Has anyone tried DDP yoga



  • Yogi_Carl
    Yogi_Carl Posts: 1,906 Member
    Okay, I am a crying at my desk at work. What an inspiration.

    See! and who says you can't lose weight with yoga. I posted about this already, basically saying not to group all yoga into one category and making sweeping generalizations about it's benefits. The only one you can make is the mind body balance but in terms of the physical benefits, they vary depending on the style. I don't know what all is involved in DDP yoga but judging from the video, it must be constant movement and holding challenging poses which works both your flexibility and strength. The constant motion can be cardio depending on the challenge of the poses.

    Yes - agreed - all of this!
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    Anyway, I just got the discs yesterday, I did the Diamond Dozen this morning, and I am planning on starting Energy tomorrow but I have a few questions:

    1. What level should I start with? I am thinking of just doing Energy for at least one week but I also would prefer a bit longer of a work-out.

    2. How many days per week can you do these work-outs? The guide seems to have an every other day schedule but I prefer to work out every day. I suppose I could mix it up and do some additional cardio on the off days.

    3.. Is it necessary to supplement in addiional resistance training to maintain muscle mass and get definition? My overall goal is two lose weight and just feel healthy but I also want to at least have a semblance of definition.


    I feel relatively qualified to answer your questions being a newbie to DPP Ypga (been on/off for about 2 months but starting a regular rotation at the moment)

    1. I workout with ALL of the DVDs straight away, this is for a few reasons:
    - I get bored easily
    - DDP provides modifications so when I get to something I am not ready for I can modify away to my hearts content so I can get through
    - I like to see what I'm aiming for and to see progress!

    So up to you really, but absolutely no reason to start at the beginning and work up (with the obvious caveat that you need to be familiar with the diamon dozen and be able to move between them with ease)

    2. You can do these as many days a week as you like! Only your body will tell you if you need a rest, or just carry on!

    3. I do not add in extra resistance... might need a guys input on this one, but DDP himself has not lifted weights in something like 5 years, and he's still very much defined!

    Hope i helped!

  • InfinitePoss
    InfinitePoss Posts: 60 Member
    Anyway, I just got the discs yesterday, I did the Diamond Dozen this morning, and I am planning on starting Energy tomorrow but I have a few questions:

    1. What level should I start with? I am thinking of just doing Energy for at least one week but I also would prefer a bit longer of a work-out.

    2. How many days per week can you do these work-outs? The guide seems to have an every other day schedule but I prefer to work out every day. I suppose I could mix it up and do some additional cardio on the off days.

    3.. Is it necessary to supplement in addiional resistance training to maintain muscle mass and get definition? My overall goal is two lose weight and just feel healthy but I also want to at least have a semblance of definition.


    I feel relatively qualified to answer your questions being a newbie to DPP Ypga (been on/off for about 2 months but starting a regular rotation at the moment)

    1. I workout with ALL of the DVDs straight away, this is for a few reasons:
    - I get bored easily
    - DDP provides modifications so when I get to something I am not ready for I can modify away to my hearts content so I can get through
    - I like to see what I'm aiming for and to see progress!

    So up to you really, but absolutely no reason to start at the beginning and work up (with the obvious caveat that you need to be familiar with the diamon dozen and be able to move between them with ease)

    2. You can do these as many days a week as you like! Only your body will tell you if you need a rest, or just carry on!

    3. I do not add in extra resistance... might need a guys input on this one, but DDP himself has not lifted weights in something like 5 years, and he's still very much defined!

    Hope i helped!


    Thanks for the response! I have been doing the Energy work out everyday and I am working up a bit of a sweat even with this short work-out. I think I probably may start to mix in the other work-outs just to see how those feel.
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    Thanks for the response! I have been doing the Energy work out everyday and I am working up a bit of a sweat even with this short work-out. I think I probably may start to mix in the other work-outs just to see how those feel.

