Black Team- A Team of Champions!



  • ksproston
    ksproston Posts: 6,937 Member
    Happy Tuesday!

    Man, what an adjustment this morning. Neck was out, middle thoracic was out, hip and sacrum were out and the good ol' knee was out. Was told to give it a day before I tried to run. So tomorrow we shall see. Got the "running is great for your heart and lungs, but it beats up you hips, knees, ankles" talk. But, my staff doctor is all for keeping my body healthy enough to run. I hope tomorrow it feels better. XX Those are my fingers crossed. HaHa!

    Tenley's softball game went well last night. It's wonderful to see how the girls have progressed from practice #1. I love being involved. Dylan has his first game tomorrow night and then they both have games Thursday. I love it!!!!
  • ksproston
    ksproston Posts: 6,937 Member
    Donna - Love it!!! You must be so proud! (Wish I could see your face.)
  • zippy111
    zippy111 Posts: 2,241 Member
    Katie - I'm am so technically challanged! Marla or Lori usually pitch in and adjust. I'll try again.
  • ksproston
    ksproston Posts: 6,937 Member
    Katie - I'm am so technically challanged! Marla or Lori usually pitch in and adjust. I'll try again.

    Oh believe me. You are not the only one! :laugh:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    thought I would share our happy day on Sat. Of course the whole lot of young ladies dressed like this (a 150 year tradition) looked like a brigade of Vestal Virgins She was one happy camper. Boys tried to crack a smile!

    did it work?

    With love, the Cavalry.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Ladies, thanks-- yes, I know there are two things I have to remember-- hydration, and perseverence. I'll conquer this-- or die trying!

    Had a great morning berry picking with the younguns-- lots of fresh strawberries to nibble on. Must stay away from the chocolate covered ones the girls are working on right now-- yipes!

    Have a great day--

    Donna-- love the family picture-- they're beautiful.
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Hey troops--

    Well, I'd forgotten just how far reaching the schedule obliterating tentacles of my husband reach-- stupid, I know, after 22 years. You'd think I'd remember that doesn't matter what I plan, he will find a way to screw it up. I think the bottom line for me is to GET IT THROUGH MY SKULL that as long as I'm in the stranglehold-- um, I mean bond :wink: of holy matrimony, my life is not my own. The sooner I make my peace with that, the happier I'll be-- 22 years and counting, and I haven't quite gotten it.

    Long story short-- I headed out for my morning run at 8am, much later than I'd hoped. The sun was bright in the sky. Only 55 degrees, but the sun beating on me positively sapped me, as it always does.

    Friends, I have much work to do-- all in all, it was a good thing to be reminded that I must, must, must conquer my running in the daylight thing. I have 13.1 miles to run on a Sunday morning in September. If I can't even run 4 (which this day I could not) than I'm in serious poop. Must press on this month to get this running in the sun thing conquered.

    Set out to do four miles, totally pooped out after two, and walked home- and that's with all the 'Brown's don't stop, Black Team doesn't stop" chanting I could muster. I didn't have it in my tank. I didn't bring my water, 'cause I thought, sheesh, four miles? Piece of cake. I've done it numerous times before-- but, not in the sun. so, my newfangled running water bottle thingie shall be strapped to my middle aged floofy waist hence!

    So, goal number seven is to conquer running in the sun this month.

    Goal number eight is to conquer my "my husband ruins every plan I ever have for myself and I'm ready to kill someone" attitude. It is what it is-- it is what it's been. It is what it shall be. MAKE YOUR PEACE WITH IT ALREADY, WOMAN! And see what else I can do differently to schedule my time wisely this month so I'm not left bitter, resentful and angry at the end of this golf trip like I am after every other one.

    Big goals--

    Heading out strawberry picking with my younguns-- have a great day.

