Help I have trouble eating under 2000 cals a day!



  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    Take out the bad carbs, ie; breads, wraps, burger buns, tacos, if u NEED breads...

    No such thing as "bad" carbs - just different ones. Quit demonizing food.

    On a side note - I doubt the op is coming back - she clearly didn't want real help, just to be told she is a special snowflake.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Take out the bad carbs, ie; breads, wraps, burger buns, tacos, if u NEED breads...

    No such thing as "bad" carbs - just different ones. Quit demonizing food.

    On a side note - I doubt the op is coming back - she clearly didn't want real help, just to be told she is a special snowflake.

    Amen! The only "bad" carbs are ones that don't taste good, like those high fiber, cardboard-tasting types.

    Little Debbie Cheese Danish? MMmmmm *good* carb.

    ETA: To your side note,'re probably right.....and that's typical. :laugh:
  • sadielankford
    sadielankford Posts: 17 Member
    I've found that even when eating 1800-1900 calories, I'm hungry. So I've had to go to bed hungry sometimes, and just deal with the hunger feeling in my stomach. I get those bags of broccoli that you can steam in the microwave, and I eat 2 cups of broccoli if I'm REALLY hungry. I just add a little garlic or something so it's not so bland, but never oil or butter. I guess that 0 calorie butter spray may work..

    Anyway, I'm rambling now. I never respond in the forums but wanted to let you know I am feeling the same way!
  • lizardgirl
    Breakfast 8:30 : plain oatmeal, ground flax seed = 160 cal
    Snack 10:00: 12 Almonds = 83 or 5 baby carrots = 60 cal
    Lunch: 11:30: Steamed california blend (2 cups), Light & Fit Cherry Greek Yogurt, hot water with 1 lemon and spenda = 140 cal
    Snack: 1:30: CVS or Body Fortress Whey Protein Powder = 140 cal
    Meal: 3:30: Choose:Large garden salad with salt, pepper or a light dressing OR CVS or Body Fortress Whey Protein Powder = 140 cal
    Meal 7:00: Haddock filet 150 cal, steamed veggie (real labels) 60 cal
    Snack 8:30: 100 cal snack or hot water with lemon 5 cal

    = 973 calories (1/3 protein, 1/3 carb, 1/3 fat) (mix it up. add a little here, exchange a few there)

    Try to balance by 1/3'ds or more protein. Track everything, read EVERY label. Don't be fooled by something that is labeled with a specific "Weight Loosers" label, "organic" or "low carb" and "100 calorie snack". I mean read every'll be surprised by what you've actually been putting in your mouth as far as fat, sugar and carb content. Progresso Light soups are excellent and filling.

    Use lots of cinnamon - helps regulate your sugars. Flavor with spices, all you want (hot sauce, garlic, cinnamon, etc.) watch sodium. Watch pre-packaged veggies - no sauces or butter. Plain steamer bags are great. For a pick-me-up, you can find "cheap" ice cream sandwiches for around 100-120 calories...1/2 a candy bar if you need some chocolate. No need to buy the "Skinny Pig" variety and spend more of your cash.

    No food after 7:00 except snack. You have to make the effort to plan. Pack your foods the night before, single serve protein powder or put in zip locks, bottles of water. Keep zip locked snacks in your purse. If you've already pre-measured and packed it in a ziplock, you're not temped to eat the whole bag. Be diligent.

    Hope this helps, just my plan. I'm down 19# since Jan. 1 and I'm never hungry if I keep on track and don't miss a meal on your schedule. Keeping on the time schedule keeps your metabolism cranking all the time. So if you happen to go out to dinner one particular Friday and eat something like won't wreck or diet. You may have days where you don't lose - maybe a week where you plateau - but I would be surprised if you don't lose something by the following Monday morning. (Only weigh in on Monday or Tuesday mornings - not everyday!)

