
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hello All,

    Just got a WAKE-UP call--a link from my aunt about my cousin's daughter's wedding, Sept 25, so that is 16 weeks away (less two days, but close enough).

    If I needed "incentive" to get the train (AKA ticker) rolling again, that is it. There will be a boatload of people there who have not seen me since I was at my highest weight, so I am not only back IN the wagon, all the way, I will now be pulling it to burn extra calories!!!:noway: :noway: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I wonder if I can do 30 in 16 weeks....maybe not, but I can shoot for that and see how close I can get. That should put me in at least a size 10 by the wedding, maybe even an 8.....:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: I hope I don't cause too many heart attacks when people figure out who it is they don't recognize. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Every time I am tempted to eat, I will have to go look at Birdie's picture for inspiration!!:flowerforyou:


    Still more to do today.

  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member

    Every time I am tempted to eat, I will have to go look at Birdie's picture for inspiration!!:flowerforyou:


    Still more to do today.


    Amen to that! :drinker:
  • heartrw
    heartrw Posts: 187 Member
    Just a quick check-in before I go get on the treadmill. I have done well staying near my calorie limit, making healthy choices, doing laundry, the checkbook and working in the yard. Amazing how much easier it is when you keep yourself busy!

    Have a great night everyone!! Good luck on your 16-week goal, Barb. You can do it!!!!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Birdie - you look absolutely fantastic!

    mimi - you shouldn't be bummed that your RHR is in the 50's. That means you're in good shape. My RHR is high 40's.

    Welcome wanda! Kathy - what a great post to Wanda! And welcome to all others new, I know that I've missed some most likely but know that you are most welcome

    Well, ladies -- it's done. PJ is now with Cocoa (who was hit by a car) and Sassy (who had cancer and we had to have put to sleep). I tell you, I know the vet needs to hear that there's no heartbeat, but I was crying so hard that he couldn't hear above me. My heart tells me that he's no longer in pain. We talked to the vet. He said that he won't lie and tell dd that PJ had a stroke, but he WILL say that there was jaundice which indicates that the lymphoma was spreading, and PJ could hardly breathe. dd is going to be mad at us, she's of the opinion that we were just looking for a reason to put him down. Until you've had a child or a pet that you've had to take care of 24/7 and seen how they can't do the things they usually did, it's hard to understand. As a parent you want to "make it right" but in reality, "making it right" all the time doesn't help them in any way. What happens when you are no longer here to "make it right?" They have to learn to deal with things. dd doesn't get off work until 8. We've decided that we're not going to tell her at least until she's at home, so that'll be around 8:30 or so. We know she'll be upset, and that wouldn't be good at work or driving home. So if she calls before then, we're going to look at the caller ID and if it's her or if we don't recognize the number (she could borrow someone else's phone), we just won't answer the phone. When we got home, I know that I went to comfort foods -had cookie and pretzels (carbs). I'm pretty muchly over that, I'll probably be over on the calories today, but this is just one day. Did do 1 hr of deep water workout, tomorrow I'll do a Jari Love Extremely Ripped DVD.

    So sorry about the rabbit, Jeannie. I know how hard it is.

    Continued prayers for Kyron

    Robin - I can see how "the rabbit died" would freak your hubby out. Thanks for the smile.

    I've heard that yoga helps people eat mindfully. That's probably why I should do yoga more often.

    Birdie - a HRM is a heart rate monitor. An FT7 is the model of Polar Heart Rate Monitor (did I say F7? I meant FT7

    Yippee! My order of 4 new DVD's from collage came today. This week I'll do two of them, one a step DVD and another one a yoga DVD. Wonder why they don't have that many yoga or pilates DVD's?

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Well, dd just called. We didn't answer the phone but she left a voice mail message. We listened to it and we could tell she was driving. Fortunately, I had her home phone number so we called that. She did answer and we told her how the vet could see the jaundice indicating that the cancer was spreading. She even said at the end of the conversation "I know you did everything you could".

