Share the REAL reasons why you're fat (or too thin)



  • benny150592
    benny150592 Posts: 32 Member
    I've always been big, all through growing up, but recently it's just been to much crappy food and not enough constant exercise. I train three times a week, but coupled with a poor natural metabolism and eating terribly, the lbs just piled on.
  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member
    The real reason Im fat is

    I sit at home, alone, in a dark room, crying into my Ben and Jerrys
  • lucasberghaus
    I was extremely clumsy - always last to be picked, the worst person in my class in pretty much every gym class I was ever in, and resented all forms of exercise and being told to go outside. I still hate all sports. Even so, I never had a lot of love for food and was only slightly overweight (170) in high school. When I got out I ate a lot more fast food, quit smoking, and tended to order more than I needed, and eat too fast because I was in a hurry. Alcohol didnt help either. I gained up to 250 within 6 years of graduating. Then I slowly gained another Fifty over the next five years.

    Now I'm tired of it. I have a lot of willpower once I decide to commit to something - quit smoking, drinking, with no problem, and losing weight is now finally a commitment for me. I am going to walk, and after I lose enough eventually maybe bike as those are a couple exercises I don't resent.
  • eveadams721
    eveadams721 Posts: 28 Member
    When sadness due to loss of a loved one sets in and school testing is an an all time low (flunked twice prep tests with only 5 days left for the REAL BIG ONE), and food is a comfort although you HATE to LOVE it...where do I find my willpower when my insides are pretty darn weak? Loosing 30lbs between now and November seems impossible yet I did it once a few years ago on Weight Watchers..similar to this I had to JOURNAL..but dissimilar to this calories emotional stagnation wasn't the now I ask you WHERE do I find my deep willpower that seems to be the only motivating factor for me?..
  • BrightonBelle
    BrightonBelle Posts: 57 Member
    I went through a stressful time workwise and spent a fair few months living on takeaways and vodka! I was spending most of the day (and night!) sorting out lots of heavy paperwork so very little exercise, very little sleep, lots of booze and a takeaway diet. Very quick weight gain!
  • twelfty
    twelfty Posts: 576 Member
    wasn't fed enough as a kid, wasn't allowed enough food with my ex = skinny, i've put on roughly 10lbs in 3 months part of it is my metabolism the fact i need alot of food to be a healthy weight seems to annoy people lol, but now i decide how much food i buy and eat i'm free to be me :D
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    Because I got lazy.
  • fitinthirteen
    OK- THIS time I can say it's because I quit smoking for real and for good. But that doesn't explain the ups and downs of a lifetime. Since I was about 9-10 I've gained and lost the same 40 lbs at least 3 times; I've been more stable the last 10 years so right now it's only 15 lbs but it could easily be more. I LOVE food- no doubt! But I love healthy food and that doesn't explain the food addiction part of this: I'm in love, so I eat; I broke up, so I eat; I had a bad day, so I eat; I had a great day so I eat to celebrate. The truth is: I'm addicted to those treats and it's hard to let go, just like it was hard to let go of cigarettes. This one is even harder! But I'm here and I'm determined to get this done this time- with all of your support!
  • JasmineReeseII
    I became a recluse.
  • crissyrox
    crissyrox Posts: 94
    Depression, stress, death of my mother. Instead of dealing with things I ate, it became a compulsion. Everyday I have to make a choice to do better, some days are better than others, but I just have to keep going, my family and my health are worth more to me.
  • Kathymomof4
    abandonment issues as a child and other darkness. I chose food as my escape and continued that throughout my adult life. No more, no more!! Healing in more ways than one. :bigsmile:
  • shytrevoak
    shytrevoak Posts: 95 Member
    Was really active before I got married. College, worked two jobs, always busy. Marriage put on some weight, just chilling with the hub, eating whatever. Had baby #1 almost 5 yrs ago, put on pounds. Lost some but not all. Baby #2 came in Sept, lost my gall bladder in the process (gall stone). I've had to change my eating habits because of it, which has been wonderful. And now I refuse to be like most Mom's out there and let myself go. BOOM!
  • Jitterbug17
    Depo is evil....
  • SassJess81
    SassJess81 Posts: 75 Member
    Depo is evil....


