going to start 30 day shred, anyone want to join me?



  • smile4kelsie
    smile4kelsie Posts: 3 Member
    Add me! I'm looking for motivation from positive women. New to site, have lost about 20 pounds so far. I am interested in the 30 day shred. Do you just watch them on YouTube?
  • ingeh
    ingeh Posts: 513 Member
    Im about to do day 3 this morning.
    Measurements are
    bust - 36
    waist - 30
    hips 37

    I want to 3 inches from waist and 1-2 off hips so hoping this helps, Im using 2kg dumbbells for the workout and also doing the 5 mile walk at home workout via youtube 3-4 days a week and shred every day
  • Zelma9636
    Zelma9636 Posts: 16
    Day 5 completed, getting through it a bit easier today, may try and adjust weights tomorrow.

    Anyone is free to add me as a friend too
  • ishapeme
    ishapeme Posts: 213 Member
    Hi Girls,

    I just saw this thread. Mind if I join? About this time last year I was doing 30DS almost every day and running (3-4 miles). I lost about 10 pounds (2 motnhs) and I was finally able to start doing push ups. I’ve lost focus since then and I would love to do it with some support this time.
  • mrsg2013
    mrsg2013 Posts: 63 Member
    So glad I find this!
    Is it to late to join?
    I was doing JM extreme shed and shred, but getting bored! Need to add something else to the mix lol.
    I completed 30ds in January and did ripped on 30 in feb.
    I did level 1 day 1 this morning. It was surprisingly ok!! The 1st time I did 30ds day 1 I thought I was going to die lol. I will post my stats tomorrow.
    Can't post my weight only inches. My scales have broken!
  • lexlyn14
    lexlyn14 Posts: 290 Member
    Hi Girls,

    I just saw this thread. Mind if I join? About this time last year I was doing 30DS almost every day and running (3-4 miles). I lost about 10 pounds (2 motnhs) and I was finally able to start doing push ups. I’ve lost focus since then and I would love to do it with some support this time. absolutely...let us know about your progress when you can...i am doing day 3 level 1 today :sad:
  • Geojerm
    Geojerm Posts: 291 Member
    I want in ! Is it too late? I'm going to start tomorrow. Just found the exercises on You Tube yesterday
  • rahlpn
    rahlpn Posts: 551 Member
    I started March 4th too, but just found this thread.
    Starting wt 217.4 (on March 4)
    chest 37"
    waist 36"
    hips 45.9"
    BF% (from scale) 43.4%
    Going to weigh/measure after each 10 day level is completed. I, however, am taking a day off each week so I plan to complete all three levels by April 7/8.
  • Level 1 Day 2 completed last night. I am definitely feeling it today! I did not know I had muscles under my armpits... :) I have a hard time with those side lunges with the raises, those thinsg are painful!!
  • ShoneeAmy
    ShoneeAmy Posts: 3 Member
    I just seen this post.....I WANT IN!!

  • rahlpn
    rahlpn Posts: 551 Member
    Level 1 Day 2 completed last night. I am definitely feeling it today! I did not know I had muscles under my armpits... :) I have a hard time with those side lunges with the raises, those thinsg are painful!!

    I agree! Day 3 I was so sore, every time I walked it felt like my calves were rubber bands about to snap and I had to brace myself to sit on the toilet, lol. I have 3 different sizes of hand weights and have to use the 2lb ones for the side lunge w/ raise and I still have a hard time finishing the set!
  • rahlpn
    rahlpn Posts: 551 Member
    Just wondering how I would log this in as exercise? I'm excited about this - it will help me knowing I'll be doing this with all of you guys! I need motivation! :)

    I do it under circuit training.

    I did mine under low impact aerobics.

    I just received a tip to record it under Curves Circuit Training. I had been using Circuit Training General (logged 25 minutes) and it gave me an inflated number of 323 calories burned so I changed it to Curves Circuit Training and it gave me 222 cals for 28 minutes, which sounds more accurate to me. If possible though use a heart rate monitor. I don't have a HRM.
  • Anyone noticing it is getting easier as the days go on?
  • Level 1 Day 2 completed last night. I am definitely feeling it today! I did not know I had muscles under my armpits... :) I have a hard time with those side lunges with the raises, those thinsg are painful!!

    I agree! Day 3 I was so sore, every time I walked it felt like my calves were rubber bands about to snap and I had to brace myself to sit on the toilet, lol. I have 3 different sizes of hand weights and have to use the 2lb ones for the side lunge w/ raise and I still have a hard time finishing the set!

    I was doing the raises with 5lb weights but may need smaller just to get through the excercise! I am also going to measure after completing each level :) I sent you a friend request so we can keep each other motivated and you can listen to me whine about how sore I am
  • petitegreek
    petitegreek Posts: 144 Member
    I think today I'm gonna take a day off. I went to the gym and did 33 minutes on the elliptical (fat burn setting) and some ab work. I got home and attempted to do day 3, L1, but I couldn't even get through the first circuit :/
  • rahlpn
    rahlpn Posts: 551 Member
    Level 1 Day 2 completed last night. I am definitely feeling it today! I did not know I had muscles under my armpits... :) I have a hard time with those side lunges with the raises, those thinsg are painful!!

    I agree! Day 3 I was so sore, every time I walked it felt like my calves were rubber bands about to snap and I had to brace myself to sit on the toilet, lol. I have 3 different sizes of hand weights and have to use the 2lb ones for the side lunge w/ raise and I still have a hard time finishing the set!
    LOL woot woot!

    I was doing the raises with 5lb weights but may need smaller just to get through the excercise! I am also going to measure after completing each level :) I sent you a friend request so we can keep each other motivated and you can listen to me whine about how sore I am
  • rahlpn
    rahlpn Posts: 551 Member
    ^^ No idea why my response was in the middle, haha
  • Twinklegirl34
    Twinklegirl34 Posts: 59 Member
    I am currently on day four! And it's hard! But I'm already addicted especially as it is 20 minutes which is much easier to fit in. I can't do full push-ups and find the skipping a killer but I determined to keep at it
  • petitegreek
    petitegreek Posts: 144 Member
    Maybe I'll try doing day 3 after work tonight. I'm just too tired and sore to think about doing it right now.
  • I would like to join you as well. Add me. I plan on tonight taking pics and also measuring as well. I am so ready!