Share the REAL reasons why you're fat (or too thin)



  • I ate too much and moved too little. Got fat Got depressed about being fat. Ate more. Moved less. Got fatter. Repeat ad nauseum.

    Exactly the same for me!! Started when I hit puberty.
  • hc83
    hc83 Posts: 23
    Put on weight gaining meds after baby. free from meds now and exercise and eat healthy more than before. everything happens for a reason.
  • Mamalea32
    Mamalea32 Posts: 134
    My weight is normal. My bmi is 19%. I like the way I look, but I somehow ended up with bulimic behaviors. I am trying to use fitness pal to monitor my nutrition and caloric needs. I really want to be healthy. I just have some issues around certain tempting food scenarios. I love to see what others are doing to be healthy. I find it supportive.... I guess. This big admission all is new to me... and kind of uncomfortable.
  • meganfoster12
    meganfoster12 Posts: 411 Member
    I was an athlete for the longest time played any sport going from rugby to hockey to baseball to basketball and more than I got cut from a soccer time and I became upset about this and I slowely turned away from sports and instead turned to staying home and laziness took over me; over the yearts I dealt with many problems and became an emotional eater no I trying to get back to to my athlete body!!
  • Mamalea32
    Mamalea32 Posts: 134
    Binging stinks. I hope you never purged. It is hard to stop that cycle. By the way, I think your abs look perfect!
  • I was raised primarily by my grandfather (who is addicted to sweets lol). We never had meal time or actual meals. It was pretty much eat what you want whenever you feel like it (which I thought was great when I was a teenager). But I was always very active, out all the time with friends just doing whatever. Then I got pregnant (and gained weight) and moved away from home (and gained more weight). Got depressed/lonely from not having any friends and not knowing the area and where to go to get out of the house (and gained more weight). Although now I do cook meals (at least dinner) I like my southern style food (buttery and fried). I also continued to eat like a teenager Now I'm learning how to still eat the foods I like, but in moderation. My grandfather lives with us now, like I said he's addicted to sweets. Just recently he sent me to the store for 15 boxes of Little Debbies. Luckily I really only like the Nutter Butter bars, so I just didn't buy any of those to reduce my temptation! My husband also loves sweets, every week I have to buy a pie for him and my paw paw (Thank God I don't like pie)! We also enjoy going out to eat a lot. Like so many others, we had to cut back drastically a few years ago on going out to eat and things like that. Now we are financially stable, and doing well, so we do go out at least once a week. I used to love it, before I was trying to loose weight, but now if I know where we're going I spend a lot of time figuring out what I'm going to eat and how much exercise I need to do to compensate for that meal. I also work a desk job, which is new to me. I had always worked at gas stations where you're on your feet, constantly doing something. Right now I weigh almost 20 lbs more than I did at 9 months pregnant, so that's a total of almost 60 lbs I've gained. And I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism after I had my son. I didn't know that much about it didn't stay on medication consistently.

    All in all, I only have myself to blame for getting into the mess I'm in. I could have said no to the bad choices in food, and extra helpings, and desserts. And I could have done something to get my lazy butt off the couch while I was a stay at home mom. And that's what I'm hoping to do. Get myself in shape, and loose weight. For myself, my son, and my husband (who by the way, still weighs the same as he did when we first started dating almost 8 years ago, which pisses me off sometimes lol!)
  • I get stressed = Depressed = eating = more depressed = more eating. Its a horrible cycle, I lost alot of weight but than gained back 20 lbs. Since i started my weight loss journey I am learning so much about myself, its more of a self discovery. All the bad and good things about myself, have to face the demons!
  • sarahxx68
    sarahxx68 Posts: 42
    Upset? I'd eat.
    Happy? I'd eat.
    Bored? I'd eat.
    Repeat cycle until weight became a big problem.
  • youbet41
    youbet41 Posts: 2
    I am fat.I really have to stop blaming :blushing: in my mouth. So I need to get my *kitten* moving and my mouth shut lol lol. I have to do this I MISS MYSELF. So with a friend I am going to do it...I AM GOING TO BE HOT AND SASSY ..But all in good time. It took me years to get here but bye this fall I am going to be have way there.