    Just finished logging my food. Boy, did I go over - by about 400. Well, it's just this one day.

  • mimi7grands
    mimi7grands Posts: 616
    Just a quick hello. I read all the posts and am dying to reply, but if I don't get the veggies and water in pretty soon, I'm going to be up all night peeing!

    Michelle, a resting heart rate in the high 40's is pretty crazy. You make me feel better. Obviously, it's working for you. It's just so different for me that I've been worried. In January, 80's was typical. Now it's high 50's! I'll keep thinking positive thoughts!

    Barb, I'm thinking about what you said in your post to Wanda. It's a long journey to get to where we are now (and of course, where we are in the journey varies). I was kind of musing about my own journey. I don't ever want to say "I'll never be there again." But, that really is how I feel. My thoughts and feelings about eating have done a 180.

    This group helps a lot. Tracking my food is huge. Eating well (for me, that means LOTS of the healthy stuff) keeps me feeling satisfied. Losing weight has taken a lot of things coming together. It's awesome!

    I sit here with a smile on my face so much of the time as I'm reading your posts. I'm just plain old feeling good.
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Barb I had to respond before I finished reading posts cause if not I will forget. it is doable. that is only 2 pounds per week. If not the pounds you can definetely do the inches. Get that total gym out and start using it. It will tone you up as you burn those calories and you will see those sizes change rapidly. I am with you and behind you. YOU CAN DO IT.
    Vicki M
  • robnbrwn
    robnbrwn Posts: 18
    Thanks everybody for the welcome, well-wishes and support. I didn't meet my only goal for June last night, and since it's now 20 before 10, I probably won't meet it tonight. But I did get some herbal supplements to help so that I do at least fall asleep, and not lie there with my brain spinning for an hour.

    The JC food comes tomorrow, along with my first "at-home counseling session" by phone. We'll see how it goes.

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hello again, all

    Wanda, I hope you are reading, even if you are not posting. We are all happy to give you any help we can. As others have said, --we have ALL been there at some point.

    I did some checking in my MFP weight records and found that for the same period, June 7th to Sept 25th, last year I lost 21 pounds, and in July, my exercise was totally disrupted because of the time I spent dealing with my friend Linda's care, as she was in and out of the hospital with her COPD-related issues. I think if I hit the Gazelle pretty hard, I can keep the cardio up, and with the strength training, I ought to be able to do some serious toning in 4 months, so maybe by September, I won't even recognize me!!:noway: :laugh: :laugh:

    Well, you know how I've been lamenting the excessive rainfall, so when I tell you I have the ultimate "it has rained enough" story, you know I am serious. One of the weather forecasters on a local station said he realized enough was enough when his 5 year old daughter looked out the window and observed their were 4 ducks swimming in a large puddle in the backyard!!!:noway::laugh:

    Still no changes to the missing child status.

    As for the BP spill...just can't imagine what a mess those on the Gulf Coast are experiencing, and the suffering of all the wildlife. One of the stories today mentioned that since the oil retains heat, when animals and birds are covered with it and are in the sun, it has the effect of "cooking" them--not a pleasant thing to contemplate. I am at a loss for words to say how badly I feel for all those affected, and the potential long term health effects.

    What is happening in the Gulf, and that awful gas line explosion in Cleburne, TX make our excessive rainfall not seem like a very big deal in comparison:blushing:

    I have been thinking of you all day. I am glad your daughter took PJ's passing better than you thought she would. Major hugs to you and your family on this sad day.

    Just did my usual search on another page of MFP to see if anyone else posted while I am writing my latest "novel":blushing: so thank you for your kind words.

