

  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    Doing the Happy Dance because it's Friday:love:

    Just popping in to say Hi. Yesterday i was able to get through about 90% of January and am feeling like I'm really making progress on my accounting mess at work. Glad for a weekend although they are saying we are due for a good storm starting tonight and all day tomorrow. I already have my crockpot ready to make some soup so we can watch the snow pile up and be toasty in the house:wink:

    M- you said you will be coming to Colorado on Monday, will you still be here on Friday the 15th? Several of us are getting together for lunch on Friday the 15th at the Red Lobster in the Park Meadows area and would love for you to join us if you can:huh:

    Barbie- so glad that Jake is home and it sounds like he did pretty good on the ride home:flowerforyou:

    JaneH-with all the Dr appts you go to for your parents I'm surprised you have time for an appt for yourself. But glad to hear you have made a decision about what to do about your foot for the time being. Have your shovel ready for this weekend...maybe your son could shovel your parents place and give your foot a rest:huh:

    I didn't take notes today so that it for now. :flowerforyou: Welcome to all you newbies:flowerforyou:

    I am hoping that with my soup on the plan for tomorrow I can be better for the whole weekend logging and eating better....these weekends do have a way of getting to me:blushing:

    Today I'm wearing a pair of pants that I bought last month, have washed and they are too big:sad: since I can't take them back I'm hoping I can take them in. I bought them because they have sparklies on the pockets and I will be so disappointed if I can't get them to fit better....the baggy seat and legs makes them feel like they are ready to fall off:grumble: but I just had to wear them today.

    Have a great day all you Vit F and don't forget to log it ALL:drinker:

    Laura80111 in Colorado:smile:
  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    Morning all! No time to read the posts as I'm off to the airport to pick up my DD (she'll be here all week for her spring break). :heart: :heart: :heart: She did manage to talk my DS into coming home for a few days as well:love::love: :love: So happy about both kids being home!!!

    Just wanted to share a quick story about my DH. This morning he insisted I weigh in before he headed off to work. The scale is now my enemy and was up .2. In what I think he thought was an effort to buoy up my spirits he told me he could relate to my frustration because the scale was actually stuck for 2 WHOLE DAYS for him earlier this week. He should have turned into a pile of ash where he stood from the laser beams shooting out my eyes. Then, clearly oblivious to the danger he was in he actually grabbed the fat under my butt and said "look, it even looks like you are getting a butt now" (Editors note: I have a flat butt). He barely survived his escape as I came after him with a tooth brush. I couldn't have him leave on a bad note though so I called him back for a proper good-bye. He patted my flat butt and told me he thought he was giving me a compliment. REALLY????:laugh:

    Anyway it will be good to have some more estrogen in the house for a week. At least another women gets it better. Have a great day. Jodios:drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Meg: I hope your house never catches fire, but if it does your fur-babies will be the first to let you know something is wrong.:bigsmile:

    Gail: Cute dress! It makes me think of spring.:flowerforyou:

    suebdew: Congratulations on the weight loss. My BIL has macular degeneration, too. Doctor won’t let him drive a car, but he’s still out there on his Vespa. I doubt that is a good idea, but I’m not in charge.:noway: He’s in his mid-eighties and wants to do what he wants to do.:ohwell: I pray there are no accidents.

    Renny: Sorry you’re having a rough go with the glasses. If the prescription was wrong, it would be the optometrist’s fault and responsibility. If it was correct, it would be Costco’s responsibility. Either way, YOU shouldn’t be stuck with useless glasses for your money. :noway: I hope the Optometrist steps up and takes responsibility.:flowerforyou:

    Barbie: I’m so glad Jake is home, and managed to keep his criticism mostly to himself while you drove. DH wasn’t as good about it yesterday when we went on our drive up the Columbia River to see lovely points of interest. :tongue: We need a reality check asap. :grumble: It isn’t his fault he can’t drive anymore, but it sure as certain isn’t MINE. He needs to shut up and enjoy the ride. I’m thinking of giving him something to bite when he is tempted to criticize my driving. I just need to think of something appropriate. What do you think of a doggie rawhide? I’m thinking that might not go over well…:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Suggestions are welcome.:bigsmile:

    Roz from OZ: If you blink twice there are pages of comments here. It is a great group, and very chatty.:flowerforyou:

    grandmalle: Kids in the office can be disruptive.:grumble: I’m thinking it may be better to have the kids around than for the employees to call in “sick.” Then again, maybe not. :noway: Is there a break-room where they could be?

