

  • ekafont
    ekafont Posts: 39 Member
    Good morning ladies! Received great news this morning - our nephew Travis has been selected for promotion (Air Force) - he will pin on full bird Colonel next year - We are so proud of him!!

    I have been doing so much better this month with drinking the water and logging my food. I think actually putting my March goals in this thread have made them more "real" to me instead of just thinking them, and never following through.

    I will have to check out that book "Get out of my life, but first can you take me and Cheryl to the Mall" - it sounds like it may help me keep my sanity!!

    We went out to dinner last night to Longhorns and I actually kept my calorie intake in check - even had the will power to not order a dessert (even though that smore/brownie thing was sounding pretty good!)

    I'm really trying to do good with my exercise and food this coming week, because I leave for Bristol, TN next Friday for the NASCAR race - and I KNOW I'll make some bad food decisions there!

    I'd better get back to work

    Beth in SC
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Just opened the gallery door so that I can listen to the sound of the bagpipes outside the church - always makes me fall into a Highland dream. Wonderful x
  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    Hi all,
    I have also read Eat to Live, and although I don't follow it religiously, the additional raw veggies, bean protein, and cooked veggies have helped. I did increase my fruit intake. I can't eat grain carbs, so I see it as a substitution....which works for gluten/grain sensitivities...... I also add some small bits of red-white meat protein due to my anemia.... which really means this plan can be adapted to your specific needs. Good luck!

    BJ, swOnt.
  • jbbrannon
    jbbrannon Posts: 167 Member
    I am 66 years old and I would like to join this group. I joined MFP in January, 2013 I would like to lose about 20 more pounds!
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Good Morning!:flowerforyou:

    Can't believe it's Thursday already! Ate horribly yesterday but totally back on track today! Off of work today so that I can baby my knee for a little while longer. I did manage to get some chair yoga and other chair exercises in yesterday despite this. Thanks goodness for youtube!:smile:

    Barbie-I'm so glad that Jake did well w/surgery and is coming home today!:happy:

    Welcome to all the newcomers! This is a great place to come for unconditional support and encouragement, as well as fun and laughter!:heart:

  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Bumpity Bump on this Thursday,

    Just reading the posts but no time to comment...need to get back to my computer entry to catch me up to March....I'm almost done with the payroll entries...one thing at a time.

    Sounds like all are busy and working on the plan....keep up the great job...log that food, log that water (and drink some more) and let's keep moving.

    Laura80111 in Colorado:smile:

    Barbie glad Jake is coming home:flowerforyou:

    Amanda I just love the sound of bagpipes, probably my Scot / Irish heritage:love:
  • lua620
    lua620 Posts: 31
    Good morning all. Happy Thursday.

    Who is the author of the ETL book? I would like to go online to reserve it at my library. My downfall is not enough F's & V's. I need to work on that.

    I wish I had the time to read all of your posts instead of just skimming through, maybe one of these days when I can leave 1 of my 3 jobs.

    Have a great day all.

    Jersey Girl, Jersey Strong
  • junekaatz
    junekaatz Posts: 119 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hello my lovelies!

    A quick pop in between trips.

    Isn’t the universe wonderful?? :happy: One day you look in the mirror sideways at your profile and think, “Gawd, my stomach needs caging to look good in those gowns!” The next thing you know the first magazine you pick up has a bold ad for ‘Flexxies’ tummy tuckers. Hmm, you think, I should look for those and the universe , knowing you have the attention span of gnat, puts them front and center on your Costco shopping trip, a package of three. Ahha! Recognition sets in and you grab a package and tuck them secretly in your trolley between the toilet paper and the pot roasts.