    Well, I have to go think about dinner, so long for now,

  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Faye is so right about exercise calories. They can vary from day to day. My HRM is my new best friend. MFP is an estimate and can vary greatly. Even with the HRM it varies. For example when I cut the grass for an hour it is usually about 300-400 calories depending on height and temperature. However today I cut for 41 min and burned 579 because. my mower is broken and I had to push a self propelled mower and that got my heart rate up which burned more calories. Same with treadmill, elliptical etc. Depending on what mood you are in and how hard you work. So if you can afford an HRM they are a good investment.
    Vicki M
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :sad: :sad: :sad: Michele, I know how sad you are about PJ and I know that you did the very best you could....the only way to not experience such a loss is to never love an animal again and that's no solution at all.......:sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:

    :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: I'm so sorry about your rabbit.....we had two different rabbits who lived in my first grade classroom during the school year and at home during the summer......they were as much a part of the family as the dogs and cats.

    :flowerforyou: Birdie, congrats on your great weight loss.....on this thread it is important to report your success so everyone knows that it can be done......the before and after pictures are great and say even more than the weight loss ticker

    :flowerforyou: Barbara......the line dance workshop was so much fun that I just signed up for a five day workshop in September.....my pedometer clocked 25,000 steps and thanks to doing yoga before I went to bed, I was in great shape the next day.....I have Sluggo spread everywhere to get the slugs and if any sneak up on the back deck, hubby shakes Kosher salt on them

    :flowerforyou: Esther, I am so glad to hear from you again.......you were such an inspiration to me when I started and I've learned from you and passed it on to the newer people

    :flowerforyou: Barb, with new goals in mind it's time to say No to all the people who keep taking your time away from exercise.....it's time to walk those doggies for hours like you did last summer

    We're headed out to meet friends.......:heart::heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Michele: Sorry for the trauma with PJ. It made me sad that you were so upset! :cry: But eating a little over….is over ….and you have the right attitude. :flowerforyou: I’m glad DD is alright.:wink:

    Mimi: I love your happy spirit.:happy: It makes ME smile too! :bigsmile: And I agree with just plain feeling good!:blushing:

    Robn: Good luck with your “At home counseling session”.:flowerforyou: Let us know how you made out!

    Barb: You’ve done so well. :flowerforyou: The sky’s the limit. I agree with Vicki…YOU CAN DO IT!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Okay, so now that I know what a HRM is, I am asking myself…is it the same as the one I have built into my treadmill?:huh: I place my thumbs over these two indents on a screen and it displays a number. Usually the first number isn’t accurate but the second reading is supposed to be. :ohwell: Hmmmm Sounds like it may not be as accurate as what you are all talking about. Vicki, I can understand how you burned more calories cutting the grass the way you did. That makes perfect sense. How do these monitors work? Do you wear them? Sorry to sound so stupid but I’m just trying to picture how they work.:huh:

    Wanda: Hope you're reading! We're all pulling for you!!!:wink:

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member

    ......the line dance workshop was so much fun that I just signed up for a five day workshop in September.....my pedometer clocked 25,000 steps and thanks to doing yoga before I went to bed, I was in great shape the next day.....

    Wow, Barbie, that's pretty impressive! :flowerforyou: My daughter is into the line dancing and loves it! She's lost 10 lbs and that's ALL the exercise she does! It also sounds like so much fun! I love music and I love to dance! I still may take it up myself!
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :wink: Soooo many posts since my last visit.....my goodness. I read all of them and will leave it at that.

    :heart: Wedding update: DS wedding went off without any problems. The rain stayed away at the crucial times and the sun was shining. The rehearsal dinner was great and outdoors. A bit windy, but manageable. Most of the food went. I am glad I had taken two days off instead of the one. Got groceries on Wednesday and the prepping the Thursday. Friday woke up to rain, but the skies cleared and the ceremony under the majestic trees of Vancouver Island was amazing, emotional, happy, significant. Umbrella's stayed in the trunk of the car. Not needed:bigsmile:

    Then there was the Saturday night celebration for 200 with dinner, speeches, father-of-the-bride's rock band and much more. Saturday was a glorious day weatherwise as well. ☼☼

    :flowerforyou: And here's the deal. I finally weighed myself on Sunday morning and I had not gained! Is that good or what! I must have worked so hard and danced enough to keep all those calories within limits (smile)

    I have put a picture of the newly wedded couple on my profile. Their love was infectious and it meant so much to so many.