    I am women and today is women day so lets shake it ...:blushing:
  • So, this site is pretty anonymous as in like most people you'll never meet, so it's a safe place to share things. So I think it's something everyone needs to do at some point or another, so if you've already shared with someone else or just yourself, share it again to empower yourself. If you haven't opened up yet, then do it.
    What are the REAL reasons why you are fat, or too thin, or out of shape, or whatever? What happened? (breakup, loss, plain laziness etc. etc.)

    Chocolate. Milk. Cheese. Sour Cream...
    That's seriously it.

    & If lasagna was made? I could eat a pan in four days by myself.. a BIG pan.
  • MrsKuhn
    MrsKuhn Posts: 8 Member
    The REAL reason why I am bigger is because of my son. I was 95 pounds never over 100 before I had my son. Tiny little Teeny bopper, Now I am stuck in a rut and cant get much weight off. working hard and not seeing any pay off makes me loose motivation and with no support group and no results i get upset and give up.
  • youbet41
    youbet41 Posts: 2
    I am at the beginning one of many beginnings.But there has to be a time when it clicks for you.SO this is going to be it. I have gained so much just because of low selfesteen . Being bored and lazy. This is got to stop not going to be easy but life is not easy..Small steps and I am going to get there. I have to I want to be strong for me and my family. But mostly for ME, MYSELF AND I...s
  • Goal_Driven
    Goal_Driven Posts: 371 Member
  • Goal_Driven
    Goal_Driven Posts: 371 Member
    I LOVE TO EAT! eat when stressed, bored and snack often.. those probably got me there too lol
  • I've always been heavier than my friends, but never overweight. UNTIL university (currently in my 2nd year). Pizza and alcohol. Lots and lots of pizza and alcohol!
  • keya729
    keya729 Posts: 166 Member
    :love: :flowerforyou: Well, I love food I'm not heavy on junk foods but I love to eat and prior to losing 25lbs I wouldn't exercise. I would work, take care of my family, do school work until the wee hours of the morning and start all over again.

    This year I made the promise to myself that while my family is very important to me so is ME!! I'm doing weight loss not for my husband, children or anyone else but ME and I've noticed with this thinking I've lost weight, my studying is getting better (9mths left btw lol) and I sleep better. Using MFP has helped so much and knowing that they're people out there in cyberworld that are going through the same things as helped tremendously.

    Thank you my cyber friends for motivating,pushing and encouraging me through this process. :blushing:
  • amrozes
    amrozes Posts: 26
    I've been overweight for nearly 20 years. I think weight was my excuse for not participating in life and therefore eliminating "risk" of failure. If someone didn't like me, I'd say it was because I was too fat for them. Men weren't interested in me ... it was because I was fat. My sex life wasn't good .... again it was because I was fat. I married an amazing man 17 years ago who loved me despite the fact that I was fat..... I used my weight like a weapon --- when things weren't good between us I'd tell him it was because he couldn't handle the fact I was overweight. But he hung in there with me and loved me for me. Now as I am losing weight and I'm really starting to participate in life, I'm am having to learn to deal with myself, my failures, my insecurities. I can't hide behind my weight anymore....But boy is it cathartic to shed not only the weight but all the insecurities about myself.

    And I also had a love affair with popcorn with butter, homemade chocolate chip cookies, buffalo chicken wings and pizza......... :-)
  • spickard34
    spickard34 Posts: 303 Member
    After highschool, parents got divorced, I started college (freshmen 15), boyfriend (now hubby) and I always went out to eat and I had no self control and I quite smoking. So as you can tell I was up against it all, also I am an emotional eater. A month before I got married I looked in the mirror at 180 something and swore I would not be the bride that got married and gained weight I would be the HOT WIFE, that was six years ago and have been trying ever since.
  • MrsCarter00
    MrsCarter00 Posts: 502 Member
    Up until two years ago I chose my love for food over loving myself and the way I look! I still love junk but in moderation. Nutella, especially Nutella!:wink:
  • littlebigsteve
    littlebigsteve Posts: 75 Member
    cheeseburgers .....