    The get to eat all day, never feel hungry....lose the weight. - Always check with your Dr. and pay head to any of your own personal medical issues. My girlfriend has followed this schedule as well. She hasn't lost more than ten pounds but she's using 1/2 the insulin in her pump as before. So choose wisely and you'll come out ahead.

    Good luck - Loser! :)
  • brownvs
    brownvs Posts: 40 Member
    Thought-provoking thread. It's really interesting to see everyone's idea of what "normal" is in regards to how many calories one should have for any given meal. I could understand where the OP is coming from - I think I would probably feel a little concerned and maybe hurt if my idea of "normalcy" were up for debate (even though I understand that a lot of the criticism is trying to be constructive and helpful).


    I think you can sum up the suggestions you have gotten into a few categories (several ways to lose weight - mathematically):

    *(1)* You *can* eat your 2000 calories per day, but you might have to exercise rather a bit in order to keep the weight off. Exercise can be anything from climbing stairs or walking. So long as YOU like it, that's all that matters. Keep trying things until you find something you like.

    *(2)* You can eat *substitute* foods that are SIMILAR to your 2000 calories per day, but are actually lower-calorie substitutions of varying quality (for example, lean turkey instead of beef or whatever - lot of great suggestions in this thread).

    *(3)* You can eat completely *different* lower calories foods.

    *(4)* You can try to drink a lot of water/other low calorie 'fillers' so that you don't feel like you *WANT* 2000 calories in the first place. My personal suggestion is to learn your 0-calorie items (water, some types of tea) and eat the ones you like and leave the ones you don't.

    *(5)* If you find that you don't actually *gain* weight at 2000 calories per day, then feel free to have 2000 calories per day - just not EVERY SINGLE day. Just try to have more good days than bad days.

    My *personal* suggestion is to do a MIX of all of those things^. If I were only permitted ONE way to achieve my fitness goals, I would be a very **irritable** person. So some days I'm extra hungry, and then I'll try to exercise off the extra calories. Other days, substitutions are perfectly acceptable. On days I *know* will be stressful, I try to drink tea/coffee (maybe several cups) to PREVENT the feeling of hunger before it comes on. I like gum, too, even if it's not "health food".

    Remember it's a process that takes patience and time - I like to think of it like quitting smoking. The average person who manages to quit smoking takes about 7 attempts. So long as you don't stop *attempting*, you will always have hope of succeeding.

    (I think the reason people focus so much on eating habits instead of exercise is because *generally* it is so much easier to eat 200 calories in 2 minutes than burn 200 calories in 2 minutes.)

    ETA: As previous posters pointed out, it's completely ok and completely normal to be hungry *sometimes*. Try not to make it ALL the time.
  • Iron_Pheonix
    Iron_Pheonix Posts: 191 Member
    It sounds like your definition of "normal" needs to change. 900 calories for one meal would be normal for, maybe, a linebacker. Or an unhealthy person. I think I eat like a "normal" person. I don't restrict anything, if I want it, I have it. And I am usually right where I need to be for calories. If I am going to eat more I exercise and "earn" some more calories. Check out my diary, it is open.
    Are you serious? A line backer eats 2 soft tacos and a baked potato.. LMAOOOOOooo um okay.. im not sure what kind of linebacker you're accustom to, but definitely not a normal one!

    For one, she's correct.

    Two, why are you giving attitude to people clearly trying to help you?

    When I first started here a year and a half ago, I was eating 1200 calories and did just fine. I eat 1800 calories a day at maintenance now, but only because I strength train and do HiiT cardio on a daily basis AND I'm only focusing on fat loss and loss of inches at the moment.

    Unless you're an intensive sports athlete, as a woman, you don't need 900 calories for one meal.