    Brooke from CO: Thanks for your kind words. Happy Friday back-at-ya!:flowerforyou:

    Phyllis in Cairo: Ten to eleven year old girls are the perfect age to learn knitting. :bigsmile: I love the idea of making baby blankets to donate.:love:

    I’m the first one up, having been the first to go to bed. I’m currently enjoying ‘Me Time’ on the computer and my morning coffee. It looks like another nice day and I’m hoping to find local things to do rather than a long drive again. The dog would like to be included, too. It was a long day in the garage for him yesterday.

    Katla in NW Oregon
  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Happy weekend, everyone! Almost here . . . DH left this morning for NC for a rugby tournie with DSS, so it’s just me and the kitties for the weekend. I am reaching a point where I almost prefer to be by myself – I like the routine of getting up and doing what I want without having to worry about fixing a meal for someone else or clean up after them if I don’t feel like it. Gosh I hope I’m not becoming a crotchety old lady!

    Blue Man Group is fun. We saw them in NYC a few years ago when my son was out for a visit – sat under the TP rolls. Fun!

    Meg, lol at burning under a pile of animals. I only have the one cat but he is solid enough that I have a hard time getting out from under him when I get up at night. Right now he’s not speaking to me, though, because the covers-on/covers-off thing at night is about to drive up both crazy.

    Jane, good for you for getting to the gym. If you’re walking there that counts for exercise too! Keep taking those steps.

    Gail, hope you don’t mind but I peeked at the dress – SO CUTE!!! I want it now. I just bought two new dresses a couple of weeks ago . . . I was so excited about the tiny sizes I had to be really strict with myself or I would have bought a dozen.

    Sue in TX, don’t you hate getting your eyes dilated? Mine always feel like they have cotton wool in them. I hope they’re able to slow the macular degeneration. My MIL (ex) has it – she still gets around and with some of the special mods she’s able to get on the computer and see the TV and read still, but she’s not driving anymore (against her will). Congratulations on the loss!

    Michele, aren’t kids the best for those last-minute requests? Enjoy wearing that superman cape :laugh:.

    Rosedoll, best wishes on the next doctor’s visit – and welcome!

    Renny, that sounds frustrating about the glasses with no one taking responsibility. Grr. Do you have insurance?

    Rori, I’m glad to hear your back is on the mend.

    Monet, it sounds like you’re already a runner. Hope the knee continues to heal and you feel better soon.

    Katla, your visit with your DD and DGD sounds amazing. I can picture each and every place you went in my mind. Does the zoo still have the grand tortoises at the entrance? They used to be our favorites when I was little. Have a grand time!

    Liz, CONGRATULATIONS on the new fitness routine! It will make a big difference, I promise.

    Barbie, lol at Jake’s restraint :smile:. Let’s hope it continues while you’re his chauffeur for the next two weeks.

    Roz, I had similar issues for a long time – couldn’t do much cardio. I had a hysterectomy a few years ago, and at the time the doctor stitched my bladder back in place – it’s helped a lot. It started to get stretched out of place again, but lately it seems to be holding steady. TMI alert: I occasionally have a little leakage on the jumping parts – I try to keep my water intake limited before working out but it will still sometimes happen. If I know I’m going to be doing a lot of jumping around I’ll wear a pad – I don’t really have a lot of pride anymore lol.

    Rosalind, your goals sound wonderful. Best wishes.

    Grandmallie, we are getting a lot of wind today but it looks like any snow has managed to stay north of us. It’s blue skies out now. I guess the doctors are trying to be understanding about patients who need to be seen but have unexpected child-care issues too.

    DeeDee, congratulations on those pushups! They will make such a difference, I promise. I just started back on them this week and my arms feel like they’re going to fall off. Funny – yesterday I did the big yoga program, and today my legs hurt in addition to my pecs. I’m just getting old. Sheesh. It’s only been two months since I finished my last round of P90x, and it’s not like I’ve been doing nothing since then! The side planks are hard at first – I agree. Are you doing them on your elbow or with your entire arm extended? I think they’re easier from an elbow. Glad you’re feeling better too.