    :happy: I slept around the clock last night. Today was back to work. Our two oldest sons are here helping out their dad in the shop to catch up with his work. It was spaghetti dinner and left over strawberry short cake for dinner tonight. Not exactly the leanest meal, but basking in a little togetherness with our # 1 and # 2 boys, whom we don't always see.

    Till next time :heart: :heart: love you all - including all newbies :heart:

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    ...I have Sluggo spread everywhere to get the slugs and if any sneak up on the back deck, hubby shakes Kosher salt on them

    :flowerforyou: Esther, I am so glad to hear from you again.......you were such an inspiration to me when I started and I've learned from you and passed it on to the newer people

    :flowerforyou: Barb, with new goals in mind it's time to say No to all the people who keep taking your time away from exercise.....it's time to walk those doggies for hours like you did last summer.....

    I had no idea the slugs in the Olympic Peninsula were of the Jewish persuasion. :noway: I am sure they will appreciate the "Kosher salt.":laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    And you are right--it WAS great to hear from Esther. When my phone rang and the caller id said it was here, I about dropped my phone, since I haven't talked to her since last year. When I called her in January of this year to try and arrange for her to join our dinner when you were here, she responded by email, so I never actually talked to her.

    Now as for walking the doggies for hours. I really didn't do that last summer. They mostly stayed in and enjoyed the AC, and I walked myself all over creation. If the weather will stay as it did today, there will be more of that activity in my future.

    The lovebirds look great in the photo you posted. I am glad the wedding went well and that you got cooperation from the weatherman--the best gift of all.

    Well, I am off to a good start, I managed to stay "green" in all categories as of the end of the day, was only just under in Fiber, the one area I don't mind going over in.

    Might not be on here until late in the day on Tuesday. Have a meeting in the morning, and in the afternoon, I am going to argue with a friend's computer. The latest on our HOA vote is that we may only need ONE more vote, if one of the other board members is able to collect the 3rd of 3 ballots that he says he can get. He already has the other two. Keep your fingers crossed!!!

  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Still feeling full of the joys of spring at present, despite missing my husband as he is working so hard at present. He writes books on cartography and antiquarian maps and the last week has been manic with the big antiquarian map fairs going on in London. He is also on a deadline for his next book, so he definitely has his shoulder to the wheel at present. I assist him as much as I can (I do a lot of Latin translation for him and also quite a bit of research).

    I've upped my exercise levels a bit in the last few days (although I haven't really learnt how to log it properly on MFP). I would have loved to have been ready to do a 5k later this month, but I know that I'm not so I've decided to leave it until October when I will do a 5k for the Cancer hospital that treated my mother until she died. It's a wonderful cause and a great encouragement.

    My sister and youngest daughter will hopefully do it with me. We will let my eldest daughter off as she will be about 8 months pregnant with twins by then! I may even try to get my future daughter in law to join us. She is a lovely girl from Sri Lanka and, even though we met her for the first time at Christmas, we already love her.

    I spent the day yesterday, babysitting my youngest nephew and niece (10 and 5) as my sister started a new job. We had so much fun! Having lost a load of weight has made it a lot easier to chase them around the swing park - I even went on one of the climbing frames and the zip wire - much to the joy of the two children!

    So far today I have taken my father to buy new lampshades (I'm his carer, although he is quite fit and able most of the time - despite having had a quadruple by pass and also having degenerative arthritis. He has an appointment on Thursday to find out if they need to fit a pacemaker at this time. Let's hope not.

    I've also had some time on the treadmill and intend to do some more before I go off to visit my mother-in-law in the nursing home. She has vascular dementia and is completly confined to a wheelchair. It's a lottery how she's going to be each visit. I try to see her most days as she only has her two sons and myself to visit. Let's hope today is a good day for her.