    Ok, I wasn't going to post here, but I had to add my opinion. I'm no linebacker, and I eat between 1900-2000 calories a day to lose weight. I'm *not* an athlete. My workout consists of basic bodyweight exercises for strength, and the occasional jog up a couple flights of stairs, and that's about it. When I *was* an athlete, in my younger days, I ate about four tacos with a side of rice and beans and a large soda. (Not a baked potato though; not sure how a baked potato is a side for tacos) Currently, I have 1000 calories meals occasionally. My dinners are sometimes as low as 500, but often upwards of 700 or 800.

    Real linebackers will eat over 3000 calories a day, professionals probably eat closer to 4000 because they weight about twice what I do, and full of muscle.

    900 calories for a meal is NOTHING. :ohwell:

    I disagree 900 calories is a lot for a meal if your trying to lose weight. I'd doubt you'd find a nutritionist that felt any differently. Can I ask what your results have been? Are you eating 900 cals at your goal weight? Because as you get smaller you need less intake which is why it's important to work out the correct numbers for the person concerned.
  • rfsatar
    rfsatar Posts: 599 Member
    Admittedly I wasn't starting with quite as much to lose, but everything is relative.

    Some things that may help:
    I am not going to judge your diary - but I will say that I eat what I consider to be normally - I eat (gasp) things with white flour, white bread, normal pasta, white rice ... I will not entertain a diet can of anything at all, preferring full fat all the way, but one of the first things I did was to only have them at a weekend.

    All of this coincided with my quitting a full time, well salaried job to go freelance, so there was a LOT of financial belt tightening going on too... so I cook from scratch and batch cook stuff so I can log it accurately.

    I got off my behind and actually started to make time for the gym and pool - instead of wallowing in the "I can't do it to the level I used to" or "I paid my dues to the training gods" or "I am just too busy"... now I have to really take care of my health working for myself, you bet I will make time to work hard at being healthier and fitter.

    I found having protein in the morning on my gym days filled me up to lunch (poached egg, grilled healthy rashers of bacon x 2, half a small tin of beans) or scrambled eggs (2) on a bit of toast.

    I make my own soups and have them with a couple of bits of toast.

    I made my own "Graze" like bags of nuts and raisins - that's a healthier 200cal snack right there.

    I try and eat a balanced meal at dinner with carbs (oooh perish the thought), protein usually and vegebubbles.

    Portion control then came into play - where once I'd have say 100g of pasta or flour to make up something, I dropped it to 75... HUGE calorie difference in some cases.

    Because of issues with my knees, I can ONLY do low impact stuff for my workouts while I wait for two ops to sort those creaking joints out. But I make bloody sure that I get THE MOST out of my low impact stuff as I can.

    It can be done - that is... you CAN eat normally and still get the balance right between expending calories and taking them in.

    What I will say is... it takes TIME to futz about and find that balance. So really... all you need is to give yourself that time to find out what works for YOU to be able to eat normally and not feel like you are in permanent denial of nice stuff.

    It took me two weeks to even get used to the horror of what logging revealed.
    It took me about 3 months to WANT to get my head around the whole BMR/TDEE merry-go-round.
    But you know what - I got there when I was ready for it.

    Best of luck with finding the balance that works for you - but remember - you're changing your lifestyle and this is not a quick fix... I put on 3.5 stone in 13 years... I don't intend for it to take that long to lose 2/3rds of that weight!
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    It sounds like your definition of "normal" needs to change. 900 calories for one meal would be normal for, maybe, a linebacker. Or an unhealthy person. I think I eat like a "normal" person. I don't restrict anything, if I want it, I have it. And I am usually right where I need to be for calories. If I am going to eat more I exercise and "earn" some more calories. Check out my diary, it is open.
    Are you serious? A line backer eats 2 soft tacos and a baked potato.. LMAOOOOOooo um okay.. im not sure what kind of linebacker you're accustom to, but definitely not a normal one!

    For one, she's correct.

    Two, why are you giving attitude to people clearly trying to help you?

    When I first started here a year and a half ago, I was eating 1200 calories and did just fine. I eat 1800 calories a day at maintenance now, but only because I strength train and do HiiT cardio on a daily basis AND I'm only focusing on fat loss and loss of inches at the moment.