    Moxie, 115 calories is really nothing in the grand scheme. Good for you for sticking with the plan.

    Phyllis, teaching little girls to knit is quite rewarding. I love how kids are so excited about learning those kinds of skills.

    Laura, I feel so bad for you for all the work mess. I hope you get through it soon. Push that snow on out though – I need a safe place to land on Monday! I know where the restaurant is – I’ll try to make it then. I might bring my mom over with me – we’ll see how it’s going. Are you meeting at noon?

    OK, off to work for now. It’s freezing in my house – I am so over the sweat/freezing thing. Funny, I don’t mind sweating at all when I’m working out, but I can tell when I’m having a hot flash even when I’m working out – and I don’t like it. You may hear me complain about this a few million times over the next year or so. I apologize in advance.


  • texasgal22
    texasgal22 Posts: 407 Member
    Friday, I ♥ Fridays and I don't even get a paycheck on them anymore :laugh: but all the same I do like them. Last weekend was the baby shower for my soon-to-be #7 grandchild - Kashton. My DIL friend made her this cute trike riding bear...


    Life has been busy here in Plano and from the looks of this thread March is going to be a busy bee much like February. This weekend is one of my favorites that I look forward to every year although it now takes me a few days (gets longer each yr!) to get my schedule readjusted. All the same having that extra hour of daylight makes it worth it.

    I haven't been all that active on the threads and home page but I do try to keep my diary updated. I am so ready to get outdoors. Here in Texas we have to enjoy quickly as it may be hotter than hot in a hurry. Enough rambling, I do hope all who reads has a marvelous Friday and celebrates the weekend. :bigsmile:
  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    At least I'm back to reading the posts, and will pick up my Isagenix this morning. Since I wrote a book yesterday, I'll keep it short this time!

    Meg -- Thanks for the good wishes for my parents. That's great that you "divide your plate." Mine is always more protein than anything else.

    Brooke -- I loved your comment about marrying an older bachelor. LOL! Our Colorado contingent is meeting for lunch at Red Lobster near Park Meadows on Friday the 15th at 11:30am, if you'd care to join us. I'm not sure if you're in the Denver area or not.

    Gail -- The green dress is really nice! Cache has great things.

    Sue -- My father has macular degeneration, too. I recently learned that they have a treatment for the "wet" type. Is that what you have? Dad has one eye each.

    Barbie -- Four lapses in 60 miles isn't too bad! My husband usually can't stand it for more that about 3 minutes. It's amazing how I've managed to drive for 40 years so far without his help!

    DeeDee -- I ordered the Zip, as I wasn't sure that I wanted to wear the bracelet all the time. It doesn't coordinate with most of my jewelry too well! LOL

    Laura -- Bling jeans are a necessity, so I hope you can get them to fit... it's great that they don't, too, though!

    M -- Lunch is at 11:30am. Hope to see you there!

    Jane in Colorado
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    Laura/Jane/Rori - are we doing lunch at 11:30 or 12:30???????

    she who is confused,
    Brooke from Colorado Springs
  • glendalight
    glendalight Posts: 127 Member
    Woke up this morning to a beautiful clear blue sky and a wonderland of hoar frost covering everything! I could snap pictures all morning! It's sur not spring but it is breathtaking:love:

    Amanda - I love the call of the bagpipes - they somehow pull at my heart. I have been known to drive around town to find the source (see they really do call me:laugh: ) or to sit in a parking lot and listen to s group practice. We don't get to hear them often here though:cry:

    Kate - you had me giggling this morning over thee flexxies. If I see them in costco, I will feel you next to me:wink:

    Jodios - I am not a pet person (can I say that here without getting kicked off the thread) but I loved the list of things you can learn from a dog:smile: We do need to make life less complex, don't we?

    janeh - sounds like the stress of caring for parents is affecting your eating/activity habits. That is a pretty normal reaction I would say. Being aware of it will help you combat it for sure. And it sounds like you are going to get some face to face friend support soon at lunch. I am a little jealous :blushing:

    Katla - What a fabulous (perhaps exhausting?:tongue: ) visit you are having with your girls. Enjoy every moment!

