40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Beeps - my first week weigh in - everything was UP! :sad:
    Second week weigh in (This past Sunday) Weight stayed the same, but lost some inches. :happy: baby steps.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,097 Member
    Losing inches is WHAT COUNTS, anyway! AWESOME!

    Well, I've lost 3 lbs of my bloat, already - YAHOO! 3 more to go....and then, of course, it's chiseling away, forevermore, on that last 10!

    I did my first Venus Index Workout in Phase 2....holy cramoly - 70 minutes! I don't like that. But, given the DOMs I'm feeling, I'd say the work-out did the trick!
  • 11notme
    11notme Posts: 1
    Look, I need friends on this plan or I will never stick with it. I find it easier to cut down on food than to do more exercising. I am really trying to eat more healthy - so even if I overeat I am getting better nutrients....
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,097 Member
    My glutes/hams are pretty sore, today. My little fitness club at work is gathering today (and all Tuesdays in March)....so, I think I'll go do a ugifit work-out with them. In fact, maybe I'm the "leader" today - yikes!

    Drinking TONS of water. Today is day 3 of low-cals. I figure if I could get 28 days in a row, or something, then I could just do maintenance for the month after that. Then cut for a month. Then maintenance for a month. And so on. Hopefully will therefore be DONE by summer-time!
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Beeps, I love all yoru creative ways you change things up in your diet and fitness.
    I am working on my water today. I am always lacking in that department. So far, I have had 7 glasses of water! That's huge for me by this time. Hoping to get at least 3 more in by the end of the day.

    11Notme - feel free to add me if you need friends, :-)

    Run and Plyo today.. May even have to shovel more snow. :-P
    It's been snowing for 2 solid days now. We are getting burried. :sad:
    Got stuck in my driveway this morning - Big Time! Worked my butt off shoveling myself out of that mess.:tongue:
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    shovel, run, shovel, plyo....that was my day's workout yesterday. No wonder my body was sore when I woke up this morning.
    Thankfully, the snow has stopped.
    Today is run and P90X Shoulders and Arms / Ab Ripper. Too tired again to get up this morning. Gonna try to be in bed by 9 tonight!
  • bigbear167
    bigbear167 Posts: 39 Member
    just turned 55 whoa,my daughter says im cool lol
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,097 Member
    Snow is on its way here, too, sdereski....3 days of it! Ugh.

    for today, I get to lift!

    And, this is day 4 of LOW calories....I'm starting a STREAK and feeling really good about it! confidence RULES!
  • suedib4
    suedib4 Posts: 3
    I'll be 47 in 10 days......kids are 14, 11 and 6 years old. My 14 year old (girl) thinks I am a TOTAL dork....11 year old (boy) thinks I am beautiful....and 6 year old (girl) is not embarrassed to be seen in public with me....yet! Someday, they will realize how cool I am. Been using MFP since 2011 on & off. When I am "on"....it really does work! Now just have to find a way to stick to it! In the past, I didn't utilize the "community" aspect of MFP....perhaps that is the key to success!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,097 Member
    Hi sue!

    I got my lifting in, today. Session clocked in at 70 minutes, but at least, this time, it INCLUDED my warm-up and my end stretch/rumble roll.

    Step-ups have reappeared! Ugh. And, straight-leg deadlifts....so, yep, my knees and shins are ripped to shreds. 'tis okay, I don't have bathing suit time until June....
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Welcome Sue.

    Great workout Beeps!
    I skipped out on my run, but did get my P9)X workout in.
    Got up this morning and did my Yoga.
    Man, the hot flashes were coming fast and furious this morning. WTH?
    Now, I am sitting here freezing! :noway:

    Hoping for a short run after work. Have bridge tonight, so it's going to be a long, long day for me.

    Wishing you all a great day!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,097 Member
    are you fasting, sdereski?? Sometimes I get that 'REALLY COLD' feeling when I'm fasting.

    I kinda did a mini-pantry raid late last night. Boo.

    So, back-on-track, today!
  • dandelion39
    dandelion39 Posts: 514 Member
    Hi all! I'm Amanda. I'm almost 41, have two crazy boys and a great (and also crazy) husband, and, thanks in large part to the year+ I've spent on MFP, a love of lifting. I finished the NROLW program in the early fall and am now doing NROL4Abs. I really love my workouts and have stayed pretty consistent with them since I started--my diet, however, is another issue. I did do pretty well from Feb-August last year, then slowly backslid in the fall and early winter 2013. So, now I've got to re-lose those lbs, and the additional 10 I was working on to reach my ultimate goal. I've recommitted lately (sometimes I feel like I've recommitted so many times I should BE committed!) and am really working hard to stay on-program to peel off the fat that's still covering these really amazing muscles I've built in the last year!

    Anyway, I'm looking forward to meeting all you fabulous 40-plusers! I already know Beeps :)
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    This thread has more than its fair share of sexy, beautiful over 40s.
  • kaekencoffee
    kaekencoffee Posts: 81 Member
    Hey all!

    48, happily married, Mom to 3, Duncan (age 29, living with fiance and their 2 kids), Amanda (age 28) and Kaleigh (age 26), Nana to Abby (age 3) and Jackson (age 5 1/2 months) step-mom to 2, (ages 35 and 30) step grandma to 1 (age 16), and "Mom" to 4 fur babies (Hannah and Griffyn, Golden Retriever/Lab crosses, 5 years old and Tanner and Teaka, Shi Tzu/Bichon crosses, 1 1/2 years old).

    Doing my best just to lose weight slowly, feel healthy and exercise every day. Life is what you make it!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,097 Member
    hi dande!

    Hi other newbie 40+ club members!

    There's only a few "regulars" around here....but, the more you post, the more you get to REALLY identify as "cool kids".

  • I'm not only cool but I'm hot!
  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member
    I'm not only cool but I'm hot!

    I'll vouch for this one :). Although today your hotness may be caused by a fever!
  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member

    Man, the hot flashes were coming fast and furious this morning. WTH?

    Everyone's peri is different so there may be no value in my commenting, but after three years of occasional short duration hot flashes I started getting more than 10 a day, sometimes only a few minutes apart (fast and furious, as you say). That lasted a good 3 or 4 months and then suddenly I was back to having almost none. My point is that maybe you are at the beginning of the end :).
  • Hahaha Chris! I'm over medicated.... Lol.