    Unless you're an intensive sports athlete, as a woman, you don't need 900 calories for one meal.

    Ok, I wasn't going to post here, but I had to add my opinion. I'm no linebacker, and I eat between 1900-2000 calories a day to lose weight. I'm *not* an athlete. My workout consists of basic bodyweight exercises for strength, and the occasional jog up a couple flights of stairs, and that's about it. When I *was* an athlete, in my younger days, I ate about four tacos with a side of rice and beans and a large soda. (Not a baked potato though; not sure how a baked potato is a side for tacos) Currently, I have 1000 calories meals occasionally. My dinners are sometimes as low as 500, but often upwards of 700 or 800.

    Real linebackers will eat over 3000 calories a day, professionals probably eat closer to 4000 because they weight about twice what I do, and full of muscle.

    900 calories for a meal is NOTHING. :ohwell:

    I disagree 900 calories is a lot for a meal if your trying to lose weight. I'd doubt you'd find a nutritionist that felt any differently. Can I ask what your results have been? Are you eating 900 cals at your goal weight? Because as you get smaller you need less intake which is why it's important to work out the correct numbers for the person concerned.

    If you are on a VLCD, then 900 is most of your calories. However, if you are on a 2000/day diet, then it's less than half your daily calories, so no biggie. It's nothing. Not an issue.

    It's not uncommon for people to eat close to half their daily calories in one meal. I might have 400 calories for breakfast, 400 for lunch, then 900 for dinner, and I'd still have 300 calories left for a dessert after dinner.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    OP do you realise you don't have to even eat below your TDEE to lose weight? If you eat at maintenance you will get to it eventually. It will take much longer to get to goal but less suffering along the way.

    So lets try to work out what you can eat. If I calculate you with moderate exercise I get around 3000 so try eating that for a month or two and see what happens. Can't hurt right? Otherwise do it the harder way and make a deficit of whatever you are comfortable with say 15%?
  • thecakelocker
    thecakelocker Posts: 407 Member
    Breakfast 8:30 : plain oatmeal, ground flax seed = 160 cal
    Snack 10:00: 12 Almonds = 83 or 5 baby carrots = 60 cal
    Lunch: 11:30: Steamed california blend (2 cups), Light & Fit Cherry Greek Yogurt, hot water with 1 lemon and spenda = 140 cal
    Snack: 1:30: CVS or Body Fortress Whey Protein Powder = 140 cal
    Meal: 3:30: Choose:Large garden salad with salt, pepper or a light dressing OR CVS or Body Fortress Whey Protein Powder = 140 cal
    Meal 7:00: Haddock filet 150 cal, steamed veggie (real labels) 60 cal
    Snack 8:30: 100 cal snack or hot water with lemon 5 cal

    = 973 calories (1/3 protein, 1/3 carb, 1/3 fat) (mix it up. add a little here, exchange a few there)

    Try to balance by 1/3'ds or more protein. Track everything, read EVERY label. Don't be fooled by something that is labeled with a specific "Weight Loosers" label, "organic" or "low carb" and "100 calorie snack". I mean read every'll be surprised by what you've actually been putting in your mouth as far as fat, sugar and carb content. Progresso Light soups are excellent and filling.

    Use lots of cinnamon - helps regulate your sugars. Flavor with spices, all you want (hot sauce, garlic, cinnamon, etc.) watch sodium. Watch pre-packaged veggies - no sauces or butter. Plain steamer bags are great. For a pick-me-up, you can find "cheap" ice cream sandwiches for around 100-120 calories...1/2 a candy bar if you need some chocolate. No need to buy the "Skinny Pig" variety and spend more of your cash.

    No food after 7:00 except snack. You have to make the effort to plan. Pack your foods the night before, single serve protein powder or put in zip locks, bottles of water. Keep zip locked snacks in your purse. If you've already pre-measured and packed it in a ziplock, you're not temped to eat the whole bag. Be diligent.