    An easy start would be to add in Red Hot Core straight after Energy - extends your workout by 15 minutes and helps you gain stability through core work to help with the other workouts!
  • InfinitePoss
    InfinitePoss Posts: 60 Member
    Thanks for the suggestion. Fell off the wagon for a couple of days but I have now been doiing the fat burner, which seems like somthing I could do everyday, maybe I will add the Red Hot Core.
  • olemanjake
    Been going strong with DDPYoga for 7 months now. I've found, for me, it's best to switch it up now and then. I add RHC onto each set just because it feels good to do so.
  • siankearney
    siankearney Posts: 23 Member
    Was this the only workout you did? No cardio? I ask because I have a buldging disk and have been told to watch my workouts. I continue to do elliptical, kickboxing, etc because I have about 50 pounds to lose. Just wondering if thsi workout (with diet) is really enough to burn calories.
  • RockstarJ
    I used to have the original book that started the whole thing, back when it was called YRG (Yoga for Regular Guys)...no joke, it is a great workout. I had been doing it for a few weeks and a friend and his girlfriend walked in my house and laughed at me because I was doing yoga and because I was sweating buckets. I invited them over the next day to join me in a quick workout....5 minutes in and my friend gave up, 10 minutes in and his girlfriend hit the floor pouring sweat....she ended up finishing the workout, though they never laughed about it again.
  • xtina00x
    YESSSS.... They are great... even though i havent done mine in a bit.... In one session i burned 560 calories for an hour and i didnt feel like i killed myself like i do when i do a bootcamp style class. Do it... its restorative, burns calories and not to mention, you sleep like a baby :) Enjoy!
    RYFBAR Posts: 45
    Never heard of this, watched the video and I have to say my favorite part is when Arthur takes off running! Last time I tried to run, I hurt my heels terribly and shortly after injured my knee hiking. Seriously considering a purchase!
    Thanks for sharing.
  • BrotherBill913
    BrotherBill913 Posts: 661 Member
    I read everyone posts on here, There are some great and inspirational testimonies. My story with it is a lil different. I first found it last year because of a knee injury. Arthurs story was incredible and really inspired me. Plus we alllll need to stretch more. A cpl of things I'm not super stoked about. I lift, and I lift heavy, this DVD series a good supplement but in no ways a replacement for strength building. I have ZERO interest in weighing 162 lbs or anything remotely close to it. No disrespect intended at all. If you have phyical limitations DDP is adaptable and works. I'm just ssaying it's not a strengh builder, if it did that for you then great, and you can go further with a lil training.....
  • ThriftyChica12
    ThriftyChica12 Posts: 373 Member
    gonna order the beginner level as a reward to myself when i hit my next weight loss goal (about 5 lbs away)...or maybe just order it early to HELP myself meet that goal :)
  • ThriftyChica12
    ThriftyChica12 Posts: 373 Member
    PS: do u REALLY need to wear a HRM when u do it?
  • MysteryTrout
    Okay, getting off my fat A** and just ordered these DVD's. Also just joined MFP so this should be interesting. I'm looking forward to taking this seriously and getting in shape. Good luck to all of us!
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    @VeganChica12 It's important to wear a HRM to ensure you are working hard enough, but not too hard. Without the HRM you might not know that your'e not engaging enough muscles, or similarly that you're engaging too many.

    You can, of course, get by without, but since DDP recommends it so strongly (he mentions it a few times each workout) I would really suggest you get one.

    You can get some pretty cheap ones!

    @MysteryTrout Well done for ordering the DVD's - if you'd like some support there are a few of us in a DDP Yoga group (just search the "Groups" section above to find us).
  • Miss_Red_
    I'm currently waiting for the DVDs but really looking forward to making a start :D
  • ddipert
    ddipert Posts: 103 Member
    Bumping for when I need something to shake up my exercise routine. Thanks!
  • Rohbean
    Rohbean Posts: 45 Member
    I have been tempted to order these dvds, thanks for the review danwood!

    Ditto! I read an article just the other day on DDP Yoga and how it is helping Jake "The Snake" Roberts get clean and in shape. Jake hasn't been clean in YEARS, and now he's lost like 60 pounds and has been clean for 3 months.

    I'm a big fan of MMA and pro wrestling, so this program will make me feel like a bad *kitten* if I find success on it. I'm getting it! Just need to figure which set I want.
  • SlvrBluGoddess
    SlvrBluGoddess Posts: 239 Member
    I've thought about picking these up... Great review.
  • Wen37
    Wen37 Posts: 218 Member
    Bump so I can order later.