Army Strong, help..



  • I just stumbled on this thread.
    As a 21 year Army SSG (21 years today), both active and reserves, I found this to be very disturbing. I was wondering if there was any update.
  • romach79
    romach79 Posts: 277 Member
    Has anyone suggested a different occupation?
    IMHO the military is going to be facing some serious cutbacks in the near future. Having been in the military at previous point where they have cut back severely - it is not a great place to be right now.
  • it's still safer than being in the corporate sector. I left the corporate world 3 years ago.
    If you don't want to be on active duty, once ou ETS look at getting a Govt Job.
  • Hi there,
    I feel you about losing weight for the military. I'm going through the same thing with the USMC.
    They suggested;
    -drink a ton of water avoid anything with sugar.
    -RUN, RUN, RUN! Run for about 45 min. or more. Also keep track of your speed the faster you go the more you burn.
    -Eat more veggies and fruit.
    -Eat foods that help your metabolism.
    -Drink green tea. No added sugar just simple plain tea.
    -Really cut down on the sodium, it'll just retain water and make you feel like you didn't lose weight.

    I'm also doing Insanity to help me lose and build a stronger body. If you don't want to buy the whole collection here are YouTube videos that have the whole workout plan.

    Also don't forget about the Insanity schedule its anywhere online.

    Good luck! I hope this helps. (:
  • Hi everyone

    There is a great website that has a lot of info about training for the Army and more specifically how to pass the physical selection tests. its

    Hope it helps
  • sammirust
    sammirust Posts: 83
    my husbands recruiter pulled this with him too. they had him putting trash bags on and running for hours on end to drop the weight. he ended up going to basic under his weight goal because his recruiter was an idiot and just wanted him under the weight limit. hubby got pretty sick, and was dead tired from the lack of food he was eating before getting there and then with the start of basic and everything it just snowballed.
    just do your best hun. start running, get your times to what they want you at , and when you get to basic if you are over what they want you, you will just have less sweets and stuff like that. the weight will melt off during basic < < believe me. hubby came back waaaaaaaaaaaaay smaller than he was when he left.
    just dont do anything drastic, and just make sure you can do their workouts. push ups and such. as long as you tape in and you can pass those fitness things you are fine.