    My wish for today is that you all have a healthy and success filled day xx
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    AHealthierSuzyQ Posts: 698 Member
    Believe it or not I haven't fallen off the face of the earth. I just haven't taken time to be online much. I haven't lost anymore since I last posted to the thread, but am happily still a size ten. I haven't done any dedicated exercise in all that time so I am up a pound. Since my last update I have been on 3 trips, survived a major family upset, reworked all my flowerbeds, planted my vegetable garden, and helped hubby repaint our entire house.

    Its time to get these last 15 or so pounds off so I'm diving back in to strength training today. Sorry I've been awol so long.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    Good morning all,

    There is this strange big bright light in the sky today. and the sky is a strange color, I think you all call it blue. :laugh:
    too bad the weather man says its supposed to rain again tomorrow. but maybe I can get the lawn mown today.

    Reb I love the pix of the newlyweds and I am so glad the weather cooperated for you. It is so beautiful up there I am sure the happy love made it even more so. :love: Great job maintaining with all the distraction you faced last week.

    Tiarapants - good luck on your visit today.:flowerforyou:

    Robin - good luck with the JC counseling I hope it goes well for you. :flowerforyou:

    Barb = I know you can lose what you want. You are strong willed and you just need to focus on you for that time and it will happen.:drinker:

    Barbie - way to go on the serious line dancing. thats impressive.:glasses:

    Birdie - most of the HRM's that work well involve a chest strap you wear and a watch that records the information. I put mine on in the morning and record each separate exercise session. its comfortable and I don't really realize I have it on. it keeps track of the ranges that I am in, and how many calories burned during each session. it will save the information for a full week (maybe 30 days I don't remember) :smile:

    Michele - I am glad that your DD took the news better than you thought. Sometimes our kids really surprise us. I am glad that PJ is now in a happy place.:flowerforyou:

    Wanda - I hope you are out there reading the posts. We are here for you. :happy:

    I am sore today. My knee is giving me troubles but I am pushing thru ( its an old gymnastics injury that has caused me grief for 35 years now) The stress is high around home right now. DH is having some work issues. (major department merge) and he is worried. (he is the original chicken little and the sky is always falling for him) I do my best to be upbeat, but being unemployed for over a year now has my optimism is a tad bit shaken and its harder to remain positive. At least the sun is shining today so I will smile for a while. :bigsmile:

    I hope you all have an awesome day.
  • heartrw
    heartrw Posts: 187 Member
    Happy Tuesday to all past, current and new posters! It's good to hear from Esther (who I'm thinking originally started this thread???) and Suzy.

    I didn't do treadmill afterall last night but did do a 30 minute walk through the neighborhood with DH (much nicer than a lonely 30 minutes on the treadmill):smile: . However, I started off today with 35 minutes on it right after DH left for work so my day is off to a good start. It's a rainy, gray morning here so a good morning to do it inside!

    Michele, I add my condolences to the others for PJ; same for Peter Rabbit, Jeannie!:cry::brokenheart:

    Mimi, ditto Birdie's comment on your "happy" attitude...it comes through the computer and brightens my day! Thank you for being so upbeat! Considering how dark it is right now with the clouds and rain I can really use it right now!!!

    :drinker: Cheers :drinker: . Everyone have a great day!!
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :drinker: Thank you to all of my MFP friends holding me and my family up in prayers and well wishes for the wedding. And special thanks to Robin, Kackie, Mary, Mimi and ainslieglen for sending me special messages. I treasure your friendship.

    :flowerforyou: Birdie!!! You look fan....tas....tic!!!! :flowerforyou: What an inspiration. I keep going back to your profile, so that your progression sinks into my brain to emulate.

    :happy: Yesterday I walked at lunchtime with a friend instead of going to the gym. We had so much to talk about. Walking (it was very brisk walking) is an amazing workout. Today i will go to the gym and do weights. So, back to the routine it is :bigsmile:

    ☼☼ Today is sunshine. I hope everyone has a good Tuesday. I appreciate you all sharing your lives with me.

    :heart: :heart: Rebel:heart::heart:
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