

  • latterrain1
    latterrain1 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    For March...well want to be here in April...So many times on and off but will keep the faith. True...the journey is easier with others. Want to diligently log in all food consumed, drink my water and move my body each day! Thanks for the inspiration

    Carolyn from Arkansas
  • Rosedoll
    Rosedoll Posts: 2
    Hello everyone! I would love to join your group here. I will be 56 this weekend and am trying to find ways to get motivated on my weight loss journey. Received a new Kobo ereader recently and found out I could download the myfitnesspal to it...so I did. This past week was my time to visit the clinics for poking, prodding, bone scans and xrays and I will see the doctor in a couple of weeks for results. I lost some weight last year and kept it off and have now lost another 8 lbs since the beginning of January. The doctor nudged me to get back to it after the not so good results of my last tests. Keeping my fingers crossed that these current results will be better.

    Feel free to friend me. :happy:
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :bigsmile: not replying to anyone this time. Remember I got a wrong prescription for my glasses? I asked the Costco manager person for her last name today, since I was asking if Costco was on board in rectifying my spectacle prescription (the answer was NO, because according to them it was the doctor's mistake) and she said they don't do that (providing last names), thanks to privacy/safety concerns (so that no one would want to shoot them, I asked? Yes, she said). I said, my +%$#@)+&* name is in full (first name and last name) on the internet working for the tax department, I think taxpayers would love to shoot me! (Please know I did not use swear words, just using them in this post).

    So far, my recourse may be with the optometrist. Will keep you posted. So far however... dot, dot, dot...feeling a bit - you know -disappointed.

    :heart: Renny
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Hello friends.

    Always get a lift from hearing your many successes. My injured back is about 75% better, and I think I should be fine by next week. I don't have to spend any time on an airplane for a couple of weeks, so that should help, too. :wink:

    Jodios – What a touching story. I know I have learned a lot ever since being adopted by a stray kitty we call Mars. :heart:

    Laura – Sorry about you having to redo your accounting work. What a pain. :ohwell:

    Jane – Great news about your labs. :happy: Your parents are so lucky to have your looking after them. Maintain your health and even if you don’t log endeavor to eat with integrity. :drinker:

    Barbie - Adding my voice to the chorus that wishes your husband a full and speedy recovery. :flowerforyou:

    Newbie - Welcome and keep coming back to this vibrant community

    All others - Stay well.:love::love: :love:

    Rori in Colorado Foothills
  • monet13
    monet13 Posts: 324 Member
    Grandmallle - have you ever tried PB2? It is powdered peanut butter! All the oil has been removed and you just add water to the powder to reconstitute it - tastes like peanut butter (it is!) with a lot less calories.
    Well, I hit the treadmill tonight to get a 5K baseline - I am signed up for a 5K in June but have not attempted running since my knee surgery - the knee is not there yet!! While I was able to put in 50 minutes, it was almost entirely fast walking as, every time I tried to run the knee just did not feel stable. But, now I know what progress I need to make by June! That's it for me now as I am really tired - I will pop in tomorrow :flowerforyou:
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    jodios: Out of the mouth of babes sometimes comes truth and wisdom. Thanks for sharing.

    DD and DGD are here and we're out of the house having fun. We've had a day of Portland Zoo with baby elephant Lily, a day of AMAZiING Beach, two rain days to rest up, and a day of AMAZING Columbia Gorge. I can use another rest day tomorrow, because we're planning on Portland Saturday Market with friends and family this weekend. Color me happy!

    I don't have what it takes to read posts right now. Best wishes to all.

    Totally tired Katla in NW Oregon
  • nonnicee
    nonnicee Posts: 38
    I trust that all my Vit F ladies are doing well. It has been a busy day and I just thought I would check in before I hit the hay. Must be up early in the morning. I need to start getting a little more sleep!!!

    Take care,
    Mary in TN
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    Can hardly believe its been since Monday that I popped in. Wow. My week got away from me.

    Can tell its Thursday really exhuasted cant wait for weekend.

    Which I had more right now but I don't I am.very tired just want to get in and try to catch up on the posts.

    Trying to get use to my new workout routine. Manage to get to the gym 4 days this week going tomorrow really feeling it today.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,973 Member
    :flowerforyou: Jake is home from the hospital. He promised that if I came to pick him up (instead of sending his friend) that we wouldn’t make any comments about my driving. He did very well with only 4 lapses in 60 miles.

    :flowerforyou: I got to walk a lot while waiting for the ferry and during the crossing…..I tried dancing up on the sun deck where there weren’t many people but the non-slip surface of the deck made dancing almost impossible. On the way back on the ferry, Jake got a good seat at the front so he could look out the window and read on his Kindle while I walked.

    :flowerforyou: I read all the posts and wanted to respond to everyone and didn’t know where to start and it’s getting late so I guess I won’t be responding to anyone.