    Reasons (chronological order):

    1. Not great nutrition education growing up...always a little chunky
    2. Starved myself in high school
    3. DEPO SHOT...gained 50 lbs in less than a year
    4. Abusive relationship
    5. Drinking way too much for years...and eating fast food
    6. Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (I suspect triggered by Depo)
    7. Extreme depression
    8.Married a guy who has the appetite of a horse and always eating fast food, habits rubbed off on me
    9. All or nothing mentality...if I screwed up one meal, screw it all!

    This past year my doctor referred me to an excellent program that includes a dietician and psychologist. I learned some amazing ways to change my thought process and I am actually losing weight now.
  • hatkinson87
    My dad passed away from cancer when I was six, had an abusive step-dad come in to my life at 7, my grandfather passed away when I was 13, dated an abusive man when I was 19, my uncle committed suicide when I was 22 and my other uncle passed away from cancer when I was 23 and got fired from my first "real" job out of college at 24. Take all of these crazy things and mix them with food and you get me!

    So much death and grieving has caused me to turn to food for comfort and the heavier I got, the more I would eat. It's such a miserable, vicious cycle! Now, at 25 (almost 26), I'm the heaviest I've ever been (235 as of Jan 2013) and I'm not going to live the life of an overweight person. My boyfriend of three years has encouraged me to get healthy mentally and physically. It's a challenge because with being an emotional eater I've also picked up the horrible habit of laziness! I don't want to live like this anymore and want to run like I did in college and be overall healthy!
  • serenapitala
    serenapitala Posts: 441 Member
    I was sure I couldn't do things, so I never tried.
  • Beachtreasures
    Beachtreasures Posts: 143 Member
    I gained weight being a yo yo dieter -- my lowest weight when dieting was 117 and my highest after tossing in the towel was 208. I would diet and exercise like a crazy person and then once I was at my goal (or close to it) revert back to my old habits. Recently I would gain to around 180 and then diet. Not any more, now just clean healthy living and no fad diets.
  • Kaylaef
    Kaylaef Posts: 194 Member
    PORTION CONTROL! If i don't watch it I could easily mow through an entire bag of crisps, or three bowls of pasta--I have a big appetite, and come from a food centered family. Dinner was always family time, food brings all my extended family to one place. But we never ate junk food. My Mum cooked every night for us four kids and my dad. I also have Multiple Sclerosis which inhibits my activity a lot. But I try to be as active as possible. Now, its really all about swapping out all that pasta (albeit, home made) for veg.

    P.S I am a bit of a wino too..haha I'll watch my portions, but I'll be damned if I stop taking pleasure in a perfect glass of red.
  • Koholint
    Koholint Posts: 104 Member
    Lack of self-control. I also didn't start in a very good place, since I was a chubby little girl and had terrible eating habits. I was very introverted, had few friends, and was bullied constantly at school. So I turned to food for comfort, and I particularly reached for sweets. I had a choice how to handle it and I didn't choose well...

    To add, I was turned off to a lot of great healthy foods when I was younger because I thought they were bland, unseasoned, and uninteresting to me... Now I make the same healthy foods to eat for my husband and me but I prepare them in a tasty (still healthy!) way. (: (I can't believe I ate zucchini yesterday at dinner!) My husband is a naturally slim guy, and he motivates me to get healthier so we can go on more adventures together. Soon, all of these reasons will be why I WAS heavy, not why I AM. No more!!
  • ElizabethKG1983
    ElizabethKG1983 Posts: 76 Member
    I have always struggled with my weight. I am a stress eater. I used to be a smoker and I used that to diet/suppress my appetite and would smoke when I felt like eating. Two years ago I quit smoking and since then have gained 50 lbs. I even thought about taking up smoking again so that I would be able to lose weight. I am finally getting control of my eating but it is still a struggle for me. When I am stressed I want to eat and so I am trying to replace that with healthy ways to de-stress.