.

    On the other hand, if you are saying that commercial peanut butters have way too much salt, oil, and sugar, that makes sense... but that has nothing to do with the peanut and anyone who buys a natural brand or makes his or her own can avoid the additives.
    I agree with the original poster who said, "get rid of peanut butter" bc it is not good for you. He is right. He said almond butter is better. He is right again in comparing the two. And lastly, he didn't say anything about getting rid of other legumes. Where in the world did that comment come from. Peanut butter and peanuts even in their most natural form have little to offer the body other than a lot of fat. In other words their fat content are not comparable to their nutrition and are not worth it. They are not a good choice. There are legumes which are good, but we are not talking about those at the moment. The question and the topic were about PEANUT BUTTER.
  • jcreazy
    jcreazy Posts: 50 Member
    I have never eaten peanut butter so I say go with almond butter.