    Once home, before you even unpack all of your groceries, you are in the bathroom trying on the black pair and, lo and behold, they fit and suddenly you are svelte (or as close as you’re going to get at this stage). Synchronicity I believe it’s called. The added bonus is that the cute little package these miracle tummy tuckers come in can be re-used to hold all kinds of treasures. Yes, it’s clear, so you won’t forget what you put inside. Hehehehe. Don’t you just love the way the universe works its tiny miracles?:love:

    Ciao for now,
    Kate, slimmer in the snowy wilds of Alberta
  • mathews58
    mathews58 Posts: 16 Member
    Hello Ladies! I fit the 50+category!
    I have to lose about 42 lbs. I have already lost it once about a year ago and now I’m on round 2. I am hoping for a KO this time because I really don’t want to go for round 3.

    Nice to meet you all!
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Woke up to a gorgeous clear blue sky, sun shining bright, offering a promise to eventually dry this soaking-wet land. I'll do yoga this morning, then out of doors I go with the my doggie boys to soak up some of the glory. At mid-afternoon-time I'll head back indoors and tend to my music students, oh, I'm so very thankful to have a job that I love!

    Wishing everyone a terrific Thursday full of triumphs! Conquer one small thing at a time. :bigsmile: Learning to eat right and lose pounds takes time and a whole lot of sticktuitiveness. Even a small blooper won't ruin the whole picture. We've got this! :drinker:

    :smile: jb in crystal blue Portland
  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Good morning, lovely ladies! It’s clear blue skies here after our *horrors* wallpaper paste storm that wasn’t yesterday lol. We didn’t see a flake all day – a few raindrops and some wind, but that was it. Oh well. It felt odd to be waiting all day for the storm to start – I played bunko last night and everyone agreed it just made the day go by differently.

    I went back and read a few pages – so I’ll try to respond off the top of my head.

    Michele, sorry to hear about the loss of your cousin. I hope you have a nice weekend with your DD.

    JB, saw you are getting smaller – yaya! And having a job you love is a big plus.

    Meg, I hope your puppy is doing OK. Enjoy the time off!

    Laura, not in CO yet – fly in on Monday.

    Amanda, love bagpipes – and the Highlands! I can just picture your gallery.

    All those talking about ETL – I haven’t read that particular book but will throw out my $.02 regarding healthy eating: I was just telling a friend last night that I haven’t really been sick with even a sniffle since I’ve cut meat out of my diet and been eating more and more organic and healthy foods. I still have dairy in my diet but am finding myself pretty mindful of it – too much fat if I’m not careful. However Greek yogurt is my friend lol.

    Kate, your post absolutely cracked me up! Hooray for spanx too!

    Barbie, I hope Jake is recovered and back home by now. You reminded me to pack my needles and crochet hook to take with me to CO.

    Congratulations to everyone who posted a loss – it looks like the weight is fleeing from this board! I even managed to lose another pound – must be the company :smile:.

    I’ve been pretty lax about posting and logging lately. There’s no question I now have it in my head that I’m in maintenance mode – I even mentioned to DH last night about how I haven’t been very good about it. On the one hand I have a pretty consistent amount of calories I take in on a daily basis, but on the other hand it’s pretty easy for a day or two to get out of hand (ahem *coughwinecough*). I need to stop that and just get back to regular tracking.

    Having said that, additional goals for March:

    :flowerforyou: Log in and track on MFP every day
    :flowerforyou:Exercise at least five times/week (have to put this in here because I’ll be out of town for half the month, so schedule will be hectic)
    :flowerforyou:Drink water
    :flowerforyou:Be patient and kind to my mom
    :flowerforyou:Listen more and talk less