    Hope this helps, just my plan. I'm down 19# since Jan. 1 and I'm never hungry if I keep on track and don't miss a meal on your schedule. Keeping on the time schedule keeps your metabolism cranking all the time. So if you happen to go out to dinner one particular Friday and eat something like won't wreck or diet. You may have days where you don't lose - maybe a week where you plateau - but I would be surprised if you don't lose something by the following Monday morning. (Only weigh in on Monday or Tuesday mornings - not everyday!)

    The get to eat all day, never feel hungry....lose the weight. - Always check with your Dr. and pay head to any of your own personal medical issues. My girlfriend has followed this schedule as well. She hasn't lost more than ten pounds but she's using 1/2 the insulin in her pump as before. So choose wisely and you'll come out ahead.

    Good luck - Loser! :)

    Sounds starveriffic. Have fun with that.
  • MzMiller1215
    MzMiller1215 Posts: 633 Member
    I think your idea of "normal" could be tweeked. I eat complex carbs and lean protein that keeps me full until my next meal. I also drink lots of water. It's all about pre-planning and having willpower. A 900 calorie meal is not my idea of a "normal" meal but, to each its own...I guess. *Shrug
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Breakfast 8:30 : plain oatmeal, ground flax seed = 160 cal
    Snack 10:00: 12 Almonds = 83 or 5 baby carrots = 60 cal
    Lunch: 11:30: Steamed california blend (2 cups), Light & Fit Cherry Greek Yogurt, hot water with 1 lemon and spenda = 140 cal
    Snack: 1:30: CVS or Body Fortress Whey Protein Powder = 140 cal
    Meal: 3:30: Choose:Large garden salad with salt, pepper or a light dressing OR CVS or Body Fortress Whey Protein Powder = 140 cal
    Meal 7:00: Haddock filet 150 cal, steamed veggie (real labels) 60 cal
    Snack 8:30: 100 cal snack or hot water with lemon 5 cal

    = 973 calories (1/3 protein, 1/3 carb, 1/3 fat) (mix it up. add a little here, exchange a few there)

    Try to balance by 1/3'ds or more protein. Track everything, read EVERY label. Don't be fooled by something that is labeled with a specific "Weight Loosers" label, "organic" or "low carb" and "100 calorie snack". I mean read every'll be surprised by what you've actually been putting in your mouth as far as fat, sugar and carb content. Progresso Light soups are excellent and filling.

    Use lots of cinnamon - helps regulate your sugars. Flavor with spices, all you want (hot sauce, garlic, cinnamon, etc.) watch sodium. Watch pre-packaged veggies - no sauces or butter. Plain steamer bags are great. For a pick-me-up, you can find "cheap" ice cream sandwiches for around 100-120 calories...1/2 a candy bar if you need some chocolate. No need to buy the "Skinny Pig" variety and spend more of your cash.

    No food after 7:00 except snack. You have to make the effort to plan. Pack your foods the night before, single serve protein powder or put in zip locks, bottles of water. Keep zip locked snacks in your purse. If you've already pre-measured and packed it in a ziplock, you're not temped to eat the whole bag. Be diligent.

    Hope this helps, just my plan. I'm down 19# since Jan. 1 and I'm never hungry if I keep on track and don't miss a meal on your schedule. Keeping on the time schedule keeps your metabolism cranking all the time. So if you happen to go out to dinner one particular Friday and eat something like won't wreck or diet. You may have days where you don't lose - maybe a week where you plateau - but I would be surprised if you don't lose something by the following Monday morning. (Only weigh in on Monday or Tuesday mornings - not everyday!)

    The get to eat all day, never feel hungry....lose the weight. - Always check with your Dr. and pay head to any of your own personal medical issues. My girlfriend has followed this schedule as well. She hasn't lost more than ten pounds but she's using 1/2 the insulin in her pump as before. So choose wisely and you'll come out ahead.

