In Place Of A Road Map 3/2013



  • amos481
    amos481 Posts: 92 Member
    read when i have time. thanks.
  • LesaLu4
    LesaLu4 Posts: 83
  • Thank you so much for this thread!!!
  • teachmom32
    teachmom32 Posts: 183 Member
    Started doing this two weeks ago and I feel so much better than I did before! My workouts don't hurt as much any more either.
  • Gr8ChangesAhead
    Gr8ChangesAhead Posts: 836 Member
    Ok, read this again and still a little confused. I am 43, female, current weight 175, body fat according to fat2fit 27.8%, Harris Benedict BMR 1513. Katch-McArdle BMR 1607. sedentary I should be eating 1816, lightly active 2080. Per Scooby BMR 1482, TDEE 1779. 20% from TDEE puts me below BMR. I work a serious sedentary job where I sit on my butt for 8-10 hours per day with a child on my lap. I have started working out - water jogging a couple days a week, 2 Core classes, A Pump It Up class and a resistance band class. Tried to start c2-5k only got 2 weeks in. Was at 1200 calories and not getting anywhere lately up and down the same .5-1 lb . I upped my calories to 1450 and within 2 weeks gained 6+ lbs I know I need to be patient but it took me 3 months to lose those 6 lbs. Now am I supposed to increase my calories again ??? And when we are talking about calories you do mean Net calories correct ? Thank You in advance for any information .
  • smsisfat
    smsisfat Posts: 10
    you look fantastic - I hope you feel fantastic too.:happy:
  • Starting this today. Hard to get my head around eating more to lose more. Going from <1200 calories to around 1700. Wow what a jump. If it works ive been depriving my body of so much fuel.
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    study bump
  • kwimpress
    kwimpress Posts: 40
    bump for later
  • Thanks for posting this! I'm definitely going to give it a try! :)
  • Terasome
    Terasome Posts: 3,808 Member
    glad I found this again thanks Dan
  • joannbrunton
    joannbrunton Posts: 93 Member
    Bump march 2013
  • thisisabbie
    thisisabbie Posts: 521 Member
    Great info.. I hope many, many people take this on board :wink:

    Thanks for taking the time to post :flowerforyou:
  • ladyjh578
    ladyjh578 Posts: 207
  • Fitmom4boys
    Fitmom4boys Posts: 36 Member
    Okay, have read and dismissed this idea....,and kept not losing....Read and became more curious about this..but couldnt dare eat more on i tried to excercise more...AND since Janurary have messed woth the 7 day cleanse, the 3 day diet and decided to do serious no carb ( that lasted 3 day UGH!)....i know I look better than a year ago and I can now RUN ( which ai thought i would never be able to do) BUT i want to get from 30.4% BF to .....? 20%.,,,, well at least see some change...
    My scale has been stuck at 150 for a solid year! And I have been excercising and restricting my eating the while time!! ( except of course when I just dont like Christmas or vacatin)

    Juat wanting to get some confirmation of mmy new ( wonderfully enjoyable) plan...

    With numbers on F2F I should eat

    Activity Level Daily Calories
    Sedentary (little or no exercise, desk job) 1721
    Lightly Active (light exercise/sports 1-3 days/wk) 1972
    Moderately Active (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/wk) 2223
    Very Active (hard exercise/sports 6-7 days/wk) 2474
    Extremely Active (hard daily exercise/sports & physical job or 2X day training, i.e marathon, contest etc.) 2725
    If you have any questions on what you've read here, please contact us.

    i am a busy mom of 4 boys, chase a two year old daily, excersise usually 5/6 days a i am starting at lightly Active? Maybe should be moderate...?

    So the idea is to eat 1972 everyday..... Not payong attention to excercise logged on disregard net?
    I really feel like this is golden, I know how to eat healthy but as I have increase cal to 1600 this past week I have found that I justify the sweets with the idea that I have the cals to afford it,,,,a couple of cookies here a bit of pie (mmm) there......
    Maybe I shouldnt even log excercise? just do it ;)

    Also, have questions about heavy lifiting but will go to excercise board for those...
    Juat somebody reassure me that eating 1900 cals could possibly be the answer!
  • Mischievous_Rascal
    Mischievous_Rascal Posts: 1,791 Member
    Awesome as always. :wink:
  • MissSjolin
    MissSjolin Posts: 134 Member
    how does this week without working out??
    ive set my daily calorie intake on my BMR and if i do work out, i would eat the calories back.. but since i am not working out. what should i do?

    Follow Dan's Roadmap and just eat those calories set out in it. No calories earned through exercise? None to eat back!

    There are two ways to do the Roadmap:

    1. Calculate your exercise for the week into your TDEE and eat those calories every day.
    2. Calculate your TDEE as if you were completely sedentary, log all exercise, then eat those calories back.

    I do the second option as some weeks I exercise six times, other weeks three. I also do big hikes at the weekend and my calorie burn can wildly vary. I use a HRM to make sure I'm fairly accurate and have to admit I quite like seeing the numbers "earned". It also gives me a bigger incentive to get off the sofa and move my backside if I log then eat back.

    Dan: Please do give me a slap if I'm wrong/talking nonsense/you can put it better! :)

    Bottom line - Roadmap works and doesn't feel like a diet. That makes me a happy bunny.

    Ok so if I understood this correctly, if I calculate my -20% TDEE from the sedentary number I can still log and eat back my excersise calories?

    Absolutely; that's how I do it. Some weeks I exercise four times, some weeks six, some weeks I do a two-hour hike, some weeks I do a six-hour climb up a mountain. Basically I find it difficult to include my activity level in my TDEE. Besides, I love logging my calorie burn!

    Just be careful about how you calculate your burn. The MFP database often overestimates burn so I use a HRM to be a bit more accurate.

    Perfect! Thanks so much for your answer! I don't really have a regular exercise Schedule either. I just do as much as I feel I can each day, so I really like logging it also. I've heard that MFP overestimates before so I usually leave a bit of cals at the end of the day :)

    P.S. Thanks to the OP for this post! very informative I finally understand what everyone has been talking about :)
  • Only1Mickee
    Only1Mickee Posts: 415 Member
    OH DAN....

    My TDEE-20% is 1730 and my BMR is 1573. Which should I be eating and both seem to high to me.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Now if only MFP would add a setting so adding exercise doesn't change our calories and macros we'd be golden....

    I've asked, several times. Never got a response from MFP and got vicious comments from users to boot!:laugh:
    So I guess I'll keep logging my runs and weights as 1 calorie for now...
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Ok, read this again and still a little confused. I am 43, female, current weight 175, body fat according to fat2fit 27.8%, Harris Benedict BMR 1513. Katch-McArdle BMR 1607. sedentary I should be eating 1816, lightly active 2080. Per Scooby BMR 1482, TDEE 1779. 20% from TDEE puts me below BMR. I work a serious sedentary job where I sit on my butt for 8-10 hours per day with a child on my lap. I have started working out - water jogging a couple days a week, 2 Core classes, A Pump It Up class and a resistance band class. Tried to start c2-5k only got 2 weeks in. Was at 1200 calories and not getting anywhere lately up and down the same .5-1 lb . I upped my calories to 1450 and within 2 weeks gained 6+ lbs I know I need to be patient but it took me 3 months to lose those 6 lbs. Now am I supposed to increase my calories again ??? And when we are talking about calories you do mean Net calories correct ? Thank You in advance for any information .
    If you're following Dan's advise there is no "net" because if you're using fat2fit and got the numbers above for sedentary and lightly active, your exercise is already accounted for. Does that make sense? Then follow the rest of his directions...