    Loved the quote from Jodios "Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly"

    Have a good one ladies

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Hello ladies,

    I have been MIA because work was crazy and then Wednesday night i got a fever. It broke in the night so I went to work yesterday but I felt the fever come back. from730 until about 9:30 I was shivering so hard I couldn't even speak. They called medical on me (big place we have our own medical services) they came and took my vitals. Heart rate 117, temperature 102.5 and blood pressure of .... gulp.....192/90. They sent me home. Told the byotch that I had a temperature and the flu. In the report they wrote it up as anxiety attack exaperated by the flu. They said my blood pressure was mostly due to stress. so it is official. The byotch is actually killing me.

    I was able to keep the fever down around 101 the rest of the day yesterday and it broke last night. this morning I am only at 97.9 but my throat is killing me, my body aches everywhere and I have the worst headache.

    So today and this weekend are all about rest and water. I hope you ladies have a wonderful day and now I will go back and try to catch up on all the posts I missed.

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter.
  • nanasorchid52
    Hi VitF ladies!

    I am so behind reading posts that I don't think I will ever catch up so I think I will have to start from here! We are such a chatty group!

    I haven't had much time to log on ( although I have been consciously logging and exercising ) as I have been stripping the wall paper off the dinning room wall,

    It sort of got me thinking that it had a lot of similarities to losing weight. Really you say?

    You see it seemed like a good idea all those years ago( don't decorate often! ) to put up washable wall paper. Now as I peel back the washable top layer and then the under layer I got to thinking that it was like peeling off each pound of fat. It seemed a good idea to eat all those fattening foods, but like the wall paper some bits are easier to come off than others. Like the pounds some areas have taken ages to get off and it has taken patience and determination to stick at it. But 3 walls are now looking great and by tomorrow the fourth one will be clear.

    It has been so worth the effort although still have the electrics, ceiling and decorating to tackle!

    But when it is complete and the new furniture installed we will be able to accommodate our growing family to those long family meals we so enjoy!

    That's how I feel about myself - I have reached my goal weight but now I have to work on the final touches like toning up and getting fully fit. It will again take time and effort and will probably have its ups and downs. But how worth it it will be to wave to someone and not have batwings waving as well!

    I say this as as a Target VitF Lady - I feel It is my duty to make you all feel you also can peel off those pounds.

    So please excuse a more general post to you all rather than individual .

    It's International Women's Day. We are all worth it!

    Keep smiling keep at it ! :smile:

    Wales Uk
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Bump so I can see where I left off
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Just a few comments
    Barbie- I am glad Jake is home sorry you have to do all the driving. .
    Amanda- I hope things get better for you, my friend and you find out what is wrong
    Michele- I am sorry about your cousin
    PhilJen- It is great to see you on this thread. we used to be on a thread together 3 years ago "5 pounds a month challenge"
    Laura - sorry about the accounting debaucle
    DeeDee- wow what a workout. I used to do 20 pushups but I have fallen too far off the wagon this year
    Renny - I hope you can get the spectacle issue to a good resolution. It can be so frustrating.
    Meg - how is Beny the Beagle?

    So I have caught up on all the post. There are so many wonderful women on this thread. I love you all.

    I am heading back to bed even though it is incredibly sunny and beautiful today in the PNW

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter.
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Just popping by to say hi.:smile: Was doing some heavy cleaning this morning and got pain shooting my knee again so back to elevating and icing.:sad: But at least it was when I was almost done.

    Jodios- Your DH story made me laugh:laugh: Glad your going to have the kids home for a visit!.

    Barbie-Glad Jake is home again!

    Off to eat my lunch w/lots of veggies. Have a great weekend!

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,132 Member
    I ran across this yesterday on Facebook. I liked it and thought I'd share....

    by Alexander McCall Smith

    Take my hand and tell to me,
    All that you would wish to be,
    Show the landscapes of your heart,
    Map the journey love may start.
    Hard against the shifting sand,
    Lie the signposts of that land,
    In which the contours of the dream,
    Make nightly visions holy seem;
    Dream that once upon your knee
    You entertain a lion to tea.
    Quantum physics says to us
    We shall dissolve in atomic fuss;
    Remember me when all is still?
    Of course I will, of course I will.