    Good luck - Loser! :)

    Sounds starveriffic. Have fun with that.

    Wow sounds almost as much fun as being in jail.
  • mellypeters09
    mellypeters09 Posts: 35 Member
    I havent read through all of the posts to see if this was suggested already or not, but try making slight switches that make it healthier but kind of the same food.

    Such as: low fat cheese, sour cream, and yogurts. Or try turkey burgers and turkey meat for your tacos. Once you start getting all of the seasonings added, you can't even tell it isn't hamburger meat!
  • TheBraveryLover
    TheBraveryLover Posts: 1,217 Member
    You can eat "normal" just different than your normal normal. LOL

    For instance, I don't eat tacos anymore. I eat taco salad instead without the shells or tortilla chips. Instead of sour cream, I'll have plain Greek yogurt - a great substitute. The potato? If you must have it, eat half of it instead of the whole thing. I don't eat large potatoes anymore. Every once in awhile a mini red or yellow one with chicken or steak.

    As far as eating 900+ calories per meal, you most certainly can do that and lose weight. Ask the people who do IF. I no longer do a structured form of IF because of my work schedule, but I do a loose form of it and I only eat 2 meals a day, and 1 of them can easily be 800-900 calories. Losing weight every week. :-)

    In general, you just need to make smarter choices to get the best out of what you eat. You do NOT have to eat a bunch of veggies and fruit all day in order to lose weight. Keep your protein high (100 grams or more) to stay full, drink lots of liquids (mineral water is way better IMO than non-carbonated water), and try not to snack too much. If you absolutely need to, then that's where the fruits and veggies come into play. Don't buy chips, candy etc. at the grocery store. Don't go to the vending machine. Bring your own stuff from home. Plan every meal, every day, until you get used to eating your new "normal" way.

    It takes time, but it can be done. Repetition is the key. The only reason eating over 2000 cals (nothing wrong with that, btw, but if you want to learn to eat lower than that, then that's what I'll comment on) is considered normal to you is because you've done so all or majority of your life, everyday, for years. So now's the time to break the habit and get used to eating below that. It's that simple and that hard. But you can do it if you have your mind set.
  • Iron_Pheonix
    Iron_Pheonix Posts: 191 Member
    You can eat "normal" just different than your normal normal. LOL

    For instance, I don't eat tacos anymore. I eat taco salad instead without the shells or tortilla chips. Instead of sour cream, I'll have plain Greek yogurt - a great substitute. The potato? If you must have it, eat half of it instead of the whole thing. I don't eat large potatoes anymore. Every once in awhile a mini red or yellow one with chicken or steak.

    As far as eating 900+ calories per meal, you most certainly can do that and lose weight. Ask the people who do IF. I no longer do a structured form of IF because of my work schedule, but I do a loose form of it and I only eat 2 meals a day, and 1 of them can easily be 800-900 calories. Losing weight every week. :-)

    In general, you just need to make smarter choices to get the best out of what you eat. You do NOT have to eat a bunch of veggies and fruit all day in order to lose weight. Keep your protein high (100 grams or more) to stay full, drink lots of liquids (mineral water is way better IMO than non-carbonated water), and try not to snack too much. If you absolutely need to, then that's where the fruits and veggies come into play. Don't buy chips, candy etc. at the grocery store. Don't go to the vending machine. Bring your own stuff from home. Plan every meal, every day, until you get used to eating your new "normal" way.

    It takes time, but it can be done. Repetition is the key. The only reason eating over 2000 cals (nothing wrong with that, btw, but if you want to learn to eat lower than that, then that's what I'll comment on) is considered normal to you is because you've done so all or majority of your life, everyday, for years. So now's the time to break the habit and get used to eating below that. It's that simple and that hard. But you can do it if you have your mind set.