  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,785 Member
    Kate ,you crack me up!!!! that was a hoot:laugh:
    i have yet to see that spanx video ya'll are talking about, but would love to see it, been pretty productive today` but had a nice senior moment this morning, thought I left my cell phone at work, so waited for the snow to stop drove on down to work, unlocked and went in and no phone:grumble: , go back out to the car and dig through the purse and wah~la~~~OY . So came back home shoveled off the deck because precious Chester doesnt want to step in the snow and I made a path even though there is only a few inches have to make the puppies happy:smile:
    I swept all the hardwood floors and washed them with murphy's oil soap and they are drying, the laundry is done, not folded but done:wink:
    now trying to get a hold of the darn credit union,they upgraded the web accounts and now I cant log on, so of course the phone lines to talk to someone are busy:angry: . oh well I will keep trying..
    A dear friend of mine just called me and offered me FREE Kenny Chesney tickets.. can you say OH YEA!!!
    well off to fold laundry and put away and then try and get a hold of the credit union... have a great afternoon ladies :heart:
  • LucyT4dieting
    LucyT4dieting Posts: 284 Member
    Good morning all,

    It's a beautiful Thursday morning, and the snowstorm they were predicting never happened! This is why it's best to live in the day and not worry about the future, because it could all be for nothing! So happy we were spared, and it is supposed to get warmer this weekend. Maybe we will get a little peak at spring?:flowerforyou: I sure hope so. I am still slowly working on building up my upper body strength, and today I actually could do some pushups! This is big for me, as I am the weakest person I know. I added ankle weights to my program and do a different routine every other day now. I definitely can feel it working. I think the key may be to change things up a bit and not do the same thing every day. I am slowing learning that change is a good thing!

    :wink: jb - I find that all clothing (especially jeans) fit differently according to the brand. You just have to find out what works best for your body style. Keep looking!

    :smile: Katla - I agree with you that drinking the water helps the process of losing the weight.

    :flowerforyou: Brooke - Congrats on your amazing weight loss!

    :grumble: Laura - It really stinks that after all of your hard work & preparation, you now have more work ahead of you. I hope it goes smoothly so you'll be back on track in no time.

    :mad: Jodios - Men always lose the pounds faster than we do, don't they? It's not fair, but that's just the way it is. Keep doing what you're doing and you'll get there.

    :heart: jmkmomm - You are an inspriation and prove that we are capable of taking responsiblilty for our own health.

    :laugh: Cheryl - lol! We all have our moments!

    :happy: Karen - Whatever you are doing, keep it up! It's working!

    :flowerforyou: Teri & Debbie - Keep up the good work and keep coming back!

    :drinker: Danni - I struggle with the same problem in the afternoon. I started adding a healthy snack like an apple with PB2 in the afternoon. It's low in calories and very satisfying. Also, water,water,water!

    :heart: Barbie - Thank God you can rest easy knowing that Jake will be home very soon. Now get back on that bike and finish your exercise!! lol!

    :smile: Kiane50 - You can go into settings under the Food menu to track your macros. You can adjust your nutritional & fitness goals under the Home menu in goals. You can make adjustments along with way until you find out what works best for you. Good luck!

    :tongue: Dawn- If you have been walking for a while, you might want to either increase your time or your speed. I recently added some strength training just to change it up a bit. Every little bit helps.

    :wink: Kathy - We all have our days when we go overboard. The important thing is that you are back on track today!

    :noway: LuAnn- 3 JOBS!!! I'm amazed that you have time to post at all!

    :huh: Kate - WHOA! SCARY!!! I guess everything DOES happen for a reason. lol!

    :drinker: Welcome to all of the newcomers and glad you found this thread. You will find support and lots of Vitamin F here.

    We are going to see Blue Man Group tonight. I never saw them before, but my husband has and says they put on a great show.
    I'm excited! Gives me something to look forward to. Hope the day goes quickly.....

    Lucy in Delaware:bigsmile:
  • mathews58
    mathews58 Posts: 16 Member
    February goals were just to get back to doing something about my weight instead of feeling sorry for myself. So I happy to report that I’m doing something!

    March goals
    1. Log all my foods and face up to what I’m really eating. This is a hard one because that means I have to take off the sunglasses of denial.

    2. Drink water on purpose and drink at least 8 cups a day. I am a sipper and not really a drinker so this one may seem simple enough but it is work for me.

    3. Pay attention to how I feel after I have eaten something. I want to be aware of my feelings before, during, and after I eat. I want to learn what “satiety”.

    Satiety (sa-TIE-e-tee) is that wonderfully pleasant feeling of fullness you get as you eat, when you’re no longer hungry, but aren’t overly stuffed or uncomfortable.

    That’s a new word for me and I want learning what it feels like!

    4. Determine what foods make my tummy feel bloated and change out that food for something that makes me feel

    4. Embrace me right where I am today and not worry about who I want to be. (ie Thin, health, young looking 50+ lady). What I mean is, love me unconditionally just where I am today. I figure I could only get better from there.

    5. Invite Jesus to be an active part of my new healthy goals. I am learning that what concerns me concerns Him.

    Whelp, those are some biggys for me so here stepping out in faith!

    Ann~Pacific Northwest Idaho
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,133 Member
    Good morning all. Happy Thursday.

    Who is the author of the ETL book? I would like to go online to reserve it at my library. My downfall is not enough F's & V's. I need to work on that.

    I wish I had the time to read all of your posts instead of just skimming through, maybe one of these days when I can leave 1 of my 3 jobs.

    Have a great day all.

    Jersey Girl, Jersey Strong

    Dr. Joel Fuhrman is the author. I hope you can get a copy.

    Lin in Central Iowa
  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    The sun is shining today – yeah! :glasses: My DD is coming home for spring break tomorrow – double yeah! :heart: :heart: She is trying to talk my DS into coming home as well – we’ll see about that :tongue: .
    The scale is not being my friend right now:grumble: but I’m working my tail off exercising and eating close to 1200 cal/day so I’m going to stay positive that all this hard work will pay off. This morning I did strength training, a killer Bob Harper 15 minute circuit and yoga for my sore muscles. I’m feeling really energized right now:bigsmile:

    Meg & Brooke – I’m a lucky wife too – my husband also does the laundry (although we’ve had a few shrinking and turning everything pink disasters, he does a great job for the most part):laugh:

    Barbie – so glad Jake is fine and you can bring him home:flowerforyou:

    Dawn – the key is to find something you love. I tried a bunch of different types of workouts and found I love dancing, kickboxing, pilates and yoga (I know a weird mix). As soon as the weather gets good I love to be out on the trail biking. I know there are a lot of fit bit owners out there who could tell you more about it but it seems that helps a lot of people get moving. :drinker:

    Amanda x – hang in there; how cool you can listen to bagpipes at work:wink:

    Maggie – welcome and where is Oz?:smile:

    Welcome to all the newbies!:heart::heart: :heart:

    Tammy and Renny – I’ve found since I’ve been on this MFP journey I have been cutting way back on the starchy carbs and eating fruits and/or veggies with every meal. Last night was fish with half a plate filled with roasted carrots and broccoli (yum). I think all those antioxidant are doing wonderful things for my skin and energy level:happy:

    Lucy – enjoy Blue Man Group. When we went we were in the poncho seats (you’ll see what I mean). …we were a mess but had a great time:laugh:

    Well got to get back to work. Have a great day everyone. Jodios:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Are you saying there's still hope for my two bachelor sons. One is 39 and 37 still single and loving it.
    Here is a question for you What do you think of low carbs for diabetics.

    Congrats on the five lb loss. Great going. Wish I had set a few rules 42 years ago lol.

    Must be hard for you to watch all these ideal people when you yourself is such a busy body.
    Glad all went well for hubby and that he is safe at home.

    Good goals very nice weight loss

    I'm also a diabetic on a low dose of Metformin. And it's doing good by me. But unfortunatly we are all different.

    Sleep is a very needed thing in our journey to lose weight.

    You ask if your 30 min. is doing anything. Sure it is just up it a little every week. It's helping.

    3-5 cravings describe many of us.What I like doing now is slicing an apple very thin and stretching it over about 15 min. or more.Seems to work.