    Wishing you all the best always.........:heart::heart:

    Lin from Central Iowa

  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Robin- Thanks for remembering me. WOW Good memory. Do you still visit the 5 pound a week? I liked that thread too. I lost a lot of weight in those days unfortunately I found it again. Now I am at it again trying to knock it off once and for all!

    Glenda - I am not a pet person either so if they kick you out, I'll be kicked out too. I like animals just don't have any of my own at the present moment.

    Barbie - Sounds like you have everything under control now with your hubby home. Take care!

    Well the day is done here for me so I am heading off to bed for a good nights rest.
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    DeeDee – Wow, great job on your training, I don’t think I could do 2 regular push-ups much less 20 (I still have to do modified)! And planks, not yet but soon! Glad you’re feeling better:flowerforyou:

    Moxie1962 – “I just think positive and start fresh the next morning.” That’s the way to do it! Yay for keeping the 13# off

    Phyllis in Cairo – so nice you could spend time with your nephew. The knitting project sounds wonderful, not only for the little girls but for you too! Stay in touch

    Laura80111 – So glad you’re making progress on the accounting fiasco stuff. I too am preparing for the coming storm by making soup in the crockpot! Just a quick run to the market for dog food and celery for the soup and I’ll be ready for the deluge:wink:

    Jodios – OMG I laughed so hard at your encounter with DH (editor’s note: I too have a flat butt) I could just picture the toothbrush waving!!! Glad you’ll be seeing your kiddos this week:laugh:

    M. – Safe travels on Monday, hope you can join for lunch!

    Texasgal – That bear is just too cute, how creative. Hope you enjoy the weekend!

    Glenda – “a wonderland of hoar frost” so descriptive I could actually picture it as if I was there!

    Renny – Wednesday is my produce market shopping day, I had 13 yesterday and will have 9 today (my daily goal is at least 8).

    Robin – Here’s hoping the worst of your illness is behind you and that the weekend brings you some much needed rest and relaxation (and healing!!!!)

    Jo in Wales – I think the wallpaper analogy is brilliant :drinker: Happy International Women’s Day to you!

    Lin – thank you for sharing that beautiful poem. I do so love good poetry

    Brooke from Colorado

  • MA_B
    MA_B Posts: 156 Member
    One week in - how am I doing?
    Well, logged in everyday, honestly - walked over 15 miles extra so far - I've not binged on my 5 Cs (chocolate, crisps, cake, cookies and cheese) and I have kept my water intake up - but not done any knitting!

    I'm really enjoying hearing how everyone is doing - it's a real inspiration - thank you for the posts. Keep motivated everyone - and here's hoping that health-wise and healthier-wise we are all making improvements that will be seen by 1st April.

    My dogs have loved the extra walking in March - last Saturday we saw a wild stag deer hiding in the undergrowth - the sun glinted on his antlers - what a magical experience.

    My dogs are a liver and white springer spaniel (aged 8), a black labradoodle (aged 3 - in the picture) and an 11 month old chocolate labradoodle. I help at a local dog training centre with my daughter and we are in the display team with the doodles. This month we are working on our new routine for 2013 - always a complicated time with lots of intricate walking and activity patterns. We are also learning agility with the doodles - they love it and it's a different form of exercise for me. All 3 dogs are my pride and joy and I love walking and working with them.

    MA in the Midlands England where it is raining!!!

  • mathews58
    mathews58 Posts: 16 Member
    Wow this thread has so much activity in one day! That's a good thing.
    I think it may be kind of hard to keep up with everyone but what I like about it is that it made me set some goals.

    I have ya all have a great weekend!

    Ann - Pacific Northwest Idaho
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    TGIF~day didn`t start out so good.
    Tomorrow I get to see my 4 month old grand daughter.Can`t wait.
    Hope you are having a good day!!.
  • jolenec1
    jolenec1 Posts: 110 Member
    YAY!! Its finally Friday:drinker: :drinker: . I am one hot mama today:mad: . I have been having power surges like crazy. I don’t know if its all the going up and down stairs between offices, the steroids, the menopause, or the sarcoidosis, but something has me heated up today. I am breaking out in a sweat every little bit:huh: :huh:
    Anyway, its been a very busy day. Seems like I can’t get enough done. I am looking forward to some quiet time at home and a beautiful day in the upper 60’s tomorrow. Hope everyone has a great weekend.:flowerforyou: