What irritates you much?



  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member
  • asnnbrg
    asnnbrg Posts: 34 Member
    What irritates me is that people feel the right to comment on your/my body, in general. A compliment is one thing but even so, as a woman, I feel like I am constantly being measured up (or down) for someone else's approval. Stop it! Love your body, love everyone's body. Support health and fitness but stop sizing people up! Good luck on your goals.

    So much this. I talk to my kids all the time about "your body is your business, and other people's bodies are their business. We do not discuss other people's bodies." And we don't. Why should we? It's not our business.

    Pet peeve: When people react with shock and disbelief that I am doing p90x (I'm fat. And?). Apparently, only super-fit people can do p90x. I'm three weeks into it so far, and I'm doing just fine, tyvm. Also? I will totally admit to being pretty doggone proud of myself for doing it at my weight because let's face it: It's not the easiest workout to just dive into after several years of sedentary-ness.

    (and to whoever up there said it wasn't possible to not lose weight while burning lots of calories and eating right? Meh. I'm eating 1500 - 1600 calories a day and burning nearly 900 five to six days a week.. Haven't lost anything yet, but that's not uncommon on this program because of the intensity of the exercise: muscles tend to swell with water initially. *shrug* Instead of judging others, consider there might be more to the story that you don't know. I'm not complaining about my lack of loss. It is what it is. I mostly care about feeling better, having energy and living healthier. If I lose weight, awesome. If I don't, I'm still healthier than if I wasn't living like this.)
  • NYCNika
    NYCNika Posts: 611 Member
  • tricelive
    tricelive Posts: 93 Member

    I deleted my Facebook account but this irritated me the most. Oh I ate a carrot today, I did treadmill etc.....once every 3 weeks.
  • ThisGirl2013
    ThisGirl2013 Posts: 220 Member
    The only thing that irritates me is when people tell me that I don't need to lose weight.
    It's not even just about losing weight, it is about feeling good, strong and healthy!
    Just because THEY are heavier, does not mean that I should stop trying to exercise or eat well!
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    I have seen many folks that don't wash their hands after they use a public restroom. I hear the girls do this too. Whats wrong with people? :grumble:

    So this!! Would it kill you to take a couple minutes to wash your hands people!!! Even my 4 yr old always washes her hands after going to the bathroom!!
    Hahaha I don't! *runs for cover*

    But in my defense, I use a bottle of hand sanitizer in my purse instead of water/soap washing because I tend to have weird allergic reactions to various hand soaps, and I will frequently wait until outside of the bathroom to put it on, since I usually have to hit a handle or two on my way out that all those other non-handwashers touched. ;)
    We do the hand sanitizer thing too, especially if you can't shut off the water, get a paper towel without touching a knob and then head out the door without touching it too. They are already covered in bacteria and viruses so I don't see the harm. Most of the time I wash, shut the water off with a towel, then open the door while I toss the paper towel into a trash can near it. Then I use hand sanitizer again, especially if it's a restaurant I'm eating at.
  • Mischieviousme777
    Mischieviousme777 Posts: 190 Member
    People who say "ohhhhhh, next time you go for a hike/walk/jog/run let me know.. I want to go, too." . So you let them know.. and again and again and again and they always say they're "busy".. Mid-run your fb alert goes off on your phone- it's them whining about how they wish they could-- (you guessed it) LOSE WEIGHT!!!

    I understand we weren't all given the same motivation levels, but when you constantly complain about something that needs changing in your life and are NOT doing anything to change it, then really-- stfu.

    And that doesn't just apply to weight loss/fitness. That is just the current example I have to go on.
  • jovianstorms
    jovianstorms Posts: 15 Member
    Hm. When people tell me that I don't need to lose weight or that I shouldn't lose weight, I'm flattered for the most part... but also irritated. They ALWAYS tell me this in response to me saying 'no' to eating out or having some pastries or a starbucks drink.

    I don't NEED to lose weight, but I want to eat healthier and FEEL healthier! Shedding some pounds would be good but it isn't completely necessary. I wanna eat right, get used to it, and get in shape and be the most energetic thing ever!
  • diabloben68
    Watching Teen Nick with the kids, and seeing stuff that I wouldn't have seen 15 years ago. I.E. kids hardcore making out, same sex making out, damn...even opposite sex making out. It is scary to see so much exposed.... and IT'S geared towards teens... pitty...

    Very true, ABC family is even worse.
  • sPaRkLiNgLYFE
    when people whine, complain, make excuses and blame the world for their problems. i choose to avoid people like that.
  • hayleymc3
    hayleymc3 Posts: 128 Member
    People who judge me or make comments about me gaining weight back.

    I was morbidly obese my whole life, lost 95 pounds, then gained 70 back. So people feel like they can comment on that, which I find really annoying. I never made a big deal about my weight loss to people and never really invited random people into my personal life, so not sure why they feel it's necessary to point out the obvious.

    And then there are people who think me losing weight is pointless because I already gained it back once, so I probably will again. Really wanting to prove them wrong, needless to say!