    If I can offer a bit of advice, you do need the water to stay hydrated...but with this heat, you also need electrolytes to help your body process the water (aka sweat). Gatorade/G2/Powerade -hell, even a pinch of salt in your regular water does wonders. Wish I would have known this last summer, but it really does make a world of difference. It's probably best to get it down before your run, but even during can help alleviate a lot of the discomfort (muscle cramps, fatigue, nausea, headache) you'll find when you're dehydrated.

    *Sneaks away again.*
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member

    Hey! Wasn't that Shuntae??


    Seriously-- thanks, my friend-- will bear it all in mind. You know I'm not very adept at keeping myself hydrated because of all the water I hold-- I usually refuse to take in the "recommended" amount-- but, in this case I know I have to do it. I
  • mumsanutter
    mumsanutter Posts: 3,067 Member
    Marla - good luck working out your water situation, and you can run girl. Strawberry picking, love doing it withthe boys but hate strawberries :laugh:

    Donna - love the picture :smile:

    Kati - look after yourself

    Lori - where are you?? :tongue:

    Shuntae - hello

    To everyone else, I hope that you are having a happy tuesday. I am about to go and have a shower and then bed is calling (it's only 8.30pm here). I've been up since 5am this am, as Thomas was picked up at 5.10 today to go onhis trip to France, and after a full on day with the children I am pooped. Hubby has just brought us in a curry and you should of seen little Chris demolotioning the poppadams and mint sauce:laugh: . Night night friends x
  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    I tawught I taw a Shuntae ! I did I did See Shuntae ! Welcome back !
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,759 Member
    Why is Shuntae sneaking in and ducking back out again? Yeesh! She acts like she's intruding or sumptin! :laugh: Good advice. I never plan to run far enough I need to worry about proper hydration, but it all sounds good.

    I'm here Tanya. Trying myself to spend less time on the computer and doing what needs to be done. It's so easy to get sucked in on here, popping from site to site and realize an hour or two have gone by, not to mention, I hate it that I feel like the kids see me constantly sitting around with a laptop on my lap. I don't sit and watch TV, but this is just as bad.

    Soccer practice tonight, hubs is out of town, so I have some older girls running it for me. I will go as the adult figure, but that's it. I might walk or run while they practice, burned 800 or so at the gym today, felt like I had more to give, but didn't want to spend any more time there. Missed my fasted exercise because I left Alex sleep an extra hour and took him to school, I was trying to make up for the late night we had last night at the parade.
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,759 Member
    Remember yesterday how I said I could have done more lifting on my own than I did in the sculpting class? Well, I could have, HOWEVER, I did different things in sculpting and I am sore, my chest, back, tris and abs.

    Sooooo, today's advice.... Dont' get stagnant with your workouts, mix it up and mix it up often! Doing the same old, same old every day will not produce the results you want.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Okay-- so I have to giggle a bit here--

    'member my friend, Zach, I told you about on Memorial day who was leaving for the Marines? Well, his fiancee was obviously left behind, and I "friended" her on facebook-- every day since he's been gone she's been leaving these statuses--

    "Day one-- sigh." Day two-- depressed." "Day three." sigh.gifsigh.gifsigh.gif today we're up to Day Seven-- the girl is despondent. tantrumsmiley.gif

    I can't help but chuckle over the contrast--

    here I am-- having a countdown-- Day one-- 47b20s0.gif Day two-- greenstars.gif Day three-- bliss.gifclap.gifcancan.gif

    Not sure which one of us should envy the other-- but, I'm feeling F-I-N-E.

    bwahahahaha :laugh: I am seriously lmbo!!

    What a difference 25 yrs makes !! LOL (does your hubs need a sidekick?? )
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Okay-- so I have to giggle a bit here--

    'member my friend, Zach, I told you about on Memorial day who was leaving for the Marines? Well, his fiancee was obviously left behind, and I "friended" her on facebook-- every day since he's been gone she's been leaving these statuses--

    "Day one-- sigh." Day two-- depressed." "Day three." sigh.gifsigh.gifsigh.gif today we're up to Day Seven-- the girl is despondent. tantrumsmiley.gif

    I can't help but chuckle over the contrast--

    here I am-- having a countdown-- Day one-- 47b20s0.gif Day two-- greenstars.gif Day three-- bliss.gifclap.gifcancan.gif

    Not sure which one of us should envy the other-- but, I'm feeling F-I-N-E.

    bwahahahaha :laugh: I am seriously lmbo!!