    Agreed but she didnt say she is using IF nor the healthy foods that you refer to. Nor is the 900 cal breakfast her only high cal meal of the day. Her problem is eating under her calorie allowance, simplest way to do so is to reduce portion size and therefor cals in each meal.
  • socajam
    socajam Posts: 2,530 Member
    I am going to be straight with you. When someone ask a question, the first thing I look at is their diary. Most of what I see in yours is: Quick Added Calories, 700 calories, what does that mean. You are going to have to take the time (even if it only 10 minutes a day and think about what you want and what you are putting in your body. My time for doing so is when I am walking, (I am doing two things at once - exercising and planning what I intend to eat for the next day or two).

    Losing weight means you have to become creative in what you eat and how you cook in order to see the scale move downwards. I started out on 1200 calories, was hungry all the time, increased my intake to 1600, now on some days I have calories left over. One of the things I realize is that white bread is messing with my body output, so out goes white bread, plus I plan to limit bread to 3 days per week, oats porridge to 3 days per week. I have to be creative with breakfast because I do not eat meat, chicken, eggs, tofu, soy, or cereal (except porridge),

    Losing weight is extremely hard, I have done this countless time and never reach my goal, but once I found this program, I can see a way forward. I weight and measure everything that goes in my mouth. For me that is the only way I am going to see results. I limit my salt and sugar intake, do not drink soda, only water (but that works for me). I haven't drank soda in years, so I am not missing anything. You are going to have to watch your salt and sugar. I love fry fish, so I made the oven my best friend, it is not the same as frying in oil, but it better than not having fry fish at all.

    Have a look at my diary, it is not the best, but it may give you some ideas to help put you where you would like to be.
  • JuliePetty2010
    most important thing that i did was that I started eating a huge breakfast and a very light dinner and lots of water. I have salad at lunch but i like salad so that part was easier for me. But I hate water and now I drink it all day. I also found this thing called disani drops to put in your water that have no calories but helps to give it some kind of taste. I used to drink coke all day everyday and now I have limited my sodas to the weekend only, this helps me to not feel like i am giving up everything i really enjoy. I pray a lot and one day I will be able to give up soda but it will happen in time. I also hate exercise but now try to do that at least 3 times a week as i sit all day at work so i have to do something. Good luck and let the Lord guide your way.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    OP do you realise you don't have to even eat below your TDEE to lose weight? If you eat at maintenance you will get to it eventually. It will take much longer to get to goal but less suffering along the way.

    So lets try to work out what you can eat. If I calculate you with moderate exercise I get around 3000 so try eating that for a month or two and see what happens. Can't hurt right? Otherwise do it the harder way and make a deficit of whatever you are comfortable with say 15%?

    I'm confused by this. Do you mean if she eats at her maintenance calories for her goal weight? If she eats at maintenance for her current weight with current activity, she'll stay at that weight.
  • carolynbergen1

    Yup! And she's snickering behind her keyboard when she sees people taking the time out of their day to help her. READ her food and exercise diaries if she hasn't closed them or changed them yet. Perhaps she has kids? Johnny, Janey, time for breakfast! What's your pleasure this morning? A bag of Hershey Kisses or the 6 pack of Snicker bars? Here, take your lunch. I've packed a family size bag of Lays chips in yours and a box of chocolate cream filled cupcakes in yours. Oh wait! I need those cupcakes for dinner after I do my 1 hour session of step aerobics while snacking on my Twinkies.
  • hellokittyykat
    hellokittyykat Posts: 66 Member
    The normal you're talking about isn't for when you want to lose weight. If you Do want to eat whatever you'd like, then you need to portion. But there's no promises that food would keep you full. I eat low calorie snacks through out the day. No more than 150 calories. And my meals at most have been no more than 400 calories. I suggest if you over eat, then burn off those calories you ate to be back in your calorie range. Weight loss takes sacrifice. You have to want it enough to do it. It takes discipline and determination.

    It is difficult but imagine yourself at the end. Imagine how happy you'll be.