200+ Pound Twenties (New Group)



  • iwillweighlessoneday
    iwillweighlessoneday Posts: 30 Member
    I'd like to join in too.

    I'm 27, mommy to 1 great little girl, and wife to an awesome man. :)
    When I started MFP I weighed 263. My current weight is 238.

    My goal is to be 200 (or under) by Sept 1st. Then I'd like to see where I go from there by Christmas.

    My ultimate goal is to be 175 or less by Feb 1st, 2010 - my 28th Birthday.
  • ARJacobson
    ARJacobson Posts: 11
    Hi. I am new to this site (only 3rd day) and would like to be part of this group. I am 26 and a mother of two little girls. I am currently at 234lbs and want to be around 160lbs. My healthy weight range is 142-165. I would love to be in that range!! I have a hard time with the exercising part of living healthy but am working on it. I was working with on the slim fast website (I lost 7lbs!!) but they changed their website so I found this one. So far it seems to be helping. It is definitely making me think about how many calories I am consuming. Anyway, I would like to join this group.
  • ashnichole10
    Hey all! Sorry I'm late weighing in for last Monday.. we've been having internet problems this week. I'm down from 204.5 to 201.2, I lost 3.3 this week. Hopefully I'll be under 200 on Monday, I'm kinda nervous though because this week was super busy and stressful so I won't be surprised if I didn't lose any or gained a pound or 2! Trying to stay positive though. =) Good job to everyone that lost! Does anyone use a HRM? I'm thinking about buying one, I started P90X and not sure how many calories I'm burning.

    Steffie- I set my mini goals 5 lbs at a time & reward myself with something small. It helps me to focus on my weight loss in small numbers at a time
    Tennisref- I'm sure you can meet your goal by then! :)
  • ashnichole10
    Well, surprisingly I didn't gain! I lost 1.2 lbs- I'm right at 200, I'll for sure be under next week. =) Hope everyone else did well! Have a good week
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    I'm 8weeks from my 25th bday and currently 230lbs :) I've started not dieting but a lifestyle change. I cut all soda (2months and going strong, not even one slip up :) ) and I actually eat breakfast now and I walk at least a mile a day, sometimes more. I currently started C25k (coolrunning.com) and I'm on Week2 Day 2 on Wed. I'm down 13lbs from when I started in April and this site and fellow journey takers are amazing :) XoxoxoX Bru
  • mamoore83
    mamoore83 Posts: 2
    Yeah sign me up I'm 27yrs old and am currently 240ish keep bouncing between 238-243. It's awesome to have othere people like me :-) we can all engouage each other :-)
  • MysterriGal
    MysterriGal Posts: 52 Member
    Have not gained, have not lost, still at 230. Time for me to crack down!!!
  • hanr
    hanr Posts: 20
    I've lost 2kg this week :)
    Down from 106kg to 104kg!

    Which means so far I've lost 7kg (15lbs) :D


    Well done to everyone for good results this week!
  • spikess
    spikess Posts: 113 Member
    was just a pound lighter on monday, down to 173.4lbs

    congrats to everyone who's lost :)
  • spikess
    spikess Posts: 113 Member
    @Spikess: You are doing such a great job! I will probably feel the same way once I get into a 14 (haven't been that size since middle school).

    thanks :) i think that was probably the last time i was a 14! it's nice to start to see the changes
  • steffi1686
    steffi1686 Posts: 119 Member
    CW: 229.6
    I gained two pounds. :sad: But to tell you the truth I figure I would gain. I have been traveling the past few days and have been eating out much more than usual. I feel like my routine has been messed up the past few weeks and I just want to get back to normalcy. I hope next week will be better!
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    I weighed in this morning and officially weigh 5lbs less than my hubby :D I'm down to 227.4!! I made my first mini goal of losing 15lbs which means my brothers and I are headed for a lunch date tomorrow! Yay!! I've also walked some miles this week and aside from completing Couch to 5k week2 and feeling a little sore, I love it!!! I'm a walking machine! Speaking of, so I was out on a walk/jog for 23min and on my second lap, I had a truck pull up next to me and tell me how good I was doing and how I looked great...he wanted to then shake the hand of a fine *kitten* girl...*rolls eyes* and this happened righ in front of a friend of mine who happened to be driving behind him and proceeded to yell *Go Amy Go*.... Oh Lord!! He obviously didn't notice I was sucking in my tummy!! Have a healthy weekend all!! XoxoxoX Bru
  • tennisref
    tennisref Posts: 27
    Thanks Steffi and Ashley for the encouragement! And I'm glad to see the new faces!!

    Last week was a BAD week. My middle sister was visiting from Reno, and so I took her to the beach, which also requires stopping by the Tillamook Cheese Factory for the obligatory cheese samples and ice cream cone. It was also my little sister's graduation party that day, so we ended up having cake that afternoon too!! Then the rain started. So I'm up 2 pounds this week at 215 again.

    Today is sunny and 84 degrees, and I'm still on Week 3 day 1 of my couch to 5k program and it's Saturday already! Forecast for next week: Sunshine, lots of exercise and a no more parties. And just maybe a job offer (please oh please!) at a place where I won't have a schedule that bounces all around every week!
  • MysterriGal
    MysterriGal Posts: 52 Member
    Oh Tennisref parties are BAD! My husband turned 30 Saturday and we had a party with soo much food and I just let it all go for the weekend.So I need to really kick myself in thebutt now and really start back at this. I think a good eye opener was trying on a shirt for the party that was looking a little better on me and looking gross. Kick in the butt I need I hope.

    I have gone up 1lb. to 231. Another eye opener. Good luck everyone!
  • steffi1686
    steffi1686 Posts: 119 Member
    CW: 227.8

    I lost the weight I put on last week which makes me really happy! Now I can start making progress again. 210s here I come!
    I don't have any more parties or travel scheduled so life should get back to normal. Now all I need is a job. (I just graduated with my masters degree) Me and you are in the same boat Tennisref.
  • ashnichole10
    I am FINALLY under 200!! It seemed like it would never happen again, but I am 197.5 =) I lost 3.5 this week! I know how you guys feel about the parties, it's really hard especially during the summertime when everything is going on. Tomorrow is my birthday and everyone wants to go out drinking and go to dinner and of course that means- birthday cake!! I figured the healthiest solution would be angel food cake and strawberries. I just keep thinking about my vacation next month, it's definitely motivation!! Congrats to everyone who lost!
  • emmafarrell

    I'd like to join this group too please. :)

    I'm 27, I weighed 222 pounds when I started on my fitness pal and I'm now down to 219. Thrilled to bits so far as I've never managed to stick to any sort of weight loss plan before.

    It's so great to see groups like this that offer support and that help you realise there are other people in the same boat!
  • spikess
    spikess Posts: 113 Member
    down from 173.4lbs to 170.2lbs.

    3.2lbs :)
  • feeny
    feeny Posts: 110 Member
    keep forgetting to post here!

    last time i posted I was at 281 and now i'm at 277 :)

    I'm thinking of changing my weigh-in days from mondays to fridays to help keep me motivated on the weekend.
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Well, I weigh in officially tomorrow, but just for the heck of it, I weighed in this morning (unofficially) at 227.6, which means I went up .2lbs :( But hopefully it will be different tomorrow. My eating habits haven't changed and my exercise has been push just a bit harder than previous weeks do to advancing in C25k..hopefully it will pass. That icky weekend is approaching again, I think it will be another one at home which should do me good. Hope you all are having a wonderful week so far and an even better weekend. XoxoxoX Bru