    What a difference 25 yrs makes !! LOL (does your hubs need a sidekick?? )

    I know, right? :laugh: :laugh:

    Love your new picture, Miss Jeannie!! You must just be bursting with pride!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Okay-- so I have to giggle a bit here--

    'member my friend, Zach, I told you about on Memorial day who was leaving for the Marines? Well, his fiancee was obviously left behind, and I "friended" her on facebook-- every day since he's been gone she's been leaving these statuses--

    "Day one-- sigh." Day two-- depressed." "Day three." sigh.gifsigh.gifsigh.gif today we're up to Day Seven-- the girl is despondent. tantrumsmiley.gif

    I can't help but chuckle over the contrast--

    here I am-- having a countdown-- Day one-- 47b20s0.gif Day two-- greenstars.gif Day three-- bliss.gifclap.gifcancan.gif

    Not sure which one of us should envy the other-- but, I'm feeling F-I-N-E.

    bwahahahaha :laugh: I am seriously lmbo!!

    What a difference 25 yrs makes !! LOL (does your hubs need a sidekick?? )

    I know, right? :laugh: :laugh:

    Love your new picture, Miss Jeannie!! You must just be bursting with pride!

    Puffed my chest so much I went up a bra size!! :laugh:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Just a quick good morning-- typing to do--

    Touch base later--

    Jeannie-- so happy for your daughter, and for you-- I'd be a mushbaby fer sherrrr!


    mushbaby for sure
    Kelly was right in front of me and said she could hear me breathing in so avoid bust out crying. This is a super proud moment for me. I always wanted to be a nurse!!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Just a quick good morning-- typing to do--

    Touch base later--

    Jeannie-- so happy for your daughter, and for you-- I'd be a mushbaby fer sherrrr!


    mushbaby for sure
    Kelly was right in front of me and said she could hear me breathing in so avoid bust out crying. This is a super proud moment for me. I always wanted to be a nurse!!

    Ya know, so did I-- growing up watching General Hospital-- seeing Bobbi Spencer in her uniform flirting with Dr. Jeff Webber, and Dr. Noah Drake-- whoa, yeah, that's for me, I thought-- told my parents I wanted to be a nurse.

    My grandmother was hospitalized when I was 16 and I saw for the first time what these lovely, dedicated people really do-- it's a bit more than flirt with handsome doctors. My knees went weak-- truly. Not for me.

    God bless your little girl, my dear friend!
  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465
    Hey Black team- checking in

    Jeannie-Congrats to your daughter. I hope I can be as proud of my boys someday.

    Marla-The sun can't stop you. You wont be the Vampiric marathoner forever.

    Shuntae-Great advice from what has now become and expert runner =)

    It's been a good day. LONG day at work. 2 hours each way and I am beat. Good news it was a very physical day and my eating was good. 50 cals over, but then again I have it set to 2 lbs a week so I can live with that. Miles better than what I was up to last week.

    Just wanted to let you guys know that I am still in it.

    Much love my peeps.
  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    Jeannie-What a proud moment for you ! I have to ask, what are you doing in that picture? LOL

    I AM not going to do a mile swim 4 days a week. Not enough time but I AM going to do 1/2 mile.
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    Ya know, so did I-- growing up watching General Hospital-- seeing Bobbi Spencer in her uniform flirting with Dr. Jeff Webber, and Dr. Noah Drake-- whoa, yeah, that's for me, I thought-- told my parents I wanted to be a nurse.

    Marla~ you know their sons are now Dr's on the show!! and WOOT WOOT they are nice to look at!!