Roll Call!



  • rowanwood
    rowanwood Posts: 510 Member
    1. Name: Call me Rowan, it's good enough for now.

    2. how much weight you have lost so far : 15 on MFP, 28 since highest weight.

    3. How much you still want to lose, or are you maintaining? 53 to go. 3.5 to ONEderland

    4: Advice: I don't know if I'm one to give advice just yet, but the key thing this time that actually got me going?

    A. It's NOT a diet. It's forever.
    B. Expect anxiety, your body WANTS to be fat. Invest in valerian root.
  • ameliadlt
    ameliadlt Posts: 64 Member
    1. Dave
    2. 128 lbs. since December 2011
    3. Just a few to reach my body fat % goal
    4. Choose your sources for exercise physiology and nutrition as carefully as you'd choose your medical doctor, lawyer, investment adviser, or spouse. Along those lines, there are lots of clueless Pub Med Ninjas out there citing poorly funded N = 6 studies conducted by third rate scientists from Tier 3 universities -- avoid them. You'd be better off being a System 1 thinker relying on basic intuition.

    Fantastic success. I'm interested in which sources you so carefully chose. :)
  • mmddwechanged
    mmddwechanged Posts: 1,687 Member
    ten pounds
    my best advice is KEEP IT SIMPLE!!! if you are worried about eating beef jerky at night, just give yourself permission to do so. If you are worried because you ate over, just even it out over the week, figure out your TDEE and as long as you don't go over it you are only moving forward. Exercise how you like to. For my loss I didn't exercise, I just ate less, and I am not disappointed with the results. It's ok to eat every two hours and it's ok to skip meals all day long, do what works for you IIFYM.
  • kaliso
    kaliso Posts: 42 Member
    1. Name QUINN
    2. how much weight you have lost so far 40 LBS
    3. How much you still want to lose, or are you maintaining? 10-15 MORE

    4. Best single piece of advice you would give people just starting out. THERE IS NO EASY SOLUTION, NO FAST SOLUTION. EAT HEALTHY, EXERCISE AND KEEP DOING IT. KEEP AT IT EVEN IF YOU'RE FRUSTRATED.
  • the_britster
    the_britster Posts: 84 Member
    1. Britney
    2. 38 lbs lost
    3. I still want to lose at least 26 lbs but might end up wanting to lose up to 51 lbs

    4. Best single piece of advice I would give is to keep going. if you aren't seeing results just keep going strong. you will see them soon enough
  • Ty519
    Ty519 Posts: 3
    1. Ty
    2. 39 lbs lost so far since Dec 13.
    3. 150 lbs to go (more concerned with inches, might be 100 lbs to go if it's mostly muscle at that point)

    4. It's not a diet, it's your new life. ONLY YOU CAN DO IT.
  • Zzzawake
    Zzzawake Posts: 6 Member
    love it. junk food is a temptation for me too. i have cravings for buttered, cheese popcorn, chocolate,cookies and cheese pretzels.
    my husband and adults kids love all this too and keep bringing stuff home. they do not need to lose weight and don't realize how hard it is for me. but i need to follow your example. Thanks for sharing.
  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    1. Name
    2. how much weight you have lost so far
    3. How much you still want to lose, or are you maintaining?

    4. Best single piece of advice you would give people just starting out.
    1) Al (username justal313)
    2) 97 pounds
    3) 3 more pounds for an even 100

    4) Set a long term goal, and a lot of intermediate goals, celebrate the intermediate goals. As long as you are moving towards your goals don't be upset if you don't get to them in the exact time you wanted. My plan was to have lost 100 pounds by Wednesday (my 43rd birthday) which would have been about 14 1/2 months. I'm not going to quite make it, and I don't care, I've done really well and I'll hit it by memorial day, maybe Earth Day or April fools. Exercise gets easier as you lose, and if you find a form of exercise you love, you'll be upset if you miss it instead of viewing it as a chore.
  • Kayla_292to165
    Kayla_292to165 Posts: 249 Member
    1. Kayla
    2. 34 lbs:)
    3. 74 lbs to go
    4. Ignore all the negative people out there! Figure out what works for you and run with it. Just because my way is working doesn't mean it's the only way-the right way. We are all wonderfully unique. Good luck!
  • fatnomore201220132014
    fatnomore201220132014 Posts: 130 Member
    1. Sandy
    2. 38.5 lb Woo hoo!
    3. 25? Not sure
    4. BE PATIENT! Also, drink loads of water, add resistance training to your work-outs. Don't half-*kitten* your work-outs. Log everything you eat. You have to be honest with yourself. Stick to your excercise and calorie goal and you will see results!
  • SeoulKim05
    SeoulKim05 Posts: 116 Member
    1. Name: Ebony

    2. how much weight you have lost so far: 3 (since starting a month ago)

    3. How much you still want to lose, or are you maintaining? (I want to drop 40more lbs

    4. Best single piece of advice you would give people just starting out.: I am just starting out, so
  • KimP202
    KimP202 Posts: 68 Member
    1.4 lbs
    24.4 lbs to go
    I'm in no position to give advice, I've lost and gained these pounds so many times, but I'm here to suck up every bit of wisdom I can from you.
  • amiable_1
    amiable_1 Posts: 11
    1. Kevin
    2. Lost 190+
    3. Still need to lose 130+

    4. Best advice -- change the way you look at life, and your body will follow.
  • 1. Name: Mike

    2. how much weight you have lost so far: 40

    3. How much you still want to lose, or are you maintaining? another 20-30

    4. Best single piece of advice you would give people just starting out.: If you are able to get active, do it. But the most important thing is watching what you eat. Don't cut out what you don't want to, just make sure you eat in moderation and make it sustainable.
  • AuntieMC
    AuntieMC Posts: 346 Member
    Wow, I am happy to see so many responses, and so much good advice! Would anyone else care to add to this?
  • kakes80
    kakes80 Posts: 251 Member
    1. Shawna
    2. 55 lbs!
    3. At least 150 lbs more...
    4. Once you start, don't stop....
  • hatton83
    hatton83 Posts: 31
    1. Chrissie
    2. -40lbs
    3. I honestly do not know. I have always been heavy and have no idea how far down to go, I have it set to 160lbs, but that was bases off my height.

    4. DO NOT STOP!! It takes time for some people to show any change at all. The first couple months were tough for me, but I did not stop. If you really want it you will keep going!
  • travlinjess
    travlinjess Posts: 243 Member
    1. Name: Jessica
    2: Lost: 36lbs
    3: 20-25 lbs to go
    4: General advice: Drink water, move your body, and be sure to properly fuel it for rest and exercise.
  • JOYOUS62
    JOYOUS62 Posts: 104 Member
    Name: Joy

    Lost 4.5lb

    still to go 9.5lb

    Advice: Believe in yourself, you can do it
  • jennfranklin
    jennfranklin Posts: 434 Member
    Name: Jennifer
    Lost: 62lbs
    45-50 lbs. to go!
    I still want to lose, but have more of a goal size in mind. If I get to that before 50lbs, I will start the maintenance program!
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