    More veg than fruit I can't believe the carbs in the fruit. Doing much better in that department.

    Your so right we get up feeling like a wet rag on somedays but don't have to let the world know about it.
    Shoulder's back chin up and face the day with a smile.

    If the body isn't used to breakfast sounds like you had an overload lol. Maybe start by having a toast with protein or fruit with protein. But you should have a little something. You are so serious on doing that walk run thing good going.

    Hope you make it to your place in florida.

    Welcome goes out to Mcginley,JBBranson and Mathew. Just join in.

    Spandex might fix the middle but won't do much for under arms.

    I'm pushing the veg. but still like my protein.

    Salad's are good but no more than 2 to 3 times a week for me.

    Good for you for eating out and staying in your calorie count.
    Passing on dessert another plus.

    Need to return a book tomorrow going to look for Eat and live or something like that. To replace my diabetic 2 book.

    I love u tube for exercise I think it's the greatest.

    Hope the busy wears off soon.

    One of three jobs just a little bit busy.

    Just love how you write making it so interesting. Even spandex sounds good lol.

    Well that's what i'm taking time for for here. That's plenty. I'll be back tomorrow.

    Doing great today and my cheat last night didn't show on the wii but neither did he smile maintained so that's good.

    See you all lighter
    Beautiful day in Northern Ontario no sun but it's melting
  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    Okay - I know I'm suppose to be hard at work right now but just got this and had to share with you guys because I know so many of you have furballs like me that are so much a part of the family:


    This story Melt My heart I wanna Share it! Must read.

    Being a veterinarian, I had been called to examine a ten-year-old Irish Wolfhound named Belker. The dog’s owners, Ron, his wife Lisa, and their little boy Shane, were all very attached to Belker, and they were hoping for a miracle.

    I examined Belker and found he was dying of cancer. I told the family we couldn’t do anything for Belker, and offered to perform the euthanasia procedure for the old dog in their home.

    As we made arrangements, Ron and Lisa told me they thought it would be good for six-year-old Shane to observe the procedure. They felt as though Shane might learn something from the experience.

    The next day, I felt the familiar catch in my throat as Belker ‘s family surrounded him. Shane seemed so calm, petting the old dog for the last time, that I wondered if he understood what was going on. Within a few minutes, Belker slipped peacefully away.

    The little boy seemed to accept Belker’s transition without any difficulty or confusion. We sat together for a while after Belker’s Death, wondering aloud about the sad fact that animal lives are shorter than human lives.
    Shane, who had been listening quietly, piped up, ”I know why.”

    Startled, we all turned to him. What came out of his mouth next stunned me. I’d never heard a more comforting explanation. It has changed the way I try and live.

    He said,”People are born so that they can learn how to live a good life — like loving everybody all the time and being nice, right?” The Six-year-old continued,

    ”Well, dogs already know how to do that, so they don’t have to stay as long.”

    Live simply.

    Love generously.

    Care deeply.

    Speak kindly.

    Remember, if a dog was the teacher you would learn things like:

    When loved ones come home, always run to greet them.

    Never pass up the opportunity to go for a joyride.

    Allow the experience of fresh air and the wind in your face to be pure Ecstasy.

    Take naps.

    Stretch before rising.

    Run, romp, and play daily.

    Thrive on attention and let people touch you.

    Avoid biting when a simple growl will do.

    On warm days, stop to lie on your back on the grass.

    On hot days, drink lots of water and lie under a shady tree.

    When you’re happy, dance around and wag your entire body.

    Delight in the simple joy of a long walk.

    Be loyal.

    Never pretend to be something you’re not.

    If what you want lies buried, dig until you find it.

    When someone is having a bad day, be silent, sit close by, and nuzzle them gently.


    Author : Unknown
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy thurs.
    Welcome all you new people.:flowerforyou:
  • ELENA01
    ELENA01 Posts: 47 Member
    Very interesting note. Sound like you have it together on the right track.