    :flowerforyou: I’m exhausted and I just realized that Jake isn’t allowed to drive for two weeks so in addition to taking him wherever he needs to go, I’ll be the driver next week when we go back to see the doctor for the post-op visit.

    :heart: :heart: :heart: Thank you to all of you who have been so kind and supportive to me…you are such an important part of my life.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
    This is what I looked like on the ferry
  • LindaS175
    LindaS175 Posts: 186 Member
    Barbie,:smile: so glad that Jake is home. You will get a lot of driving logged up in the next 2 weeks! I wonder how many calories this burns?
    I have not had time to get on the message board:sad: and it is now 10 pm at night, After working 4 hours I am just too exhausted to read or comment. :yawn: See the orthopedic Md for my knee tomorrow. Just a quick check up as the knee is on hold until the carpal tunnel surgery is done!:ohwell:
    Ok, time to hit the sack. Yes, one more shift tomorrow to work and then off for the weekend! Yipppeee:drinker: :drinker:
    Hope you are all doing well, if not then tomorrow is a new day:flowerforyou: and strive to get back on track!
    Big hug,:flowerforyou:
    LindaS aka Sundanceb (San Diego):heart:
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Went to the grocery store tonight and Walmart finally had some more of those 3 ounce ice cream cups. I guess I have always gone on the wrong days. I got them one time and got spoiled and then they never had them again. Plus I got the package that was half chocolate and half vanilla. It's funny that I can be satisfied with eating one of those single cups but if I had a half gallon here I would fix me a BIG bowl. Hope I get my computer back soon. I am tired of having to do my late night relaxing internet browsing with my laptop on my lap. Gives me a headache to
  • Aquarius2
    Aquarius2 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi to all the lovely ladies

    I can't believe there have been 5 pages since I was on here!

    I didn't post yesterday as I was feeling a bit down after my weigh in, I managed to gain 600 grams!:sad:
    But it's my first gain in six months, so I'm feeling a bit more positive today:wink:

    Thanks for the support meg:happy: it has taken me six months to loose the weight:laugh: I have been using VLCD shakes by Tony Ferguson and following their weight loss program:happy: It works for me

    I have only been using MFP for a few weeks

    I have some problems with pain from arthritis in my feet and knees. So I haven't done very much exercise I find walking a problem due to bladder control problems:cry: I have only recently started using a Pilates DVD and I only do about 10-15 minutes each day
    The Pilates DVD I have been using is "More Simply Pilates" by Jennifer Pohlman from Hinkler Books

    I hope everyone is going well and thanks for all your support

    Roz from Oz
  • Rosalindgr
    Rosalindgr Posts: 148 Member
    Great topic: Febuary was my Birth Month so to celebrate I went on the Daniel Fast for the whole month. Basically the Daniel Fast is eating as Daniel did in the Bible. I ate nuts, fruits, vegatables, grains, and drank only water, no meat, no meat products, no caffeine, ( giving up the coffee was most challenging). And of course I prayered more often the usually. I must say i succeeded. 9lbs loss was the bonous!!

    March my goal is to continue with the clean eating, i will add in the coffee occassionally as a treat, and maybe some dairy like greek yogurt and almond milk. My goal for this month is go to the gym at least 3x a week minimal, and get in 2-3 classes in addition to my regular 30min treadmill, 30min eliptical, and 25min strength training routine. There its in writing now I am accountable. LoL! Lets see how it goes.
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,787 Member
    morning all, a snowy morning here so alot of schools closed and the roads are messy, which means I will be into work early and we will have a office full of kids, I love kids, but everyone who works there brings there kids and when patients come in there are no seats because the kids are taking them all up, now these Dr's that own our practice now dont care, but in my opinion it is very unproffesional to have a load of kids taking up space of paying patients.
    The Dr I worked for that passed away never would have aloud the kids there, you make other arrangements.Oh well not much I can do about it..
    This will be the second day of no gym, I did alot around the house yesterday but today I am up making food for the DH and gonna jump in the shower and go in for 7:30 I guess.
    Everyone enjoy there day and will catch up with you this evening:bigsmile:
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    Carolyn from Arkansas – welcome! Yes, it is an easier journey with the support of others :smile:

    Michele in NC – MUFFINS!!!!!!! SuperMom to the rescue :noway: :laugh:

    Rosedoll – An early happy birthday to you and welcome. Hope your birthday gift is excellent test results! :flowerforyou:

    Renny – I don’t blame you for feeling disappointed, I sure hope the OD takes responsibility and steps up to fix this for you. :grumble:

    Rori – glad to hear your back is feeling better, I can soooo relate to back “challenges”! Hope your lack of airport time means a thorough and speedy recovery :smile:

    Monet13 – Great job on the treadmill, and way to listen to your body! You’ll kick that 5k’s butt :happy:

    Totally Tired Katla – Wow, what a great week with your loved ones, enjoy every moment :yawn:

    Mary in TN – hope you had a wonderful night’s sleep and have a terrific Friday :smile:

    Barbie – Yay that Jake is home and you are both doing well. :happy:

    Roz from Oz – good for you for the Pilates workouts, you’ll see the scale move in the right direction soon I’m sure! :smile:

    Rosalindgr – Wow, that Daniel Fast really was a blessing for you – 9 lbs!!!! Have a great March (and belated Feb. birthday wishes) :flowerforyou:


    Brooke from Colorado
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Jodios:smile: Loved the story, smiles and tears both!!! Thanks for sharing!

    JaneH:smile: Hope your moms appt. wemt well!!! Which FitBit did you order? Congrats on your lab results...great NSV!!!

    Meg:smile: Okay..what game did you choose for game night:huh: :happy: ? How is Benny Beagle?

    Gail:smile: Love the dress!!!

    Suebdew:smile: Congrats on the .9 gone!!!!

    Michele:smile: Blueberry muffins.....yum!!!

    Renny:smile: Hope today will be a better day:flowerforyou: !

    Katla:smile: Sounds like you`re having lots of fun with DD and DGD!!! I would need a rest day too!

    Training was good yesterday, I got a 14 minute mile in...Yay!!! I can now do 20 pushups, believe me by the 19th, I feel like I`m going to fall on face:laugh: ! We did something new yesterday...side planks:noway: ...don`t like those, my right side didn`t like it at all. I can now do a regular plank for a a minute and a half...feels like a very long time:frown: . I felt much better after my training, it was chilly and windy but moving my body just feels so good! I did have to stop once to blow my nose..sure wish that would go away, the coughing isn`t too bad anymore:happy: !!! Today is a rest day, so I will go on my little walk and then take the doggie out for a few walks, it`s going to be beautiful here, sunny and in the 50`s:glasses: !!!

    Have a wonderful day ladies!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in sunny NC
  • moxie1962
    moxie1962 Posts: 165 Member
    TGIF ladies!! Hopefully every ones week is winding down, and you can gear up for the weekend! It's a beautiful sunny day here in SC!!..supposed to get to 61F. We'll see if that happens :laugh:

    I'm still hanging on to the 13# weightloss. I think I am PMS-ing a bit....I could have ate everything in the kitchen yesterday. As it was, I ate 115 calories over. No worries though. I just think positive and start fresh the next morning.
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    I have been reading and reading all the positive posts and fun messages from everyone. I love how I feel after I have read your thoughts and experiences. It makes me know I can do it another day because you inspire me.
    My nephew was here visiting for the night but left a few hours ago and is on his way to Oman now. It was fun having a visitor from the states for a night and form the family too.
    I am sitting her knitting right now. I started teaching a group of little girls at school how to knit. They are each making little squares about 4x4 inches and we will sew them all together and make baby blankets. Then we will donate them to local orphanages. So far we have learned how to make balls with the yarn, cast on and knit a couple rows. Those little 10-11 year old girls are so excited to learn to knit.

    Sunny day here in Cairo.
    Thanks for all your posts and encouragement. Phyllis in Cairo:wink:
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    Great topic: Febuary was my Birth Month so to celebrate I went on the Daniel Fast for the whole month. Basically the Daniel Fast is eating as Daniel did in the Bible. I ate nuts, fruits, vegatables, grains, and drank only water, no meat, no meat products, no caffeine, ( giving up the coffee was most challenging). And of course I prayered more often the usually. I must say i succeeded. 9lbs loss was the bonous!!

    March my goal is to continue with the clean eating, i will add in the coffee occassionally as a treat, and maybe some dairy like greek yogurt and almond milk. My goal for this month is go to the gym at least 3x a week minimal, and get in 2-3 classes in addition to my regular 30min treadmill, 30min eliptical, and 25min strength training routine. There its in writing now I am accountable. LoL! Lets see how it goes.

    :flowerforyou: Rosalindgr - how encouraging! 9 lb loss is amazing. It looks like it would be no problem for you to participate in my fruit/veggie challenge for Saturday!

    @Phyllis in Cairo. - nice to see you on board. I agree with you about reading others' posts and being inspired. We call that coming for your dose of Vitamin F!

    @moxie1962 - I have those days too, when you just want eat everything in sight. My strategy is to have no junk food in the house, so anything I eat will eat least be of good quality.

    @DeeDee and Brooke - thanks for the good thoughts. I hope to call the optometrist today and see what she will do for me, such as pay for my new prescription.

    :drinker: Is everyone stocking up on veggies en fruits? I will post the challenge tonight.

    Have a great day everyone.

    :heart: Renny
    Vancouver Island, BC